Terms of Service<p> </p> <p> Our mission at Knowledgehook is to help engage students with math practice and offer support to teachers and parents/guardians to improve their student or child’s mastery of math. </p> <p> PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE (“AGREEMENT”) CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SERVICES OFFERED BY KNOWLEDGEHOOK INC., (“KNOWLEDGEHOOK” OR “WE” OR “US”). THIS IS A BINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND KNOWLEDGEHOOK. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE SERVICES IN ANY MANNER, YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY AND A PARTY TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHER TERMS. IF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE CONSIDERED AN OFFER, ACCEPTANCE IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT UNCONDITIONALLY AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT USE THE SERVICES. </p> <p> If you are under the age of 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to the Agreement. If you don’t get your parent or guardian to read and agree to the Agreement, you don’t have permission to use the Service. </p> Terms of Use <p> Welcome to Knowledgehook. Please continue reading to learn about the rules and restrictions that govern your use of Knowledgehook’s website(s) and all other products, services and applications made available by Knowledgehook from time to time (such as, Knowledgehook’s iOS and Android mobile applications, email and the Knowledgehook services available on SMS) (collectively, the “Services”). This Agreement includes the terms in this document, as well as Knowledgehook’s Privacy Policy , and Copyright Dispute Policy. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Before using Knowledgehook, you need to be at least 18 years old, and agree to these terms. If you’re under 18, a parent, guardian, or teacher needs to agree to these terms for you. By signing up with Knowledgehook, you agree to these terms. </p> Using the Service <p> You represent and warrant to Knowledgehook that: (i) you are at least 18 years old (or, if you are not at least 18 years old, you have your parent, guardian, or teacher’s permission to use the Services, and that your parent, guardian, or teacher has read and agreed to this Agreement on your behalf). (ii) all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful. (iii) you will maintain the accuracy of such information. (iv) if you’re agreeing to this Agreement on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to agree to this Agreement on that organization or entity’s behalf and bind them to this Agreement (in which case, the references to “you” and “your” in these Terms, except for in this sentence, refer to that organization or entity). You also certify that you are legally permitted to use and access the Services and take full responsibility for the selection and use of and access to the Services. This Agreement is void where prohibited by law, and the right to access the Services is revoked in such jurisdictions. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> By signing up for Knowledgehook, you agree to post truthful and up-to-date information about yourself or your organization. You must be 18-years-old to agree to the Terms, or have a parent, guardian, or teacher agree to them for you. </p> Will these Terms Ever Change <p> We are constantly trying to improve our Services, so this Agreement may need to change along with the Services. We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any time, but we will do our best to bring this to your attention by posting a notice on the Services, sending you a notice via email, and/or by some other means. If you don’t agree with the new terms, you may reject them but unfortunately you will no longer be able to use the Services. Your use of the Services in any way following such notification constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions as modified. We may suspend or discontinue any part of the Services, or we may introduce new features or impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of the Services, at any time. We’ll do our best to provide you notice when we make a material change to the Services that would adversely affect you, but this isn’t always practical. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> We want to continually improve the Knowledgehook experience for you, so our terms may change from time to time. We will do everything we reasonably can to update you about these changes ahead of time. Before continuing to use Knowledgehook, it will be important to re-review and agree to any changes. </p> <p> Again, any changes in policy will reflect our mission to make math practice more engaging while respecting privacy principles. </p> Privacy <p> We take the privacy of our users very seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle privacy and your data. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Another important document to look at is our Privacy Policy. This outlines what personal information we collect from you and how we use that information to provide the Knowledgehook service. </p> Content <p> All materials displayed or performed or available on the Services (including, but not limited to text, graphics, data, articles, photographs, images, illustrations, User Submissions (defined below), and so forth (all of the foregoing, the “Content”) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may only use the Services for your own personal, non-commercial use and only in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and all laws that apply to you. Knowledgehook is not responsible for your use of the Services in any way that breaks the law. You agree you will abide by all copyright notices, trademark rules, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Services, and will not use, copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, upload, display, license, sell or otherwise exploit for any purposes whatsoever any Content or third party submissions or other proprietary rights not owned by you: (i) without the express prior written consent of the respective owners, and (ii) in any way that violates anyone else’s (including Knowledgehook’s) rights. </p> <p> You may download or copy certain Content for personal non-commercial use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content. Copying or storing of any Content other than personal, non-commercial use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Knowledgehook or from the copyright holder identified in such Content’s copyright notice. You will not link to the Services without Knowledgehook’s prior written consent, except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. </p> <p> In the course of using the Services, you and other users may provide information which may be used by Knowledgehook in connection with the Services and which may be visible to certain other users. All materials, information and content that you post or otherwise provide to Knowledgehook (and in connection with the Services) are your “User Submissions.” You retain ownership of the rights you may have in your User Submissions, provided that Knowledgehook hereby is and will be granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, and transferable (only to an successor) right to fully exploit such User Submissions (including all related intellectual property rights) and to allow other users to do so (however, Knowledgehook will only share your personally identifiable information in accordance with Knowledgehook’s current Privacy Policy). Furthermore, Knowledgehook (and any other user who accesses User Submissions) retains the right to reformat, modify, create derivative works of, excerpt, and translate any User Submissions submitted by you. You grant other users of the Services a non-exclusive license to access your User Submissions through the Services, and to exercise rights in and to such User Submissions and to view such User Submissions as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under this Agreement (for example, the recipients of a message sent by you will be able to save, copy, edit and store that message). All information publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Services is the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated and that Knowledgehook will not be liable for any errors or omissions in any content. Knowledgehook cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom you may interact in the course of using the Services. Additionally, Knowledgehook cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data which users may provide about themselves. You acknowledge that all Content accessed by you using the Services is at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to any party resulting therefrom. </p> <p> Knowledgehook reserves the right (but does not have the obligation) to remove any Content from the Services at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such Content or if Knowledgehook is concerned that you may have breached the immediately preceding sentence), or for no reason at all. You, not Knowledgehook, remain solely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise disseminate using, or in connection with, the Services, and you warrant that you possess all rights necessary to provide such content to Knowledgehook and to grant Knowledgehook the rights to use such information in connection with the Services and as otherwise provided herein. </p> <p> Under no circumstances will Knowledgehook be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred in connection with use of or exposure to any Content posted, emailed, accessed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Services. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Be sure to only share content that belongs to you. We may view and/or use content you post on Knowledgehook – but you still own it. </p> Use by Children <p> Knowledgehook is very serious about the collection of personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 18. The Services do not knowingly collect or solicit information from children under the age or 18, except in the following circumstances: </p> <ul> <li> If teachers ask students to create their own accounts, we collect a child’s first name and last initial. We do not collect their e-mail address, mobile number, gender, nor age. </li> <li> We may collect personal information through the Services from a child under 18 where that student’s school, district, and/or teacher has agreed (via these Terms) for that child to use the Services and disclose personal information to us, for the use and benefit of the learning environment. </li> <li> If you are a school, district, or teacher, you represent and warrant that you are solely responsible for complying with COPPA (The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). For more information on COPPA, please click here . If you are a teacher, you represent and warrant that you have permission and authorization from your school and/or district to use the Services, and for purposes of COPPA compliance, you represent and warrant that you are entering into these Terms on behalf of your school and/or district. </li> <li> As a school, district, or teacher providing consent on behalf of parents or guardians, in order to create an Organizer account (as described below) you may be required to provide valid school credentials and a valid school email address to verify your identity in order to access and use certain features of the Services. </li> </ul> <p> If we learn we have collected personal information from a student under 18 other than pursuant to the above, or if we learn a student under 18 has provided us personal information beyond what we request from him or her, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a student under 18 may have provided us personal information in violation of this paragraph, please contact us at support@knowledgehook.com </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> We care about children’s privacy, and are careful about information collected from students under 18 and how it’s retained. For users under the age of 18, we require consent from a parent, teacher, or guardian. For users under the age of 18, we require consent from a parent, teacher, or guardian. If you are a teacher, school, or district providing consent on behalf of parents, you are also responsible for complying with COPPA. </p> Fees and Payments. Responsibility of Usage Charges <p> Knowledgehook reserves the right to require payment of fees for certain Services. If you want access to those Services, you will pay all applicable fees for those Services, as will be described on the Services. </p> <p> Note that, by using the Services, you may receive e-mail or text messages on your phone or mobile device, which may cause you to incur usage charges or other fees or costs in accordance with your wireless or data service plan. Any and all such charges, fees, or costs are your sole responsibility. You should consult with your wireless carrier to determine what rates, charges, fees, or costs may apply to your use of the Services. </p> Subscription <p> Your Knowledgehook subscription will continue until terminated. When purchasing a subscription, you must provide us with one or more Payment Methods. “Payment Method” means a current, valid, accepted method of payment, as may be updated from time to time. If we do not receive payment from your Payment Method, you agree to pay all amounts due hereunder upon demand and will be solely responsible for any dispute with your payment provider. Should your Payment Method be denied, we reserve the right to recharge the credit card or payment method for any outstanding amounts. You will not be charged more than the amount of the fees for the Service(s) you have purchased. Unless you cancel your subscription before your billing date, you authorize us to charge the subscription fee for the next billing cycle to your Payment Method. <br> <br> We may offer some promotional trials or time-limited discounts for certain Services from time to time. If you sign up or register through a trial, promotional or discount event, your rights of use will be subject to and limited by the terms of the trial, promotion or discount offer and will terminate or renew in accordance with the terms of the offer or any additional terms communicated related to the trial, promotion or discount offer. </p> Billing, Renewal, and Cancellation <p> To use the Services you must provide one or more Payment Methods. You authorize us to charge any Payment Method associated to your account in case your primary Payment Method is declined or no longer available to us for payment of your subscription fee. You remain responsible for any uncollected amounts. If a payment is not successfully settled, due to expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, and you do not cancel your account, we may suspend your access to the service until we have successfully charged a valid Payment Method. For some Payment Methods, the issuer may charge you certain fees, such as foreign transaction fees or other fees relating to the processing of your Payment Method. <br> <br> The subscription fee for the Services and any other charges you may incur in connection with your use of the Services, such as taxes and possible transaction fees, will be charged to your Payment Method on a recurring interval disclosed to you prior to your purchase. The length of your billing cycle will depend on the type of subscription that you choose for the Services. Your payment will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period, unless you cancel your subscription to the Services before the end of the then-current subscription period. <br> <br> You can cancel your Knowledgehook subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to the Services through the end of your billing period. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial subscription periods. To cancel, go to the "Subscriptions" page and follow the instructions for cancellation, or contact us at support@knowledgehook.com. If you cancel your subscription, your access to the Services will automatically terminate at the end of your current billing period. To see when your access will terminate, visit the “Subscriptions” page. <br> <br> Note: Knowledgehook does NOT directly store credit card information - all credit card information and transactions are stored by our payment provider, Stripe. Stripe is a third-party service provider and processes payment on our behalf. You agree, in the event Stripe experiences a data breach affecting your information through no fault of Knowledgehook, Knowledgehook will in no way be responsible or liable to you for any such breach. Please click here for more information about how Stripe processes your information. </p> Price and Tax Changes <p> We may change our subscription plans and the price of our Services from time to time. however, we will notify you of any price changes before they become effective. Price changes will take effect at the start of the next billing period following the date of the price change and, by continuing to use the Services after the price change takes effect, you will have accepted the new price. If you do not agree to a price change, you can reject the change by unsubscribing from the applicable Services prior to the price change going into effect. <br> <br> Tax rates are based on the rates applicable at the time of your billing. These amounts can change over time with local tax requirements in your country, state, territory, county, or city. Any change in tax rate will be automatically applied based on the account information you provide </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> The basic Service of Knowledgehook is free but Knowledgehook charges for some of its other services. Knowledgehook reserves the right to change its prices but if the fee structure changes, we will notify you. </p> Additional Terms <p> This Agreement applies to all users of our Services, but there are special terms for you depending on what type of user you are. If you are, for example, a teacher, coach or parent who organizes a “class” or “group” of members, then you are an <strong>Organizer.</strong> If you are, for example, a student, teammate or parent who is invited to be a member of a class or group by an Organizer, you are a <strong>Subscriber.</strong> In certain cases, Subscribers may be allowed to invite new members to a “group” to become Subscribers. If you are agreeing to this Agreement on behalf of an organization, such as a school or school district, club, or team, you are an <strong>Organization.</strong> You may not sign up for or use the Knowledgehook Services as someone you are not. Knowledgehook may disable or terminate your account if you do so. Please read on below to find out what additional terms apply to you. </p> <p> If you are a <strong>Subscriber</strong> (such as a student, parent, or other individual invited to join a group by an Organizer): </p> <ul> <li> You must get your parent or guardian to read and agree to this Agreement before using the Services if you are under 18. </li> <li> You will only join classes and/or groups that you have been invited to, or based on your school, class or group affiliation, to which you are a part of. </li> </ul> <p> If you are an <strong>Organization</strong> (such as a school or school district): </p> <ul> <li> You will only permit staff members (for example, your teachers) who are current employees of your organization to use the Services and to create their own class or group codes. Upon termination of a staff member’s employment with the Organization, you will require such individual to return and cease using all class or group codes he or she has in his or her possession. If at any time you learn a user of the Services claims to be affiliated with your organization who is not, in fact, affiliated with your Organization, you will notify Knowledgehook immediately by emailing support@knowledgehook.com . </li> </ul> <p> If you are accessing the Services as an <strong>Organizer</strong> (such as a teacher, administrator, or parent creating a group and inviting users to join as Subscribers): </p> <ul> <li> The Services may allow you to invite users to join your group(s) and/or to add users to your group(s). IF YOU INVITE OTHER USERS TO JOIN YOUR GROUP, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT TO US THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED CONSENT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW FROM EACH PERSON THAT YOU INVITE AND/OR ADD TO RECEIVE SUCH INVITATION AND TO RECEIVE MESSAGES FROM KNOWLEDGEHOOK, FROM YOU, AND FROM ANYONE ELSE IN THE GROUP. </li> <li> Organizers can invite members by distributing “class codes” or “group codes” and communicate with Subscribers, (in some cases, there may be more than one Organizer per group). </li> <li> You may only share class or group codes with Subscribers whom you wish to subscribe to your group. If you plan to broadly or publicly publish these codes, you must manage the accuracy of your subscriber lists carefully. </li> <li> Organizers must maintain and monitor Subscriber lists in order to help ensure accurate representation of the Subscribers in your group. </li> </ul> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> There are different ways to use Knowledgehook depending on if you’re a teacher (Organizer), a student/parent (Participant) or an administrator (School). This means that our terms may also be different depending on your role. </p> Registration and Security <p> As a condition to using Services, you may be required to register with Knowledgehook by selecting a password and providing your name and a valid email address. You will provide Knowledgehook with accurate, complete, and updated registration information. You may not (i) select or use the name or email of another person with the intent to impersonate that person. or (ii) use a name subject to any rights of any person other than you without appropriate authorization. Knowledgehook reserves the right to refuse registration of or cancel a Knowledgehook account in its sole discretion. You will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You may not transfer your account to anyone without express prior written consent of Knowledgehook. Violation of any of the foregoing may result in immediate termination of your account, revocation of your ability to use the Services, and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences. Knowledgehook reserves the right, but will have no obligation, to investigate your use of the Services in order to determine whether a violation of the Agreement has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> The security of your account is very important to us. Please keep your password safe, use your real name and create your own account before using Knowledgehook. </p> Consent to Receive Periodic Messages from Knowledgehook <p> As part of the Services, Knowledgehook may send communications (such as SMS, emails, and push notifications) to Subscribers of a class group. BY SIGNING UP FOR THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS FROM KNOWLEDGEHOOK, AND YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT EACH USER YOU INVITE AND/OR ADD TO A GROUP HAS CONSENTED TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS FROM KNOWLEDGEHOOK AS WELL AS FROM YOU AND ANYONE ELSE IN THE GROUP. You agree to indemnify and hold Knowledgehook harmless for and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to your breach of the foregoing. However, the Services will give you the option or opting out of any further notifications and unsubscribing from emails, text messages, and notifications </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> We’re letting you know that you may receive messages from us or even from other Knowledgehook users periodically, now or in the future. It’s also important that <em>you</em> get consent from any subscribers before inviting them to join your class. We will make it quick and easy to unsubscribe from any and all communications. </p> Your Restrictions and Responsibilities <p> You warrant, represent, covenant, and agree that you will not contribute any Content or otherwise use (or encourage any third party to use) the Services in a manner that: </p> <ul> <li> infringes or violates the intellectual property rights or proprietary rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or other rights of any third party. </li> <li> violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation. </li> <li> is harmful, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by Knowledgehook. </li> <li> jeopardizes the security of your account in any way, such as allowing someone else access to your account or password. </li> <li> attempts, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, or other security information from any other user. </li> <li> violates the security of any computer network, or cracks any passwords or security encryption codes. </li> <li> runs Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged into the Services, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of the Services (including by placing an unreasonable load on the Services’ infrastructure). </li> <li> “crawls,” “scrapes,” or “spiders” any page, data, or portion of or relating to the Services or Content (through use of manual or automated means). </li> <li> copies or stores any significant portion of the Content. </li> <li> decompiles, reverse engineers, or otherwise attempts to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Services (or the products of Knowledgehook’s third party service providers). </li> </ul> <p> Knowledgehook reserves the right to terminate access of any third party application or service to our published or unpublished APIs. </p> <p> You will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment or ancillary services needed to connect to, access, or otherwise use the Services, including, without limitation, modems, hardware, software, and long distance or local telephone service. You will be responsible for ensuring that such equipment or ancillary services are compatible with the Services. You will be responsible for withholding, filing, and reporting all taxes, duties and other governmental assessments associated with your activity in connection with the Services. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> We are serious about safety. If you don’t follow these Terms of Use, we may need to remove any inappropriate content or deactivate your account. If you see someone violating our Terms of Use, please contact us immediately at support@knowledgehook.com We need your help to keep the Knowledgehook community safe! </p> Copyright Dispute Policy <p> Knowledgehook adheres to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), which requires that online service providers such as Knowledgehook have the right, but not the obligation, to remove material that allegedly violates someone’s copyright. We respect others’ intellectual property rights, and we reserve the right to delete or disable Content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate the accounts of repeat alleged infringers. To learn more about the DMCA, click here. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> See something that belongs to you, but someone else posted it? You can let us know by using our Copyright Dispute Policy. </p> Third Party Websites <p> The Services may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by Knowledgehook. When you access third party websites, you do so at your own risk, such websites may charge for their services and you will be solely responsible for all charges. Knowledgehook encourages you to be aware when you leave the Services and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each third party website that you visit or utilize. </p> <p> Knowledgehook has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third party websites. In addition, Knowledgehook will not and cannot monitor, verify, censor or edit the content of any third party site. By using the Services, you expressly relieve and hold harmless Knowledgehook from any and all liability arising from your use of any third party website or service. </p> <p> Your interactions with organizations and/or individuals found on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that Knowledgehook will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings. </p> <p> If there is a dispute between users on this site, or between users and any third party, you understand and agree that Knowledgehook is under no obligation to become involved. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users, you hereby release Knowledgehook, its officers, employees, agents, and successors in rights from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or our service. If you are a California resident, you will and hereby do waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Organizers may send links via Knowledgehook that take you to other third party services (those are services that aren’t part of Knowledgehook, such as YouTube, Google Docs, Flickr, etc). We can’t be held responsible for the content of those links or any issues that arise. </p> Warranty and Disclaimer <p> Knowledgehook has no special relationship with or fiduciary duty to you. You acknowledge that Knowledgehook has no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding: which users gains access to the Services. what Content you accesses via the Services. what effects the Content may have on you. how you may interpret or use the Content. or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content. You release Knowledgehook from all liability for you having acquired or accessed Content through the Services. The Services may contain, or direct you to websites or services containing, information or Content that some people may find offensive or inappropriate. Knowledgehook makes no representations concerning any Content contained in or accessed through the Services, and Knowledgehook will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Services. Knowledgehook makes no representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of services or products (including Content provided by publishers) offered or purchased through the Services. Products and services purchased or offered (whether or not following such recommendations and suggestions) though the Services are provided “AS IS” without any warranty of any kind from Knowledgehook or others unless, with respect to others (only), otherwise made expressly and unambiguously in writing by a designated third party for a specific product. THE SERVICES, CONTENT, AND ANY SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR THAT USE OF THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> We’re here to help if there are issues, but there are no warranties relating to Knowledgehook services. </p> Indemnity <p> You will indemnify and hold Knowledgehook, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees harmless (including, without limitation, from all damages, liabilities, settlements, costs and attorneys’ fees) from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of your access to the Services, use of the Services, your violation of this Agreement, or the infringement by you or any third party using your account of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Please keep in mind that you are solely responsible for your use of Knowledgehook. If you don’t follow these Terms of Service and/or cause harm to anyone, it’s your responsibility to resolve. </p> Limitation and Liability <p> TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL KNOWLEDGEHOOK OR ITS SUPPLIERS OR ITS SERVICE PROVIDERS, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES OR THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT UNDER ANY CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY (I) FOR ANY AMOUNT IN THE AGGREGATE IN EXCESS OF THE GREATER OF $100 OR THE FEES PAID BY YOU TO KNOWLEDGEHOOK HEREUNDER DURING THE 12-MONTH PERIOD PRECEDING THE APPLICABLE CLAIM. (II) FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. (III) FOR DATA LOSS OR COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. OR (IV) FOR ANY MATTER BEYOND KNOWLEDGEHOOK’S REASONABLE CONTROL. SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> Knowledgehook is a communication tool, and we are not liable for anything that happens because of our service. </p> Choice of Law and Arbitration <p> As the offices of Knowledgehook reside in Ontario, this Agreement and each of the documents contemplated by or delivered under or in connection with this Agreement are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein and treated in all respects as an Ontario contract. The parties to this Agreement hereby irrevocably and unconditionally attorn to the [exclusive or non‐exclusive] jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario and all courts competent to hear appeals therefrom. </p> <p> <strong>WHAT THIS IS SAYING</strong> </p> <p> If you have any legal problems with Knowledgehook or its Services, you agree to resolve them through the laws governing the Province of Ontario. </p> Miscellaneous <p> The failure of either party to exercise, in any respect, any right provided for herein will not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder. Knowledgehook will not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond Knowledgehook’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, mechanical, electronic or communications failure or degradation (including “line-noise” interference). If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. This Agreement is not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by you except with Knowledgehook’s prior written consent. Knowledgehook may transfer, assign or delegate this Agreement and its rights and obligations without consent. Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, and that all modifications must be in a writing signed by both parties, except as otherwise provided herein. This Agreement and any subsequent versions of this Agreement posted to the Services will be deemed a writing signed by both parties. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of this Agreement and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind Knowledgehook in any way whatsoever. </p>

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