Young Americans Liberty

Privacy Policy

<p>This Privacy Policy is applicable to Young Americans for Liberty Foundation and/or Young Americans for Liberty Inc.’s website and/or any of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates under its control (collectively “YAL”, “we”, “us” or “our”). As used herein, the term “Site” refers to the YAL worldwide web location, and mobile-optimized versions of the same to which this Privacy Policy is linked, along with any subpages or other websites or online accounts owned or operated by us.</p> <p>Your use of our website(s) is governed by the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions. This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect when you visit our website(s), how we use that information, and what choices you have about how it is used. We urge you to read our entire Privacy Policy. Use of our website(s) constitutes acceptance of all terms contained herein. If you do not accept any of the terms contained herein, you must cease use of this website immediately.</p> Collection of Personally Identifiable Information <p>Some functions and services offered through our website(s) require you provide certain personally identifiable information (“PII”). PII we may collect if you provide it includes email address, name, postal address, and/or telephone number. We may also collect other information about you we associate with your PII such as your interests, preferences and demographics.</p> Sharing of Personally Identifiable Information <p>We may share your PII for the following purposes and under the following circumstances:</p> <ol> <li>We may share your PII with our affiliates, including affiliated organizations, technical consultants, auditors and other third parties who act on our behalf, for example, to make our website(s) available, enhance their functionality, or provide associated services, and/or who deal with you in delivering content, samples, products, and gifts and prizes.</li> <li>We may make PII we collect through our website(s), along with certain other information about you, available to similarly like-minded organizations, unless you opt out of being included in our mailing list. (See the section below on opting out of mailings).</li> <li>We may transfer your personally identifiable information and other information in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution, transaction or proceeding involving sale, transfer, divestiture or disclosure of all or a portion of our assets to another party.</li> <li>We may release, personal information to third parties: to (i) comply with laws or to respond to lawful requests and legal process, (ii) to protect the rights and property of YAL, our agents, customers, members, and others, including to enforce our agreements, policies and terms of use or (iii) in an emergency to protect the personal safety of our employees, customers, or any person.</li> </ol> <p>We may also provide aggregate statistics and de-identified data about our customers, including traffic patterns and related site information, to third parties for their own purposes, including statistical analysis.</p> Use of Personally Identifiable Information <p>We may use your personally identifiable information and other information we collect about you for purposes described in this policy or disclosed to you on our website(s) or in connection with our services. For example, we may use your information to:</p> <ol> <li>Operate and improve our website(s), products and services;</li> <li>Send you newsletters, including any online newsletter(s) you have requested;</li> <li>Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our website(s), products and services;</li> <li>Send you a welcoming email, to contact you about your use of our website(s) and to provide important website updates;</li> <li>Provide and deliver services, products or information you request;</li> <li>Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;</li> <li>Request feedback and to enable us to develop, customize and improve our website(s) and other products and services;</li> <li>Send you surveys or questionnaires;</li> <li>Send you related information, including confirmations, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;</li> <li>Communicate with you about new contests, promotions and rewards, upcoming events, upcoming job opportunities, and other news about products and services offered by us or our partners;</li> <li>Use for editorial purposes, such as to contact you about content you have submitted to our website(s) or to give attribution to content you submit;</li> <li>Link or combine it with other personal information we get from third parties, to help understand your needs and provide you with better service. and</li> <li>Investigate and take action against fraudulent or illegal activity or improper conduct.</li> </ol> <p>We may store and process personal information in the United States and other countries.</p> Choices about Our Use and Sharing of Personally Identifiable Information <p>If you do not wish to receive promotional and newsletter emails from us, you may click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email. If you opt-out of promotional or newsletter emails from us, we may continue to send you certain communications such as service announcements and administrative messages that relate to us and our website(s) that are necessary to our relationship with you. For all other requests for changes relating to your PII, including opting out of email and our sharing PII with our partners, please contact us at or (512) 637-5217‬.</p> Your Sharing of Personally Identifiable Information <p>Please be aware when you connect and share your actions, comments, content and information, for example, through discussion board postings on our website(s), those actions are not private. Others may capture personal information you post, including your email address, and may use the data to identify or contact you, including to send you emails. We cannot control such actions by others. Please be mindful of your own privacy needs as you choose who to connect with and what to share and make public. If you share information about others, please be sure to respect their privacy and get consent for any information you may share about them.</p> Third Party Activities <p>If you submit or chose to share PII through a form or posting on any page of our website(s), choose to otherwise share your PII with a third party such as by connecting with social networking services, or click on a link on our website(s) to go to a third-party site that may collect information about you, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of, including any marketing or other use of your PII by, those third parties. To learn more about any other company or organization’s privacy practices, we suggest you contact them directly about their privacy policy.</p> Do Not Track Disclosures <p>We do not respond to Do Not Track signals sent by various web browsers. To date, a clear standard has yet to be developed concerning these signals and how they should be treated by website operators. Thus, we do not respond to any Do Not Track signals sent by an individual user’s web browser. We are permitted pursuant to this Privacy Policy to share any information you provide through use of our website(s) with third parties. If you do not wish to consent to the provision of your PII in this manner, you should stop using our website(s) immediately and contact us at to be removed from our database.</p> Third Party Advertising <p>We may also use third parties to collect information about our website visitors or to serve ads on our website(s). Certain third parties may automatically collect information about your visits to this and other websites, your IP address, your ISP, the browser you use to visit our website(s) (but not your name, address, email address or telephone number). They do this by using cookies, clear gifs, or other technologies. Information collected may be used, among other things, to deliver advertising targeted to your interests and to better understand the usage and visitation of our website(s) and the other sites tracked by these third parties. This policy does not apply to, and we are not responsible for, cookies or clear gifs in third party ads, and we encourage you to check the privacy policies of advertisers and/or ad services to learn about their use of cookies and other technology. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please go to&nbsp;</p> <p>You may opt-out of interest-based advertising by visiting!/. Please note that this will only allow you to opt-out of tailored advertisements delivered by members of NAI and that we are not associated with or responsible for the management and processing of these requests.</p> Third Party Cookies <p>Notwithstanding any other provision, we may work with a third-party&nbsp;partner&nbsp;who may collect information from you, such as your IP address and information about your browser or operating system, and may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser for the purpose of enabling interest-based content or advertising to you. The cookies placed by our third-party&nbsp;partners&nbsp;contain no personally identifiable information. they may contain demographic or other interest-based data in a de-identified form.&nbsp. The information in these cookies may be linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, such as your name, postal address or email, which we may share in hashed or encrypted form. To opt-out of these data provider cookies, please go to&nbsp;</p> Company Ads on Third Party Sites <p>We may use information collected using third party cookies and Web beacons on our website(s) and in our emails to deliver advertising displayed to you on third party sites. We also may use cookie information to know when you return to our website(s) after visiting these third-party sites. We use this information and other information about you to try to understand your interests and show you relevant advertising about products and services you may be interested in.</p> Cookies, Web Beacons and Server Logs <p>We, related Web hosting providers, and advertisers and ad serving and tracking companies sometimes utilize “cookie” technology on our website(s). Cookies are bits of data stored on your hard drive that contain no personally identifying information but which help enhance your Web-browsing experience. Not all Web browsers accept cookies, and those that do usually provide a preference or setting that allows you to refuse and remove most types of browser cookies. If your browser does not accept cookies, you may still enjoy our website(s).</p> <p>We may also use local shared objects, also known as Flash cookies, to store your preferences such as volume control for videos, or display content based upon what you view on our website(s) to personalize your visit. Third party partners provide certain features on our website(s) and may display advertising based upon your Web browsing activity, using Flash cookies to help track and store information about you. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser usually will not remove Flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for certain Flash cookies, please visit</p> <p>We, or a third party, may collect information using Web beacons. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used on Company Sites or in our emails. We and these third parties use Web beacons to deliver cookies, count visits, understand usage and campaign effectiveness and to tell if an email has been opened and acted upon.</p> <p>Server logs capture certain non-personally identifying data, such as the time and date of a Web visit, the browser and operating system being used, and the Web URL a user linked from. This information is used in aggregate form to help us plan system enhancements when necessary and to provide content that is compatible with our visitors’ Web-browsing systems. We also collect information about keyword searches performed by visitors on our website(s). We may keep logs of all words searched to help us learn what kinds of information our website(s) visitors are seeking, and to improve our service to visitors.</p> Privacy Precaution Warning <p>Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit via our online services.</p> Privacy Policy Changes <p>We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please bookmark this page and check it periodically. We will post any changes to this privacy policy on our site.</p> Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions <p>Please also read the Terms and Conditions to understand the additional terms and conditions that apply to your use of our website(s).</p> <p> <i>Last Updated: January 2022</i> </p>

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