Web Browser Tools

Privacy Policy

<p> This Privacy Policy is an agreement between You and WebBrowserTools.com (hereinafter "WebBrowserTools"). Please read the terms of this Privacy Policy carefully. <br> <br> If You do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy You may not use Our Website. <br> <br> We may amend, add to, change, or modify the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy from time to time. Such amendments will be posted at this Webpage, and will take effect when posted. By continuing to use Our Website, or registering for a Forum Account on Our Community Forum, You agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and any amendments thereto. You further agree to the use of Your "Personally Identifiable Information" by Us in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy. <br> <br> Each time You use the Website, the then-current version of this Privacy Policy will apply. Accordingly, each time You use the Website, You should check the date of this Privacy Policy (at the bottom of this page) and review any changes since the last time You used the Website. Although most changes are likely minor, WebBrowserTools.com reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy by posting such modification on this page. however, if changes are significant, WebBrowserTools.com may provide a more prominent notice. Unless WebBrowserTools.com obtains Your express consent, any revised Privacy Policy will apply only to information collected after the effective date of such revised Privacy Policy, and not to information collected under any earlier Privacy Policy. <br> <br> We will never share Your personal information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. <br> <br> Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in WebBrowserTools.com's Website Terms of Service located at https://webbrowsertools.com/terms.html. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the Website and NOT to any websites of third-parties, which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Privacy Policy. </p> 1. INFORMATION COLLECTED <p> We collect only one type of information, "Non-Personally Identifiable Information". We collect this information generally to improve Our Website and Your experience. We do NOT sell, trade, rent, or transfer this information to third parties. <br> <br> a. NON-PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION When You visit Our Website, We may collect some basic Non-Personally Identifiable Information about You. We collect non-personally identifiable information about You in a number of ways, including tracking Your activities through Your IP address, computer settings, or most-recently visited URL. <br> <br> Non-Personally Identifiable Information is collected in order to provide You with satisfactory service and to improve Our Website. We may use the information to detect problems with Our server and to administer Our Website. In addition, Non-Personally Identifiable Information is compiled by Us and analyzed on an aggregate basis. <br> <br> If You do not agree to share information about Your location with Us, We will not collect such information. </p> 2. USE OF COOKIES AND CLEAR GIFS <p> When You view Our Website We might store some information on Your computer. This information will be in the form of a "cookie" or similar file. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on Your hard drive, not on Our Website. Cookies do not invade Your privacy or Your computer and steal information. Rather, they help You navigate a Website as easily as possible. We use cookies to deliver content specific to Your interests. <br> <br> You have the ability to delete and control Cookies. If You do not wish to have Cookies placed on Your computer, You should set Your browsers to refuse Cookies before accessing the Website, with the understanding that certain Services and features of the Website may not function properly without the aid of Cookies. If You refuse Cookies, You assume all responsibility for any resulting loss of functionality. <br> <br> You can learn more about how to delete or control cookies at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie <br> <br> Some of Our Service Providers may employ clear GIFs (also known as pixel tags, single pixel GIFs, web beacons or action tags) for Our benefit to help Us measure advertising effectiveness. <br> <br> Clear GIFs help Us better manage content on Our Website by informing Us of what content is effective. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of Our users. <br> <br> The main difference between the two is that clear GIFs are invisible on the page and are much smaller, about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Clear GIFs are not tied to Your Personally Identifiable Information. <br> <br> Our Service Providers may use clear GIFs: (i) in HTML based emails to determine which emails have been opened by recipients. and (ii) to track the visitor traffic on Our Website. <br> <br> These clear GIFs allow Us to measure the usage of Our Website by Our visitors and the effectiveness of certain communications and marketing campaigns. We may also use clear GIFs in a similar manner in Our own emails and on Our Website. <br> <br> Clear GIFs can "work with" existing cookies on a computer if they are both from the same website or advertising company. That means, for example, that if a person visited "www.companyX.com", which uses an advertising company's clear GIF, the Website would match the clear GIFs identifier and the advertising company's cookie ID number, to show the past online behavior for that computer. <br> <br> This collected information can be shared with the advertising company. We may provide such information to our Service Providers but that information can only be used by our Service Providers for Our benefit. </p> 3. AD SERVING <p> WebBrowserTools.com uses third-parties for pages that We host. These third-parties may place Cookies on Your computer, use web beacons, gather IP addresses, and log data to collect traffic and activity data in order to deliver relevant metrics, content, and advertising. </p> 4. OTHER WEBSITES. LINKS <p> Our Website may contain links to other websites. These websites may have different privacy policies and practices from WebBrowserTools.com. WebBrowserTools.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. Accordingly, You access such linked sites at Your own risk. We urge You to follow safe Internet practices and do not supply Personal Information to these websites unless You have verified their security and privacy policies. </p> 5. DO NOT TRACK DISCLOSURE <p> Most browsers offer Do Not Track (DNT) features that let You communicate to websites that You do not wish to be tracked around the web. DNT was designed to limit tracking across different websites and online services, and not data collection from websites You visit directly. Therefore, Our data collection and use is outside the scope of a DNT request. </p> 6. SUBPOENA POLICY <p> We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information, after subpoena or written request, to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation. We reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that We in good faith believe to be unlawful. <br> <br> If We are served with a subpoena for personal information of a user, We will provide notice to the user whose personal information is sought by the subpoena to give them the opportunity to object to the subpoena. If the user does not object to the subpoena within a specified period of time, We will comply with the terms of the subpoena. Should the user object to the subpoena in a court of law, We will abide by whatever decision is reached by such court of law. </p> 7. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS <p> We allow You to make public comments on Our Website in the form of comments on the Website and forum posts in Our community Forum. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose Your personal information. </p> 8. SECURITY <p> WebBrowserTools.com has implemented and maintains reasonable security procedures and practices to protect against the unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure of Your personal information. <br> <br> However, despite all reasonable security precautions and processes, such as password protection, encryption technology, and use of firewall technology, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. <br> <br> As a result, while We strive to protect Your Personally Identifiable Information, We cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information You transmit to or from Our Website, and You do so at Your own risk. </p> 9. CHILD PROTECTION <p> We take special care to protect the safety and privacy of children. To use, view, or access this Website, You must be at least thirteen (13) years old. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). </p> LAST UPDATED: January, 2019

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