
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <br> <p> This Privacy Policy describes the policies of Eighty Percent Solutions Corporation DBA regarding the information we collect or receive about our customers. It is applicable to the Freedom website (, as well as all other applications, services, or downloads that are operated by Eighty Percent Solutions Corporation ("the Service"). </p> <p> We have established this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") to let you know the kinds of personal information we may gather, why we gather your information, what we use your personal information for, when we might disclose your personal information, and how you can manage your personal information. For questions or concerns, we can always be contacted via email at </p> Information Ownership, Collection and Use <p> One of the basic principles we’ve tried to follow in designing this service is that we ask for only the information we need to provide the service you’ve requested. As a result, what information we collect and store depends almost entirely on how you choose to make use of our site and our services. You retain ownership of information you personally author and collect through the sites provided. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from those disclosed in this policy. We may collect information from users at several different points on a site. </p> <p> This privacy policy addresses some types of information, means of collecting information, and uses of information that may not presently apply to one or more of the sites. We tell you about these types of information, means of collecting information, and uses of information anyway because we want to maintain flexibility in offering additional features without having to revisit our terms and conditions or privacy policy every time we revise a site or offer new functions. </p> Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Compliance and Related Information <p> The Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) regulates online collection of information from persons under the age of 13. It is our policy to refrain from knowingly collecting or maintaining personally identifiable information relating to any person under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please do not supply any personally identifiable information through the site. If you are under the age of 18 and have already provided personally identifiable information through the site, please have your parent or guardian contact us immediately using the contact information herein so that we can remove such information from our files. </p> Ordering and Related Processes <p> When and if you (i) order products or services using a site, (ii) use services from a site (regardless as to whether you are a registered user), (iii) register for an event, or (iv) otherwise contact us, we may request information from you using an order form or otherwise. When we already have information about you (such as through a previous order, previous use, previous registration, or previous contact, whether received through a site or otherwise), we may use such information to facilitate the order, registration or other process. When using an order form, you must provide contact information (such as name and billing address) and financial information (such as credit card number and expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes and to fill your order. If we have trouble processing an order, we use this contact information to contact you. If you use our services (regardless as to whether you are a registered user) you may also be required to provide us with other information regarding your identity so that we can ensure proper use of our service in accordance with our Terms of Service. </p> Analytics, Cookies, and Third Party Services <p> The third party services and requisite cookies/beacons we use, if any, are not linked to any personally identifiable information while using a site unless you have given us permission to link personally identifiable information to one or more cookies. You give us that permission any time you register on a site, use a site, place an order through a site, or identify yourself or the computer you are using through a site. Most or all browsers permit you to disable or reject cookies. You can do this by setting the preferences in the browser. If you set the browser you use to reject cookies, you may not be able to use any or all of one or more of the sites or it may take additional time to utilize such functionality. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide services to us, and they are directed to maintain the confidentiality of your information. We utilize the following services to better understand how people use our Services, and how we can market to them. We've included a list of these services to help you understand: </p> <p> <strong>Google Analytics:</strong> Google analytics allows us to see information on user website activities including, but not limited to page views, source and time spent on website. The information is depersonalized and is displayed as numbers, meaning it cannot be tracked back to individuals. This will help to protect your privacy. Using Google Analytics we can see what content is popular on our website, and strive to give you more of the things you enjoy reading and watching. To opt out of Google’s use of cookie tracking, please visit Google’s ad settings page ( or the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page (<br> <strong>Google AdWords:</strong> Using Google AdWords we are able to market our products and see which pages helped lead to paid orders. This interaction is cookie-based and is depersonalized.<br> <strong>Microsoft Clarity:</strong> We use Microsoft Clarity to replay user sessions and create heatmaps that we use to improve our website. This interaction is depersonalized, using a strict masking setting.<br> <strong>Wisepops:</strong> Wisepops is a marketing service that enables us to provide pop-ups on our websites. This interaction is cookie-based and is depersonalized.<br> <strong>Intercom:</strong> Intercom is our customer service and customer relationship management tool. With Intercom we are able to provide customer service via email and the chat function on our website. Because customer service is provided directly to the consumer, it is not depersonalized.<br> <strong>Chargebee:</strong> Chargebee is our billing management system, facilitating orders and payment. For this reason, it is not depersonalized.<br> <strong>Sendgrid:</strong> Sendgrid is our email management system, which we use to send our newsletter and offer emails. We synchronize our marketing information with Sendgrid, and it is not depersonalized.<br> <strong>Postmark and Mailgun:</strong> Postmark and Mailgun are transactional email providers. We utilize the API's of these services to request delivery of email. individual information is not transferred or stored on these platforms.<br> <strong>Impact</strong>: Impact is our affiliate platform. To use Impact you must have an Impact account and provide required information to apply to our affiliate program. For customers purchasing through an affiliate link, interaction between our site and Impact is depersonalized - none of your personal information is shared with Impact.<br> <strong>Refersion</strong>: Refersion is our affiliate service. To use Refersion you must create an account and provide required information. The interaction between our site and Refersion is through a cookie and is depersonalized.<br> <strong>Rollbar and Firebase</strong>: We use Rollbar and Firebase to track bugs and crashes in our programs. We utilize a unique identifier (email or userid) to connect crashes logged in these services to our platform. No additional data is transferred or collected.<br> <strong>Facebook (No longer in use):</strong> Previously we utilized Facebook for social sharing options, and the ability to market our product through Facebook services. This interaction was cookie-based and depersonalized. We ceased using Facebook in June 2020.<br> </p> <p> </p> Log Files <p> We collect traffic information from visitors for statistical analysis and site improvement, including, without limitation from Google Analytics. When you access a site, we may collect information about your visit in a log file on a server. Log file information may include, but is not limited to, internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks. We use this information to analyze trends, administer sites, track users movements in the aggregate, and gather demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses and other log file information are not linked to personally identifiable information. We do not try to track users or to identify users individually except as otherwise stated in this policy, but we do review this information to understand overall trends and to determine what kinds of content are popular and useful to users. We may track how you use our site in order to better serve you, for example, by adding or removing tools, tips, survey questions, notifications and other similar items. </p> Sharing <p> <strong>Aggregated information.</strong> We may share aggregated, non-identifiable demographic information with our users, our affiliated organizations, and other organizations with which we do, or contemplate doing, business. Such information is aggregated and is not linked to any information that can identify individual users. </p> <p> <strong>General use. </strong> We do not sell or trade your personally identifiable information (whether in return for compensation or otherwise). Our business is built around selling you a valuable product, not selling your data. There are some cases in which we would need to transfer personally identifiable data, and we reserve the right to do so. For example: If you purchased a good from us that we needed to ship from a vendor, if we needed to comply with a legal request, or if our company was acquired. Freedom may share your personal information if it is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, including during the negotiation stage. You will be notified by email and/or by a prominent notice on the Site of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you have regarding your personally identifiable information. If you wish us to refrain from providing your personally identifiable information in this manner, please see the opt-out information and contact information provided below. </p> <p> <strong>Tracking. </strong> Because our product limits app and website use, we are often asked if we track app and website use. The answer is simple: We do not track, store, retain, or transmit your app or website use. The only exception to this is our Insight plugin, which users can install if they want to see their browsing history. But even for this plugin, all data is stored locally on the user's device and is not transmitted anywhere. We may expand these "personal analytics" products in the future, but this will be via opt-in and be designed to maximize privacy. </p> <p> <strong>Google Play Specific Addendum to Tracking</strong> Our Android app includes App Blocking functionality. This feature works by retrieving a list of the applications installed on your Android device, and presenting you a list of these apps. From this list, you then select the Apps you wish to block, which are added to a blocklist and stored on our server ( Importantly, we only transmit the apps you wish to block (not the entire list of apps), and this information is only used for the App Blocking feature. </p> Security <p> We are committed to protecting your personal information We use a variety of technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Personal information we collect or receive is stored in protected operating environments that are not available to the public and, when transmitted, is protected using strong cryptography. Our sites are routinely checked for security compliance, and multi-factor authentication is required for all administrative access to data. </p> Changes to This Privacy Policy <p> If we decide to change this privacy policy, we will post the changes on one or more sites and/or other places we deem appropriate. Except as stated below, we will use information in accordance with the privacy policy If we decide to use information about you in a manner different from that stated in the privacy policy, we will notify you by email if, and to the extent that, you have provided your email address. If you reply to such an email within a reasonable time and request that we not use your personally identifiable information in the proposed new manner, we will honor your request, but we reserve the right to suspend your access to all or part of the services offered through one or more sites if you do so. If you do not reply to such an email, or we receive a reply of "undeliverable" or similar message from your last known email address, in either case after a reasonable time, we will use the information in the proposed new manner. </p> Exceptions <p> Notwithstanding anything else in this privacy policy to the contrary, we may collect personally identifiable information and use such information in ways other than those described above if we are required to do so by any applicable law or if we deem it advisable in the course of (i) assisting law enforcement activities, or (ii) protecting our site(s) or other property, including, without limitation, investigating, preventing or taking action with respect to illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving the potential safety of any person, violations of Eighty Percent Solutions Corporation's terms of use, or as otherwise required by law. </p> Corrections/Opt-out/Contact <p> If your personal information changes, if you have reason to believe that your personal information as we maintain it is incorrect, or if you no longer desire service, you may contact us using the contact information below and we will accommodate all reasonable requests for such changes. </p> <p> Users who no longer wish to receive newsletters or promotional materials or have their information provided to third parties may opt to not receive such communications or have information shared by contacting us using the information below. We will comply with such requests as soon as is commercially practicable. We also provide unsubscribe information the bottom of all of our commercial mailings. </p> <p> If you (a) wish to begin or end receipt of newsletters or promotional information (b) wish to update your user information, or (c) wish to opt in or out of any other service offered through the site, please contact our technical personnel using the following information. Please be sure to include your name and your user name (if applicable), but do not include any information regarding your password(s), if any. </p> <p> Eighty Percent Solutions Corporation DBA<br> Email:<br> Last modified date: September 9, 2021. </p>

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