Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy For the public <p>While you use this site we will neither collect nor distribute any of your private personal details. We will not know them. The only data regarding your interaction with the site which we will record will be your IP address and the pages you visit. This allows us to prevent those with malicious intent from abusing the site. Such details are retained for a maximum of 7 days unless malicious intent is determined at which point they will be retained indefinitely. Your IP address is shared with Nominet when you perform a non-cached WHOIS lookup as per their terms and conditions.</p> <p>The public section of this site sets no cookies.</p> For registrants <p>The purpose of this site is to provide access to the WHOIS data as controlled by Nominet. Any of your private data which is displayed as part of a WHOIS lookup is the data which you have already granted to be publicly accessible as governed by your agreement with Nominet. <strong>If you wish to change or remove any of this data you should contact your registrar</strong> or Nominet directly.</p> For registrars <p>This site makes use of registrars' public data including their public support for the PublicBenefit campaign to permit them to be displayed on the spinner. Registrars who choose to sign up to this service will also provide details relating to their tag which will be used for validation and for directing users to their site from the spinner. Such data will be retained as long as the registrar remains an active member of the site. The registrar's account on the site may be closed at any time at which point such extra data will be erased.</p> <p>The private section of this site where registrars can manage their accounts requires one cookie to be set for session control.</p> For everyone <p>Data is held within the United Kingdom and will not be transferred by us to any other jurisdiction. Any data may be divulged to duly appointed officers of the English courts upon legal compulsion.</p> <ul> <li>Look up</li> <li>About</li> <li>Credits</li> <li>Terms</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>Copyright</li> </ul>

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