Terms of Use

Terms of Use<p>Welcome to RAWG – a platform that allows you to keep a library of video games of your interest, organise and make lists of games, rate, share opinions and find new games to play.</p>Acceptance of the Terms<p>These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern the relationship between you and Behind the Games, UAB (“we”, “our” and “us”) in connection with your use of rawg.io (“RAWG”). Please read them carefully.</p> <p>Do not attempt to use RAWG unless you wish to be bound by these Terms (which also include the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy), because by accessing and continuing to use any part of RAWG, you confirm that you accept them.</p>Your RAWG AccountCreating an Account<p>To access full functionality of RAWG you need a RAWG account. You can create an account either by providing your email and password in the registration form or by signing up via an account in one of the social media represented on the RAWG sign up page. You do not have to pay any registration or subscription fees to create a RAWG account.</p> <p>The details of the information that you need to provide to sign up are set out in our Privacy Policy. It is important that the information you provide is accurate, complete and current at all times. You can update it at any time in the profile settings section of RAWG.</p> <p>You may not use as your username on RAWG:</p> <ul> <li>a username that is used by another RAWG user;</li> <li>a name or a trademark that is subject to any rights of another person without appropriate authorisation;</li> <li>a username that is offensive, vulgar, obscene or otherwise inappropriate. or</li> <li>a username that may otherwise breach these Terms or any applicable laws.</li> </ul> <p>RAWG is not intended for users under the age of 18. You may create a RAWG account only if you have reached the aforesaid age.</p> <p>Your RAWG account is personal to you and cannot be transferred to or traded with anyone else.</p>Account Security<p>At no time should you disclose your log-in details to anyone. You must ensure that you secure your RAWG account, computer, mobile phone or another device from third party access.</p> <p>You may be held liable for the conduct, actions and breaches of these Terms committed with the use of your RAWG account. We shall have no liability to you or any third parties for any loss or damage arising from unauthorised use of your RAWG account or unauthorised access to, use, alteration, modification or disclosure of your personal information based on your omissions or conduct as regards your log-in details.</p> <p>If you become aware of or suspect any unauthorised use of your RAWG account or any other breach of security, please notify our User Support immediately at https://rawg.io/feedback.</p>Suspension and Closure of Your Account<p>You can close your account at any time by contacting our User Support at https://rawg.io/feedback.</p> <p>We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your RAWG account at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever, including if we suspect that your account has been or may be used in a manner that contravenes these Terms. If we terminate your account for violation of these Terms, we may also prohibit you from accessing or using RAWG in future.</p>User Generated Content<p>RAWG permits you to upload and make available to others RAWG users the content you have created (“<strong>user generated content</strong>” or “<strong>your content</strong>”). User generated content may include profile content, reviews, discussions, lists, likes, comments and any other content posted or otherwise generated by users on RAWG.</p> <p>You are solely responsible and liable for your content. You must ensure that your content:</p> <ul> <li>does not violate these Terms, any applicable laws or the rights of others;</li> <li>does not include any information that infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of any person, or that is in breach of any legal obligation owed to any other party;</li> <li>does not include any information which could personally identify any other person, unless you are entitled to do so;</li> <li>does not contain any material which may be considered defamatory, threatening, offensive, vulgar, obscene or otherwise inappropriate.</li> </ul> <p>You are commissioning us to host and make available your content on RAWG and grant us a respective license (see section Intellectual property).</p> <p>You create, upload and use user generated content at their own risk. We are not responsible if your content is misused by third parties, as this is outside of our reasonable control.</p> <p>We do not pre-screen all user generated content and do not endorse, approve or recommend any of it. You must not in any way claim or suggest that your content is supported by or affiliated with us.</p> <p>We reserve the right to remove your content from RAWG where we have reasons to believe it breaches these Terms, or take any other measures as we, at our absolute discretion, consider appropriate to protect us or others, or if we are required to do so by law or any appropriate authority. We are not under any obligation to notify you of this decision.</p> <p>To report any user generated content that is in breach of these Terms, please contact our User Support at https://rawg.io/feedback.</p>Your Use of RAWG<p>You are not permitted to use RAWG (including the mobile app and any webpage and/or data that passes through the web domain at rawg.io) its underlying computer programs (including application programming interfaces (“APIs”)), domain names, Uniform Resource Locators (“URLs”), databases, functions or its content other than for private, non-commercial purposes. Use of any automated system or software to extract any data from RAWG for commercial purposes is prohibited. We reserve our right to take any action we consider necessary, including issuing legal proceedings without further notice, in relation to any unauthorised use of RAWG.</p> <p>Further to the obligations you have under these Terms, you agree not to:</p> <ul> <li>use RAWG for any purpose or in any manner that contravenes any applicable laws, these Terms or the purpose of RAWG;</li> <li>abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate or impersonate any person;</li> <li>create multiple accounts for the purpose of promoting yourself or other users;</li> <li>access another RAWG user’s account or inhibit any other user from using RAWG;</li> <li>submit any corrupted files, files that contain viruses, or any other item that may damage the operation of a computer or other electronic device;</li> <li>cause RAWG to be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or impair the effectiveness or functionality of RAWG in any other way;</li> <li>try to gain unauthorised access to RAWG or any networks, servers or computer systems connected to RAWG;</li> <li>use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access RAWG without our express permission (with the exception of accessing RSS feeds).</li> </ul> <p>We reserve the absolute right to conduct all necessary investigations (whether by the use of technology or otherwise) of any breaches of these Terms.</p>Intellectual Property<p>All information, data, underlying computer programs (including APIs), domain names, URLs, databases, and materials presented on RAWG, including logos, website layout, colour scheme, etc. (“Intellectual Property“) are subject to copyright, trade mark rights, database rights and/or other intellectual property rights. You may use such content only as strictly required for permitted personal, non-commercial purposes. Any other use and/or reproduction of such content, without our prior written consent, is prohibited and will constitute a breach of these Terms.</p> <p>Solely for the purpose of accessing and using RAWG we grant you a licence, which is:</p> <ul> <li>non-exclusive: we can grant the same and similar licences to other people;</li> <li>revocable: we can terminate this licence in certain circumstances;</li> <li>personal: you may not use the Intellectual Property for any commercial purpose;</li> <li>non-transferable: the licence is only for your benefit and you may not transfer or sub-licence any of the rights that we grant to you to anyone else;</li> <li>limited: you can only use the Intellectual Property for the purposes set out in these Terms. and</li> <li>conditional upon your compliance with these Terms.</li> </ul> <p>To the extent that the copyright or other intellectual property rights in the user generated content do not already belong to us, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, fully sub-licensable licence to use, copy, alter, display and create extracts of or derivative works from your content in any media formats, on RAWG, on our other channels including mobile, email communications, social media, PR, competitions and press releases and also on third party media, including for the purpose of promoting RAWG. You are not entitled to royalty payments or any other compensation or fee related to any such use of your content. You waive your moral rights in relation to your content on RAWG to the extent legally permitted. You also grant each other user of RAWG a licence to use your content to the extent expressly permitted by these Terms.</p>Links to Third Party Sites<p>RAWG may contain links to websites of thirds parties. We do not control such websites and are not responsible for their content or for how they treat the data they may collect from you. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage that may be suffered as a result of you following any links.</p>Youtube videos<p>Public videos may be streamed from YouTube and are subject to YouTube Terms of Service.</p>Disclaimers<p>RAWG and its content are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. We will use reasonable endeavours to make RAWG available at all times. However, there may be occasions when access to RAWG may be interrupted, including for scheduled maintenance or upgrades, for emergency repairs, or due to failure of telecommunications links or equipment. We also cannot promise that any defects will be corrected, or that your use of RAWG will provide specific results.</p> <p>You use RAWG at your own risk. Whilst we take steps to keep RAWG secure and to prevent misuse of our systems, we cannot warrant that RAWG will be free of viruses or other malicious code and accept no liability for loss or damage caused from the transmission of such code. We recommend that you always use up-to-date firewalls and anti-malware software to protect your equipment and data.</p> <p>You also acknowledge that RAWG may be subject to breaches of security and that we shall have no liability for any lost data or RAWG unavailability as a result of any attack or assault on its security or any disruption of its operation. Please keep a local backup copy of your content and other information your upload on RAWG.</p> <p>You assume total responsibility for your use of RAWG. If you are dissatisfied with RAWG your only remedy under these Terms shall be to discontinue your use of RAWG.</p>General<p>If any part of these Terms is held to be unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other part of the Terms, and the rest of the Terms shall be interpreted in such a way as to reflect the intentions of the parties as far as possible.</p> <p>No waiver shall be effective unless in writing, and no waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver so as to prevent us or you from acting upon any continuing or subsequent breach or default.</p> <p>These Terms and any dispute, claim or obligation (whether contractual or non-contractual) arising out of or in connection with these Terms or their subject matter or formation shall be governed by the laws of Lithuania. All disputes shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country the laws of which are applicable in a particular case.</p>Changes to the Terms<p>We keep these Terms under regular review. From time to time, we may amend them, for example to reflect new features and functionality of RAWG or because of changes in the law.</p> <p>We strongly encourage you to check for updates to these Terms at https://rawg.io/terms each time you use RAWG. If you do not agree to the changes made to the Terms (including the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy) you have the right to stop using RAWG, and should do so immediately. Your continued use of RAWG after the date the changes have been posted on RAWG will constitute acceptance of the amended Terms.</p> <p>Last updated: 08/04/2019</p> <p>If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding these Terms (including the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy), please contact us at feedback@rawg.io.</p> <p>Behind the Games, UAB Jovaro g. 7-2, 03104 Vilnius, Lithuania</p> <p>© Behind the Games UAB. 2017-2019. All rights reserved.</p>2022 © RAWG, Behind The GamesAboutPrivacyTermsFeedbackdiscordtwitterfacebookData from Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, App Store, Google Play, GOG, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitch, Reddit and Imgur.

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