Privacy Policy

<ul> <li> <strong>PoV</strong> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Theme <ul> <li>Auto</li> <li>Light</li> <li>Dark</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Privacy Policy Version 1, 03/Aug/2022 PoV does not collect or share any user information. No IP addresses or User Agents are logged. No user data is intermediated by or transmitted to any third parties. Dedicated servers are hosted by Hetzner in Finland. Please read DuckDuckGo's privacy policy for an exposition on why these practices matter. We resist both Orwellian and Huxleyan presents and futures. The endlessly entertained must be free to wake up and have a look around. <small>© 2022 Metarational, LLC | why? | bookmarklet | privacy policy</small>

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