
Terms of Service

Alovoa Sign up Login Terms of Service<p>Updated on 2021-09-22</p>1. Introduction<p>By using our Services, you accept the Terms of Service, which may be updated from time to time and our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms, please do not use our services.</p> <p>The platform is available in multiple languages, but only the languages English and German are officially supported. We cannot guarantee the correctness of any content from another language.</p>2. Eligibility<p>By creating an account and using the service, you represent and warrant that:</p> <ul> <li>you can form a binding contract with Alovoa.</li> <li>you are at least 16 years old.</li> <li>you do not have more than one account on our services.</li> <li>you will comply with this agreement and all national and international laws.</li> <li>you have never been found guilty for a sex crime or violence related crime.</li> <li>you treat others with a respectful manner.</li> <li>you only upload data that belongs to you.</li> <li>you do not impersonate another person.</li> <li>you do not share illegal content.</li> <li>you do not share links in your public profile.</li> <li>you do not harass, bully, stalk, intimidate, assault, defame, harm or otherwise mistreat any person.</li> <li>you do not upload sexual implicit or explicit content.</li> <li>you have not previously been banned from our services.</li> </ul>4. Your content<p>You are solely responsible and liable for any content that you upload. By uploading your content you acknowledge that you own all the rights to do so.</p>5. Privacy<p>For all information regarding privacy, please read our Privacy Policy.</p>6. Donations &amp. Refunds<p>Alovoa only receives donations and does not sell any virtual good or subscriptions. Donations are not refundable, except when it’s required by the country you reside in.</p>7. Our rights<p>We reserve the right to terminate your account at all times without prior notification.</p>8. Disclaimer<p>Alovoa PROVIDES THE SERVICE ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS AND TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. </p> <p>Alovoa DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR THAT ANY CONTENT OR INFORMATION YOU OBTAIN ON OR THROUGH THE SERVICE WILL BE ACCURATE. </p> <p>Alovoa TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY CONTENT THAT YOU OR ANOTHER USER POSTS OR SENDS. </p> <p>Alovoa IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE. </p> Language Privacy Policy Terms of Service Imprint FAQ English Deutsch Español* Français* Português* Italiano* Čeština* русский* 日本語* 中文* 한국어* * beta

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