Scientific American

Terms of Use

Terms of Use<p> <strong>Terms of Use</strong> <br> &nbsp;<br> Welcome to, a service of Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc. Please read these Terms of Use. By using this website, you accept all the terms and conditions below.&nbsp;You may wish to print this page for your reference.</p> <p>These Terms of Use apply only to individual licenses to Scientific American or to visitors without any license to the site.&nbsp. 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Please see our Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies.&nbsp;The Terms and Conditions of the Privacy Policy may be changed by Scientific American at its discretion. changes are then incorporated herein and included in this agreement.<br> <br> We invite you to bring to our attention any material on this website that you believe to be inaccurate. Please forward a copy, link, or appropriate reference of the material to Editors at, along with an explanation of the error.<br> &nbsp;<br> <strong>II. &nbsp;Free Services on</strong> <br> &nbsp; features both free and fee-based content services. Non-registered site visitors have limited access to site content and features.&nbsp;Visitors are encouraged to register an account on to take advantage of additional free content and services, including the ability to comment on blog posts and to subscribe to free newsletters.</p> <ol> <li>Site Registration<br> When you Register an account on, you become eligible for additional content and services.&nbsp;You will be asked to provide your first and last name, your email address (subject to verification) and a password.&nbsp;You will also be asked to create a screen name.&nbsp;The screen name will be displayed if you choose to comment on a blog hosted on;You will use your email address and password to sign on to;The password you create is for your individual use only.&nbsp;You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any password you use to access either free- or fee-based services, and agree that Scientific American will have no obligations with regarding thereto.<br> As a registered user, you are eligible for free newsletters and announcements of special offers when opted in, as well as new products and services from Scientific American.&nbsp;<br> registration does not accept unverifiable email addresses.<br> Site registration is required to purchase fee-based products and services on</li> </ol> <p> <strong>III. 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Your digital entitlements start with the January 2019 issue. &nbsp;We are unable to start the print component of your subscription until the February 2019 issue.&nbsp;Your digital entitlements are extended through January 2020 issue rather than expiring with the December 2019 issue. This policy ensures that customers receive 12 months of synched print/digital service.</li> <li>Single Issue Purchases, Special Collections, and eBooks<br> The purchase of a current or archival issue of Scientific American, Scientific American Mind, a Special Collection, including Scientific American Classics, entitles the customer to a PDF-download from as well as browser-based access where available. &nbsp;The purchase of a single issue or Special Collection from excludes any interactive mobile editions available for purchase via iTunes or Google Play,&nbsp;or any other online marketplaces.<br> Scientific American offers a variety of eBooks, which are available for purchase on, and are available in two different eBook formats.&nbsp;eBook purchases are for personal use only.&nbsp. 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