Terms of Service <br> Pronouns <br> Dictionary <br> Sources <br> Links <br> Community <br> Contact <br> Account English <ul> <li> Deutsch </li> <li> Español </li> <li> Français </li> <li> Ladino (Djudezmo) </li> <li> Nederlands </li> <li> Norsk (Bokmål) </li> <li> Polski </li> <li> Português </li> <li> Svenska </li> <li> Русский </li> <li> Українська </li> <li> 日本語 </li> <li> 中文 </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> Add more</li> </ul> English <ul> <li> Deutsch </li> <li> Español </li> <li> Français </li> <li> Ladino (Djudezmo) </li> <li> Nederlands </li> <li> Norsk (Bokmål) </li> <li> Polski </li> <li> Português </li> <li> Svenska </li> <li> Русский </li> <li> Українська </li> <li> 日本語 </li> <li> 中文 </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> Add more</li> </ul> Homepage Pronouns Dictionary of neutral nouns Examples from cultural texts Extra links Queer community Contact Your account Homepage Pronouns Dictionary of neutral nouns Examples from cultural texts Extra links Queer community Contact Your account Terms of Service <p> <em>Last Updated: 2022-07-23</em> </p> <p>These Terms of Service govern your access to and use of the Service provided on the website <strong> /</strong> operated by the “Neutral Language Council” collective who can be contacted via email: </p> <p>By using the Services you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and you consent to us collecting and processing your data as described in our Privacy Policy below.</p> Users and accounts <p>You cannot create an account, if you're barred from it under the laws of your jurisdiction. You cannot create an account, if you're under 13 years old. If you're under 16 years old, you need consent of the holder of parental responsibility.</p> <p>When you create an account with us, you are responsible for safeguarding the authentication method that you use to access the Service (that is: password to your email account and/or social media platform). You agree not to disclose it to any third party. You must notify us immediately when you become aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.</p> <p>We may terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.</p> <p>Accounts without any cards and no activity in the last 30 days will be removed and their usernames freed up.</p> Content <p>The Content you post on the Service is yours. By posting it, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any way.</p> <p>We do not endorse or guarantee truthfulness or safety of the Content posted by other users of the Service, and in particular of any links to any external websites.</p> <p>It is forbidden to post on the Service any Content that might break the law or violate social norms, including but not limited to: propagation of totalitarian regimes, hate speech, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, enbyphobia, queerphobia, queer exclusionism, misogyny, harassment, impersonation, child pornography, unlawful conduct, misinformation, sharing of someone else's personal data, spam, trolling, advertisement, copyright or trademark violations. </p> <p>You are responsible for any Content posted on the Service. If you violate these Terms of Service, we will remove your Content without prior notice and we might revoke your license to use the Service. If you break the law, we will pass your information to law enforcement agencies.</p> Privacy Policy <p>We make every effort to store your data securely and to ensure that any non-public data we store are not seized by or transferred to any third party, except those trusted parties described below.</p> <p>Other than the data that you explicitly post on the Service as Content or share with us implicitly (eg. OAuth access tokens, if you use social login options), no additional private data connected to your account is being stored or processed.</p> <p>You may edit or remove any Content you have posted on the Service.</p> <p>When you contact us by email we store your email address in order to answer you and to ask you follow-up questions.</p> <p>We only use first-party cookies and local storage to keep you logged in and save your preferences.</p> <p>We use Plausible to analyse traffic on the website. Such data has no relation to your username, and your IP is anonymised. You can read their privacy policy here.</p> <p>We use to cover the costs of website maintenance without introducing ads. You can read more about them and their privacy policy here.</p> <p>We use hCaptcha to filter out bots and prevent DDoS attacks. You can read their privacy policy here.</p> <p>Logs and backups are stored for no longer than 18 months.</p> <p>Your personal data are protected by the GDPR, which means you have the right to see, correct, update and remove the data we store about you.</p> General <p>The applicable law is the law of the Kingdom of Netherlands.</p> <p>We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time. If a change is material we will provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new Terms of Service taking effect.</p>

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