
Privacy Policy

Privacy statement <p>Last Modified: 24<sup>th</sup> September 2021.</p> <p>We do not sell, trade, exchange or otherwise make available any personally identifiable information to any other team or organization. We may update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account or by placing a prominent notice on our site.</p> Name and Address of the data controller &amp. data protection officer <p> The responsible person within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation law and other national data protection laws, as well as any other provisions on data protection, is: </p>S.C. Leaping Frog Studios S.R.L str I.L.Caragiale 1/19 430121 Baia Mare Romania Phone: +43 680 2326804 <p> </p> Account and personal data deletion <p> Users can at any point request the cancellation of their account and removal of their personal data by opening a support ticket, or sending an email to </p> General information on data processing <p> We generally only process our users' personal data if we require this data to offer you the full functionality of our website, or if the information is required for access to our content and services. </p> <p>The EU General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) serves as the legal basis for processing personal data in cases where the user has provided permission for us to do so.</p> Confidentiality <p>Your inventory, tradelist, wishlist and decks are publicly viewable on the internet&nbsp;by default. However, you can choose to protect them with a password, or make them completely private (feature available for premium accounts).</p> <p>Your Deckbox Profile is publicly available on the internet. Information included in the profile and viewable by other people is: <strong>name, country and city, last login time.</strong> Your e-mail address, as well as your postal address are private and not displayed or disclosed by us with the exception of "emailing other users" and "trading" explained below.</p> Emailing other users <p>When using the email functionality on Deckbox the name and e-mail address that you provided to us will be available to the other party.</p> Trading <p>When trading with other users, your full name as well as the postal address that you supply and confirm on per trade basis are available only to you and to the other party. Also, the chat and chat history from each trade are private and viewable only by you and the other party.</p> Comments <p>Comments made on private decks are private to the owner of the deck and not publicly available. Comments made on public decks, as well as events are public.</p> Intellectual Property <p>Our Terms and Conditions recognizes your right to retain full intellectual property protection for the digital content you create, including decks.</p> <p> </p>Cookies <p> Deckbox uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored in your browser. When a user accesses a website, a cookie may be stored on the user's operating system. This cookie contains a unique string of characters that make it possible to identify the browser if the user accesses the website again. Certain elements on our website require us to be able to identify the browser of the user accessing the website even if the user comes back to the site after leaving. </p> Subscription or Registration via Facebook <p>You can sign up for our service with your Facebook account (Facebook Connect). You are forwarded by a link to the Facebook website (Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA), where you can log in with your Facebook login credentials.</p> <p> When you sign in using your Facebook account, your Facebook profile will be linked to our service. Please note that we have no influence on the processing of data by Facebook. We receive the following information from Facebook: Name, surname, email address The only information that we use from Facebook is the following: Name, surname, email address This information is mandatory for the login to be able to identify the user. For more information about Facebook Connect, please see Facebook's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. </p>

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