Beem It

Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions

Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and ConditionsPRODUCT DISCLOSURE STATEMENTThis Product Disclosure Statement should be read with the Beem Rewards Terms andConditions which forms part of this Product Disclosure Statement where the user has optedinto that featureDated 1 February 20222| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022February 2022Product Disclosure Statement andTerms and Conditions1.Introduction1.1.Product issuer name and contact details“Beem It” is a facility provided by Digital Wallet Pty Ltd (ABN 93 624 272 475) (Australian FinancialServices Licence Number 515270) (Digital Wallet) throughthe use of the Beem It app. Our contactdetails are set out in section 16 (on the last page of this document).1.2.Your contract with usIn order to become a registered user of the Beem It app, you will need to:(a)download the Beem It app;(b)agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document;(c)provide the information set out in section 3.1 below. and(d)receive notification that Beem It has approved you as a registered user, after collecting andverifying your identification information.Once you are a registered user of the Beem It app, the terms and conditions set out in this documentwill form the contract between you and Digital Wallet and will govern your use of the Beem It app andthe Beem It facility.These terms and conditions govern any upgrades provided by Digital Wallet that replace and orsupplement the original Beem It app.*Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated1.3.Financial Service Provider(a)The Beem It app is made available by Digital Wallet. Digital Wallet is authorised under thefinancial services laws to issue the Beem It facility through the Beem It app and to providegeneral advice about the facility. Digital Wallet also manages the facility.(b)Digital Wallet does not issue the payment cards registered within the app. The issuer ofthose financial products is the issuing bank stated on the payment card.(c)Where a prepaid card, gift card or loyalty card are registered within the Beem It app, DigitalWallet may not be the issuer of that prepaid card, gift card or loyalty card. The issuer of thecard is named on the back of the card where a physical or digitised card is registered withinor purchased through the Beem It app. Where a digitised card is registered within orpurchased through the Beem It app, the issuer will be stated in the terms and conditionsassociated with that digitised card which are linked through the app.(d)Where you pay using BPay through your Beem It app, the BPay terms and conditions apply.Digital Wallet enables you to give payment instructions for payment from your card accountto a biller. This is done through provision of a payment instruction file. Digital Wallet doesnot provide the BPay service which is provided by your bank and the biller’s bank.1.4.Other documents to read(a)This Product Disclosure Statement comprises of this document and the terms and conditions ofany product or services that you opt in to receive from Digital Wallet.(b)The ePayments Code. This code governs electronic transactions and Digital Wallet warrant that itwill comply with its applicable provisions as they apply to a subscriber.The ePayments Code is published by ASIC and is available at| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(b)For terms applicable to Gift Cards registered within the Beem It app, please read the Beem It –Gift Card Terms and Conditions ( payments using BPay, please read the BPay terms and conditions( Beem Rewards, please read the Beem Rewards terms and conditions( forms part of this ProductDisclosure Statement where you have opted in to receive that service.2.What is Beem It?2.1.Overview(a)The Beem It app is an Australian owned digital wallet designed for compatible mobile devices.(b)The funds transfer and payment features of the Beem It app can be made available to anyonewith an approved account.(c)An approved account is an account held with an Australian financial institution in the name of theuser of the Beem It app. A payment card must be attached to that account.(d)The Beem It facility offers a fast, simple and convenient way to pay, receive and request moneyfrom people or businesses who are also users of the Beem It app.(e)You can use the Beem It app to add loyalty cards, track group expenses and browse offers beforeyou register a payment card. To use the Beem it facility to make funds transfers or payments orreceive Beem Rewards, you will have to link your Beem It account to an eligible Payment Card.2.2.Features at a glanceSome key features of the Beem It app are:(a)Transact with other registered Beem It users – using the Beem It app, you can send payments to,and receive payments from, other Beem It users registered within Australia using your mobiledevice.(b)Requesting payments – using the Beem It app, you can also send requests for payment toregistered users, and then receive a notification when the registered user uses the Beem It facilityto make the requested payment to you.(c)Transfer between accounts - as a registered user, you can transfer funds between your own debitpayment cards linked to different banks.(d)Split Expenses - using the Beem It app, you can split expenses accrued between members of agroup, such as housemates or sports teams. The amount each person owes is automaticallyadjusted so that the least amount of payments are required to settle up. You can then pay viaBeem It or outside of the app using cash.(e)QR Codes – you can use the Beem It app to generate a custom QR code containing apre-determined dollar amount and description - either relating to a goods or service that youprovide, or for a standard payment request. Other registered users can then scan it to make apayment.(f)Invitations – registered users can invite other people to become registered users of the Beem Itfacility so as to enable fast payments with more people.(g)Scheduled payments – registered users can schedule single and recurring payments to beexecuted at a later date.(h)Pay a merchant:a.At a terminal or online – registered users can use the app to complete the checkoutprocess to purchase goods and services from registered merchants of the app;b.via eQR – registered users can pay using eQR at merchants and online wherever it isavailable. This will allow: (i) fast checkout and payment card processing for purchasetransactions instore or online. (ii) with your consent, your personal information to beshared with the merchant to complete the purchase and share your digital receipt forthe transaction through your Beem It app. (iii) when announced as available, loyalty4| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022points under your registered loyalty cards to be aggregated with or without funds fromyour registered payment cards to pay for goods or services from participating merchants;and (iv) with your consent, use of your de-identified purchase transaction information toprovide aggregated insights to merchants.(i)Gift Cards – using Beem It, you can purchase a Gift card from one of retailers listed in the Beem Itapp or on the website and send it to anyone, including those that are not on the App. Gift CardMerchant terms and conditions and Beem It Gift Card terms and conditions will apply. Comingsoon and when notified to you, if you consent and in accordance with notified terms andconditions, Digital Wallet will track spending with your registered cards with specific merchants orin specific locations to facilitate those merchants to reward your loyalty with gift cards sent bythem to you.(j)BPAY – registered users can use the app to make bill payments through BPAY. BPAY terms andconditions will apply.(k)Beem Rewards – registered users can opt in to receiving discounts, cashback offers and otherstated benefits when purchasing from participating merchants. The benefits that you receivedepend in part on the consents that are provided when you opt in. Beem Rewards Terms andConditions will apply.(l)Marketplace – registered users can browse links displayed within the Beem It app for links toproducts and services that may be of interest to them, paying for them instore or online withregistered cards through the Beem It app.2.3.What are the risks?There are some risks you should consider.(a)Payments within the app are available to anyone with an approved account. An approved accountis an account held with an Australian financial institution in the name of the user of the Beem Itapp. When transferring funds or making a payment, you need to take care to nominate thecorrect payment recipient and to double check the amount. Payments that are incorrectlydirected may not be able to be recovered – treat your Beem It account in the same manner as youwould cash – never send money to someone you don’t personally know.(b)In some cases, you may be liable for unauthorised transactions performed using the Beem It appand for some resulting losses (see sections 3.4 and 6.7 for more information).(c)You might not be able to use the Beem It facility when there are disruptions to computer, externalpayment systems or services (eg merchant or online services) and/or telecommunication systems.(d)You will not be able to use the Beem It app if the Beem It app is downloaded on to a device that isnot working, or not connected to the internet. The funds transfer features in the Beem It facilityrelies on the ability to debit amounts from, and credit amounts to, debit cards that are Visa orMastercard enabled and issued by an Australian bank or other financial institution - see approvedaccounts at 2.1. The debit card issuer of the payer or recipient may block or suspend the use ofthis payment service, or an individual transaction, at their discretion.(e)If you use the Beem It app to make a request for a payment from any payment card to a merchant(who is a registered user) for the purchase of goods or services, and the purchased goods orservices are defective, are not as described by the merchant or have been misrepresented, or areotherwise unsuitable, you may need to rely on the merchant for any refund (as you may not beable to claim a refund from your payment card issuer - see section 6.3 for more information).(f)If you request a payment for products or services performed, and there is a complaint, you maybe required to refund the payment (see section 6.4 for more information).(g)When you use the Beem It facility to make a payment, the recipient will not be able to tell fromtheir debit card account statement that the payment has come from you. The amount debited tothe recipient's account with the recipient's debit card issuer will be shown as a refund made from"Beem It".5| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(h)When users use links displayed in the marketplace, they will be taken to third part websites. Anyproducts or services accessed through those links will have their own benefits and risks as well astheir own terms and conditions. Digital Wallet has not taken any of your personal circumstances,objectives or financial situation or needs into account when displaying a list of product andservice providers on the marketplace. If any of the third parties whose links are displayed arefinancial service providers, you should consider the appropriateness of their advice or productsand services to your own objectives or financial situation or needs and obtain and read theirproduct disclosure statement before making any decision about whether to acquire the product.(i)When paying with eQR, users should check the recipient and amount matches the merchant andamount they expect to pay. Users should also be aware that some of their personal informationwill be disclosed to and then held by the merchant.(j)Where you consent to Digital Wallet collecting and passing your personal information through tomerchants, you should carefully check the merchant’s privacy collection statement and privacypolicy so you know what the merchant will do with your personal information.3Getting startedIMPORTANT WARNING REGARDING FINGERPRINTSIf you store any fingerprints on your mobile device other than your own fingerprints, and if youactivate the fingerprint access setting in your Beem It app, you will increase the risk of transactionsoccurring through the use of your Beem It app in circumstances where you have not agreed to thetransaction or where you have not approved it. See section 3.4 for more information about acceptableuse of fingerprint identification in the Beem It app.3.1.Registering for and using Beem It(a)To be eligible to register for the Beem It app and to use the Beem It facility, you will need to:(i)be an individual or a director acting on behalf of a company;(ii)be registered from within Australia with an Australian residential address;(iii)be aged 14 or over;(iv)provide your full name, date of birth, Australian residential address, email address(which must not be an email address already registered to use the Beem It app orsomeone else’s email address) and mobile device number (we store your mobile’s deviceID and any other information we may require);(v)provide requested details about the company you are acting on behalf of (whereapplicable);(vi)to use the funds transfer, payment or Beem Rewards features have, and provide thedetails for, a valid Australian Visa or Mastercard payment card that is attached to anaccount with an Australian bank or other financial institution. and(vii)select a user name that is unique to you, such as: “JoeBlooggs”.(b)If you are a director acting on behalf of a company, you will be required to confirm that you areauthorised to act for and on behalf of the company.(c)You agree that:(i)Other Beem It users who have your mobile number in their contacts list will be able tosee that you are a registered Beem It user. and(ii)If you are referred to Beem It by another registered user, they will be able to see whenyou register for Beem It.(d)You must only use the Beem It app with a compatible iOS or Android device.(e)You can only link your mobile number to one user name.(f)You can only link one unique debit card to one user name.6| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(g)You can only link one unique credit card to one user name to make a goods or services paymentto a registered merchant of the Beem It app.(h)You can link up to a total of 5 payment cards with your Beem It app. Additional prepaid cards, giftcards and loyalty cards may also be linked with your Beem It app.Note: Your Beem It username is not the same as a PayID (used on the New Payments Platform). However, bothrequire some of the same details, and both can be linked to your mobile number and email address at the sametime.3.2Uploaded information(a)You warrant and you must ensure, that all information you provide or upload to the Beem It appis truthful and complete, is not misleading, deceptive or materially inaccurate in any way, and thatthe uploading is compliant with all applicable laws.(b)You are solely responsible for all your uploaded information.(c)Subject to clause 3.2(d), you own your uploaded information and you grant to Digital Wallet alicense to use, display, copy, modify, adapt, aggregate, deal with and publish (subject to DigitalWallet’s privacy policy to the extent it applies to your uploaded information) your uploadedinformation and all intellectual property rights in respect thereto for the purpose of the Beem Itapp (including but not limited to providing, maintaining, supporting and developing the Beem Itapp).(d)Digital Wallet owns and may use, display, copy, modify, adapt, aggregate, deal with and publish inany way it determines, all data (including data derived from uploaded information) in the Beem Itapp that is de-identified. This right survives termination of this agreement.3.3.Licence to use Beem It(a)Subject to these terms and conditions, and while you are a registered user, Digital Walletgrants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited, royalty-free, conditional andrevocable licence to use the Beem It app on your compatible iPhone or Android mobiledevice.(b)You must not:(i)use the Beem It app (in whole or part) in any other manner or for any purpose other thanthe purposes stated in these terms and conditions and the purpose for which it wasdesigned;(ii)sell, rent, lease, transfer, modify, redistribute or sub-licence the Beem It app;(iii)use the Beem It app for benchmarking or developing a competing product, or if youprovide or intend to provide any app, service or functionality which competes with theBeem It app;(iv)reproduce information obtained by using the Beem It app except where suchreproduction is for your own personal non-commercial use in accordance with theseterms and conditions;(v)copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, exploit, decipher or attempt to derive thesource code of, modify or create derivative works of the Beem It app;(vi)use the Beem It app in any way that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately largeload on the Beem It app;(vii)use the Beem It app in any way which violates the rights of a third party or infringes anyother party’s intellectual property rights or for any inappropriate, objectionable orunlawful purpose;7| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(viii)use the Beem It app to mislead or deceive or make a false representation about youridentity including using or creating a false identity or username, or impersonating a real orfictitious person, or using an alternative identity or pseudonym;(ix)introduce any virus, worm, Trojan horse, malicious code or other malware or programmewhich may damage or interfere with the Beem It app, or damage our, or any other user’scomputer, software, or any other electronic equipment;(x)use the Beem It app as a means of communication to harass, intimidate, abuse orthreaten other users.(c)Digital Wallet reserves the right to, at any time, and without prior notice, to change, disableor remove your access to the Beem it app or the facility in the event of any breach orsuspected breach of this clause up a Beem It PIN and password(a)Before you can use the Beem It app, you will need to select a password and 4-digit Beem It accessPIN. You will need to select this password and PIN at the time that you register for use of theBeem It app.(b)You can change your PIN or password at any time, using the Beem It app.(c)We may reject a requested PIN or password, or any email address, at our discretion.(d)If you forget your PIN, you can use your password to reset your PIN.3.5.Using fingerprint access(a)The Beem It app may offer a fingerprint access setting, subject to your device type, make andmodel.(b)If you have installed the Beem It app on your mobile device, and fingerprint access is available onthat device, you can activate the fingerprint access setting as a substitute for your PIN access. Forcertain transactions, you may be prompted to enter your PIN as an additional security measure.(c)You must not activate, or keep activated, the fingerprint access setting if you store anyfingerprints on your mobile device other than your own fingerprints.(d)If you do allow anyone else’s fingerprints to be stored on your mobile device, and if you activatethe fingerprint access setting (despite this being against these terms and conditions):(i)you will be taken to have authorised that person to use your Beem It facility on yourbehalf;(ii)we will be entitled to treat any transaction request as coming from you. and(iii)you agree that you will be responsible for that person's requests and transactions usingthe Beem It app.(e)If you or someone else changes the fingerprint access settings on your mobile device, then, (as asecurity measure) fingerprint access to the Beem It app will become disabled and you will beprompted to enter your PIN to log on to the Beem It app. Only re-enable the fingerprint accesssetting if you are sure that you were the person who made the changes to the fingerprint accesssettings on your mobile device.(f)Fingerprint functionality is technology provided by third parties such as Apple, Google and mobilephone manufacturers. Accordingly we are not responsible for:(i)any malfunction to the fingerprint functionality. or(ii)any changes to the fingerprint technology made by these third parties that impacts theway you access the Beem It app.You will still be able to access the Beem It app using your PIN.(g)If you choose to use the fingerprint access for the Beem It app, you’ll still need a PIN and must setand protect your PIN in the manner outlined in these terms and conditions.3.6.How to protect your Beem It PIN and password8| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(a)You must act with care in protecting your PIN and password.(b)You should:(i)memorise your PIN and password as soon as possible, then destroy or delete any recordof them;(ii)disguise any ‘prompts’ that you use to assist you remember the PIN or password toprevent others from deciphering them. and(iii)regularly change your PIN and password.(c)You should not:(i)write down your PIN or password;(ii)keep a copy of them on your computer, or your mobile device;(iii)tell your PIN or password to anyone — not even family or friends;(iv)use your birth date, or a numeric version of part of your name, or a number or word thatsomeone can easily guess, (as doing so may reduce your protection under the ePaymentsCode, and may make you liable for a relevant unauthorised transaction);(v)let anyone see your PIN or password when you're using it. or(vi)use an existing PIN that you have for a debit card.3.7.Other things to do to avoid unauthorised transactions(a)Lock your mobile device and take any reasonable steps to stop unauthorised use of the Beem Itapp or disclosure of your PIN and password details.(b)Only install approved applications on your mobile device and never override the softwarelockdown (i.e. jailbreak or root your device).(c)If you believe your mobile device has been lost or stolen, or suspect your Beem It PIN or passwordhas become known to someone else, notify us immediately.(d)Notify us and your linked debit card issuer immediately if your card is lost or stolen, you suspectyour card details have become known to someone else or your transaction history shows anyBeem It transfers you did not make or authorise.4.Using the Beem It app4.1.Making payments(a)You should take care to nominate the correct recipient and amount of any funds transfer orpayments made using the Beem It app as you may not be able to recover a payment directed orsent to someone by mistake.(b)You can use the Beem It app to make domestic payments to any other registered user.(c)When you instruct a payment to be made to a registered user, you authorise us to debit yournominated payment card for the amount of the requested payment. We then initiate a transfer ofthe requested payment amount to the nominated account of the recipient.(d)You cannot delete or cancel a payment request once it has been made using the Beem It app.(e)You cannot take funds from your registered credit card for deposit into your registered debit card.You may instruct a payment to be made from our registered debit card to your registered creditcard using the BPay feature.(f)When a payment is made in accordance with your instruction, the recipient will receive a pushnotification telling them that a payment has been made under the Beem It facility (so long as theyhave turned on push notifications). The recipient's account statement with the recipient's debitcard issuer will show the payment amount credited to that account as a “Beem It refund” or“Beem It”. The term “refund” may appear even though the transaction is not in fact a refund inrespect of any purchase.(g)As the recipient will not see your name or user name in their financial institution’s transactionhistory, you may wish to advise them separately of the payment.9| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(h)If for any reason, we are unable to transfer funds to the recipient, we will refund to your card thepayment amount (if any) that was debited.(i)There have been some minor instances where a financial institution may have a short delay in theprocessing of payments. This delay is an internal process to that financial institution and is out ofour control.4.2.Requesting payments(a)Through the Beem It app, you can request another registered user to make a payment to you.(b)Where the recipient has enabled push notifications, they will receive a push notification with youruser name so they know who has requested the payment.4.3.Transaction payment limit(a)The maximum amount you can pay through the Beem It app in one day is $2,000(b)The maximum amount you can send through the Beem It app in one month is $10,000.(c)Any other existing limits on your linked payment card will also continue to apply.4.4.Transaction acceptance limit(a)The maximum amount you can receive through the Beem It app in a month is $10,000.(b)Any other existing limits on your nominated payment card will also continue to apply.4.5.Keeping track of transactions(a)We will send you a push notification whenever we have made a payment to a recipient on yourinstructions, so long as you have turned on push notifications.(b)You can also check your recent transaction history through the Beem It app or you can checkamounts drawn from, or received into, your nominated payment card account with your cardissuer at any time.4.6.Registering and updating your payment card details(a)You can nominate up to five payment cards through which we can draw funds for a payment to arecipient, and you can choose between those cards when requesting that a payment be made toa recipient under the Beem It facility. The maximum amount you can pay in aggregate through theBeem It app in one day is $2000 even where you have nominated and registered more than onepayment card with us.(b)You will need to make sure you update the details of each debit card you have registered with us(for example, to record the current card expiry date) and that these details remain current.4.7Registering for Beem Rewards and other rewards(a)Where you opt in to Beem Rewards, Digital Wallet will provide Beem Rewards in accordance withthe Beem Rewards Terms and Conditions availablehere.(b)Coming soon and when notified to you, if you consent and in accordance with notified terms andconditions made available when you register in the Beem It app, Digital Wallet will trackspending with your registered cards with specific merchants or in specific locations to facilitatethose merchants to reward your loyalty with gift cards sent by them to you. Separate terms andconditions issued by the merchants and available through the Beem it app will apply to yourparticipation in these reward campaigns.4.8Partner integration program(a)Registered users over 16 years of age may find products and services that may be of interest toyou through the marketplace in the Beem It app. When you select a provider of products andservices, you will be taken to their website to engage directly with that provider according to that10| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022providers terms and conditions. Digital Wallet will not be party to those terms and conditions andis not the issuer of or deal in any of their products or services.(b)Digital Wallet will record that you have accessed a link from a provider listed in the marketplace.(c)Digital Wallet does not recommend, provide any opinion, warrant, underwrite or accept anyliability whatsoever in connection with any providers listed in the marketplace.(d)Digital Wallet does not provide your personal information or any information about your personalcircumstances to the third parties whose links are displayed.(e)Digital Wallet has not taken any of your personal circumstances, objectives or financial situationor needs into account when displaying a list of product and service providers on the marketplace.(f)If any of the third parties whose links are displayed are financial service providers, you shouldconsider the appropriateness of their advice or products and services to your own objectives orfinancial situation or needs and obtain and read their product disclosure statement before makingany decision about whether to acquire the product.(g)Digital Wallet is not independent of the third parties whose links are displayed as it receives acommission for successful referrals to those third parties (see Fees, charges and commissionssection below)4.9Making payments through eQR(a)Payments can be made with a selected registered payment card within the Beem It app by usingyour phone to scan QR codes at participating merchants.(b)If the Beem It app is the only digital wallet you have then it will open when you scan the QR codewith your phone’s camera. If you have multiple digital wallets on your phone, you will have toopen the Beem It app before scanning the QR code to make a payment using a payment cardregistered in your Beem It app.(c)Additional wallet integrations may be available as part of the checkout via eQR. You can opt in orother of these integrations and services at any time and some additional terms and conditionsmay apply to some integrations. Those additional terms and conditions will be displayed via theBeem It app for you to read when deciding whether to opt in. Digital Wallet does not warrant theperformance of any third party wallet integrations that are made available within the Beem Itapp.(d)You can register loyalty cards within the Beem It app and, when we notify you that the feature isavailable, link those cards for use at checkout during eQR transactions.(e)When you pay using eQR, some personal information (name, address, email, phone, linked loyaltycard details and other information separately notified to you when you register, such as age) willbe passed through to the merchant. You and/or the payment network of the payment card maylimit uses to which the merchant can put your personal information and you should direct themerchant about any limitations for which your information is to be put. Examples of such usescould include the merchant matching the purchase transaction to you for their own loyaltyarrangements with you (if offered), providing offers which may be of interest to you where theyhave notified and obtained your consent to do so. For the purposes of eQR payments throughthe Beem It app, the information is provided to merchants for the purposes of enabling thecompletion of the purchase and digital receipt issuance. You consent to this use and the requiredexchanges of information between Digital Wallet and the relevant merchant when you use eQRthrough the Beem It app.(f)Where possible, you will receive a digital receipt from the merchant for the eQR purchase throughthe Beem It app. The receipt will be saved within the Beem It app unless you delete it.(g)Digital Wallet does not recommend, provide any opinion, warrant, underwrite or accept anyliability whatsoever in connection with purchases using eQR other than set out in section 6 of thisdocument.11| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 20225.Fees, charges and commissions(a)There are currently no fees charged by us for using the Beem It facility.(b)You will, however, continue to be liable to your payment card issuer for any fees and charges thatthe payment card issuer is entitled to charge in relation to the account to which your paymentcard is attached. You should consult your account terms with your payment card issuer if you areuncertain about these fees and charges, and their application.(c)There are no fees charged to users by Digital Wallet in relation to Beem Rewards. Digital Walletwill receive from a merchant or a merchant aggregator a commission under the Beem Rewardsprogram. This is in addition to any amount that Digital Wallet receives from the merchant inrespect of an eligible purchase for which Beem Rewards accumulate.(d)Digital Wallet will receive a referral fee for each successful sign up through the partner integrationmarketplace program.6.What happens if there’s a problem?6.1.Your responsibility for transactions using the Beem It app(a)In general, you’re responsible for any losses that occur using the Beem It app, including alltransactions made by you or anyone else using the Beem It app.b) In some circumstances, however, you may be able to obtain a refund of the transaction from yourdebit card issuer (see section 6.3 below) or from us (see your rights under section 6.7 below).6.2.Does a transaction look wrong or have you made a mistake?You should regularly check the record of your transactions made through the Beem It app, includingby checking the transactions shown on your payment card account statement as provided or madeavailable by your payment card issuer. If you identify a mistake or an unauthorised transaction, or ifyou see anything that you’re not sure about, you should contact:(a)your payment card issuer as soon as possible. and(b)if the issue relates to an unauthorised use of the Beem It app, contact us as well and as soon aspossible (using our contact details set out in section 16 below).6.3.Applying to your paymentcard issuer for a refund(a)If you believe that your payment card has been charged in error, or that you may otherwise havechargeback rights, you may be able to get a refund of the transaction from your payment cardissuer. You should see your payment card terms and conditions for details of your chargebackrights.(b)In some cases, to claim a refund, you will need to report your concerns straightaway or within acertain time period (e.g. 60 days) to take advantage of payment card scheme chargeback rights.(c)Upon being notified of a chargeback by you, we will work with your payment card issuer toresolve it and may ask you for additional information to resolve your case.6.4.What happens if the person paying you disputes a transaction?(a)If you receive a payment from a registered user, for example for goods or services you provide,the payer may dispute the transaction (for example if they say the goods or services weren’tdelivered, or they did not authorise the transaction).(b)If the payer disputes the transaction, we may be required under card scheme rules or otherwisechoose to return the funds to them, in which case you authorise us to payment your card for therefund amount.(c)If we are not able to debit your card for the refund amount, you must pay us that amount upondemand.12| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 20226.5.If your mobile device has been lost or stolenIf your mobile device is lost or stolen, contact us immediately so nobody else can use the Beem It appthat is loaded on it (see section 16 for our contact details).6.6.If you suspect someone else knows your Beem It PIN or password(a)You can change your PIN or password at any time using the Beem It app. You should do soimmediately if you suspect that someone may have gained access to your PIN or password.(b)You can also contact us (see section 16 for our contact details) and ask us to deregister your BeemIt app. We will then de-register your Beem It app so that your PIN and password can no longer beused.6.7.Liability for unauthorised transactions through your Beem It app(a)Subject to sections (c) and (d) below, as between you and us, all liability for losses in relation toyour use of the Beem It facility will be determined in accordance with the terms of the ePaymentsCode.(b)You are not liable for a loss arising from an unauthorised transaction if the loss has been causedby any of the following:(i)the fraud or negligence by our employee or agent, a third party involved in networkingarrangements, or a merchant using the Beem It facility or their employee or agent;(ii)a Beem It app, identifier or pass code (such as a password or PIN) which is forged, faulty,expired or cancelled;(iii)a transaction requiring the use of a Beem It app or pass code (or both of them) thatoccurred before you received one or both of the Beem It app and any pass code;(iv)a single payment transaction being incorrectly debited more than once under your BeemIt facility;(v)an unauthorised transaction occurring after you have notified us that your mobile devicewas misused, lost or stolen, or that the security of a pass code has been breached. or(vi)a situation where it is clear that you had not contributed to the loss.(c)Where section 6.7(b) does not apply, and where we can prove on the balance of probability thatyou contributed to a loss through fraud, or breach of a security requirement, you will be liable forthe loss, but only to the following extent:(i)subject to paragraph 6.7(c)(ii) below, you will be liable for the actual losses that occurbefore the loss, theft or misuse of a mobile device or breach of a security requirement isreported to us;(ii)however, you will not be liable for the portion of losses:
A.incurred on any one day that exceeds the daily transaction limit;B.incurred in any month that exceeds the monthly limit;C.that exceeds the amount of the unauthorised transaction. orD.incurred on any separate account in respect of which it has not been agreed thatyou can access that account using the Beem It app or a pass code to perform atransaction.(d)Where section 6.7(b) does not apply, and where we can prove on the balance of probability thatyou contributed to losses resulting from an unauthorised transaction by unreasonably delayingreporting the misuse, loss or theft of your mobile device, or that the security of your pass codeshas been breached, then:(i)subject to paragraph (d)(ii) below, you will be liable for the actual losses that occurbetween when you became aware of the security compromise (or should reasonablyhave become aware of the security compromise in the case of the loss or theft of yourmobile device) and when the security compromise was reported to us;(ii)however, you will not be liable for the portion of losses:
13| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022A.incurred on any one day that exceeds the daily transaction limit;B.incurred in any month that exceeds the monthly limit;C.that exceeds the amount of the unauthorised transaction. orD.incurred on any separate facility in respect of which it has not been agreed that youcan access that facility using the Beem It app or a pass code to perform atransaction.(e)Where a pass code was required to perform an unauthorised transaction, and when neither ofsections 6.7(c) or 6.7(d) apply, you will be liable for the least of:
(i)$150;(ii)the amount of the unauthorised transaction. or(iii)the actual loss at the time that the misuse, loss or theft of your mobile device or breachof pass code security is reported to us, excluding that portion of the losses incurred onany one day which exceeds any relevant daily transaction or other periodic transactionlimit.6.8.When you can’t use the Beem It appYou can’t use the Beem It app to:(a)buy something from a business that doesn’t have the Beem It app installed or hasn’t linked theBeem It app to an eligible debit or credit card. or(b)make a payment to someone in a foreign currency – the Beem It facility can currently only beused for payments in Australian dollars.6.9Availability of and liability for the Beem It appThe Beem It app is provided to you on an “as is'' basis. To the extent permitted by law:(a)Digital Wallet makes no further representation or warranty (express or implied) about theperformance, merchantability or fitness or suitability for any particular purpose, other than asdescribed in these terms and conditions;(b)Digital cannot ensure that the Beem It app will be available at all times and Digital Wallet is notliable if at any time and for any reason you are unable to download or update the Beem It app;and(c)notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these terms and conditions, Digital Wallet will not beliable for any indirect, punitive or consequential loss or damages, loss of income, profits,goodwill, data, contracts, use of money or any loss or damages arising from or in any wayconnected to business interruption of any type.(d)Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any applicableconsumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law. To the extent permitted by law,Digital Wallet’s maximum liability whether in contract, equity, statute or tort (includingnegligence), to you will be limited in the aggregate to $100 or if required by law, resupply ofthe services or the cost of having the services supplied again.6.10.Making a complaintWe try to get things right the first time — but if we do not, we will do what we can to fix it. You can fixmost problems or make a complaint simply by emailing us at We will:(a)keep a record of your complaint;(b)give you a reference number and a staff member’s name and contact details so you can follow upwith them if needed;(c)respond to the complaint within 21 days, or tell you if we need more time to complete ourinvestigation;(d)give our final response within 30 days. and14| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(e)if we cannot complete our investigation within 30 days, we will let you know why.If you are not happy with how we handled your complaint, you can contact the Australian FinancialComplaints Authority — a free and independent dispute resolution service (see contact details insection 16).6.11.When Digital Wallet may limit, suspend or cancel access to the Beem It app or end this agreement(a)Digital Wallet reserves the right at any time to limit, suspend or cancel access to the Beem It appor any of its features, or to refuse to process a transaction, without first telling you, including if:(i)you do not comply with these terms and conditions;(ii)you give your PIN or password to another person to use (e.g. your partner, spouse, child,friend, parent);(iii)we believe the Beem It app has been or may be used illegally or in a way that may causelosses to you or us;(iv)we consider it necessary to manage their respective regulatory obligations;(v)you upload to the Beem It app or gave us false or inaccurate information when youregistered for the Beem It app;(vi)you include or use inappropriate content in the Beem It app;(vii)we believe that you are using the Beem It app as a means of communication to anotherperson that is considered threatening, harmful or abusive, this includes any harassment,stalking or other means of intimidation;(viii)we consider there to be appropriate security reasons;(ix)we need to perform maintenance works;(x)We form the view that its brand, operations, the Beem it App or business (including itscustomers, partners or affiliates) may be adversely affected or harmed as a result of yourcontinued registration or use of the Beem It app.(b)Digital Wallet may end this agreement for any other reason by giving you at least 30 days’ notice.(c)Should any of these things occur, you acknowledge that your personal settings and other saveddata may be lost, and that we are not responsible for any such loss.7.Notifications(a)Certain functionality on the Beem It app may require you to allow notifications from us via anotification or messaging service or other reminder mechanism.(b)Notifications will be sent to your registered mobile device, where it has push notificationsenabled. This may include where you have paired your mobile device with a smart watch.Notifications could be seen by others (including unauthorised persons) who use or access yourmobile device or who are able to see your smart watch.(c)Please check the push notifications settings on your mobile device to ensure they are switchedon. You may not be able to use certain services if they are switched off. You can turn on Beem Itnotifications via your Settings.(d)Notifications may include:(i)details of payments made;(ii)requests for payment;(iii)receipt of payments;(iv)security and service alerts;(v)updates to terms and conditions. and(vi)alerts when new versions, features or upgrades are available.(vii)Alerts regarding Beem Rewards activity(e)You acknowledge that delivery of notifications may be subject to the quality of your connectionand it is your responsibility to check any information before acting on it. All notifications will be15| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022sent to you and managed in accordance with the Beem It Privacy Policy. We reserve the right tosuspend or discontinue notifications at any time without notice.8.Protecting your privacyYou authorise Digital Wallet to collect and use your personal information in accordance with thisclause.8.1.What information Digital Wallet collectsDigital Wallet collects personal information about you (such as your name and contact details), andinformation about your Beem It interactions, such as transactions using the Beem It facility. DigitalWallet may also collect publicly available information about you.8.2.Why Digital Wallet collects your information and what Digital Wallet uses it forDigital Wallet collects your information to provide and manage the Beem It facility and to comply withour legal obligations, including in respect of Australia’s commitment to sanctions under UNSCsanctions and Australian autonomous sanctions regimes. Digital Wallet also collects this informationto administer our customer relationships and internal processes including risk management andpricing, to meet our obligations in relation to external payment systems and arrangements withgovernment agencies, and to identify, improve and tell you about products and services that mayinterest you. Your use of the Beem It app after receipt of this version of the PDS means that youconsent to Digital Wallet using your information and aggregating it with transaction information fromthe eftpos payment system (operated by Digital Wallet’s owner) for analysis and creation ofaggregated demographic and behavioural insights for use by Digital Wallet, related bodies corporateof Digital Wallet and, in a deidentified and aggregated format, merchants.If you do not want to receive Direct marketing emails from Digital Wallet, you can opt out of receivingthose emails by clicking on the link in the disclaimer of the email. If you would like to change yourcontact preferences, please contact Digital Wallet by emailing must give Digital Wallet accurate and complete information. Otherwise, you may be breaking thelaw and we may not be able to provide you with the products and services you require. If you changeyour personal details (for example, name or email address), you must tell Digital Wallet straight away.8.3.Who we may exchange your information with(a)Digital Wallet may exchange your information with its related bodies corporate who may use yourinformation for any of the purposes Digital Wallet can.(b)Digital Wallet may also exchange your information with any regulator or law enforcement agencywho may request personal or transaction information or require that it be lodged for any reason.(c)Digital Wallet may also exchange your information with others, for example, your representatives,its service providers, other financial institutions (for example, in relation to a chargeback claim),potential investors or funders of the business, enforcement and government authorities, relevantpublic registers and payment system operators (for example, eftpos, Mastercard or Visa).(d)Sometimes Digital Wallet may need to send your information overseas, for example where itoutsources particular functions to a service provider located overseas. See Digital Wallet’s PrivacyPolicy for information about which countries information may be sent to.(e)Your use of the Beem It app after receipt of this version of the PDS means that you consent toDigital Wallet disclosing your information to third parties associated with your use of the Beem Itapp, such as merchants through which you make purchases using the eQR platform to completepurchases and have digital receipts shared within the Beem It app or, in relation to opt in services,such as Beem Rewards in accordance with privacy collection statement provided to you at the16| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022time of opt in. Note that those third parties may use your information for other purposesdisclosed to you in their privacy collection statements.8.4.Digital Wallet’s Privacy PolicyThe Digital Wallet Privacy Policy is available at (click the Privacy link). It containsfurther details about Digital Wallet’s information collection and handling practices, includinginformation about:(a)other ways Digital Wallet may collect, use or exchange your information;(b)how you may access and seek to correct the information. and(c)Digital Wallet’s complaint handling procedures, including how you can make a complaint about abreach of your privacy rights.We encourage you to check the Beem It website regularly for any updates to the Privacy Policies.8.5.How to contact usFor privacy-related enquiries, please contact Digital Wallet by to your Product Disclosure Statement and terms and conditions9.1.Changes we can make(a)We may change the information in this Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or change these termsand conditions at any time, where the changes will only relate to future transactions or the futureuse and operation of the Beem It Facility. We will give you at least 30 days' notice if the changeintroduces or increases fees, imposes, removes or changes a daily or other periodic limit orincreases your liability. Otherwise, notice may be given on the day of change.(b)We will notify you of any material changes by electronic notice to you via your device or the AppStore if you are using IOS, Google Play Store if you are using an Android device. We may requireyou to confirm your acceptance of changes before we allow you to continue using the Beem Itapp.(c)Your continued use of the Beem It app after any such change will be taken to be an acceptance ofsuch change.(d)We may add opt in features to the Beem It app. If we do that, we will provide you with anyseparate terms and conditions and privacy collection statement that applies to those features.Those separate terms and conditions and privacy collection statement form part of and must beread with this PDS. For example, coming soon and when notified to you, if you consent and inaccordance with notified terms and conditions, Digital Wallet will track spending with specificmerchants or in specific locations to facilitate those merchants to reward your loyalty with giftcards sent by them to you.9.2.Not happy with the change?If we make a change that you are not happy with, you should cease using and uninstall the Beem Itapp immediately.10.Intellectual Property(a)Except as expressly granted in clause 3.3(a), Digital Wallet and/or its licensors retain all right, titleand interest in and to the Beem it app (and all components of and modifications andenhancements to it, including all patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret rights (registeredand unregistered) and wherever in the world they exist) as well as all de-identified UploadedInformation. You do not have any right, title or interest in or to any proprietary rights relating tothe Beem It app.17| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(b)You may not use or display any trade marks on or in connection with the Beem It app without firstobtaining the consent of the owner of the trade mark. We own the distinctive Beem It brand andlogo. You cannot use or display a trade mark that you do not own (regardless of whether thetrademark is registered).11.Acknowledgement and compliance(a)The Beem It app is not provided by Apple, Google or any other third-party provider.(b)Accordingly, any queries or complaints regarding the Beem It app (including but not limited toissues regarding intellectual property) should be directed to us and not to Apple or Google.(c)Paragraphs (a) and (b) above apply for the benefit of Apple, Google and any third party whoseinformation appears in the Beem It app.(d)You also acknowledge the application of Australian anti-money laundering and counter terrorismfinancing regulations, and you warrant that you are not in a location that is subject to anygovernment sanctions.(e)You acknowledge that we will only make the Beem It facility available to you where it is lawful forus to do so (for example where we have satisfied our obligations under anti- money launderinglaws to properly identify you and to verify your identity).12.Assignment and novation(a)We may assign, transfer, novate or otherwise deal with our rights and obligations under theseterms and conditions, and any document or agreement entered into or provided under or inconnection with these terms and conditions. For example, we may novate our contract with youto a third party that we select.(b)If this occurs, we will notify you of the date of the assignment, transfer or novation as soon asreasonably practicable on or after the date of the assignment, transfer or novation, but in anyevent within 30 days. Your use of the Beem It app at any time after your receipt of thatnotification will act as confirmation of your continuing agreement to such assignment, transfer ornovation.(c)Any assignee, transferee or novatee of our rights and obligations must be a party that we havedetermined (acting reasonably) at the time of the assignment, transfer or novation to be a partythat has:(i)any necessary licences or approvals required to provide payment products such as BeemIt. and(ii)the capability to perform our obligations under these terms and conditions.(d)Whether or not the assignee, transferee or novatee is a subscriber to the ePayments Code it mustnevertheless comply with the ePayments Code in all dealings with Beem It customers as if it was asubscriber.(e)From the date of any novation, these terms and conditions will apply between you and thenovatee as if it is the person referred to in these terms and conditions as "us", "we" and "our".This does not otherwise change your obligations under these terms and conditions, or use of theBeem It app in any way.13.Termination or suspension of your Beem It facilityDigital Wallet may terminate or suspend one or both of your Beem It facility and your use of the BeemIt app:(a)if you are in breach of these terms and conditions;(b)if we are required to do so in order to comply with any applicable laws (such as anti- moneylaundering and counter terrorism financing laws, or sanctions laws);(c)if we reasonably suspect you of engaging in any fraud or other illegal activity;18| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(d)if you use the Beem It facility to make any payments in relation to any activities that are not legalin Australia;(e)if one or more of the payment cards you have nominated is cancelled, blocked or suspended;(f)if directed to do so by an issuer of a nominated debit or credit card or an applicable card network(for example, in circumstances of suspected fraud). or(g)acting reasonably, for any other reason (including where we wish to cease offering the Beem Itfacility).To the extent it is permitted as facility provider, Digital Wallet may also terminate, suspend and cancelyour use of the Beem It app.14.Governing law and jurisdictionThis agreement is governed by the laws of New SouthWales, Australia.15.Meaning of words in this document(a)"ASIC" means the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.(b)"Beem It app" means the “Beem It” app service described in section 2.(c)“Beem It facility” means the facility offered by Digital Wallet through the Beem It app by whichyou can make payments to recipients or receive payments from payers.(d)"Beem Rewards” means the rewards program the terms of which are set out in the documententitled “Beem Rewards Terms and Conditions”.(e)“payment card” means a Mastercard enabled debit card or credit card, or a Visa enabled debitcard or credit card, attached to an account with an Australian bank, that you nominate when youregister for the Beem It app or add as a card to be used through the Beem It app.(f)"card details" means the payment card number and expiry date or security/verification code ofyour card.(g)"card issuer" means the bank or other financial institution that issues your payment card to you.(h)"card scheme" means eftpos, Mastercard or Visa, as the case may be (the brand on your card).(i)“compatible devices” or “devices" means Android or iPhone devices that meet the requirementslisted on Google Play/App Store.(j)“communication” means the sending or receiving of information in writing or through othermediums including the use of stickers and /or GIPHY’s.(k)“Digital Wallet" means Digital Wallet Pty Ltd ABN 93 624 272 475(l)"eQR” means the QR code platform operated by or on behalf of eftpos Payments AustraliaLimited.(m)"pass code" includes each of a PIN and password.(n)"payer" means the person initiating a payment by using the Beem It app (whether you whenyou’re making a payment, or another person when they’re making a payment to you).(o)"recipient " means the registered user that is nominated by the payer as the intended ultimaterecipient of a payment made through the use of the Beem It facility.(p)"registered user" means a person who has registered to use the Beem It App and has agreed tothese terms and conditions.(q)"security requirement" mean a security requirement or measure to which you are subject inrespect of the use of the Beem It app and pass codes, as set out in these terms and conditions.(r)“uploaded information” means ‘any information’ that has been uploaded into the Beem It app bythe user.(s)"we", "us" or "our" means Digital Wallet Pty Ltd ABN 93 624 272 475.(t)"you" or "your" means:(i)the individual downloading the Beem It app19| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022(ii)if the individual downloading the Beem It app is a director acting on behalf of a company,that company, and where applicable that individual as well.16.Contact usAsk a questionEmail Digital Wallet feedbackEmail Digital Wallet or stolen phone or you suspect unauthorised use of the Beem It appEmail Digital Wallet your card issuerMake a complaintEmail Digital Wallet Australian Financial Complaints AuthorityGPO Box 3 Melbourne Vic 3001Phone: 1800 931 678 or visit| Beem It |Product Disclosure Statement and Termsand ConditionsFebruary 2022

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