Arista Networks

Privacy Policy

&nbsp. &nbsp. <p>This website is maintained in the United States by Arista Networks, Inc. ("we" or "us"). This privacy policy explains how we, and all of our corporate subsidiaries and affiliates (including U.S. subsidiaries Big Switch Networks LLC, Mojo Networks LLC, Awake Security LLC, and Metamako America LLC), use any personal information that we collect about you when you use this website (the "Site") and our cloud networking solutions and products (the "Services") or otherwise interact with us. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible through our Services.</p> <p>We take data privacy and the security of your personal information seriously and will only use such personal information as set out in this privacy policy. Please read the following information carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.</p> <ul> <li>What information do we collect about you?</li> <li>How will we use the personal information that we collect?</li> <li>With whom do we share your personal information?</li> <li>Updating and accessing your personal information</li> <li>Use of Sensitive Personal Data</li> <li>Data from Minors</li> <li>Acting as a Data Processor</li> <li>Changes to our policy</li> <li>Contact Us</li> </ul> <p>We provide certain cloud-based services (e.g. Arista Cognitive Wi-Fi and CloudVision) to our corporate customers. If you are an end user of services provided by our customers based on our cloud-services, then we act on behalf of our customer as a data processor and service provider. This means that our customer acts as a data controller and will provide information on how they collect and process your data using our Services. They are your contact for any questions you have about how it handles your personal information. For example, if we provide a coffee shop with an Arista Cognitive Wi-Fi solution and they use it to provide Wi-Fi access to you as a patron, we are merely a data processor for the coffee shop, and the coffee shop is the data controller. In that situation, you—as a patron—should work directly with the coffee shop to understand how they use your data. Additionally, the policies relating to the collection and disclosure of personal information and the rights guaranteed to California residents under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") (as discussed below) only relate to Arista's direct actions as a business with you and not a service provider. For more information, please see the section below Acting as a Data Processor.</p> <p>By using the website or submitting your personal information to us, you agree to us using your personal information in accordance with this policy.</p> What information do we collect about you? <p>We collect data about your use of the Site through the operation of the Site including the use of cookies and similar technology, such as standard log files, "clear gifs" or "web beacons," as set forth in our cookie policy.</p> <p>We also collect data that you choose to provide us, for example, by registering for an account with us, submitting product and service inquiries, partnership requests, employment inquiries, and the like, or by otherwise communicating with us. Information that we receive, should you choose to give it to us or allow us to retrieve it from a third party, may include:</p> <ul> <li>your contact information (such as your name, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address);</li> <li>information about your past and present employers and positions (in connection with employment inquiries);</li> <li>financial and other background information about you (for example, during a background check for employment);</li> <li>sensitive data (See below).</li> </ul> <p>We also collect data on behalf of our customers when you interact with them through a Service that we manage. This information includes technical information about your computer or device, including:</p> <ul> <li>the Internet Protocol (IP) address and/or MAC address used to identify your computer or device, browser and plug-in types, time zone settings, and operating system information;</li> <li>your login information;</li> <li>the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time);</li> <li>items you viewed or searched for;</li> <li>other usage information. and</li> <li>page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.</li> </ul> How will we use the personal information that we collect? <p>We do the following with your personal information:</p> <ul> <li>use your email address and other contact information to communicate with you, to provide you with product, service, or other information you have requested of us and to carry out any obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us or your company and us, including providing warranty and technical support for our products and services;</li> <li>improve your interactions with our Site, such as by providing services based on your login;</li> <li>record and monitor your use of the Site and Services for internal purposes which may include analysis of usage, measurement of site performance and generation of marketing reports;</li> <li>act as a data processor on behalf of our Services customers as set forth below.</li> </ul> <p>In addition, when you send us a copy of your resume or curriculum vitae, we will use the information contained in that document to match you with any relevant opportunity that may arise with us, a subsidiary, or an affiliate and assess your application and to communicate with you about the process and employment opportunities. We may keep this information to consider you for future opportunities.</p> <p>We do not retain any more of your personal information than we believe is reasonably necessary for any of these purposes, and we do not retain your personal information for any longer than is reasonably necessary to do so. We have put procedures in place and take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, updated and secure.</p> <p>As we are a company with a global presence and affiliates around the world, your personal information will generally be transferred to the United States and various other locations around the world both inside and outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), as needed to carry out the purposes described above, based on appropriate transfer mechanisms, including Standard Contractual Clauses and within the bounds set forth herein.</p> <p>We work to promote a safe and reliable Site and Service for all users. We reserve the right to disclose your information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability. to protect us and others from fraudulent, abusive, predatory, or unlawful uses or activity. to investigate and defend ourselves against any third party claims or allegations. to assist government enforcement agencies. to protect the security or integrity of the Site. or to protect or vindicate the rights, property, or personal safety of Arista, our users, or others.</p> With whom do we share your personal information? <p>We do not sell your data. We transfer, when useful, some of your personal information among our global subsidiaries and to our trusted service providers for their assistance in providing the services described, as required by contractual obligations, legal obligations, and/or based on other legitimate interests or your consent to such transfer. Our Trusted Service Providers (also sometimes referred to as subprocessors) include communications services providers (such as email), cloud hosting providers, and marketing/sales contact management providers. Such parties are expected to apply at least the same level of protection as outlined in this policy, and our transfer to them will be in compliance with relevant data privacy laws and relevant data authority approved data transfer mechanisms. A full list of our Trusted Service Providers is available here and will be updated prior to engaging a new Trusted Service Provider.</p> <p>Our trusted service providers are under strict obligations to safeguard your data and only process it for our use. the data cannot be used for any other party or purpose. For example, we do not allow the information that you provide to be used to market any third-party products or services to you.</p> <p>By submitting your information and/or using this website, you expressly authorize us to share your personal data with our trusted service providers as described herein and we may have further legitimate interests in such processing. In most instances, we will remain liable for any issues arising from our trusted service providers' processing of your data on our behalf.</p> <p>We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except as detailed in this policy or where a government, regulatory body or the law requires us to disclose your personal information. Arista further commits to challenging, as reasonable, any request it deems unlawful in whole or in part.</p> <p>Overtime the Site may enable users to communicate in a variety of ways, such as posting of comments, messaging features, and the like. Any personally identifiable information that you voluntarily choose to submit through such a feature will be available to other users who have access to that content. Once you make your personally identifiable information available to others in any of these ways, it may be collected and used by the recipients without restriction.</p> Updating and accessing your personal information <p>We encourage you to keep up-to-date the personal information you share with us. If you have created or been given an account with us, some of your personal information is available for you to update yourself. Your account is protected by a password, and it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your password and login details.</p> <p>In some jurisdictions, including the EU, United Kingdom, and Switzerland, you have certain rights regarding your personal data such as an express right to access, correct or delete your personal information that we maintain, with certain legal limitations. You may also have express right to restrict the use of your personal data or otherwise withdraw your consent for data processing where you have given it.</p> <p> <u>California residents:</u> You have the rights to request:</p> <ul> <li>that we disclose what personal information we collect, use and disclose;</li> <li>the specific pieces of personal information that we have about you from within the past 12 months, categories of personal information we have collected about you, categories of sources from which your personal information is collected, categories of personal information that we have disclosed for a business purpose about you, categories of third parties to whom your personal information was disclosed for a business purpose, and/or the business or commercial purpose for collecting information. and/or</li> <li>that we delete your personal information collected or maintained by us, as provided by California Civil Code Section 1798.105 and subject to certain exceptions.</li> </ul> <p>If you would like to exercise any of your rights hereunder, such as receive a copy of some or all of the personal information held by us about you or would like us to correct or delete your personal information, please email us at, and we will address your request. You may also contact us at 1-866-868-0825. You may exercise any of your rights in this section without discrimination by us.</p> <p>If at any time you no longer wish to receive marketing information from us, please use the unsubscribe option available on any marketing communication received from us.</p> Use of sensitive personal data <p>Sensitive data includes any of the following types of information: racial or ethnic origin. political opinions. religious or philosophical beliefs. union membership. physical or mental health. sexual life. criminal offences. or criminal proceedings or convictions. Without limiting the details here, applicable data protection laws may require that prior to processing your sensitive data, we provide you with information about the processing and obtain your consent.</p> <p>Before submitting a resume or curriculum vitae to us, you should carefully read this policy to understand our handling of your personal data. Information and opinions relating to you, provided by you and by others, may be added to your file in our database(s) in the course of the recruitment process, including databases managed by our trusted service providers. The data collected may include your CV, application form, assessments, background check data, and interview materials. Personal information you provide to us may be shared with selected third parties for the purposes of assessing your application only. In particular, you should note that your application will be subject to verification, such as by contacting your references and/or any appropriate body in charge of any asserted qualification.</p> <p>The information about you held in the database will be used for the purpose of determining your suitability for employment with us. It may also be held for statistical analysis. It may be used for the purposes of: legal proceedings (including prospective legal proceedings). obtaining legal advice. establishing, exercising or defending legal rights. compliance with any legal obligation to which the company is subject. maintaining the security of the company and its personnel. the prevention and detection of crime or fraud. and compliance with any request from regulatory authorities or other relevant public authorities or agencies.</p> <p>If your application for employment is unsuccessful, then the information may be held by us in case of any query and for record-keeping purposes. If your application for employment is successful, your details will be subject to further processing by us and you will receive further information about such processing as appropriate. Except as indicated above, your details will be accessible only by our authorized personnel and will not be disclosed to any third party.</p> <p>Your details will be held in our database for up to two years after your submission. If you need to update your contact information, please send the new details to our HR Department. If you wish for us to delete your information earlier, you may make such a request.</p> <p>Your details may be transferred to Arista's affiliates and trusted service providers and accessed by authorized Arista personnel inside or outside the EEA, for the purposes set out above and you consent to such a transfer. You should be aware that each territory will have its own laws and practices relating to the protection of personal data. Arista strives to provide comprehensive data protection and only works with trusted and vetted service providers in managing the data that we collect from and about you. If you would like any further details about your rights (which include rights of access to data - subject to exemptions) then please write to us at</p> Data from Minors <p>Our Sites and Services do not target and are not intended to attract children or minors under the age of 16. Arista does not knowingly solicit personal information from children or minors under the age of 16 or send them requests for personal information. If you believe we have collected personal information from a person under 16 years old without the consent of their parent or legal guardian, please let us know immediately by contacting us as indicated below and providing sufficient information so we can act appropriately.</p> Dispute Resolution <p>We commit to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. If you have a concern, please contact us at We will respond to inquiries within forty-five (45) days. Should we not be able to resolve the matter, depending on your local laws, you may have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.</p> Do Not Track <p>Arista does not track its customers over time or across third party websites to provide targeted advertising and therefore does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. However, some third-party sites do keep track of your browsing activities when they serve you content, which enables them to tailor what they present to you. If you are visiting such sites, your browser may allow you to set the DNT signal on your browser so that third parties (particularly advertisers) know you do not want to be tracked.</p> Acting as a Data Processor <p>With respect to some of our cloud-based product and service offerings, Arista acts merely as a data processor of our corporate customers' data, which may include your personal data as an end user of services provided by our customers. While we still maintain this data securely and in accordance with the principles of this policy, there are a few aspects of this policy that apply specifically to this situation. They are:</p> <ul> <li>Our customers provide the same or similar types of data about themselves and about you as we list above, but the extent of collected data is dependent on our customers' settings and the information that you choose to share with our customers. While you should contact the relevant customer directly, information stored about you additionally may include device identifiers (e.g., MAC or IP addresses) for devices visible to or connected to the Services, device activity, time, location and configuration data, applications used, and/or websites accessed;</li> <li>Arista only processes this data on the instructions of our customers, the data controllers;</li> <li>In this capacity, Arista provides data storage and system management for our customers' systems;</li> <li>Arista may use anonymized or pseudo-anonymized aspects of this customer data to analyze and improve Arista's products and Services;</li> <li>Because our customers provide the data and we process it only on their instructions, we have given our customers the tools to respond to any data inquiries, such as those relating to access, processing restrictions, deletion, and the like. we therefore will direct, when necessary, such inquiries to our customers and work with them to respond if they need our assistance. Please direct any inquiries regarding exercising your rights to your personal data to the company whose services you are directly using. and</li> <li>Our customers will determine how long the personal information which you have provided to them is retained. please contact them in the first instance with any questions.</li> </ul> Changes to our Privacy Policy <p>We keep our privacy policy under regular review, and we will post any updated version on this web page, with an updated revision date. By continuing to use our website or services after such changes are in effect, you have accepted these terms. This privacy policy was last updated in June 2021.</p> Contact Us <p>If this policy does not provide the information you were looking for, or if you have any further questions about our use of your personal data, please submit your query to Additionally, you can contact us toll free at 1-866-868-0825, and someone will address your inquiry.</p> &nbsp. Cookie Policy Use of Cookies <p>This Site uses cookies. Cookies are commonly used small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. This allows the Site to recognize and distinguish your visit from those of other visitors to the Site and gather data about your visit. Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. You do not have to accept cookies and may reject them by activating the relevant setting on your browser. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may experience reduced functionality when using this Site.</p> <p>Cookies used on this Site include the following:</p> <ul> <li>Strictly Necessary Cookies: these cookies allow you to access and navigate around our Site, use its features and access secure areas. The information gathered by these cookies is used for information security purposes. If the use of this type of cookies is not allowed, certain parts of our Website cannot be used. An example includes login-related cookies.</li> <li>Functional Cookies: these cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies, some or all of these services may not function properly.</li> <li>Performance Cookies: these cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our website. This includes the number of visitors to the Site, from where the visitors have come to the Site and the pages that were visited within our Site. We use this information to compile reports and to help us improve the Site. The cookies are collected in an anonymized form.</li> <li>Targeting Cookies: With our permission, this type of cookie is placed on our Site by third parties such as advertising networks. These cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and remember your visit and may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant advertising on other sites. Often these cookies are linked to website functionality provided by a third party.</li> <li>Social Media Cookies: these cookies are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or "like" button on our website or you link your account or engage with our content on or through a social networking website such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. The social network may record that you have done this.</li> </ul> <p>Additionally, the above cookies may be either session cookies or persistent cookies. Session (non-persistent) Cookies allow you to move through the pages of our Site easily without having to re-enter login details, when applicable. They are also used to store the capabilities of your internet browser and identify whether you have certain software so we can tailor the Site accordingly. This information is stored in your internet browser and is permanently disposed of once you close the program. Persistent Cookies record an individual user's preferences so that each time the user returns the preferences remain, such as your preferred language. This information is stored in your local cookie cache when your internet browser is closed and is used the next time you visit the Site to remember your preferences and prevent you from seeing the cookie pop-up once you have accepted our use of cookies or changed your browser settings.</p> Managing Cookies <p>Your cookies settings will be remembered based on your choices in the banner and/or Privacy Preference Center. If you delete the cookies from your browser program or use another browser, you may be asked your preferences again. You can find more information about cookies, including how to set your internet browser to reject them generally, here. Also, you can find information about how to manage Cookies in your specific browser at the following sites: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.</p> Changes to our Cookie Policy <p>We keep our cookie policy under regular review and we will post any updated version on this web page, with an updated revision date. By continuing to use our website after such changes are in effect, you have accepted these terms. This cookie policy was last updated in March 2021.</p>

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