
Personal Data Policy

Personal Data Policy What we need <p>UKClimbing Limited is the 'Controller' of the personal data you provide to us. UKClimbing Limited's company registration number is 04297002 and its registered address is 91 Western Road, Sheffield, S10 1LB, UK.</p> <p>Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will only collect basic personal data about you, which does not include any special categories of personal information often known as 'sensitive personal data'. This information does include your email address and may include your home address if required.</p> Why we need your basic data <p>We need to know basic personal data in order to provide you with the web site services we offer. This data must consist of a working email address. If you do not provide us with an email address then we are unable to provide you with a unique user profile. Any further data is only required so that you can use the web site services we offer. We will not collect any data from you that you do not need to provide in order to use the web site services that we offer.</p> What we do with it <p>All the personal data we hold about you will be processed by our staff in the United Kingdom and no third party will have access to your data unless there is a legal obligation for us to provide them with this, or you choose to pass on your data to a third party company through one of our competitions. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is processed securely.</p> How long do we keep your data? <p>We will generally keep your data for a minimum of 3 years after you cease using it if it is no longer required. If you consent to marketing, any data we use for this purpose will be kept by us until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information. You can have your data removed at any time.</p> Third Party Competitions <p>If you choose to enter one of our competitions then we need to know an address in the event that you win the competition. This address is held by UKClimbing Limited and passed on to the third party company operating the competition so that they can send out the prizes. Only the address of winners is passed on to the third party company and no permission is given for the third party to use the address in way other than sending out the prize in the competition. UKClimbing Limited will make no other use of your address data and will not pass it on to any other third party except the third party clearly defined in the competition entry form. Your address can be edited or removed through your user profile.</p> <p>Competitions also give you the option to opt-in to mailing lists of third party companies running the competitions. If you opt-in then your email address held by UKClimbing will be supplied to the third party company for use in their mailing list. The Fair Processing Practice of the data passed on to the third party company is the responsibility of the third party company collecting the data. UKClimbing Limited does not retain this data.</p>

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