Intimate Merger

privacy policy

株式会社インティメート・マージャー <strong>MENU</strong> <ul> <li>企業情報</li> <li>ニュース</li> <li>IR</li> <li>サービス</li> <li>採用情報</li> <li>お問い合わせ</li> </ul> <p>CLOSE</p> PRIVACY POLICY <p>Intimate Merger, Inc. (the “Company”) recognizes the importance of your personal information obtained through its businesses, considers the protection of your personal information as a social obligation, complies with applicable laws and ordinances and is committed to handle it properly.</p> <p>1. Basic Principles regarding Protection of Personal Information</p> <p>Both the Company’s executives and employees endeavor to protect and properly handle your personal information. The Company ensures that such information is utilized properly, doing its utmost to secure against unauthorized access, loss or leakage of personal information.</p> <p>2. Obtaining Personal Information</p> <p>The Company does not collect or use your personal information without your consent. Even when the Company asks you for your consent, it specifies the purpose(s) and scope of use in advance and uses only within the scope of your consent. Furthermore, when acquiring data including your personal information from third parties, the Company makes proper contracts with them to protect your personal information.</p> <p>3. Use of Personal Information</p> <p>The Company uses your personal information only within the scope necessary to implement and enhance our services. When the Company proposes using your personal information for any purposes for which you have not given consent, it obtains your consent for such purposes in advance.</p> <p>4. Security Control Measures</p> <p>The Company safeguards your personal information under the strict control. It appoints a manager responsible for the protection of your personal information in an effort to secure it properly.</p> <p>5. Subcontracting the Processing of Personal Information</p> <p>When the Company subcontracts the processing of your personal information to third parties, it does so only with your consent and the adequate supervision to the third parties.</p> <p>6. Disclosure of and Inquiry about Personal Information</p> <p>If you have any request or inquiry about notification of the purpose of the use, disclosure, correction of the content, suspension of the use, etc. of your personal information, please contact the inquiry desk below. The inquiry desk will inform you about the procedure and the fee. When contacted, the inquiry desk will confirm your identity or your agent's authority.</p> <p>7. Compliance</p> <p>The Company complies with applicable laws and standards.</p> <p>8. Obtaining Information which does not enable the identification of the specific individual</p> <p>When providing its services, the Company assigns a random ID comprised of a string of characters (“Unique ID”) to each browser used by a user and saves it in the cookie of that browser in order to distinguish users. Also the Company collects the following data (collectively referred as “Behavior Data”. Unique ID and Behavior Data are collectively referred as “Behavior Information”), through its services.</p> <ul> <li>Behavior history and attributes of a user in the website that is using the Company's services ("Website")</li> <li>Attributes of a user to which the advertisement is served with the Company's services</li> </ul> <p>More specifically, the Company collects the following Behavior Information. Unique ID is randomly assigned to each browser, meaning that the following information is never combined with data which can identify an individual.</p> <ul> <li>Unique ID saved in the cookie</li> <li>Date and time the user visits the Website or the advertisement is served to the user</li> <li>URL of the Website the user visits</li> <li>Title and meta keywords of the Website the user visits</li> <li>Referrer of the user's visit to the Website</li> <li>Client IP address</li> <li>User agent of the browser</li> <li>Language and encoding settings of the browser</li> <li>Screen size and color depth of the browser</li> </ul> <p>The information collected by the Company is used for the following purposes.</p> <ul> <li>Market analysis and marketing</li> <li>Inferring attribute information such as gender, interests and preferences</li> <li>Behavioral targeting advertisement</li> <li>Supervision of unauthorized actions</li> <li>Provision to third parties (as electronic data) in order to achieve the purposes of 1 to 4 above</li> </ul> <p>9. Continuous Improvement of this Privacy Policy</p> <p>The Company makes a continuous effort to enhance its internal system for handling the collected information by updating this privacy policy in response to changes of social demands.</p> <p>10. Opt-out</p> <p>By activating the opt-out, the status of your Behavior Information will be changed so that is not able to be used in the service of the Company, and the Company will stop to use your Behavior Information for the above purpose.<br> Yet please be aware that you need to activate the opt-out for every browser you use. Even after you activate the opt-out, collection and use of your Behavior Information might restart when the opt-out is deactivated by deletion of cookies of your browser or change of your PC settings</p> <p>Please understand the above and click the button below if you wish to activate the opt-out.</p> OPT-INOPT-OUT <p>For the information about the privacy policy and the opt-out of behavioral targeting advertisement of the companies cooperating in the Company’s service, please visit the following links.(※2019/05/20 Update)</p> <ul> <li>Google Inc.</li> <li>FreakOut, inc.</li> <li>Yahoo Japan Corporation</li> <li>Twitter, Inc.</li> <li>Ninja Tools Inc.</li> <li>Adobe Inc.</li> <li>Criteo</li> <li>The Trade Desk, Inc.</li> <li>Supership Inc.</li> <li>ORACLE, Inc.</li> <li>SMN Corporation</li> <li>NewsTV Inc.</li> <li> Co.,Ltd.</li> <li>Data Chemistry Inc.</li> <li>Zemanta Inc,</li> <li>PubMatic, Inc</li> <li>Boundless, Inc.</li> </ul> <p>11. Inquiries</p> <p>Please contact us for any inquiries in relation to the contents of this privacy policy.<br></p> <p>12. Revision History</p> <ul> <li>June 7, 2016 Added content relating to collection of the information of the user to which the advertisement is served with the Company's services.</li> <li>Aug 29, 2016 Added content relating to disclosure of and inquiry about the personal information.</li> <li>Sep 14, 2017 Revised content relating to subcontracting the processing of, disclosure of and inquiry about the personal information.</li> <li>Oct 31, 2018 Revised content relating to Opt-out.</li> <li>May 10, 2019 Update partner company information.</li> <li>Jul 09, 2019 Update partner company information.</li> <li>Jul 29, 2020 Update partner company information.</li> <li>Feb 15, 2021 Update partner company information.</li> <li>Jul 08, 2021 Update partner company information.</li> <li>Mar 31, 2022 Update partner company information.</li> </ul> <p>プライバシーポリシーPRIVACY POLICY (EN)個人情報の取扱いについて用語集IM-DMPのデータ利用について個人データ適性利用宣言</p> <p>© Intimate Merger, Inc.</p>

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