
Privacy Policy

Company <i> </i> Terms and Policies <i> </i> Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Effective November 09, 2021 <p>Voices’s privacy policy covers the collection and use of personal information that may be collected by Voices any time you interact with Voices, such as when you visit our website, when you purchase Voices products and services, or when you contact our sales or support representatives. Please take a moment to read the following to learn more about our privacy policies, including what type of information is gathered, how the information is used and for what purposes, to whom we disclose the information, and how we safeguard your personal information. Your privacy is a priority at Voices, and we go to great lengths to protect it.</p> Your Privacy Protection is Assured <p>Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information is fundamental to the way we conduct business at Voices. To us, providing you with the best customer service includes handling your personal information with great care and respect.</p> <p>Voices takes precautions – including administrative, technical, and physical measures – to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.</p> <p>When you register at Voices we agree to protect the privacy of that information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Since January 1st, 2004, this Act requires every organization to obtain the consent of individuals before collecting, using or disclosing personal information in the course of commercial activity.</p> Integrity of Your Personal Information <p>As a member of Voices, you have entrusted us with your personal information such as your name, address, phone number and business details. This information is recorded in your file, stored on bank-level secure Internet servers, and hosted in multi-million dollar data centers. The information is only accessed by authorized system administrators and support representatives to help answer questions regarding your membership account. More specifically, we use this information to communicate with you.</p> How We Protect Your Information <p>We protect your information at all times with appropriate safeguards and security measures. Our strict security standards protect our systems and your personal information against unauthorized access or use. In fact, access to your file is restricted to our support representatives, who as part of their agreements, are bound to maintain your confidentiality.</p> When We Disclose Information <p>Voices takes your privacy very seriously. Be assured that Voices does not sell or rent your contact information to other marketers. To help us provide superior service, your personal information may be shared with legal entities within Voices who will safeguard it in accordance with Voices’s privacy policy. At times, Voices may provide information to companies that we have a strategic relationship with or that perform work for Voices to provide products and services to you on our behalf. These companies may help us process information, extend credit, fulfill customer orders, deliver services to you, manage and enhance customer data, provide customer service, assess your interest in our products and services, or conduct customer research or satisfaction surveys. These companies are also obligated to protect your personal information in accordance with Voices’s policies. Without such information being made available, it would be difficult for you to purchase products, have services provided for you, receive customer service, provide us feedback to improve our products and services, or access certain services, offers, and content on the Voices website.</p> Use of your Personal Information <p>When you register for an account and provide us with your email address and/or phone number, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, including how we send certain marketing emails and other electronic informational content to you. You can unsubscribe at any time from marketing emails or messages by clicking the unsubscribe link included in marketing emails, by contacting us, or further, by providing instructions to close your Voices account. Voices identifies the purpose for which your personal information is collected and will be used or disclosed. If that purpose is not listed below we will do this before or at the time the information is actually being collected. By registering for an account and using the Voices website, you will be deemed to consent to our use of your personal information for the purpose of:</p> <p>1. communicating with you generally</p> <p>2. processing your subscription and purchases</p> <p>3. proposing potential, processing and keeping track of any actual completed transactions and reporting back to you</p> <p>4. protecting against fraud or error</p> <p>5. providing products and services requested by you</p> <p>6. recommending products, services and events that Voices believes will be of interest and provide value to you</p> <p>7. performing statistical analyses of user behaviour and characteristics, in order to measure interest in and use of the various sections of this site so as to improve design and navigation and to gather marketing information. Only aggregated data from these analyses, not individual data, will be used for this purpose.</p> <p>8. personalizing online advertisements that Voices believes will be of interest and provide value to you</p> <p>9. fulfilling any other purpose that would be reasonably apparent to the average person at the time we collect it from you</p> <p>10. improving Voices’s products and services (such as leveraging transactional data to improve search and VoiceMatch ranking, or transcribing demos to improve SEO ranking)</p> <p>11. complying with legal and governmental requirements</p> <p>12. providing information to research partners and academics that advances scholarship and innovation that support Voices’s business or mission, and enhances discovery and innovation on topics relating to the advancement of Voice Over.</p> You Benefit From Personalized Service <p>Access to your personal information also enables us to offer you more personalized service. The better we know you, the better we are able to respond to your needs. With a clear understanding of your personal situation, we can offer informed advice and assist you now and in the future.</p> Your Voices Profile <p>Some of the information that you provide to Voices is used to create your public profile. Your public profile is available to visitors to the site. The publicly available portion of your profile consists your first and last name (as provided at registration or subsequently updated) and <em>may</em> also include the following information <em>if provided by you</em>:</p> <p>1) your company name (clients-only)</p> <p>2) information provided in your profile About Me</p> <p>3) your profile photo</p> <p>4) your public location information (talent-only)</p> <p>5) demos or other samples of your work provided as part of your portfolio (talent-only)</p> <p>6) information regarding your education (talent-only)</p> <p>7) information regarding your experience (talent-only)</p> <p>8) testimonial information (talent-only)</p> <p>Note that Talent profiles can be indexed by search engines.&nbsp;</p> Your Right to Access, Update and Correct Your Information at Anytime <p>At Voices, we trust and value the accuracy of your personal information. At all times, you have the right to ask for access to the information in your file and request that we update your file for accuracy or correct any errors. If you would like to request access to or correction of your personal information, please email your request to [email&nbsp;protected]</p> Your Right To Withdraw From Data Collection <p>We respect your right to privacy and make it easy to withdraw from data collection, specifically by blocking cookies and unsubscribing from emails. By withdrawing consent, consequently, Voices may not be able to offer as personalized a service by phone, email or on the Web. If you’d like to withdraw from data collection, simply email [email&nbsp;protected] to make your request.</p> Storage and processing of your personal information <p>Voices’ site and services are hosted in data-centers located in the United States of America. As such, user information provided to Voices (including personal information) is sent to the United States for processing and may be accessed by their courts, law enforcement, and national security authorities while it is in their jurisdiction.</p> Serving You Better <p>Voices is the leading creative services online marketplace. We thank you for your business and look forward to continuing to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns, they can be sent to [email&nbsp;protected] or by mail to Voices, 100 Dundas Street, Suite 700, London, ON N6A 5B6 Canada.</p> Archived Versions <ul> <li> February 20, 2021 </li> <li> November 12, 2019 </li> <li> June 25, 2017 </li> <li> December 17, 2012 </li> </ul>

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