Mike's Shorter Links

Privacy and Terms

Privacy and Terms <br> <ol> <li>This site is completely "as is" for my personal use only.</li> <li>No information is recorded from you, other than the various physical and virtual equipment used to provide this site, logging their operations as they may, in order to do their tasks. This data never leaves the server to go anywhere, unless required by Australian law.</li> <li>No cookies, trackers or anything like that is used. The HTML you see is all you get.</li> <li>Email admin@mikes.link for enquiries. </li> <li>© mikelindner.com 2022 </li> <li>Anything here is licenced under the MIT licence. Do whatever you want with it: mit-license.org. </li> <li>Have a great day!</li> </ol> <br> <br> <br>

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