Newell Brands

Terms of Use

Newell Brands Terms Of Use<p>United States: v21.1&nbsp;– Sep 2021</p> <p>PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING OR ACCESSING ANY PAGES IN THIS WEBSITE. By using or accessing this website you signify your acknowledgment and assent to the terms and conditions of use set forth below. This website is owned and operated by Newell Brands Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Newell Brands,” “we,” or “us”). If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use this website. Newell Brands is free to revise these terms of use at any time by updating this posting, and your use after such change signifies your acceptance of the changed terms. Please check these terms of use periodically for changes. Questions concerning this website or its operation should be directed to the contact points set forth at the end of these terms of use.</p> <p>In connection with viewing and using this website, you are permitted to temporarily download one copy of the materials posted on this website onto a single computer for only your personal, non-commercial use. Except as otherwise specifically provided elsewhere on this website, redistribution, retransmission, republication or commercial exploitation of the contents of this website are expressly prohibited without the written consent of Newell Brands and any copyright owner from whom we have obtained a license. Requests for such permission should be made to or to the contact specified below. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Downloading of any information, content or images from this website does not transfer any right or ownership of such information, content or images to you, and such information, content or images may be used solely in accordance with these terms of use. You may not mirror or archive any part of this site or any material contained on this site on any server or computer without Newell Brands' written permission.</p> <p> <b>Contents and Hyperlinks</b> <br>This website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites, and those websites are the sole responsibility of such independent third parties, and use thereof is solely at your own risk. Newell Brands has no control over the content or policies of such third-party websites, and we are not responsible for (and under no circumstances shall be liable for) the contents, accuracy or reliability of any websites hyperlinked to this website. Those who choose to access information from this website (including any information obtained through any hyperlink) are solely responsible for the compliance of such information with any applicable law. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>User Content</b> <br>Newell Brands is pleased to hear from its customers. however, we do not accept or consider any creative ideas, suggestions or other materials related to products, services or marketing except in compliance with the procedures outlined for idea submissions outlined elsewhere in this website. Please do not send us any original creative materials such as product ideas or suggestions except in compliance with such procedures. Anything you disclose or offer to us by or through this website ("Communications"), including e-mails to Newell Brands or postings on interactive portions of this website, shall be deemed and shall remain the property of Newell Brands. If you send us such Communications, you are providing it to us on a NON-CONFIDENTIAL BASIS, and we will have no obligation to keep such information secret, to refrain from using such information, or to compensate you for the receipt or use of such Communications. Newell Brands is free to use, for any purpose whatsoever, any Communications, including but not limited to publishing, or developing, manufacturing, and marketing products using such Communications. By uploading or otherwise providing any Communications to this website or Newell Brands, you hereby grant Newell Brands, to the extent you retain any rights, the unlimited, perpetual right to reuse, redistribute, modify and create derivative works from such Communications for any purpose and in any media without compensation, and you warrant that all "moral rights" in uploaded Communications have been waived. By submitting Communications to us through this website, through e-mail, or through any means other than through the procedures outlined elsewhere in this website, you hereby RELEASE Newell Brands from any liability under any legal theory in connection with the use, modification, sale, or disclosure of any Communications. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Interactive Areas and Code of Acceptable Conduct</b> <br>Newell Brands does not ordinarily filter, censor, edit or regulate information and content provided by third parties on this website, including any such information provided in interactive areas, and we neither endorse nor are responsible for (and under no circumstances shall be liable for) the contents, accuracy or reliability of such information and content. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p>When participating in interactive portions of this website, you represent that you have proper right and authorization to use any information or content you upload or post and agree to abide by the following code of acceptable conduct:</p> <ol> <li>You will not upload or otherwise provide infringing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, illegal or otherwise improper content.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> </ol> <ol> <li>You will not upload viruses or harmful components.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <ol> <li>You will not use the website to further any illegal purpose or to violate the rights of any party.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <ol> <li>You will not upload or otherwise provide content with a commercial purpose or attempt to solicit funds or advertise goods and services.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>Newell Brands will assist law-enforcement officials investigating illegal activity or violations of these terms of use.</p> <p> <b>Products, Services and Software</b> <br>Downloading software from this website does not give you title to such software, including any files, data and images incorporated in or associated with the software. Your use of any such software shall be only in accordance with the license agreement that is included with the software or presented upon download of such software. Software available on this website is copyrighted by Newell Brands or its owner. Software may not be copied, redistributed or placed on any server for further distribution. You may not sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the software.</p> <p>A description or reference to a product, service or publication on this website (including any description or reference via hyperlink) does not imply endorsement by Newell Brands of that product, service or publication. Products and software offered through this website shall be warranted, if at all, through the written license or warranty provided in connection with such product or software.</p> <p> <b>Notice and Procedure for making Claims of Copyright Infringement</b> <br>Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to our Designated Agent. See our Procedure for Copyright Infringement Claims.</p> <p> <b>No Representations or Warranties</b> <br>The pages on this website may contain technical inaccuracies, outdated information and typographical errors. To the extent permitted by applicable law, THIS WEBSITE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." NEWELL BRANDS DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, NOR DOES IT IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE THE QUALITY, DATA CONTENT, ARTISTIC WORTH, OR LEGALITY OF INFORMATION, CONTENT, GOODS OR SERVICES THAT ARE TRANSFERRED, RECEIVED, PURCHASED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE OR OBTAINED BY WAY OF THIS WEBSITE. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THIS WEBSITE WILL BE ERROR-FREE OR THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. APPLICABLE LAW MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p> <p>Newell Brands makes no representations or warranties that this website is free of defects, viruses or other harmful components. We shall not be responsible for any damages or loss that may result from the hacking or infiltration of this website or Newell Brands' computer systems. YOU HAVE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADEQUATE PROTECTION AND BACKUP OF DATA AND/OR EQUIPMENT USED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS WEBSITE AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD NEWELL BRANDS HARMLESS FROM, AND YOU COVENANT NOT TO SUE US FOR, ANY CLAIMS BASED ON USE OF THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING CLAIMS FOR LOST DATA, WORK DELAYS OR LOST PROFITS RESULTING FROM USE OF MATERIALS OR CONTENT FROM THIS WEBSITE. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Limitations of Liability</b> <br>UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL NEWELL BRANDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS THAT RESULT FROM THE DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE CONTENT OR MATERIALS ON THIS WEBSITE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. APPLICABLE LAW MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL NEWELL BRANDS’ TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU, IF ANY, FOR ACCESSING THIS WEBSITE.</p> <p>THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Choice of Law</b> <br>Newell Brands controls and manages this website from its facilities in the State of Georgia in the United States of America. Unless otherwise stated, materials and content on this website are presented solely for promoting products and services in the United States of America. Information published on this website may contain references to products, programs and services that are not announced or available in your country or region. We make no representation that such information, products, programs or services referenced on this website are legal, available or appropriate in your country or region. These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States of America, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Jurisdiction</b> <br>You and Newell Brands irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Georgia in connection with any action arising out of or related to these terms of use or their subject matter. You and Newell Brands waive any objection based on lack of personal jurisdiction, place of residence, improper venue or forum non convenient in any such action. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Disputes</b> <br>PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES YOU TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES AND IT LIMITS THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU CAN SEEK RELIEF. Any dispute or claim relating in any way to these to the Terms of Use, this website, or any products or services sold or distributed by or through this website, will be resolved by binding arbitration, rather than in court, except that you may assert claims in small claims court if your claims qualify. The Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration law apply to the Terms of Use. We each agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action. If for any reason a claim proceeds in court rather than in arbitration we each waive any right to a jury trial. We also both agree that you or we may bring suit in court to enjoin infringement or other misuse of intellectual property rights. THIS PROVISION IS VOID, INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.</p> <p> <b>Trademarks and Copyrights</b> <br>Nothing on this website shall be construed as conferring any license under any intellectual property right, including any right in the nature of trademark or copyright, of Newell Brands or any third party, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise. All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.</p> <p>Except as otherwise noted, Newell Brands and/or its subsidiaries is the owner of all trademarks and service marks on this website, whether registered or not. All registered trademarks are registered in the United States of America (or other applicable jurisdictions).</p> <p> <b>Securities and Investment</b> <br>This website and the information contained or referred to herein does not constitute an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities.</p> <p>This website may contain information and press releases about and by Newell Brands. While information prepared by us was believed to be accurate as of the date so prepared, we disclaim any duty or obligation to update such information or to verify the accuracy of information prepared by others. Any statements in this site that are not historical facts, including but not limited to plans, projections, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance and underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements as provided in the rules and regulations of the Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are intended to fit within the 'safe harbor' for forward-looking information and are subject to material risk factors which may or may not be disclosed herein. Statements or phrases that use such words as "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "may," "hopes," "can," "will," "expects," "estimates," "predicts," "is designed to," "with the intent," "potential," and similar expressions commonly indicate forward-looking statements, but in their absence do not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Any forward-looking statements contained herein involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to general economic and currency conditions, various conditions specific to Newell Brands' business and industry, market demand, competitive factors, supply constraints, technology factors, government and regulatory actions, Newell Brands’ accounting policies, future trends, and other risks which are detailed in Newell Brands' Securities and Exchange Commission filings.</p> <p> <b>Severability</b> <br>If any provision of these terms of use shall be deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the remaining terms of use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.</p> <p> <b>Privacy</b> <br>Please see our Privacy Policy for information regarding the collection and use of personal information from this website.</p> <p>Despite any representations concerning privacy, Newell Brands reserves the right to disclose without notice to you any information in its possession if required to do so by law or upon a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with the law, to protect or defend our rights or property, or to respond to an emergency situation. Specific areas or pages of this website may include additional or different terms relating to the use of personal information collected from such areas or pages.</p> <p> <b>General</b> <br>These terms of use represent the entire understanding relating to the use of this website and prevail over any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting or additional communications.</p> <p>Any unauthorized access, modification or change of any information, or any interference with the availability of or access to this website is strictly prohibited. Newell Brands reserves all legal rights and remedies available to it and this disclaimer shall in no way be deemed a limitation or waiver of any other rights Newell Brands may have.</p> <p>Specific areas or pages of this website may include additional or different terms relating to the use of this website. In the event of a conflict between such terms and these terms of use such specific terms shall control.</p> <p>Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this site © 2016 Newell Brands Inc.</p> <p>Material on this site may be subject to one or more U.S. Patents used under license from Applied Interact LLC: Numbers 5,128,752, 5,227,874, 5,249,044, 5,283,734, 5,508,731.</p> <p>All rights reserved.</p> <p> <b>Contact Information:</b> <br>Questions about these terms and conditions may be directed to:<br>E-Business Team<br>Newell Brands Inc.<br>6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Road<br>Atlanta, GA 30328<br></p> <p>Questions about our products should not be directed to this address and will not be replied to.</p> <p> <b>Procedure for Copyright Infringement Claims</b> <br>Newell Brands Inc. and its affiliated companies respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that material accessible on this website or through this service infringes one or more of your copyrighted works, you can request that the Service Provider remove the allegedly infringing material by providing a Notification of Claimed Infringement (“Notification”) to our designated Copyright Agent in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”).</p> <p>Notification must be submitted to the following Designated Agent:</p> <p> <b>Service Provider(s): Newell Brands Inc.</b> <br>Name of Agent Designated to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement: General Counsel Full Address of Designated Agent to Which Notification Should Be Sent: 6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30328</p> <p>Telephone Number of Designated Agent: (770) 418-7000<br>Facsimile Number of Designated Agent: (770) 677-8000<br>E-mail Address of Designated Agent:</p> <p>To be effective, the Notification must be a written communication that includes the following:</p> <p>1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that allegedly infringed. 2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site. 3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material. 4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted. 5. A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. 6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.</p> <p>Upon receipt of a valid Notification, the Service Provider will promptly remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material, shall forward the Notification to the alleged infringer, and will take reasonable steps to notify the alleged infringer that it has removed or disabled access to the material. Service Provider will comply with any valid counter-notification submitted to it as provided under the DMCA.</p> <p>WE CAUTION YOU THAT KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENTING THAT MATERIAL IS INFRINGING MAY SUBJECT YOU TO CIVIL PENALTIES, CIVIL LITIGATION, AND/OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION FOR PERJURY.</p> <p>NOTE: This information is provided exclusively for providing Service Provider with Notifications of Claimed Infringement under the DMCA. All other inquiries will not receive a response through this process or through the email address listed above. The information on this page should not be construed as legal advice.</p> <p> </p>Terms of Use International Links<p> <b> <u> Terms of Use Australia v21.1 </u> </b> <br> <b> <u> Terms of Use Canada v20.1 ENGLISH </u> </b> <br> <b> <u> Terms of Use Canada v20.1 FRENCH </u> </b> <br> <b> <u> Terms of Use EMEA v21.2 </u> </b> <br> <b> <u> Terms of Use LATAM v21.1 </u> </b> <br> <b> <u> Terms of Use New Zealand v21.1 </u> </b> <br> </p> Terms of Use International Links<p> <u> Terms of Use Australia v21.1 </u> <br> <u> Terms of Use Canada v20.1 ENGLISH </u> <br> <u> Terms of Use Canada v20.1 FRENCH </u> <br> <u> Terms of Use EMEA v21.2 </u> <br> <u> Terms of Use LATAM v21.1 </u> <br> <u> Terms of Use New Zealand v21.1 </u> </p> <p> </p>Trade Terms and Conditions of Sale referenced in standard contracts<p> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Australia </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions New Zealand </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Czech </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Danish </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions German </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions English </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Spanish </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Finnish </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Hungarian </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Italian </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Dutch </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Norwegian </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Polish </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Portuguese </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions Swedish </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions France SAS </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions French </u> <br> <u> Terms &amp. Conditions English UK Baby Jogger </u> </p>

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