
Privacy Policy

Before Reading the privacy policy I would like to tell Abdul Rehman (owner) is a privacy-focused user on the internet and I mean it you guys can see at Alpha Tricks Channel how i am leaving the platform of big 3 which does not respect privacy. I never try to spam the mailboxes we just do campaigns only 2 – 5 times a year which are just to tell about sales or updates.<p> </p> Where we collected your data from ? <p>We collect your data from your billing address. We collect your data from our cookies and your signup, Whats App support, and your IP address are important things to tell our customers so we are telling you please read out these things and these are important things for our customer privacy.</p> Where we use your data? <p>We use your data for the only confirmation of order. If any customer wants to complain about the order and for getting the support we use their data for this purpose only and we cannot use your data for any illegal or any other purposes. To block Spam users try to place spam orders &amp. comments they got blocked from 1 Day to lifetime. We are trying to stop these spammers who are doing this.</p> Can we sell your data? <p>No, we cannot sell your data which is collected from us at any price for any illegal purpose or for any other uses because this is against our rules so we cannot sell your data at any price, to anyone because our customer’s privacy is a very important thing for us.</p> Cookies Policy Cookies Purpose <p>We Use Cookies for Stay Login, Secure Connection, Website Speed Optimization ( Images ). We track you back for user interest we don’t store personal things or store any advertisement cookies on your PC.</p> DuckDuckgo Result <p>1) Encrypted Connection 2) 0 Trackers Found 3) 0 Major Tracker Networks Found 4) Unknown Privacy Practices 4) Privacy Grade B+</p> Third Party Cookies <p>We only have google ads integration on this website we do not use any other third-party platform which not respect privacy.</p> Changes to this Privacy Policy <p>We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will not notify you of any minor changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.</p> <p>We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “Last updated” date at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.</p> Contact Us <p>If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:<br>By visiting this page on our website:</p> <p>Last Updated (24/08/2022)</p>

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