
Privacy policy

<i> </i>&nbsp;wheelofnames.com <i> </i>&nbsp;Feedback Privacy policy <br> Privacy policy overview <p> We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy explains how we use any personal information that you provide to us through our Wheel of Names. </p> Collecting and processing your personal information <p> For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, Wheel of Namesis a Data Controller of your personal information. Our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information, as described in this Privacy Policy, depends on the information we collect and the specific context in which we collect it. We may process your personal information because: </p> <ul> <li> We need to perform a contract with you, such as when you create a Policy with us </li> <li> You have given us permission to do so </li> <li> The processing is in our legitimate interests and it's not overridden by your rights </li> <li> For payment processing purposes </li> <li> To comply with the law </li> <li> What categories of personal information we collect </li> <li> We collect the following categories of personal information that you choose to provide us on our Wheel of Names: </li> </ul> <p> We may also collect personal information that you give us during your communication with us regarding our services, such as technical support threads. In addition to the above, we may need to use your personal information for audits and compliance with our legal obligations under applicable law. </p> <p> We also use third-party tools to facilitate, operate and manage our website. These tools use cookies and other tracking technologies. Such tools are created and managed by parties outside our control. As such, Wheel of Namesis not responsible for what information is actually captured by such third parties or how such third parties use and protect that information. The third-party tools we use on our website will only insert cookies and other tracking technologies if consented by you. </p> Your rights as the owner of personal information <p> You have the following data protection rights: </p> <ul> <li> The right to access to your data </li> <li> The right to update or correct your data </li> <li> The right to object to the use of your data </li> <li> The right to restrict the use of your data </li> <li> The right to transfer your data to another data controller </li> <li> The right to the erasure of your data </li> <li> The right to withdraw consent </li> <li> The right to non-discrimination related to the exercising of your rights under the GDPR and CCPA </li> <li> The right to obtain information about the personal data we have collected from you and sold or disclosed to other subjects, if you are a California resident </li> <li> The right to opt-out from sales of your personal information to third parties </li> <li> In addition, if you are a California resident, you have the right to request from us to disclose to you the following: </li> <li> The categories of personal information we have collected about you </li> <li> The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected </li> <li> The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information </li> <li> The categories of third parties with whom we share personal information </li> <li> The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you </li> </ul> How can you exercise your rights as the owner of personal information <p> You may submit your requests to exercise your right under the GDPR,CCPA by: <br> <br> Email: admin@wheelofnames.com <br> Website: wheelofnames.com <br> <br> Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests. You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. </p> Data collected When you... This data is collected Stored in It is deleted Visit the website. Time of your visit, type of web browser, location (city-level), Internet service provider, ads you may have seen or clicked recently. Advertisers' systems Many of our ads are Google ads. You can adjust or turn off ad personalization by going to Google Ad Settings. Visit the website. Time of your visit, type of web browser, location (city-level), Internet service provider. We are only tracking how many people visited from each city, not who visited. Your IP address is anonymized before being sent to Google Analytics. Google Analytics 14 months after being collected. Edit the contents of the text-box to the right of the wheel, or click <i> </i>&nbsp;Customize and change the settings. Colors, settings and entries from your current wheel. Your computer or phone When you click <i> </i>&nbsp;New. Click <i> </i>&nbsp;Save, log in, and give your wheel a name. Colors, settings and entries from your saved wheels, and when you saved it. WheelOfNames database in the cloud If you don't sign in for 365 days. To delete right away, click <i> </i>&nbsp;Open, then your profile picture, then <i>Delete my account</i>. Click <i> </i>&nbsp;Share and then Continue. Colors, settings and entries from your current wheel. WheelOfNames database in the cloud If it hasn't been accessed for 365 days. A shared wheel that has <i>never</i> been accessed is deleted 60 days after being created. Click the <i> </i>&nbsp;Feedback icon, fill out and submit the form. What you entered in the form and your type of web browser. A Google Spreadsheet managed by WheelOfNames Six months after you submit the form. <br>

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