Terms of Service Terms of Service <p>The following terms govern your use of the website and game.</p> Allowed Activities <p>You are granted a non-exclusive license to do the following for either commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided you adhere to all the terms.</p> <ol> <li>Playing the game.</li> <li>Recording and/or publishing screenshots, videos, or other content involving the game.</li> <li>Using the individual game textures or adaptations of them in connection with content involving the game (such as in a video thumbnail).</li> <li>Embedding the game website on another website, provided that the game retains its full title ("").</li> <li>Linking to the game on another website.</li> </ol> Prohibited Activities <p>You are prohibited from engaging in any of the following activities.</p> <ol> <li>Disclosing any personal information (full name, contact information, etc.), by any means, if you are under 13 years of age.</li> <li>Using inappropriate or offensive language for a player nickname, team name, in game chat, or in any comments section corresponding to the game.</li> <li>Placing a higher burden on the game's server(s) than two instances of the official game client would (opening more than two connections at a time, sending messages at a higher frequency, or otherwise compromising the integrity of the server(s)).</li> <li>Violating any applicable law, or violating the rights or privacy of others.</li> <li>Claiming to offer a downloadable version of the game (as one does not exist).</li> <li>Attempting to bypass our policy preventing leaderboard score attempts on non-public servers.</li> </ol> Liability <p> <b> is provided "AS IS". The developers make no warranties, express or implied, and hereby disclaim all implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantibility and warranty of fitness of fitness for a particular purpose.</b> </p> Changes <p>We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Service at any time, without notice.</p> X

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