
Privacy Notice

Your PrivacyWelcome to FullContact! We’re glad you're here and want you to know that we respect your privacy and your right to control how we collect, use, and share your personal data. Listed below are the purposes for which we process your data--please indicate whether you consent to such processing. For more information on our privacy practices, including legal bases and our use of tracking technologies like cookies, please read our Privacy Policy.PurposesReject AllAccept AllBehavioral AdvertisingLegal Basis: Consent - Opt InCreation and activation of advertisements based on a profile informed by the collection and analysis of behavioral and personal characteristics. we may set cookies or other trackers for this purpose.Legal Basis:&nbsp;Data subject has affirmatively and unambiguously consented to the processing for one or more specific purposesCookiesEssential ServicesLegal Basis: Legitimate Interest - Non-ObjectableCollection and processing of personal data to enable functionality that is essential to providing our services, including security activities, debugging, authentication, and fraud prevention, as well as contacting you with information related to products/services you have used or purchased. we may set essential cookies or other trackers for these purposes.Legal Basis:&nbsp;Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjectEmail MarketingLegal Basis: Consent - Opt InMarketing of our products/services to customers by email.Legal Basis:&nbsp;Data subject has affirmatively and unambiguously consented to the processing for one or more specific purposesAnalyticsLegal Basis: Consent - Opt InCollection and analysis of personal data to further our business goals. for example, analysis of behavior of website visitors, creation of target lists for marketing and sales, and measurement of advertising performance.Legal Basis:&nbsp;Data subject has affirmatively and unambiguously consented to the processing for one or more specific purposesCookiesSave choices <ul> <li>ProductsResolve Unify your customer + prospect data and recognize anonymous website visitors.Enrich Append customer + prospect data with multidimensional insights.Verify Fortify your fraud and identity verification strategy.FullContact Private Identity Cloud™ Manage, obfuscate, and store first-party data.</li> <li>IndustriesMarTech + AdTech Fully unify first-, second- and third-party data—while ensuring privacy.Identity Verification + Fraud Prevention Add deterministic, real-time signals to your hub.Brands Deliver personalized, privacy-centric experiences—without cookies.</li> <li>Partners</li> <li>ResourcesSupport centerBlogResource libraryFAQDeveloper OverviewDocumentationAPI status</li> <li>AboutWhy UsTeamIdentity GraphCareersPrivacy</li> <li>Login</li> <li>Let's Talk</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Products Resolve Unify your customer + prospect data and recognize anonymous website visitors.Enrich Append customer + prospect data with multidimensional insights.Verify Fortify your fraud and identity verification strategy.FullContact Private Identity Cloud™ Manage, obfuscate, and store first-party data. </li> <li>Industries MarTech + AdTech Fully unify first-, second- and third-party data—while ensuring privacy.Identity Verification + Fraud Prevention Add deterministic, real-time signals to your hub.Brands Deliver personalized, privacy-centric experiences—without cookies. </li> <li>Partners</li> <li>Resources Support centerBlogResource libraryFAQDeveloper OverviewDocumentationAPI status </li> <li>About Why UsTeamIdentity GraphCareersPrivacy </li> <li>Login</li> <li>Let's Talk</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Services Agreement</li> <li>Data Processing Addendum</li> <li>Website Terms of Use</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Cookie Policy</li> </ul> Your Privacy Choices Privacy Notice for Data Subjects <p>This Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) is intended for anyone who wishes to review, modify, restrict or take ownership of the information that FullContact might have on them, as well as understand how FullContact uses that information. Additional information for FullContact Users can be found in the&nbsp;Privacy Policy.</p> Overview <p>FullContact’s core purpose is to&nbsp;<strong>make relationships better</strong>. In today’s fast-paced and multi-layered world, keeping up with everyone you know both online and offline can prove daunting. Discovering, building, and cultivating authentic relationships with the people that matter most to you, both personally and professionally, is hard with our data scattered and fragmented all over the digital world. Most of us also expect the companies that we interact with to treat us like humans and know who we are as a person, not cogs in some machine. Sometimes, having the right information at the right time makes all the difference.</p> <p>You can think of FullContact as the “phone book” for the modern digital world. We do our best to bring together contact information from a variety of public sources (such as is available on the Internet through a simple Google Search) and combine it with contact information that our users contribute (similar to Wikipedia). We couple that with powerful tools for individuals and companies to manage their contacts.</p> <p>We aim to have the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date record we can for each person in our “phone book” (also known as the “FullContact Database”). The types of information we may keep track of include contact elements such as name, address, phone number, email, social profiles, and device IDs. We often also have professional information (such as organizational affiliations, job titles, and skills) as well as personal information (such as interests, relationships, and basic demographic data like age, gender, and location). In many cases we may also find associated profile photos.</p> <p>All of this information is intended to help the people and companies you interact with to know you better and be able to develop true and meaningful relationships with you. Based on the information someone already has on you, they might look you up in our system and get back some additional information.</p> <p>The information in our system also helps the people and companies you interact with to clean up their own “address books” so that they don’t have information about you scattered across multiple systems and devices and so that they don’t connect with you multiple times, through different channels, with information that is entirely irrelevant to you. We help our people and companies to gather their existing information into clean contact records for each individual they know.</p> <p>We also allow people or companies to search in our system for individuals who meet certain criteria. For example, a professional who’s trying to find an expert in their field can use our Services to find the right person. Similarly, an organization could search for the most appropriate audience for their offerings.</p> <p>In all cases, our goal is to help people and companies make better, more valuable connections. We recognize, however, that not everyone is comfortable sharing their contact information with others. For this reason, anyone can take ownership of their information in our system at any time here:&nbsp;Own Your Personal Data.</p> <p>Actually, we hope that you do choose to take ownership of your information and help keep our “phone book” as accurate and up-to-date as possible. It is only through the contributions of people like you that we can provide this valuable service to you and everyone else. Our dream is to have everyone owning their data, fully controlling where it flows, and seeing better relationships in return. We may ask in time for your consent to use that data but as of right now we shall keep our “books open” and you can restrict processing of some parts or all of your data. Period. Please reach out at any time with any ideas on how we can serve you better. Own Your Personal Data</p> Your Rights <p>Anyone, in any country across the world, may access, rectify, or restrict their Personal Data within FullContact Database at any time by visiting&nbsp;Own Your Personal Data. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before taking action on your request. If you ask us to erase your data, we may still have to retain certain data about you to ensure that your Personal Data does not re-enter our system and protect your rights. Specifically, we will mark your Personal Data as “hidden” and “restrict processing” such that your data is no longer used or made available to anyone.</p> California Privacy Rights <p>California’s “Shine the Light” law, Civil Code section 1798.83, requires certain businesses that share customer personal information with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes to respond to requests from California customers asking about the businesses’ practices related to such information-sharing. Alternately, such businesses may have in place a policy not to disclose a customer’s personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes if the customer has exercised an option to opt-out of such information-sharing. We have such a policy in place. As described in Section 8.2 of the Privacy Policy, you can opt-out of our sharing of your personal information with anyone (including with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes) by clicking on the&nbsp;“Own Your Personal Data”&nbsp;in that section of our Privacy Policy and choosing to “Do Not Share”. To find out more about your opt-out rights, please contact us at the address listed in Section 11 of the Privacy Policy. Please note that under California law businesses are only required to respond to a customer making such a request once during any calendar year.</p> General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) <p>Individuals in the EU may exercise any of the rights described in this section by using the applicable functionality in our Services or by contacting us directly. If you reside outside of the European Union, you may have similar rights under your local laws.</p> <p>The purpose for processing, categories of Personal Data concerned, and categories of recipients of Personal Data are described in the “Overview” section above. Our lawful basis for processing is our legitimate interest in providing contact management services to our Users, enabling them to better connect and build their relationships with you. Personal Data will be retained as long as necessary to serve that purpose or until you decide it is not in your best interest to keep your information in the FullContact Database. You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data at any time.</p> <p>If you have taken ownership of your data by following the necessary steps at (Own Your Personal Data) or by contacting us directly, we may ask for your explicit permission to share certain of your Personal Data. If you choose to give permission to share certain information, then our lawful basis for processing is your Consent. You have the right to withdraw your Consent at any time. You also have the right of portability for any data that you have provided us.</p> <p>You have the right to request from us access to and rectification or erasure of Personal Data or restriction of processing. You may exercise these rights at (Own Your Personal Data) or by contacting us directly. Requests for erasure can not be met because erasing your Personal Data would not achieve the desired result of your Personal Data not being in our system: we receive data continuously and would likely have your Personal Data in our system again quickly. Instead, we will mark your Personal Data as “hidden” and “restrict processing” such that your data is no longer used in providing our service and is no longer made available to anyone.</p> <p>You have the right to request the sources of your Personal Data. You may do so by contacting us as indicated in the “Contact Us” section below. Please note that to protect the rights of other data subjects, we may only be able to provide you with the general categories of sources.</p> <p>We may transfer, store, and process your information within our family of companies or with service providers based in the United States. FullContact complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of Personal Data transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States, respectively.</p> <p>You have the right to lodge a complaint with your applicable supervising authority.</p> How to Contact Us <p>If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Notice, please contact us at:&nbsp;privacy@fullcontact.com</p> <strong>Data Protection Officer:</strong> <br> Jason Soni<br> dpo@fullcontact.com <strong>Organization:<br> </strong>FullContact Inc. (a Delaware Company)<br> 1624 Market St Ste 226<br> PMB 45057<br> Denver, Colorado 80202-2523<br> +1-888-330-6943 Your Privacy Choices From Our Blog <ul> <li> Empowering Cohesive Customer Experiences October 20, 2022 </li> <li> Frictionless Fraud Prevention Made Easy with FullContact’s Verify.Match October 17, 2022 </li> </ul> Menu <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>Why Us</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>MAIDs</li> <li>Identity Resolution</li> <li>MarTech + AdTech</li> <li>Identity Verification + Fraud Prevention</li> <li>Brands</li> </ul> Information <ul> <li>Support</li> <li>In the News</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Our Team</li> <li>Resources</li> <li>Contact Us</li> </ul> Privacy and Legal <ul> <li>Our Stance on Privacy</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Your Privacy Choices</li> <li>California Collection Notice</li> <li>Cookie and Email Preferences</li> <li>Services Agreement</li> <li>Website Terms of Use</li> <li>Security</li> </ul> About Us <p>FullContact is a privacy-safe Identity Resolution company building trust between people and brands. We deliver the capabilities needed to create tailored customer experiences, improve ad targeting along with measurement as well as improve identity verification and fraud solutions by unifying data and applying insights in the moments that matter.</p> <ul> <li>TW</li> <li>LN</li> <li>YT</li> </ul> <p>© 2022 FullContact</p>

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