
Privacy Policy

Vukkybox Privacy Policy Welcome to Vukkybox! We will refer to this as our "Service".<br> This service is operated by LIT Devs ("us", "we") for users of the service ("you"). Usage of the Service is governed by our Terms of Service.<br> LIT Devs is not affiliated with <i>any</i> company, including but not limited to, Nintendo (Wii™, Wii U™), Salad Technologies (Salad), and Hilda Productions (Alfur).<br> Data we collect We collect the following data required to operate the service: <ul> <li>Account ID, username, and e-mail if available from your signup method;</li> <li>Session ID, stored on your computer via cookies;</li> <li>Various statistics about your site usage. (signup method used, time of registration, unlocked Vukkies, opened boxes, redeemed codes, etc.)</li> </ul> Third-party services We use Cloudflare to protect our service from attacks, so you are subject to their privacy policy as well. You are a "End User" in that document.<br> We also use Gravatar, a service by Automattic, for profile pictures, so you may be subject to their privacy policy as well.<br> We do not store any cookies other than Session IDs, and we do not embed tracking or analytics code in the Service.<br> <br> Please note that when you use one of the login providers, their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply while you are there. How we use your data Your Account ID, Session ID, and username is used to identify you. Your Account ID may be logged to us if it is detected that your account is bypassing restrictions set by us.<br> Your e-mail is used to identify you in support requests and send you important notifications.<br> Statistics are used for the statistics page and the leaderboards.<br> We log the time when you sign up and what login method you used to see if a login method is worth keeping. This log does not contain any other information.<br> <br> Everything we collect is stored on our servers and is only used for service operation.<br> We do not have advertising partners, and we do not give your data to any third parties other than those mentioned in the "Third-party services" section.<br> We believe making a fun game is more important than serving advertising for profit. Your rights No matter where you are, we at LIT Devs believe you should have control over your data. You can: <ul> <li> <b>View your data</b>, as stored on our servers, by going to</li> <li> <b>Update your data</b> by going to your profile page and clicking on your username or profile picture. To change your e-mail, you must contact us in the same way as moving your data.</li> <li> <b>Move your data</b> to a different login provider by contacting us. Please note that your e-mail must be sent from the e-mail address you signed up with (see "View your data".)</li> <li> <b>Delete your data</b> by contacting us in the same way as moving your data, or going to</li> </ul> Children Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to use the Service, even with parental permission.<br> If you believe that a child is using the Service, please contact us so we can remove their data from the Service. Changes to this Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy may be updated at any time, but you will be notified on the Vukkybox website and by e-mail.<br> These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page. Contact information If you have any questions or need help, our e-mail address is contact (at) vukkybox (dot) com.<br>

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