Card Kingdom

Terms of Service

Card Kingdom Terms of Service <p>Welcome to (hereafter referred to as Card Kingdom.) Card Kingdom provides website features and other products and services to you when you visit or shop at Card Kingdom. Card Kingdom provides these services according to these following terms and by using or its related sites and pages, you are agreeing to abide by these terms. Even though they may change at any time and without prior warning, your continued use of the website implies that you accept the responsibility of knowing and following the terms contained herein.</p> <p> <b>&nbsp;</b> </p> <p> <b>Privacy </b> </p> <p>Please read our Privacy Notice to understand our practices. Full details of our Privacy Policy are available here.</p> <p> <b>&nbsp;</b> </p> <p> <b>Electronic Communications </b> </p> <p>When you use Card Kingdom, or send e-mails, text messages, and other communications from your desktop or mobile device to us, you may be communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically, such as e-mails, texts, mobile push notices, or notices and messages on this site and you can retain copies of these communications for your records. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Copyright, Trademarks, Patents, and Licenses </b> </p> <p>All of the content found on Card Kingdom, including graphics, text, buttons, logos, video, audio, downloadable files, pricing information and card databases, is the property of Card Kingdom and is protected by United States and international copyright laws.</p> <p>Additionally, graphics, logos, page headers and button icons are trademarks or trade dress of Card Kingdom in the United States and other countries. This material may not be used in connection with any service or product outside of Card Kingdom without express written permission, especially in a situation likely to cause confusion among customers.</p> <p>Other trademarks may appear on Card Kingdom but not be owned by Card Kingdom, including but not limited to logos for Magic: The Gathering. These materials are the property of their respective owners who may or not be connected to or affiliated directly with Card Kingdom.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Access and Your Account </b> </p> <p>If you create an account to be used on Card Kingdom, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your account. You also agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password, including being held liable for any payments due on purchases made under your account.</p> <p>Card Kingdom does sell products that are intended for ages thirteen (13) and up, but it sells them to adults who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under eighteen (18), you may only use Card Kingdom with the monitoring of a parent or legal guardian. Card Kingdom reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content or cancel orders in its sole discretion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Risks and Liability </b> </p> <p>Items purchased from Card Kingdom will be shipped by Card Kingdom and will be the responsibility of Card Kingdom until receipt of shipment is confirmed by the courier delivery service you select at the time of checkout. Card Kingdom is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. </p> <p>In the event of a dispute regarding the delivery of your products, you must contact customer service. </p> <p>Card Kingdom is not liable for any loss or damages due to late or non-delivery of your purchased items. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Products and Pricing</b> </p> <p>Card Kingdom tries to be as accurate as possible in all aspects of card pricing and product availability. However, Card Kingdom does not guarantee that product listings, prices, descriptions, available quantities, shipping times or release dates are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. </p> <p>Unless otherwise noted, the price displayed for products on Card Kingdom represents the current price for that product, not including any shipping charges, taxes or processing fees that may be required. We cannot confirm the availability or price of an item until you proceed to Checkout. At that point, the shopping cart will alert you if we are unable to ship a card. You will have the opportunity to select different cards, quantities or conditions to remedy this before Checkout is completed. Despite our best efforts, sometimes an item in our catalog may not be available, the offer may have been misstated, or an item may be mispriced. For any of these reasons, we may cancel your order, or we may contact you for instructions on the order.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Order Confirmation </b> </p> <p>Our order confirmation to you does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of our offer to sell. At any time after receipt of your order, we may accept, decline, or place quantity or other limits on your order for any reason. We may impose these limits on a per-person, per-household, per-order, or any other basis. If we reject, limit, or otherwise modify your order, we will attempt to notify you using the e-mail address you provide to us. If we cancel an order or part of an order that we've already charged you for, we'll refund you the full amount of the canceled portion of the order. Card Kingdom reserves the right to refuse any order placed on the Site. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Paying for Your Order </b> </p> <p>Generally, Card Kingdom will charge your card or other applicable payment method for an item when we ship the item to you. However, we may preauthorize your order amount with your credit or debit card issuer at the time you place the order, which may have an effect on your available credit line. When you pre-order with a debit card, we will debit your card when you place the pre-order. If you use Paypal as your payment method, your PayPal account will be charged as soon as you submit your order. </p> <p>Certain factors may trigger an authorization challenge from your bank. If you pass the authorization challenge, your order will be processed as normal.</p> <p>All transactions on the SITE are completed in U.S. dollars (USD.)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Selling to Card Kingdom </b> </p> <p>Card Kingdom may choose to purchase items from sellers who complete a sell order request. </p> <p>Our Sell Order Confirmation to you does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of our offer to purchase. Card Kingdom may accept, decline, or place quantity or other limits on your order at any time after checkout and for any reason. We may impose these limits on a per-person, per-household, per-order, or any other basis. If we reject, limit, or otherwise modify your order, we will attempt to notify you using the e-mail address you provide to us. Card Kingdom reserves the right to refuse any order placed on the Site. </p> <p>Upon the physical receipt of an order, all items on that order will be assessed to determine their condition according to Card Kingdom's published grading guide. Card Kingdom exercises sole discretion over the final condition assigned to any item. Card Kingdom will then update the offered purchase price of each item on the invoice to reflect the condition.</p> <p>More information about our conditions guidelines and the potential reduction in purchase price can be found here.</p> <p>Card Kingdom will not contact you with the grading results before completing your order. If you would prefer to be notified with your card grades before we finalize and pay out the order, please include a note on the customer comments of your Sell Order with this request and we will make a good faith attempt to email you with the grades and allow you an opportunity to request cards back however we are unable to guarantee this communication. Once an order is finalized the cards are incorporated into our live inventory and we are unable to reverse any part of the sale.</p> <p>Card Kingdom is unable to pay for cards received but not listed on the invoice or cards not received by our Grading Department, even if they appear on the invoice. If a card is not included in your sell order shipment for any reason, we cannot offer payment.&nbsp. Sellers are responsible for the delivery of their items to Card Kingdom's fulfillment location. Card Kingdom is not responsible for items that are not delivered and not liable for any loss or damages due to late or non-delivery of your items. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Returns, Refunds, and Title </b> </p> <p>All sales are final unless otherwise specified. Card Kingdom does not provide credit, refunds, or exchanges except in cases where the items received are damaged, defective, or not as described on the site. To be considered for credit, refund, or an exchange, you must contact us within 48 hours of receiving your order. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.</p> <p>Card Kingdom does not take title to returned items until the item arrives at our fulfillment center. At our discretion, a refund may be issued without requiring a return. In this situation, Card Kingdom does not take title to the refunded item. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Taxes and Duties </b> </p> <p>Packages shipped from Card Kingdom to locations outside the United States may be subject to the customs fees and import duties of the country to which your order ships. These charges are the recipient's responsibility. Please contact your country's proper agency to find out what taxes and duties will be applicable to your order.&nbsp. </p> <p> <b>&nbsp;</b> </p> <p> <b>Limitations of Liability </b> </p> <p>Card Kingdom and all information, content, materials, products and services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis unless otherwise specified in writing. Card Kingdom makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the performance or operation of Card Kingdom services or the information, content, materials or products made available to you by using the site. You expressly agree that your use of Card Kingdom is at your sole risk.</p> <p>To the maximum extent allowed by relevant and applicable law, Card Kingdom disclaims all warranties. Specifically, Card Kingdom does not warrant that the servers or electronic communications are free of viruses or other harmful components. Furthermore, Card Kingdom will not be liable for any damages or loss caused by the use of Card Kingdom or from its information, content, materials or products.</p> <p>Some state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all the above disclaimers, exclusions and limitations may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights provided by the laws of your state.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Applicable Law and Governing Jurisdiction </b> </p> <p>By using Card Kingdom, you agree that applicable federal law and the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that may arise between yourself and Card Kingdom.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b>Contacting Us </b> </p> <p>Any questions regarding these Terms of Service may be sent directly to our customer service team via electronic mail at the following address:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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