Terms and Conditions

EUREKA, CCIS TERMS AND CONDITIONS <p> <strong></strong> and <strong>EUREKA Express</strong> are web-based career information platforms accessible to all ages from upper elementary school to adults. Our goal is to provide access to comprehensive career information, including Financial Aid and Scholarship Listings, Short-term and Colleges/University training, Programs of Study, Self-Assessment and Career Exploration tools and Occupation descriptions. We also provide a selection of services and materials through our <strong>Shopping Cart</strong>. The use of these websites are governed by the <strong>Policies, Terms, and Conditions</strong> set forth below. Please read them carefully. If you visit, join, shop, or place an order at these websites, you accept these terms and conditions.</p> Sharing of Log in Name and Password <p>You are responsible for safeguarding the use of your individual Log In Name and Password. You may not permit another person or entity to use your log in credentials. In the event it is discovered that another person or entity is using your login credentials, <strong>EUREKA</strong> has the sole right and discretion to terminate your Subscription immediately.</p> Copyright and Trademark Notice <p>Unless otherwise specified, all materials appearing on these websites, including text, logos, graphics, icons, images, and the website design as well as the selection, assembly, and arrangement are the sole property of <strong>EUREKA, the California Career Information System (EUREKA, CCIS)</strong> and are protected by United States and international copyright laws. You are hereby granted a non-exclusive license to view and print the contents of <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> (the Content) for your personal use only. Commercial use of any of the Content is strictly prohibited. You may not display <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> in frames (or any of the Content via in-line links) without the express written permission of <strong>EUREKA</strong>. Except as expressly provided herein, all rights are reserved.</p> Limited Warranty. Limitation Of Liability <p>You expressly agree that your use of <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> is at your own risk. Neither <strong>EUREKA</strong>, nor its affiliates, nor any of its officers, directors, or employees, agents, third-party content providers, merchants, sponsors, licensors, or the like warrant that your use of <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> will be uninterrupted or error-free. nor do they make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from your use of its <strong>Self-Assessment or Career Exploration Tools results</strong> of <strong></strong> or <strong></strong>, or as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information, content, service, or merchandise offered or provided through <strong></strong> or <strong></strong>. </p> <p> <strong></strong> AND <strong></strong> AND THE CONTENT THEREOF ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS", "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. NO ORAL ADVICE OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY <strong>EUREKA</strong> OR ITS AFFILIATES, OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, PROVIDERS, MERCHANTS, SPONSORS, LICENSORS, OR THE LIKE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. NOR SHALL YOU RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR ADVICE. IF <strong>EUREKA</strong> CANNOT LAWFULLY DISCLAIM IMPLIED WARRANTIES UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE LIMITED TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW DISCLAIMER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. </p> <p>UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL <strong>EUREKA</strong>, ITS AFFILIATES OR ANY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, PROVIDERS, MERCHANTS, SPONSORS, LICENSORS, OR ANY OTHER PARTY INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DISTRIBUTING <strong></strong> OR <strong></strong> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE <strong></strong> OR <strong></strong>, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY CONTENT OR OTHER INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM <strong></strong> OR <strong></strong> OR THAT RESULTS FROM MISTAKES, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS, DELETION OF FILES OR E-MAIL, ERRORS, DEFECTS, VIRUSES, DELAYS IN OPERATION OR TRANSMISSION, OR ANY FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE, WHETHER OR NOT RESULTING FROM ACTS OF GOD, COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE, THEFT, DESTRUCTION, OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO RECORDS, PROGRAMS, OR SERVICES OF <strong></strong> OR <strong></strong>, EVEN IF <strong>EUREKA</strong> WAS AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY TO ALL CONTENT, MERCHANDISE, AND SERVICES AVAILABLE THROUGH <strong></strong> OR <strong></strong>. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p> Rights <p> <strong>EUREKA, CCIS</strong> reserves the right to remove any content that it deems in its sole discretion to be a violation of any law or of these <strong>Terms and Conditions</strong>. <strong>EUREKA</strong> may elect to electronically monitor the user-submit areas and may disclose any content, records, or electronic communication of any kind (i) to satisfy any law, regulation, or government request. (ii) if such disclosure is necessary or appropriate to operate <strong></strong>. or (iii) to protect the rights or property of <strong>EUREKA</strong>, its users, sponsors, providers, licensers, or merchants.</p> <p> </p> <p>EUREKA is not responsible for screening, policing, editing, or monitoring such content. If notified of allegedly infringing, defamatory, damaging, illegal, or offensive content, <strong>EUREKA, CCIS</strong> may investigate the allegation and determine in its sole discretion whether to remove or request the removal of such content from <strong></strong> or <strong></strong>. Neither <strong>EUREKA</strong>, nor its affiliates, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees, or agents, nor any provider, merchant, sponsor, or licensor shall assume liability for any action or inaction with respect to conduct, communication, or content on <strong></strong>.</p> Online Conduct <p>Any conduct by you that in <strong>EUREKA's</strong> sole discretion restricts or inhibits any other user from using <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> is strictly prohibited. You agree to use <strong></strong> only for lawful purposes. All users are prohibited from posting on or transmitting through <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including but not limited to any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law.</p> <p>EUREKA's Privacy Policy</p>

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