
Privacy Policy

<strong>Verizon Digital Media Services B2B Privacy Policy</strong> <p> <strong> <em>Last Updated: July 31, 2021<br>‍</em> </strong> <br>This Verizon Digital Media Services B2B Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes how Verizon Digital Media Services Inc. (“VDMS,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) collects and uses Customer (defined below) personal information. &nbsp;<br>‍<br>This Policy applies to VDMS Customers only.&nbsp. Please review the privacy policy posted on other Verizon Media properties to understand how those services (including the Verizon Digital Media Services website (located at: insert link)) (“Website”) handle personal information.<br>‍<br> <strong>1. Scope of this Policy</strong> <br>‍<br>VDMS provides the following business-to-business (“B2B”) services to Customers (defined below): video streaming, content delivery network (“CDN”) services, security and other B2B services (collectively, the “Services”).&nbsp. This Policy applies to VDMS’s collection, use, and disclosure of personal information in connection with the Services.&nbsp. Below are a few definitions used within this Policy:&nbsp;<br> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>Customers</strong> are business entities that obtain one or more of VDMS’s Services under an agreement with VDMS. &nbsp. Customers and/or their representatives may provide personal information in connection with their entering into an agreement with us and use of our Services.</li> <li> <strong>Business Contact Information</strong> consists of contact information of individuals that are employed by (i) various entities that VDMS engages to assist VDMS with facilitating the Services (e.g., service providers or sub-processors). and (ii) third party partners whose services may be incorporated into the Services (e.g., services VDMS resells to Customers).</li> <li> <strong>End Users</strong> are those individuals who access or use our Customers’ domains, networks, websites, or applications.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>2. Information We Collect<br> <br>a. Customers.&nbsp. </strong>We collect the following information from Customers:<br> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>Customer B2B Account Information. </strong>We collect personal information such as name, email address, and phone number when you inquire about or obtain Services from us (or represent a company that inquires about or obtains a service or product from us), establish a B2B account, or when you otherwise choose to provide it to us, such as by choosing to receive email communications from us or otherwise communicate with us.</li> <li> <strong>Billing Information.&nbsp. </strong>We collect payment information to charge you (or the entity you represent) for our Services.</li> <li> <strong>Cookies. </strong>We may use cookies or other technologies to authenticate your B2B account.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>b. Business Contact Information. </strong>As an incident of providing the Services to our Customers, VDMS processes certain Business Contact Information. These business relationships, the personal information processed as a result, and the processing activities of the personal information, are dependent upon the Services and, where applicable, are further defined in the applicable agreements between VDMS and the Customer. In addition, if you (or the company you represent) provide services to VDMS, we may collect your Business Contact information. VDMS may be a controller or processor of this personal information, as set forth in the applicable agreement.&nbsp;<br>‍<br> <strong>c. End Users.</strong>&nbsp;As an incident of providing Services to our Customers, VDMS processes certain personal information from End Users. The End User personal information that may be processed in connection with the Services is set forth in detail in the agreement between VDMS and the Customer, and may vary from Customer to Customer, depending on the Services provided. For example, VDMS collects End Users’ IP addresses to provide the CDN services.&nbsp. VDMS acts as a processor or service provider for all End User personal information that VDMS may process as a result of providing the Services, and follows the instructions of the Customer as set forth in the applicable agreement between VDMS and the Customer.<br>‍<br> <strong>3. How We Use Personal Information<br> <br> </strong>VDMS uses the personal information described in this Policy to:&nbsp;<br> </p> <ol> <li>Provide, operate, maintain, improve, and develop the Services;</li> <li>Provide, operate, maintain, improve, and promote the Website;<strong> <br> </strong> </li> <li>Maintain the security of our networks and systems and the Services;</li> <li>Fulfill requests from Customers;</li> <li>Contact Customers about their accounts or with marketing messages;</li> <li>Conduct research and support innovation to improve the Services;</li> <li>Create analytics reports for internal use. or</li> <li>Create aggregated or anonymized information, which we may share with third parties or use for our own purposes.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p> <strong>4. How We Share Personal Information<br>‍<br> </strong>VDMS shares personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. &nbsp;<br>‍<strong> <br>a. </strong>We may share information with the following categories of recipients:<br> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>Service Providers.</strong> We share personal information with our service providers (sometimes referred to as “processors” or “sub-processors”) that work on our behalf and process your personal information at our direction. We require all service providers that we work with to have in place appropriate confidentiality and security measures to protect your personal information. Service providers include businesses that assist us with data hosting, analytics, security and combatting fraud and other unlawful behavior.</li> <li> <strong>Third Party Networks</strong>. We share End User IP addresses with third party networks who VDMS partners with to allow for the delivery of Customer content across the internet. These third party networks process End User IP addresses for the sole purpose of delivering the Customer content as directed by the Customer or requested by the End User.<strong> <br> </strong> </li> </ol> <p> <strong>b. Legal and Other Purposes.</strong> We may access, preserve and disclose information to investigate, prevent, or take action in connection with: (i) legal process and legal requests. (ii) enforcement of the terms of the applicable agreement. (iii) claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties. (iv) requests for Customer support services. (v) technical issues. (vi) protecting the rights, property or personal safety of VDMS, its users or the public. (vii) establishing or exercising our legal rights or defending against legal claims. or (viii) as otherwise required by law. This may include responding to lawful governmental requests.&nbsp;<br>‍<br> <strong>c. New Ownership.</strong> If the ownership or control of all or part of VDMS, or a specific Service, changes as a result of a merger, acquisition, sale of assets, or other legal mechanism, we may transfer your information to the new owner or controlling entity.&nbsp;<br>‍<br> <strong>5. Data Subject Rights<br>‍</strong> <br>The Services provide various controls to manage certain aspects of your VDMS B2B account. If you would like to exercise certain data subject rights regarding your VDMS B2B account, such as account erasure, please contact your VDMS account representative. If you are a European Economic Area resident and you wish to contact our Data Protection Officer, you can do so via email at dpo-contact@yahooinc.com. Please note, the platform that Yahoo provides to its consumers to manage and control their use of personal information does not work for VDMS B2B accounts. This is because VDMS is a processor for personal information we process on behalf of our Customers<br> <br> <strong>6. Information Security</strong> <br>VDMS has implemented and maintains appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction. or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure. or access and against other unlawful forms of processing. You may view such technical and organizational measures at https://www.verizondigitalmedia.com/technology/security-compliance/. VDMS may update or modify such technical and organizational measures from time to time.&nbsp;<strong> <br> <br>7. Data Retention</strong> <br>We generally store personal information for as long as necessary to deliver our Services and for security purposes. <br> <br>a. In some cases, we store information for longer periods of time, for example, when we need to comply with legal obligations or replicate or back up certain data to “offline” storage for disaster recovery purposes.&nbsp;<br> <br>b. In addition, we may maintain de-identified data for varying periods for research, reporting and product testing or development.<br> <br> <strong>8. Our Legal Bases for Processing Information. &nbsp;</strong> <br>We mainly rely on three separate bases to lawfully process your information. First, we need to process your information in certain ways to perform a contract with you. Second, where you have given us consent to use your personal information in certain ways (for example, VDMS marketing messages about new services), we will rely on your consent. Third, in certain cases, we may process your information where necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of third parties, where those legitimate interests are not overridden by your rights or interests. Occasionally, VDMS may rely on other legal bases to process your information, such as to protect a user’s vital interests (such as where there is a risk of imminent harm) or to comply with a legal obligation.&nbsp;<br>‍<br> <strong>9. Data Processing and Transfers<br>‍</strong> <br>a. VDMS processes Customer information related to individuals in the EU/EEA/UK and transfers that information from the EU/EEA/UK through various compliance mechanisms, including data processing agreements based on the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, in accordance with the agreement between Customer and VDMS.&nbsp;<br>‍<br>b. The United States and other non-EU/EEA/UK countries have different laws on data protection and rules in relation to government access to information. If you are based in the EU/EEA/UK, when your data is moved from your home country to a third country outside the EU/EEA/UK, some of these countries may not have the same data protection safeguards as your home country.<br>c. If you have questions about data transfers, please use one of the points of contact listed in section 12 of this Policy.&nbsp;<br>‍<br> <strong>10. Other Important Information<br>‍</strong> <br>This Policy applies only to VDMS and not to other Yahoo brands or companies. This Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that VDMS does not own or control, or to people that VDMS does not employ or manage.&nbsp;<br> <strong> <br>11. Changes<br>‍</strong> <br>We may update this Policy from time to time, so you should check it periodically.<br>‍<br> <strong>12. Questions &amp. Suggestions</strong> <br>If you have questions, suggestions, or wish to make a complaint, you may reach out directly to your VDMS account representative, or contact us at:<br>‍<br>e-mail: legaldmsadmin@verizondigitalmedia.com<br>‍Attention: VDMS - Privacy Policy<br>Address: VDMS13031 West Jefferson Boulevard, Building 900<br>Los Angeles, CA 90094Attention: VDMS - Privacy Policy<br> <br>If you wish to contact our Data Protection Officer, you can do so by post to: Attn: Data Protection Officer, Verizon Media EMEA, 5-7 Point Square, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.<br>‍<br>Our Article 27 Representative can be contacted by email at GDPRrepresentative@mhc.ie, or by post at:<br>‍<br>MHC GDPR Representative<br>Mason Hayes and Curran Professional Services Limited<br>South Bank HouseBarrow Street<br>Dublin 4<br>Ireland<br>Tel: +353 1 614 5000<br> </p>

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