
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p> <strong>Last updated: November 5, 2021</strong> </p> <p>Flux is a different kind of media organization. We don’t accept advertising of any kind and we’re funded directly by our members for the information and services we provide. We don’t believe in spying on our readers and listeners.</p> <p>All software that we operate and provide to the public is open source.</p> <p>This document discusses how Flux utilizes information collected on any web service provided on a flux.community URL that links to this policy (hereafter “Websites”).</p> Types of information we collect <p>Personal information (“Personal Information”) is generally defined as information that, by itself or in combination with other information, could be used to identify you, could be reasonably associated with you, or information that may be used to get access to your account. Personal Information includes, but is not limited to, name, mailing and/or shipping address(es), telephone number, email address, username and password, credit/debit card number and other financial information, Internet protocol (“IP”) address and other online identifiers, date of birth, location data, race, professional or employment-related information, political affiliation, office address and other business information, biometric data (e.g., fingerprints), government-issued identification numbers (e.g., social security number. driver’s license number. passport number), etc.</p> <p>Personal Information and other data is gathered on or through the Websites in two ways: (1) indirectly (for example, when information is automatically collected through our Websites’ technology). and (2) directly (for example, when you voluntarily provide information on various pages of the Websites).</p> <p>One example of data we collect indirectly is through internet access logs. When you access the Websites, your numeric IP address is automatically collected and is placed in our internet access logs.</p> <p>We collect data indirectly from you in a number of ways, one of which is through the use of browser cookies. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web server to the web browser, which enables the web server to collect information from the browser.</p> <p>Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. We’ve designed the Websites so that if you are just interested in reading or listening, you will be able to do so. However, switching off cookies may restrict your use of the Websites and/or delay or affect the way in which the Websites operate, particularly interactive features.</p> Flux Community Membership <p>We also collect information directly when you voluntarily submit it to us. There are areas on our Websites where you may be asked to provide Flux with Personal Information such as your name, mailing and/or shipping address(es), email address, telephone number, date of birth, and/or credit/debit card number or other purchasing information when we provide you with the opportunity to utilize interactive feature such as:</p> <ul> <li>Registering for email newsletters</li> <li>Registering for events and meetings</li> <li>Making donations</li> <li>Commenting on articles</li> <li>Posting forum topics</li> <li>Participating in instant messaging chats</li> <li>Contacting Flux with questions or comments and/or use interactive features</li> </ul> <p>When we collect your Personal Information in this way, we will notify you as to how this information will be used. We will also provide you with the opportunity to indicate your preferences as to the use of your information.</p> <p>While we encourage you to register for a Flux Community Membership (“Membership”) so that we can provide you with special benefits, you can listen or read all of our content without registration or payment.</p> <p>When you register for a Membership, our servers will store your email address and chosen username. To ensure that our member emails are delivered correctly, we utilize link tracking with automatic removal of email addresses that return as invalid. We also require that new members confirm their email addresses by clicking a confirmation link after they register. This ensures that people do not get signed up without their consent.</p> <p>Members are able to provide more information in their user profiles (such as links to their social media accounts) but providing this information is not required to have a member account.</p> <p>If you choose to sign up for a Membership, you will need to accept cookies from our Websites in order to utilize it.</p> <p>Flux does not share Personal Information with third parties without consent.</p> <p>If you wish to remove your Membership from our system, you may do so at any time by logging in, clicking the “Edit” tab and then clicking the “Cancel Account” button at the bottom.</p> Matomo statistics <p>We use the open-source Matomo analytics software routed through our stats.flux.community domain to measure website visits. All information is stored entirely on Flux’s servers and is not processed or transferred to any other organization. Using your browser to block these cookies will not affect your ability to access Flux content. You can also opt out of this tracking if you register for a Flux membership. We do not use Google Analytics or any other external statistical services or software.</p> <p>You may also use the following form to opt out of individualized tracking:</p> <p> </p> Third-party services <p>Some services integrated into our Websites may place third-party browser cookies on your computer. These cookies may be disabled entirely or individually in your browser settings but doing so may reduce functionality.</p> Cloudflare <p>Flux utilizes content delivery and security features provided by Cloudflare. Some of these services may place browser cookies on your computer. More information about the Cloudflare privacy policy is available.</p> Elfsight <p>On pages featuring podcasts, Flux utilizes playback functionality provided by Elfsight. This service may place browser cookies on your computer. These cookies do not store personally identifiable information and can be blocked without affecting functionality. More information about the Elfsight privacy policy is available.</p> Other third-party content <p>Certain pages on the Websites may contain content from external sites, such as embedded social media postings, that are not controlled by Flux.</p> <p>Flux is not responsible for the privacy practices and data collection policies for such third-party sites. You should consult the privacy policies of those sites for details. Blocking this content may or may not reduce the functionality or visibility of this external content.</p> <p>Flux also provides links that allow you to (at your option) share our content on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Flux does not utilize tracking scripts provided by these companies for this feature and it is not responsible for the privacy practices and data collection policies if you choose to use such third-party services.</p> Managing browser cookies <p>Please refer to the following links for information on how to delete or manage cookies within various web browsers:</p> <ul> <li>Chrome</li> <li>Edge</li> <li>Firefox</li> <li>IE</li> <li>Opera</li> <li>Safari</li> <li>Vivaldi</li> </ul> Children’s information <p>The Websites are intended for individuals eighteen (18) years of age and older.</p> <p>The Websites are not directed at, marketed to, nor intended for, children under thirteen (13) years of age. Flux does not knowingly collect any information, including Personal Information, from children under 13 years of age. If Flux learns that any information was provided on or through the Sites by a person younger than 13 years of age, Flux will delete the information immediately.</p> Questions <p>If you have any questions about Flux’s privacy and data protection policies, please utilize our Contact form.</p>

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