Life Alert

privacy policy

For Info and a <strong>FREE</strong> Brochure Call:<br> 1-800-852-3081 <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>Protection Services</li> <li>Shower Emergencies</li> <li>Testimonials</li> <li>Avoid A Retirement Home</li> <li>About Us</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Medical Emergencies</li> <li>Personal Protection</li> <li>Help on the Go + GPS </li> </ul> LIFE ALERT TAKES PRIVACY SERIOUSLY! <p> The family of Websites operated by or on behalf of Life Alert (the "Services"), including, but not limited to, Web pages located at, and/or any of our other Website(s) or social media sites owned and/or operated by Life Alert and any of their associated Web pages, are committed to implementing policies and procedures designed to protect your privacy. To achieve that goal, we want you to understand the information we gather from and about you, how this information is used, shared and safeguarded, and how you can control its use. In order to offer various products and services to our customers, Life Alert needs to collect certain information as described in this Privacy Policy. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”). This Privacy Policy applies to the use of the Services (as defined below), including by customers and other persons. Except as otherwise indicated, customers and other persons using the Services are individually and collectively referred to as “you”, “your” or “Customer”. whereas Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates are referred to as, "Life Alert", "we", "us" and "our." </p> INFORMATION WE COLLECT FROM YOU ONLINE <p> Information we collect from you may vary depending on our websites. Automatic Collection of Information: Like many Websites on the Internet, as you visit and use our Services we automatically track certain information about you to help us (1) better understand, improve and modify the Services, (2) better understand how the Services and our websites are used and experienced, and (3) better understand how we can enhance your overall experience on one or more of our Websites and/or Services, including providing advertising and other information that is relevant to you. This tracked or automatically gathered information may include, among other things, your computer’s IP address (Internet Protocol address), browser type, the URLs and pages on the Services you’ve visited, sections of or content on the Websites and/or Services of which you click on or are interested in, the number of times you visit each page on the Services, what downloads and/or search queries you have made, and how long you spent on particular sections of the Services and on the Services generally. This automatically gathered data includes information provided through the use of "cookies", log files and “clear GIFs” (described in more detail below). Information from Cookies: When you visit our website(s), we may send a small file to your computer (a “cookie”) which is stored there so that we can recognize your computer as a unique machine the next time you visit Life Alert websites, and which also enables us to, among other things, tailor the Services to your needs. You are always free to decline any cookies we use if your internet browser permits. However, please note that by declining cookies, certain functionalities of our websites may not be available to you. Additionally, some of our third-party service providers working on our behalf may also utilize their own cookies. Also, we and our third-party service providers sometimes use "clear GIFs" in connection with cookies and other website functions and emails. Clear GIFs perform administrative functions (but without detracting from your online experience), including being used to perform statistical and administrative tasks such as measuring traffic on our Websites and Services pages, verifying advertising avenues and positioning images on the web, and allowing us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and email marketing campaigns by letting us know which marketing emails have been opened by you or other recipients. However, please note that clear GIFs do not collect Personal Information. As mentioned above, we may partner with third party ad network(s) to either display advertising on our Services or to manage our advertising on other Websites. Our ad network partner may use cookies and/or Web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about your activities on our Services and other Websites to provide you targeted advertising based upon your interests. </p> HOW YOUR INFORMATION IS USED <p> The use of your information depends on your consent. By visiting any Life Alert website, you agree to have Life Alert "cookies", log files and/or “clear GIFs” downloaded onto your computer, which will not be shared with other companies. Personal Information: We do not share, sell, or buy personal information. We may share the Personal Information we collect from you only with your consent. The information you submit is used only for internal purposes and to provide quality customer service to you. Protection of rights: We may release Personal Information or other information we collect from you if we believe that such action is appropriate to: (I) comply with legal requests and processes. (II) identify, contact or bring legal action against persons or entities who are or we believe have caused or might cause injury to us or a third party. (III) defend or respond to claims brought or threatened against Life Alert, its employees, direct sellers, suppliers, service providers, installers, users of our Services or others. or (IV) otherwise protect or assert the rights, property, interests or personal safety of Life Alert, its employees, direct sellers, suppliers, service providers, installers, users of the Services or others. Any such release decisions may be made by us in our sole discretion. Record Keeping: It may be necessary for Life Alert keep records of certain Personal Information you have provided to us or which we have obtained from you in accordance with this Privacy Policy for business purposes. Non-personal Information: Automatically Gathered Information: Information that is automatically gathered, including through the use of cookies (as defined above), may be shared among our Websites, if applicable. </p> IS PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTED? <p> Whenever Personal Information is stored on our computers (which may be for an indefinite period, or a more limited time based on obsolescence or other factors), that information is protected from unauthorized access or use by way of passwords or other industry-acknowledged SCOPE OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY: OUTSIDE LINKS Be aware that our Websites and web pages may link to other Websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. This Privacy Policy applies only to Life Alert and Life Alert websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, nor the content, associated with any linked Websites. You should refer to the privacy policies and statements of other Websites or contact the respective Webmasters of those Websites to obtain information regarding their information collection, security, use and disclosure policies. </p> EFFECTIVE DATE AND MODIFICATIONS <p> This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date first written above. We reserve the right to update, change, modify or otherwise alter this Privacy Policy at any time. If any material changes are made to this Privacy Policy, Life Alert will notify you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on our Websites. ANY ACCESS OR USE OF THE WEBSITES BY YOU AFTER THE CHANGES GO INTO EFFECT SHALL CONSTITUTE AND BE DEEMED YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY. Accordingly, we encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy in order to keep apprised of our current privacy practices. If you do not want to be bound by this Privacy Policy, do not use or access any part of our Websites. </p> CONTACTING US <p> If you have concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices in general, you may contact us at: </p> <strong>Saving a LIFE</strong> <br> from a potential catastrophe<br> <strong>Every 11 Minutes!*</strong> 4 3 , 5 9 8 <strong>Emergency</strong> <br> Testimonials UL Certified Monitoring Centers <strong>© 1987-2021 Life Alert® </strong> <p> <strong>*</strong>Life Alert defines a life saved from a potential catastrophic outcome as an event where a subscriber activated the system, had an actual emergency, was home alone, was unable to get to the phone to call for help, and Life Alert dispatched help. ** Batteries never need charging and last up to 10 years. privacy policy </p>

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