Privacy policy

Privacy policy This website <p>This website is hosted on GitHub pages, therefore the GitHub Privacy Statement applies. No further data collection is done.</p> Teddit Data collected <p>The following data is necessary for proper operation of the site:</p> <ul> <li>Timestamp of request</li> <li>Status code of response</li> <li>Request method</li> <li>URL</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>How long it took to serve the request</li> <li>Stored preferences (if any)</li> </ul> Data stored <p>None. Viewed content might be cached indefinitely. I might attach a live terminal for debugging purposes which lets me see a live stream of the collected data, logs viewed this way are also not stored.</p> Data stored in your browser <p>The teddit website provides an option to store site preferences, such as the theme without an account. Using this feature will store a cookie in the visitor's browser containing their preferences. This cookie is sent on every request and does not contain any identifying information.</p> <p>You can remove this data from your browser by using your browser's cookie-related controls to delete the data.</p> Invidious <p>Registration on this instance is disabled.</p> <p>This website provides links to to provide audio and video playback. is owned by Google and is subject to their privacy policy. This can be avoided by enabling "Proxy videos" in settings, or by adding the local=true GET parameter to the URL.</p> Data collected <p>The following data is necessary for proper operation of the site:</p> <ul> <li>Timestamp of request</li> <li>Status code of response</li> <li>Request method</li> <li>URL</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>How long it took to serve the request</li> <li>Stored preferences (if any)</li> </ul> Data stored <p>None. Viewed content might be cached indefinitely. I might attach a live terminal for debugging purposes which lets me see a live stream of the collected data, logs viewed this way are also not stored.</p> Data stored in your browser <p>This website provides an option to store site preferences, such as the theme or locale, without an account. Using this feature will store a cookie in the visitor's browser containing their preferences. This cookie is sent on every request and does not contain any identifying information.</p> <p>You can remove this data from your browser by using your browser's cookie-related controls to delete the data.</p> Nitter Data collected <p>The following data is necessary for proper operation of the site:</p> <ul> <li>Timestamp of request</li> <li>Status code of response</li> <li>Request method</li> <li>URL</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>How long it took to serve the request</li> <li>Stored preferences (if any)</li> </ul> Data stored <p>None. Viewed content might be cached indefinitely. I might attach a live terminal for debugging purposes which lets me see a live stream of the collected data, logs viewed this way are also not stored.</p> Data stored in your browser <p>This website provides an option to store site preferences, such as the theme or locale, without an account. Using this feature will store a cookie in the visitor's browser containing their preferences. This cookie is sent on every request and does not contain any identifying information.</p> <p>You can remove this data from your browser by using your browser's cookie-related controls to delete the data.</p> PrivateBin Data collected <p>The following data is necessary for proper operation of the site:</p> <ul> <li>Timestamp of request</li> <li>Status code of response</li> <li>Request method</li> <li>URL</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>How long it took to serve the request</li> </ul> Data stored <p>All collected data is stored indefinitely for anti-abuse purposes. Encrypted pastes you submit are stored for the length set.</p> Abuse <p>All abuse and DMCA reports are acted on in 24 hours. Please report pastes here.</p> Lufi Data collected <p>The following data is necessary for proper operation of the site:</p> <ul> <li>Timestamp of request</li> <li>Status code of response</li> <li>Request method</li> <li>URL</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>How long it took to serve the request</li> </ul> Data stored <p>All collected data is stored indefinitely for anti-abuse purposes. Encrypted files you submit are stored for 24 hours.</p> Data stored in your browser <p>List of files you submitted, their encryption keys and deletion keys are stored in your browser.</p> <p>You can remove this data from your browser by using your browser's local storage controls to delete the data, or via the button on the "My files" tab.</p> Abuse <p>All abuse and DMCA reports are acted on in 24 hours. Please report files here.</p> <br> <br> <br> <br>

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