Patient Access

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy What are cookies? <p>Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer to help distinguish you from other users. We use cookies to help us provide you with a better experience when you browse our website and help us to improve our site through monitoring visitor interest and behaviour anonymously.</p> <p>There are three different types of cookies used on Patient Access;</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Persistent cookies</strong>&nbsp;are used to retain user preferences, relating to a particular website you visit. This can be things like whether you want to be logged in automatically when you visit the website, or whether you've already been asked to take part in a survey for example. Persistent cookies exist on your machine for a pre-set length of time.</li> <li> <strong>Session cookies</strong>&nbsp;are used to retain information during a particular time you've used a website. this can be things like storing the contents of your shopping basket on an e-commerce site. They are deleted as soon as you close your browser.</li> <li> <strong>Third-party cookies</strong>&nbsp;are used by advertisers and social networks to learn about your browsing habits to help deliver relevant advertising and content to you. This, for example means you could be more likely to see adverts for shops you already shop at.</li> </ul> <p> </p> What cookies do we use on our site? Cookies used on Patient Access <strong>Name</strong> <strong>Explanation</strong> __utma/b/z&nbsp;(Third-party) These cookies are used by our analytics software to monitor which pages are visited and allow us to make improvements to the website by analysing visitors interest and behaviour. All data collected is anonymous. __utmc&nbsp;(Third-party) These cookies are used by our analytics software to monitor which pages are visited and allow us to make improvements to the website by analysing visitors interest and behaviour. All data collected is anonymous. __check_security_restriction&nbsp;&nbsp. These cookie is used to control which tasks you as a user are allowed to perform. __patientId These cookie&nbsp;is used to store your EMIS Web patient ID. __token These cookie is used to keep you logged in. __token_expires_in These cookie is used to keep you logged in. __userId These cookie is used to keep you logged in. Cookies used on Support Portal <strong>Name</strong> <strong>Explanation</strong> _ga (Third-party) These cookies are used by our analytics software to monitor which pages are visited and allow us to make improvements to the website by analysing visitors interest and behaviour. All data collected is anonymous. _gat (Third-party) These cookies are used by our analytics software to monitor which pages are visited and allow us to make improvements to the website by analysing visitors interest and behaviour. All data collected is anonymous. _gid (Third-party) These cookies are used by our analytics software to monitor which pages are visited and allow us to make improvements to the website by analysing visitors interest and behaviour. All data collected is anonymous. _RequestverificationToken&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp. This cookie helps us to keep the site secure. cookies_consent This cookie records whether this is your first visit to our site in order to improve your experience. ARRAaffinity This cookie helps us identify which of our application instances you have visited in the past. <p> </p> <p> </p> Changing your settings <p>You can change your browser’s settings so it’ll tell you when cookies get sent to it. Or it can refuse cookies altogether. Check the Help section in your browser for more info.</p> <p> <strong>Please note:</strong>&nbsp;We do not recommend disabling cookies entirely as this will prevent most websites and services (such as webmail and social media sites) from working.</p>

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