
DMP Audiences Policies

<p>Last updated on: 1 January 2022</p> 1. Introduction <p>The following guidelines and policies of Adform DMP Audience (“Policies”) set forth the standards and requirements to any client, advertising agency, data partner (“DMP Client”) using Adform Data Management Platform (“Adform DMP”). These Policies apply to any type of content or audience data (“Audiences”) that is processed within the Adform DMP. </p> <p>Adform reserves the right to update these Policies at any time. Please, periodically visit this page to review the current Policies so you are aware of any revisions to which you are bound. Any violation of these Policies is subject to the enforcement policy as set forth below.</p> <p>For purpose of clarification, your obligations under these Policies are in addition to your obligations set forth in the agreements you have entered into with Adform for the provision of Adform DMP services. Any rights or remedies we have under such agreements are not limited by our enforcement of these Policies.</p> 2. Prohibited Audiences <p>In order to use the Adform DMP services, you agree to abide by these Policies and are prohibited from providing to Adform Audiences that feature or promote any of the following content categories:</p> <p> <strong>Children</strong> </p> <p>Audiences that contain or are targeted to users who are, or for whom there is a reasonable expectation may be, children as defined in the applicable laws in the jurisdictions where the users are located when the data about them is collected. Audiences based on the online activity of a user of digital properties (including websites, emails, and mobile applications) directed at children. </p> <p>For purposes of this prohibition, a child is considered a user under the age of 13 in the United States and a user under the age of 16 in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), unless otherwise specified in the applicable laws in the applicable jurisdictions.</p> <p> <strong>Special Categories of Personal Data </strong> </p> <p>Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council defines the following as Special Categories of Personal Data: </p> <p>- personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin;</p> <p>- personal data revealing political opinions;</p> <p>- personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs;</p> <p>- personal data revealing trade union membership;</p> <p>- genetic data;</p> <p>- biometric data (where used for identification purposes);</p> <p>- data concerning health;</p> <p>- data concerning a person’s sex life. and</p> <p>- data concerning a person’s sexual orientation.</p> <p>Special Categories of Personal Data include data revealing or concerning the above categories of data. Thus, Audiences based on inferred or guessed details about someone which falls into one of the above Special Categories of Personal Data are prohibited as well.</p> <p>Audiences based on or derived from data that is identified as sensitive, a “special category”, or high-risk, or that is similarly differentiated in applicable laws or self-regulatory group guidelines are prohibited as well.</p> 3. Other Requirements <p>Your provision of Audiences to Adform, processing of Audiences on or via Adform DMP and making use of Adform DMP services must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and self-regulatory group guidelines, such as:</p> <p>- Interactive Advertising Bureau (“IAB”) Europe EU Framework for Online Behavioral Advertising</p> <p>- Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and Application of Self-Regulatory Principles to the Mobile Environment (including any related official guidance provided by the DAA such as the DAA’s Application of the Self-Regulatory Principles of Transparency and Control to Data Used Across Devices)</p> <p>- Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) 2018 Code of Conduct</p> <p>- Australian Digital Advertising Alliance (“ADAA”) Best Practice Guideline for Online Behavioural Advertising</p> <p>- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (“APEC”) Privacy Framework</p> <p>regardless of your membership status with any of these organizations.</p> 4. Enforcement <p>Failure to comply with these Policies may result in suspending, restricting or blocking your access and use of Adform DMP services, at Adform’s sole discretion. Adform reserves the right to terminate the DMP Client’ account and agreement thereof.</p> 5. Contact <p>Please contact your Adform representative with any questions regarding these Audience Policies. </p>

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