
Privacy Policy

Cookie PolicyTo edit your cookie settings, click here.Privacy PolicyJamf uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience, personalize ads and analyze usage. Without cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of our sites. To learn more, visit our Privacy Policy. DeclineAllow Skip to main content English <ul> <li> English </li> <li> Deutsch (German) </li> <li> Français (French) </li> <li> Español (Spanish) </li> <li> 日本語 (Japanese) </li> <li> 简体中文 (Chinese) </li> <li> Nederlands (Dutch) </li> </ul> Jamf Home Toggle Navigation <ul> <li> Solutions The Jamf Platform Complete offering with customizable features to maximize Apple initiatives Device &amp. App Management <ul> <li> Application Lifecycle Management Automated and secure workflows for managing apps </li> <li> Inventory Management Track status and view environments </li> <li> Device Management Configure and customize the perfect device </li> </ul> Identity &amp. Access <ul> <li> Zero-Touch Deployment Automate setup and device provisioning </li> <li> Identity-Based Access Biometric-based authentication and access to resources </li> <li> Self Service Empower end users with a customizable app catalog </li> </ul> Security &amp. Privacy <ul> <li> Security Management Reduce risk and maintain user experience </li> <li> Threat Prevention &amp. Remediation Keep safe from malware and breaches </li> <li> Visibility &amp. Compliance Stream accurate audit data in real time </li> </ul> </li> <li> Industries <ul> <li> Jamf for Business Improve business operations and empower employees </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Jamf for Education Accelerate learning through streamlined education technology </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Jamf for Healthcare Enhance the patient experience and personalize telehealth </li> </ul> </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Resources Search resources e.g. Device Management Browse Resources by Type: <ul> <li> E-Books Thought-provoking content designed to keep you ahead of industry trends. </li> <li> White Papers Research reports and best practices to keep you informed of Apple management tactics. </li> <li> Videos See product demos in action and hear from Jamf customers. </li> <li> Technical Papers Instructions on how to deploy, administer, and integrate Jamf and third-party products. </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Case Studies Apple management success stories from those saving time and money with Jamf. </li> <li> Infographics At-a-glance statistics and information needed to make the most informed decisions. </li> <li> Webinars On-demand webinar videos covering an array of Apple management topics. </li> <li> Product Documentation Guides to help you install, administer and use Jamf products. </li> </ul> </li> <li> Contact </li> </ul> Start Trial <ul> <li> Site Search Search Submit Reset </li> <li> </li> <li> Start Trial </li> </ul> <ol> <li> Jamf Home </li> <li>Jamf Software, LLC</li> </ol> <ul> <li> Start Trial </li> </ul> Privacy Policy <p>Your privacy is important to JAMF Software, LLC. As a result, we’ve developed this Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.</p> <p> <strong>A. Overview</strong> </p> <p>JAMF Software, LLC and its Affiliates (herein collectively “Jamf”) makes reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy was created to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices. This Privacy Policy covers Jamf’s use of personal information that we collect in the normal course of our business, when you use our corporate websites or applications, and when you otherwise interact with us, including when you attend events hosted or attended by Jamf and when you contact us for customer support (collectively, the “Services”).</p> <p>In addition to covering how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information, this policy also discloses our purpose and lawful basis for processing your information, and your related rights. Our legal basis for collecting and using personal information will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. In most cases, the lawful basis will be that the processing (i) is necessary for our legitimate interests in carrying out our business with you, including direct marketing, provided those interests are not outweighed by your rights and interests, or (ii) is necessary to perform a contract with you. Where processing is based on your consent, we will identify the processing purposes and provide you with relevant information to make the processing fair and transparent. If you have consented to our use of information about you for a specific purpose, you have the right to change your mind at any time, but this will not affect any processing that has already taken place.</p> <p>Our Services are not directed to anyone under the age of 16, and Jamf does not knowingly solicit or collect information from anyone under 16 years of age. If you are a parent or guardian and believe we may have collected information about a child, please contact us at privacy@jamf.com.</p> <p>Jamf may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. In the event we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email or by posting the revised policy on our corporate website (https://www.jamf.com/privacy-policy<u>/</u>). When we update this Privacy Policy, we will note the date the most recent revision was posted below, at the end of the policy. Any revisions will become effective upon (7) calendar days following such posting on our corporate website.</p> <p> <strong>B. Collection of Information</strong> </p> <p>Depending on the context in which you interact with us, Jamf may collect or receive the following information:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Account and Profile Information:</strong> This includes information you provide when you create an account with our Services, request a trial, contact support, register for events, complete surveys and may include name, username, email address, phone number, company name, state, country, LinkedIn URL, Twitter URL, GitHub URL, and your photo.</li> <li> <strong>Service Information:</strong> When you use our Services, we receive information generated through the use of the Services, either entered by you or others who use the Services, or from the Services infrastructure itself. This information may include, but is not limited to, name, username, company/organization, company/organization address, email address, phone number, IP address, MAC address, latitude, longitude, AppleCare ID, Apple ID, device name(s), device ID(s), and directory ID or other information you place within the Services. The information collected is kept to a minimum and depends on the use case and platforms used.</li> <li> <strong>Performance and Usage Data:</strong> We may collect statistical, usage, configuration, and performance data of the Services to monitor the performance, integrity, and stability of the Services. Further, we may use and disclose this information for any purpose, provided that such data is first de-identified.</li> <li> <strong>Payment Information: </strong>We use third party payment processors to process payments made to us. In connection with the processing of such payments, we do not retain any personally identifiable information or any financial information such as credit card numbers. Rather, all such information is provided directly to our third-party processors whose use of your personal information is governed by their privacy policies. The privacy policies of our current third party processors may be viewed at https://stripe.com/us/privacy, https://home.bluesnap.com/privacy-policy/, https://www.cleverbridge.com/corporate/privacy-policy/ and https://usaepay.info/policy.</li> <li> <strong>Information from Third Parties: </strong>We receive information from third party business partners such as the contact details of prospects and sales leads from our resellers. In addition, we collect information from public databases or other data you may have made publicly available, such as information posted on professional networks and social media platforms.</li> <li> <strong>Location Information:</strong> Some of our applications collect general location information based on IP address. This information is used to customize the services provided to you, such as location-based information of specific managed devices. Location information is only viewable by the end user. We do not use, disclose, or sell location information for the purposes of providing targeted marketing or advertisements.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>C. Use of Collected Information</strong> </p> <p>We may use the information we collect or receive for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>To carry out the purpose for which it was originally collected or received.</li> <li>To provide, operate, maintain and improve our products and services.</li> <li>To respond to your inquiries and provide support.</li> <li>To process and complete transactions, and send you related information.</li> <li>To market and sell our products and services. If we do so, we will provide you with an easy way to opt-out of receiving such communications in the future.</li> <li>To monitor the performance, integrity and stability of the Services.</li> <li>To address or prevent technical or security issues.</li> <li>To customize your experience related to the Services and display content that we think you might be interested in according to your preferences.</li> <li>Jamf does not sell or rent information to third parties, and we do not share information with third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>D. Cookies and Similar Technologies</strong> </p> <p>Jamf and our third-party partners, such as our advertising and analytics partners, use cookies and similar technologies to make our websites and applications work, and to learn more about our users and their likely interests as well as information relating to their visits and interactions with a website or application.</p> <p> <strong>Use of Cookies.</strong> We may collect various forms of information such as entry and exit points for our websites (<em>i.e.</em>, referring URLs or domain names), website traffic statistics, operating system and browser type (collectively “Traffic Data”). Traffic Data is anonymous information that does not personally identify you but is helpful for marketing purposes or for improving your experience on the sites. In addition, when you request pages on our sites, our servers automatically log your IP address. Depending on the cookie, the cookie may expire at the end of your browser session or may stay (or “persist”) on your computer until the expiration date specified in the cookie.</p> <p> <strong>Controlling or Modifying Cookies.</strong> If you accept a cookie, you can delete it at any time (e.g., as soon as you leave our websites) through your web browser. If you do not wish to receive cookies or wish to manage when you accept cookies in general, you can set your browser to reject cookies or to alert you when a cookie is placed on your computer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to use certain features or functionality of our Services that depend on your web browser accepting cookies. You can also use opt-out tools provided by third party partners, or by the Digital Advertising Alliance (http://www.aboutads.info/choices), the EU Internet advertising industry (http://www.youronlinechoices.eu), or similar entities. Where required, Jamf obtains consent prior to using cookies.</p> <p> <strong>Analytics.</strong> Jamf uses analytical services provided by Google to monitor our Services, such as Firebase, Google Analytics for Firebase, and Crashlytics. You can find out more about the types of analytical data collected, how that data is processed, and how to opt out of certain features by visiting www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/.</p> <p> <strong>Do Not Track Signals.</strong> Jamf Services do not respond to Do Not Track Signals.</p> <p> <strong>E. Sharing of Personal Information &amp. Accountability for Onward Transfer</strong> </p> <p>From time to time, Jamf may engage third-party business partners, vendors, or sub-processors to perform functions such as sending postal mail and e-mail, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, data storage, processing credit card payments, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links), and providing customer service. Such companies shall only use your information for those purposes required to perform their functions. Additionally, Jamf may share your information, without your prior consent, in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, or transfer of assets. When information is shared, Jamf will ascertain that any third parties are obligated to provide at least the same level of privacy protection as is required under this policy. Should Jamf transfer information outside of a local jurisdiction, it shall only be done with adequate protections in place and in compliance with applicable laws and standards.</p> <p>Jamf may share your information if we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) protect and defend the rights or property of Jamf, (ii) enforce this Privacy Policy or the Services’ terms and conditions of access and use agreement, (iii) participate in dispute resolution pursuant to this Privacy Policy, (iv) protect the interests of other users of the Services or any other person, or (v) operate or conduct maintenance and repair of the Services or equipment.</p> <p>Jamf may be required to disclose an individual's information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.</p> <p>Jamf shall remain liable under applicable law and relevant contract obligations for it subprocessors', if they process your information in a manner inconsistent with applicable law and contract obligations, unless Jamf proves that it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.</p> <p> <strong>F: Internation Data Transfer</strong> </p> <p>Your personal information might be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are a resident. These countries may have data protection and privacy laws that are different than the laws of your home country. Jamf only transfers personal information to other countries in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws, provided there are legally adequate protections in place for the personal information. A list of Jamfs’ global offices is available here.</p> <p>If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) and your personal information is transferred outside of the EEA, we will:</p> <ul> <li>Process it in a territory which the European Commission has determined provides an adequate level of protection for personal information. or</li> <li>Otherwise implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal information, including by Standard Contractual Clauses or another lawful transfer mechanism approved by the European Commission.</li> </ul> <p>Jamf and Wandera, Inc. comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States. Jamf and Wandera, Inc. have certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that we adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/. Additionally, our organization commits to cooperate with EU data protection authorities (DPAs) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and comply with the advice given by such authorities with regard to human resources data transferred from the EU and Switzerland in the context of the employment relationship.</p> <p>Jamf will continue to adhere to the Privacy Shield frameworks and Principles even though the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) determined in July 2020 that the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework is no longer an adequate transfer mechanism for the transfer of EU personal information to the U.S. Jamf has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU PRIVACY SHIELD, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit http://www.bbb.org/EU-privacy-shield/for-eu-consumers for more information and to file a complaint. Under certain circumstances, individuals may invoke binding arbitration.</p> <p> <strong>G. Protection of Information</strong> </p> <p>Taking into account the risks involved in the processing and nature of information and to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction and while maintaining data accuracy, Jamf has put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial policies and procedures to safeguard the information Jamf collects. Any payment transactions will be encrypted using SSL technology. However, the safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where you have chosen or we have given you a username and password for access to certain parts of the Services, you are responsible for keeping the username and password confidential. Although we do our best to protect the information, we cannot and do not guarantee the security of your information.</p> <p>For more information on how we protect information, see https://www.jamf.com/trust-center/.</p> <p> <strong>H. Retention</strong> </p> <p>Jamf will only retain your information in an identifiable form for as long as it serves the purposes for which it was collected.</p> <p> <strong>I. Other Limits to Your Privacy </strong> </p> <p>The Services may contain links to other non-Jamf websites. Jamf is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. Jamf has no control over the use of such websites, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any information on these websites.</p> <p> <strong>J. Choice </strong> </p> <p>We seek to provide you with choices regarding the information you provide to us. You can always opt not to disclose information. However, if you elect to do so, this may impact functionality or prevent the use of Jamf’s products or service. You have the right, at any time, to opt-out of receiving marketing messages from Jamf by sending an email to privacy@jamf.com, by unsubscribing through the unsubscribe or opt-out link in an email, or by unsubscribing here. We will try to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that if you opt-out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still send you important operational or administrative messages.</p> <p> <strong>K. Access and Correction</strong> </p> <p>You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you. You may access your information that Jamf holds by contacting us via Section M below. You have the right to correct, amend, or delete that information where it is inaccurate, or has been processed in violation of applicable privacy laws, except where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual’s privacy in the case in question, or where the rights of persons other than the individual would be violated.</p> <p>To protect your privacy and security, Jamf may also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before making corrections to or deleting your account.</p> <p>Jamf processes some personal information solely on behalf of its customers in the course of delivering Services. This personal information is processed to accomplish the business purposes of the customer to whom the Services are provided, and often, Jamf will not have a direct relationship with the subject of this personal information. In these cases, Jamf recommends first contacting the organization to which your personal information was originally provided with any data privacy questions. The organization can contact Jamf if escalation of your query is necessary.</p> <p> <strong>L. Regulatory Oversight</strong> </p> <p>For this Privacy Policy and its content, Jamf is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). If Jamf becomes subject to an FTC or court order based on non-compliance with this policy or applicable privacy law, Jamf shall make public any relevant information of any compliance or assessment report submitted to the FTC, to the extent consistent with confidentiality requirements.</p> <p> <strong>M. How to Contact Us</strong> </p> <p>If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or if you would like to request access to the personal information that we may maintain about you, please contact us as follows:</p> <p>JAMF Software, LLC<br> 100 Washington Avenue South<br> Suite 1100<br> Minneapolis, MN 55401<br> privacy@jamf.com</p> <p>As of the writing of this Privacy Policy, Jamf has not established an office in the EU, UK or Switzerland who can respond to questions and complaints. Please direct all correspondence to the above.</p> <p>Date Posted: September 1, 2021</p> Jamf English <ul> <li> English </li> <li> Deutsch (German) </li> <li> Français (French) </li> <li> Español (Spanish) </li> <li> 日本語 (Japanese) </li> <li> 简体中文 (Chinese) </li> <li> Nederlands (Dutch) </li> </ul> Jamf helps organizations succeed with Apple. By enabling IT to empower end users, we bring the legendary Apple experience to businesses, education and government organizations. Learn about Jamf. +1 612-605-6625 info@jamf.com Jamf for Business Jamf for Education Jamf for Healthcare The Jamf Platform <ul> <li> Zero-Touch Deployment </li> <li> Identity-Based Access </li> <li> Self Service </li> <li> Application Lifecycle Management </li> <li> Device Management </li> <li> Inventory Management </li> <li> Security Management </li> <li> Threat Prevention &amp. Remediation </li> <li> Visibility &amp. Compliance </li> </ul> Pricing Support <ul> <li> Jamf Pro </li> <li> Jamf Now </li> <li> Jamf School </li> <li> Jamf Connect </li> <li> Jamf Protect Support </li> </ul> Services <ul> <li> Onboarding </li> <li> Premium Services </li> <li> Jamf Services Policies </li> </ul> Training <ul> <li> In-Class </li> <li> Online </li> <li> Training Policies </li> </ul> Store Resources <ul> <li> Events </li> <li> Blog </li> <li> E-Books </li> <li> Case Studies </li> <li> White Papers </li> </ul> Partners <ul> <li> Marketplace </li> <li> Find a Partner </li> <li> Developers </li> </ul> Products <ul> <li> Jamf Pro </li> <li> Jamf Now </li> <li> Jamf School </li> <li> Jamf Connect </li> <li> Jamf Private Access </li> <li> Jamf Data Policy </li> <li> Jamf Protect </li> <li> Jamf Threat Defense </li> <li> Jamf Safe Internet </li> </ul> Integrations <ul> <li> Apple </li> <li> Microsoft </li> <li> Google </li> </ul> About <ul> <li> Leadership </li> <li> Contact </li> <li> News </li> <li> Press Releases </li> <li> Careers </li> <li> Events </li> <li> Investor Relations </li> <li> Media Kit </li> <li> Trust Center </li> <li> Corporate Responsibility </li> </ul> English <ul> <li> English </li> <li> Deutsch (German) </li> <li> Français (French) </li> <li> Español (Spanish) </li> <li> 日本語 (Japanese) </li> <li> 简体中文 (Chinese) </li> <li> Nederlands (Dutch) </li> </ul> All contents © copyright 2002-2022 Jamf. 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