Open Humans

Public Data Guidelines

Public Data Guidelines <p>Some Open Humans members generously make their data public under the Creative Commons Zero Public Domain Dedication (v1.0 or later). The following usage guidelines are based on goodwill. These are not a legal contract, but we request you follow these guidelines when using data from our project.</p> Don't re-identify <p>If an individual has not intentionally shared their name/identity in their Open Humans profile, you should not make specific efforts to re-identify that individual from this data unless you meet the following guidelines:</p> <ul> <li>You inform Open Humans of your plans to perform this work.</li> <li>An ethics review board (e.g. an institutional review board) reviews and approves your study as human subjects research (i.e. it is not considered exempt).</li> <li>We privately receive any reports you plan to publish at least two weeks prior to publication and have an opportunity to contact you and your ethics board with concerns.</li> </ul> Acknowledge and cite where possible <ul> <li>Please acknowledge and cite the researchers who created the datasets shared by participants.</li> <li>Do not misrepresent Open Humans data as something you generated yourself. </li> <li>Please include a reference to these guidelines in any re-distribution of our data.</li> </ul> Share knowledge <ul> <li>Use standard identifiers where possible to assist others interested in finding work related to a sample or data set, and to enable participants to track research derived from their contributions.</li> <li>We encourage open access publication when possible.</li> </ul> Use at your own risk <ul> <li>Our data is offered "as is", without warranty of any kind.</li> <li>Our database will change, as participants may choose to withdraw and/or remove data.</li> <li>Any use you make of the data must conform to all applicable laws and regulations in a given jurisdiction.</li> </ul> <p>If you have suggestions for changes to these guidelines, please feel free to contact us.</p>

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