
Refund Policy

<p> <br> If you bought one of our products through our site or partner, then we would offer you a 30-day refund policy. If you are not completely satisfied with the product, you may request refund within 30 days of purchase.</p> Simply drop us an email to support@hideallip.com or by using our contact page. The following information helps us process the refund:<p> </p> <ul> <li>Which product you are returning</li> <li>Your name</li> <li>Your email address</li> <li>Your order number and license code (we need block license code in our system)</li> <li>If you can supply us with a reason, it can help us improve our products (optional)</li> </ul> Why we have a Refund Policy:<p> </p> We believe in happy customers. We believe all our products do their job, and do it well.<p> </p> But we're realistic enough to know that our software isn't going to fit every situation. That's why we have a strong refund policy. If you aren't satisfied with our products, we would like them back - and we will refund you the money.<p> </p> This allows you to purchase our products with confidence. <p> </p> <p> </p>

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