
Privacy Policy

<i> </i> <i> </i> <ul> <li>About Atari</li> <li>Games</li> <li>Atari VCS</li> <li>Blockchain</li> <li>Licensing</li> <li>Investors</li> <li>Shop <ul> <li>Cartridges</li> <li>Apparel</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> Privacy Policy ATARI ONLINE PRIVACY STATEMENT <p>August 2, 2018</p> <strong>OUR PRIVACY COMMITMENT</strong> <p>Atari, Inc., and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Atari” or “we”) respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and recognize the importance of protecting all information that you may choose to share with us. To further this commitment, we have adopted this Online Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) to guide how we collect, store, and use the information you provide us.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy and the ESRB certification seals shown on our websites confirm that Atari is a valid licensee, and participating member, of ESRB’s Privacy Certified Program. To protect your privacy, we have voluntarily undertaken this privacy initiative and have had all of our websites and mobile applications (collectively, the “Service(s)”) where this Privacy Policy is posted reviewed and certified by ESRB Privacy Certified to meet established online information collection and use practices. As a licensee of this privacy program, we are subject to frequent audits of our websites and other enforcement and accountability mechanisms administered independently by the ESRB.</p> What information does this Privacy Statement cover? <p>This Privacy Policy applies only to:</p> <p>– The use and sharing of information collected on and after the date that this Privacy Policy is posted</p> <p>– Information collected on the Services where this Privacy Policy is posted</p> What types of personally identifiable information do we collect about our guests? <p>With the exception of persistent identifiers collected through technology (i.e. device ID, IP address), we don’t require personal information to access our Services. However, if you prefer not to disclose personal information, you will not be able to enjoy certain features of our Services. Personal information is information that uniquely identifies you and may be used to contact you such as your full name, email address, physical address, or phone number. To offer our customers certain features on our Services, we and/or our Business Partners (as defined below) may collect several types of personal information.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Whatever the purpose may be, we will only collect information to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfill your requests and our legitimate business objectives.</p> <p>All of the personal information we receive comes directly from our customers or visitors. We and/or our business partners (e.g., our network advertisers (as described below), contractors, agents and/or vendors) (collectively, our “Business Partners”) collect personal information from people who:</p> <p>1 – register or use our Services<br> 2 – register our products<br> 3 – subscribe to our newsletter<br> 4- register for community forum<br> 5 – participate in polls, surveys, and questionnaires<br> 6 – use e-cards, wish lists, and tell-a-friend features<br> 7 – purchase a product at one of our online stores<br> 8 – participate in contests, sweepstakes, or other promotions<br> 9 – receive technical support<br> 10 – share information over social networks or through mobile application stores and services.</p> <p>We and/or our Business Partners may also receive information from your mobile carrier or application store for mobile applications.&nbsp;The Service will also record game play information such as your high scores or game session duration. In addition to information collected as described above, you may choose to share additional information about yourself throughout the Service, such as in games or on message boards. Any actions you perform with other players are considered public, and are at your sole discretion.</p> <p> <strong>Personal Information You Provide to Us</strong> </p> <p>We only collect email addresses.</p> <p> <strong>Non-Personal Information You Provide to Us</strong> </p> <p>Additionally, we and/or our Business Partners also collect other types of non-personal information (known as demographic information) such as your age or date of birth, gender, hobbies, your general physical location and that of your access device, computer hardware information, platform preferences, and other game ownership and preferences. This demographic information may be associated with your personal information. We and/or our Business Partners may also acquire information from you through (1) your access and participation in message boards on the Service, (2) your email of a question to our customer support, (3) your purchase of a virtual product of any type, (4) other sources, including but not limited to newspapers and internet sources such as blogs, instant messaging services, other users of the Service to supplement your profile. Please note that because a third party company, Digital River, manages the purchases of virtual goods offered by the Service, we do not have access to your credit card details and billing information. We encourage you to review Digital River’s privacy policy, so that you are aware of how they treat your information when you make a purchase from our online store.</p> <p> <strong>Social Media Interaction</strong> </p> <p>You also can engage with our content on or through third-party social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter (or third-party social media plug-ins and applications). When you engage with our content on or through third-party social networking websites, plug-ins and applications, you may allow us to have access to certain information from your social media profile (e.g., name, e-mail address, photo, gender, birthday, location, your list of friends, people you follow and/or who follow you, the posts or the ‘likes’ you make) to deliver the content or as part of the operation of the application. We may also obtain non-personally identifiable information (e.g., content viewed, game performance, high scores, and information about advertisements within the content you have been shown or may have clicked on) from your interaction with our content.</p> <p>When you provide information from your social media account, it can help enable us to do things like (1) give you exclusive content, (2) personalize your online experience with us within and outside our websites (and/or applications), and (3) contact you through the social networking sites or directly by sending you the latest news, special offerings, and rewards. By doing so, you consent to the use of this information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. When you provide personal information to us through an application, on our websites, or on social networking websites, it may be publicly viewed by other members of these websites and we cannot prevent further use of the information by third parties.</p> <p>Through some social networking websites’ privacy settings, you can control what data you share. For more information about how social networking sites handle your personal information, please refer to their privacy policies and terms of use.</p> <p> <strong>Information Collected Through Technology</strong> </p> <p>We and/or our Business Partners collect information through technology to make our Services more interesting and useful to you, although you may not realize this information is being collected. For example, when you come to one of our websites or use our mobile apps, we collect your Internet Protocol address (“IP address”). An IP address is often associated with the portal through which you enter the Internet, like your ISP (Internet service provider), your company, or your university. At times, we also use IP addresses to collect information regarding the frequency with which our guests visit various parts of our Services. When you access our Services using a mobile device, we and/or our Business Partners may also collect information such as the unique device identifier (“UDID”) of your device, identifier for advertisers (“IDFA”), identifier for vendors (“IDFV”), device type, and other technical information.</p> <p> <strong>Cookies</strong> </p> <p>Our Services also use cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a website sends to your computer while you are viewing the Services. We and other companies use cookies for a variety of purposes. For example, when you return to one of our Services after logging in, cookies provide information to the Service so that the Service will remember who you are. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You can do this through your browser (i.e. Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) settings. Each browser is a little different, so look at your browser Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. If you turn cookies off, you won’t have access to many features that make your web experience smoother, like the features mentioned above, and some of the features we offer may not function properly.</p> <p>To learn about the privacy choices you have in relation to the third party cookies used on our websites and mobile apps as of the last update of this Privacy Policy, please refer the chart.</p> <p> <strong>This chart is references from the Atari Privacy Policy</strong> </p> <p> <i>Last updated September 18, 2020</i>&nbsp;<i>&nbsp;</i> </p> <p>To learn about the&nbsp;privacy choices you have in relation to the third party cookies used on our websites and mobile apps as of the last update of this Privacy Policy, please refer to the following chart:</p> <p> <strong>Third Party Company</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Service Type</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Privacy Choices</strong> </p> <p>AppsFlyer (Mobile)</p> <p>Analytics</p> <p></p> <p>Facebook (Atlas, Connect, Social Graph,
and Social Plugins)</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Google (AdMob, DoubleClick, AdSense, Analytics, Firebase, and Video)</p> <p>Analytics,<br> Ads, Video</p> <p><br></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>MyFonts Counter</p> <p>Font System</p> <p></p> <p>Twitter (Syndication and Button)</p> <p>Widgets, Social</p> <p></p> <p>ironSource</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>AdColony</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Oath (Flurry, Yahoo)</p> <p>Analytics</p> <p><br><br></p> <p>Vungle</p> <p>Ads</p> <p><br></p> <p>InMobi</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Tapjoy</p> <p>Ads</p> <p><br></p> <p>ChartBoost</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>AppLovin</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Helpshift</p> <p>Customer Service</p> <p></p> <p>Unity</p> <p>Analytics, Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Playfab</p> <p>Analytics</p> <p></p> <p>Fyber</p> <p>Ads, Video</p> <p></p> <p>Delta DNA Privacy Policy</p> <p>Analytics</p> <p></p> <p>Make Me Reach</p> <p>Ads, Analytics</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Ads, Analytics</p> <p></p> <p>TapResearch</p> <p>Ads</p> <p></p> <p>Pushwoosh</p> <p>Analytics</p> <p></p> <p>For more information concerning the use of third party cookies on our Services, please&nbsp;contact us.</p> <p> <strong>Web Beacons</strong> </p> <p>Our Services use a variety of technical methods for tracking purposes, including web beacons. Web beacons are small pieces of data that are embedded in images on the pages of our Services. We also use these technical methods to analyze the traffic patterns on our Services, such as the frequency with which our users visit various parts of our Services. These technical methods may involve the transmission of information either directly to us or to another party authorized by us to collect information on our behalf. We also use these technical methods in HTML e-mails that we send our guests to determine whether our guests have opened those e-mails or clicked on links in those e-mails. The information from use of these technical methods may be collected in a form that is personally identifiable.</p> <p> <strong>Network Advertisers</strong> </p> <p>Many advertisements are managed and placed on our Services by advertisers and/or other third parties. These companies are collectively called “network advertisers”. Network advertisers who place advertisements on our Services may also use cookies and web beacons or other similar technology to collect non-personally identifiable information (e.g., when you click on or move your cursor over one of their banner advertisements). You may not realize this information is being collected. In some cases, we may have access to information from web beacons and cookies used by network advertisers on our sites and this information may permit us to identify other sites that you have visited that are also associated with the network advertiser.</p> <p>Finally, once you’ve clicked on an advertisement and have left our Services, our Privacy Policy no longer applies and you must read the privacy policy of the advertiser to see how your personal information will be handled on their website.</p> How is your personally identifiable information used and shared? <p>This Privacy Policy describes how we use and share your information.&nbsp. We don’t share, sell, or rent your personal information to third parties without your consent (other than to our Business Partners).</p> <p> <strong>Atari Tools and Updates</strong> </p> <p>Information collected from those who voluntarily submit it to us is used to provide services like updates on special events, game news, and email announcements of interest to our users. Occasionally, we share your personal information (e.g., email address) with a third party sponsor, co-sponsor, or other third party that provides products or services that may be of interest to you.</p> <p> <strong>Blogs, Message Boards, and Community Forums</strong> </p> <p>If you register for access to our blogs or message boards, we will use your personal information to enable you to view and post messages on the boards. However, you should understand that community forums, blogs, and message boards are tools that allow you to communicate with members of the online community. As such, whenever you give out personal information in public areas, that information can be collected and used by people you don’t know.</p> <p>If you wish to review, correct, or delete content or information you have publicly posted through our blogs, message boards, or community forums, you may do so by visiting the individual post and selecting the “Edit” option. Alternatively, you may contact us with your request at Please note that removal of this content or information from public view does not guarantee complete or comprehensive removal. After your removal request has been honored, we may retain copies of the content or information you have previously posted on our servers. Additionally, we are not required to remove your posted content or information if it has been rendered anonymous or if we are required by law to retain it.</p> <p> <strong>Operational Uses</strong> </p> <p>We also use your personal information for other purposes such as “Operational Uses”. For example, we and/or our Business Partners may use your information to send you administrative communications either about your account with us or about features of our Services, including any future changes to this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>We occasionally use other companies, agents or contractors to perform services necessary to our operations. For example, we have partnered with other companies to personalize our web pages, process credit card transactions, analyze customers’ interaction with our Services, and process consumer surveys. We also provide postal addresses to the U.S. Post Office for delivery purposes. In the course of providing such services, these companies have contact with your personally identifying information. These entities have agreed to securely store and maintain the personal information received from us.</p> <p>We may use your name, profile picture and game play information to communicate with your friends that are also connected to the Service. We may also disclose information about you to our Business Partners, in order to provide the website and application services, resolve service problems and correct errors in the Service, to communicate with you about the Service, to provide you with advertising and promotional information in connection with the Service and to enhance your experience on the Service.&nbsp. However, we do not give our Business Partners an independent right to share this information. Due to our contractual obligations with our Business Partners and the need to share information to deliver and support the Service, we cannot provide you with the opportunity to opt-out of sharing information (whether personal information or non-personal information) with these third parties. Please do not use our Services if you do not agree with these terms.</p> <p>You may decide to provide us with another person’s personal information such as email address so that the person may be invited to join the Service.&nbsp. We use this information to contact and, if necessary, remind that person that he or she has been invited to join the Service or receive content from the Service.</p> <p> <strong>Aggregate Information</strong> </p> <p>Finally, we and/or our Business Partners may take your personally identifiable information and make it non-personally identifiable, either by combining it with information about other individuals (aggregating your information with information about other individuals), or by removing characteristics (such as your name) that make the information personally identifiable to you (de-personalizing your information) in an attempt to provide you with a better user experience, to improve the quality and value of the Service and to analyze how our Service is used. Given the nature of this information, no restrictions apply under this Privacy Policy on our right to aggregate or de-personalize your personal information, and we and/or our Business Partners may use and share in any way with third parties the resulting non-personally identifiable information.</p> <p> <strong>Business Information</strong> </p> <p>For practical reasons, we treat personal information submitted to us in a business capacity different from information we receive in a non-business capacity. Personal information submitted to us in a business capacity (e.g. resumes, event sponsorship, etc.) may be shared with third parties, depending on the nature of the inquiry.</p> <p> <strong>Purchase or Sale of Businesses</strong> </p> <p>From time to time, we may purchase a business or sell one or more of our businesses and your personally identifiable information may be transferred as a part of the purchase or sale. If we purchase a business, the personally identifiable information received with that business would be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, if it is practicable and permissible to do so. If we sell a business, we will include provisions in the selling contract requiring the purchaser to treat your personally identifiable information in the same manner required by this Privacy Policy (including any amendments to this Privacy Policy). The provisions of this paragraph will also apply if we are sold as part of bankruptcy proceedings.</p> <p> <strong>Disclosures Required By Law and Disclosures to Help Protect the Security and Safety of Our Services and Others</strong> </p> <p>We will disclose personal information when we believe in good faith that such disclosures (a) are required by law, including, for example, to comply with a court order or subpoena, or (b) will help to: enforce our Terms of Use. enforce contest, sweepstakes, promotions, and/or game rules. protect your safety or security, including the safety and security of property that belongs to you. and/or, protect the safety and security of our Services or third parties.</p> What choices do you have about the collection, use, and sharing of your personally identifiable information? <p>As mentioned above, you have control over the personal information you submit to us. If at any time you decide to remove your personal information from our database, you may do so by emailing us at, or contacting us via the Atari mailing address.</p> <p>You can access and update the contact information you gave us during registration (that is, your e-mail address or any other information that would directly enable us to contact you), by emailing us at or by changing your contact information by logging into the applicable Services.</p> <p>You may review, update, correct or delete any personal information disclosed via social networks by changing the applicable information in your profile page on Facebook and/or other social network(s) as well as with your mobile carrier or application store for mobile applications. If you completely delete all this information, your accounts associated with the Services may become deactivated.</p> <p> <strong>Opting Out</strong> </p> <p>Should you wish to opt-out of any of the Atari Services you have previously agreed to, i.e. receiving a newsletter, you may do so by:</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. following the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the newsletter email you wish to stop receiving,</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. logging into your Atari account and editing your profile settings, or,</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. sending us an email with your request at</p> What are your California Privacy Rights? <p>Since 2005, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits our customers who are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. For inquiries regarding our disclosure policy, please write us:</p> <p>Atari, Inc.</p> <p>Attn.: Webmaster<br> 475 Park Avenue South<br> New York, NY 10016<br> (212) 726-6500<br></p> What kinds of security measures do we take to safeguard your personally identifiable information? <p>The security and confidentiality of your information is extremely important to us. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and improper use. We use industry-standard practices such as physically secured rooms, firewalls and password protection systems to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information. We will notify users of a data breach involving unencrypted personal information by email or by posting a notice on the affected website. We also strive to limit access to personal information to employees performing a legitimate business function. From time to time, we review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technology and methods. However, please understand that, despite our best efforts, no security measure is perfect or impenetrable.</p> How do we treat children’s information? <p>Our Services are primarily intended for users who are 13 years of age or older. However, we also recognize that children under the age of 13 may be interested in some of the Services that we offer. For those particular Services, we do not accept registration or subscription submissions without notifying and/or obtaining consent from a parent or guardian.</p> <p>If a user under the age of 13 attempts to register an account profile on our main Atari website at or tries to create a community forum account on any of our websites, the child will be blocked from registering. In the event that a child subscribes to one of our newsletters, we will collect the child’s date of birth, email address, and parent’s email address in order to notify the parent that the child has subscribed. Parents have the option of unsubscribing their child from the newsletter at any time via the instructions within the email, by emailing us at, or by contacting us via the Atari mailing address.</p> <p>If we discover that we have collected a child’s personal information without parental consent, it will be deleted from our database. We take children’s privacy seriously, and encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s online experience at all times.</p> <p> <strong>Reviewing, updating, and deleting your child’s information</strong> </p> <p>As a parent, you have the right to control the information that we collect, use, and disclose about your child. Should you wish to review, update, and/or remove your child’s personal information from our database, you may do so by emailing us at, or by contacting us via the Atari mailing address.</p> How can you ask questions, or send us comments, about this Privacy Policy? <p>If you have questions or wish to send us comments about this Privacy Policy, please send us an e-mail, call, or write us at:</p> <p> <strong>Atari, Inc.</strong> </p> <p>Attn.: Webmaster<br> 475 Park Avenue South<br> New York, NY 10016<br> (212) 726-6500<br></p> <p>Please be assured that any personal information that you provide in communications to the above email and postal mail addresses will not be used to send you promotional materials, unless you request it.</p> <p>Atari is a licensee of the ESRB’s Privacy Certified Program. If you believe that we have not responded to your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, please contact ESRB at or</p> How will you know if we amend this Privacy Policy? <p>We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, or share your personal information, we will notify you by sending you an email at the last email address that you provided us, or by prominently posting notice of the changes on the Services covered by this Privacy Policy. Any material changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective 30 days following our dispatch of an email notice to you or 30 days following our posting of notice of the changes on the Services covered by this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>Please note that, at all times, you are responsible for updating your personal information to provide us your current email address. If the last email address that you have provided us is not valid, or for any other reason is not capable of delivering to you the notice described above, our dispatch of the email containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of the changes described in the notice.</p> Where are the Atari Services located? <p>The Atari Services process, collect and store information in the United States.&nbsp;By using the Services you consent to your information being processed, collected, and stored on services located in the United States.</p> <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> Copyright © 2020 Atari, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari Interactive, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. <ul> </ul> <ul> <li>Contact and Support</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>Cookies Policy</li> </ul> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> <ul> </ul> <i> </i>

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