
Privacy Policy

Lighthouse16Developing software for the Mac<ol> <li>Apps</li> <li>About</li> <li>Feedback</li> <li>Journal</li> </ol>Privacy<p>It is Lighthouse16’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information that may be collected while operating the websites and apps, (taken together, the Service). The Service is owned and operated by Lighthouse16.</p> <blockquote> <p>The Service does not ask you for personal information unless the Service truly need it. The Service does not share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law, develop the Service products, or protect the Service rights. The Service does not store personal information on the Service servers.</p> </blockquote> <p>Below is the Service's privacy policy which incorporates these goals:</p>Usage Analytics<p>All apps use Apple Analytics to collect information about the way you use them by default. This data is always anonymised before it is sent to Apple Analytics, and cannot be used to personally identify you. The Service look only for broad patterns in the aggregated usage data, such as whether or not a particular feature is frequently used, or whether users in general prefer one setting over another. This helps the Service make informed decisions about the future development of it's apps. To be clear the Service cannot track an individual user’s behaviour. The Service also cannot receive information from your device’s displays, cameras, or microphones.</p>Crash Logs<p>If one of it's apps crashes while you are using it, data about the crash will be collected and sent to Apple Analytics to help identify the cause of the crash so that the Service can try to fix it in a future update. These “crash logs” contain information about the state of the app, operating system, and device at the time of the crash. Nothing in the crash log can be used to personally identify you, and crash logs do not contain any of your private data.</p>Website Visitors<p>When you interact with the Service servers using a web browser, or indirectly by network requests sent on your behalf by it's apps, some metadata about the request may be logged by the Service. This metadata may include parts of your IP address, the name of the resource requested, and the name and version number of the software making the request.</p> <p>The Service generally do not look at these logs unless a server appears to be being maliciously used or attacked in some way. The Service may look at the information in aggregate to see statistics such as how many times the Service's apps have been downloaded, or from what sources network traffic is arriving.</p>Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information<p>Certain visitors to the Service products choose to interact with the Service in ways that require the Service to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that the Service gathers depends on the nature of the interaction.</p> <p>In each case, the Service collects such information only insofar as is necessary or appropriate to fulfil the purpose of the visitor’s interaction with the Service. The Service does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below.</p>Protection of Certain Personally-Identifying Information<p>Lighthouse16 discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organisations:</p> <ul> <li>that need to know that information in order to process it on the Service behalf or to provide services available at the Service products.</li> <li>that have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees, contractors and affiliated organisations may be located outside of your home country. by using the Service products, you consent to the transfer of such information to them. The Service will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated organisations, as described above.</li> </ul> <p>The Service discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only in response to a subpoena, court order or other governmental request, or when the Service believes that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Lighthouse16.</p> <p>The Service takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorised access, use, alteration or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information.</p>Services used<p>In addition to the websites/apps the Service provide directly. The Service also use third party service providers (collectively referred to as “Third Party Services”) who operate their own Privacy Policies. The Third Party Services used by the Service deem important to the Service effective operation.</p> <p>So you can find out more about the services the Service use, and in turn those you may use whilst using and interacting with the Service. The Service have compiled a list for your reference.</p> <p> <strong>Third Party Services</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Apple Analytics, Collection and aggregation of usage analytics and crash logs. (if enabled by user)</li> <li>Apple iCloud, Storage of your data entered in the Service's apps (if enabled by user)</li> <li>Fastmail, when you email to Lighthouse16 your email will be stored on servers from Fastmail. (user initiated)</li> </ul>Data Storage<p> <strong>Application Data</strong> </p> <p>All application data (that is the data you create and add to the Service's apps) is only stored locally on your devices and, if enabled, on iCloud. The Service has no way to access application data and therefore cannot read, recover or share data for or on behalf of any person or organisation.</p> <p> <strong>Data the Service collect</strong> </p> <p>Information about you may be transferred to, or accessed by, entities located around the world as described in this Policy. Some of these entities may be located in countries that do not provide an equivalent level of protection as your home country. By using the Service, and providing the Service information about you, you consent to the international transfer of information about you to the above parties.</p>Data Protection<p>We take reasonable measures to protect any personal information the Service may hold about you in an effort to prevent loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, despite the Service efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse.</p> <p>Sensitive information sent between your browser and the Service's website, and your device and Third Party Services, is transferred in encrypted form using Secure Socket Layer ("SSL"). When transmitting sensitive information, you should always make sure that your browser can validate the SSL certificate.</p> <p>For information on how your device encrypts and secures application data please see</p> <p>For information on how data is protected on iCloud, please see</p>Data Choices, Access and Correction<p> <strong>Data Choices</strong> </p> <p>Email — All communication by email is user initiated. You as the user chooses what kind of data you share with the Service.</p> <p>Application Data — If you no longer want to use the Service and would like to delete all associated Application Data then delete the application from your device and any application data stored in iCloud. As the Service do not have access to your application data, the Service cannot do this for you.</p> <p> <strong>Data Access and Correction</strong> </p> <p>If you believe the Service is storing information that you would like access to or information corrected, please contact me.</p>Children<p>The Service are not for use by children under 13 and the Service do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If the Service learn that the Service have collected personal information of a child under 13, the Service will delete such information.</p>Business Transfers<p>If the Service, or substantially all of its assets, the Service are acquired, or in the unlikely event that the Service goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of the Service may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy.</p>Privacy Policy Changes<p>Although most changes are likely to be minor, the Service may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in the Service’s sole discretion. Lighthouse16 encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy.</p>Questions?<p>Please contact me if you have any questions about the Service's data collection or privacy policies. I will be more than happy to discuss them with you.</p> <p>Last update: <strong>2021-05-20</strong> </p>© 2016-2022 Lighthouse16All Rights Reserved - Terms - Privacy - RSS Feed

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