M3 Software

Refund Policy

14 days money back policy Home &gt. Refund Policy <p>M3 Software company provides every software a free/trial version, so customers can 'test-drive' before purchasing and avoid buying the wrong product:</p> <p>1. How to evaluate if lost files are recoverable with iBoysoft Data Recovery for Windows free trial version before purchasing</p> <p>2. How to evaluate if lost files are recoverable with iBoysoft BitLocker Recovery trial version before purchasing</p> <p>3. How to evaluate if lost files are recoverable with iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac free trial version before purchasing</p> <p>4. M3 BitLocker Loader for Mac Trial version can preview the files from BitLocker encrypted drive and use BitLocker to encrypt external drive (NTFS, FAT32, exFAT).</p> <p>5. M3 BitLocker Loader for Windows has a 7-day free trial version with full functions.</p> <p>It's because of this 'try-before-you-buy' system that M3 Software company provides up to 14 days money back guarantee since the order placed in our ecommerce platform, refunds will be approved within this guarantee only under the accepted circumstances below. If a purchase exceeds the product's money-back-guarantee period, no refund will be given.</p> <p>Technician license is not with this refund policy since there are many people in your company or organization using this software which allows to provide technical service to clients with unlimited usage.</p> <p>Orders placed from resellers, partners or any other unauthorized channels are not with this refund policy.</p> Accepted circumstances of full refund <p>M3 Software company offers refunds for the following circumstances:</p> <p>1. A customer purchased a wrong product/version, we will refund the wrong product/version after the customer purchased the correct product/version from our company.</p> <p>2. During 14-day, a customer purchased the same product twice for the same computer or purchased two products with similar functions from our company. In this case, we will refund one of the products for you.</p> <p>3. A customer has been double charged due to our ecommerce payment platform.</p> <p>4. The extended download service (EDS) charge is not your selection but added and charged you automatically by our ecommerce payemt platform. Partial refund of extended download service (EDS) is accpeted.</p> <p>5. The customer does not receive the license key within 24 hours of purchase and has not received a timely response (within 24 hours) from our support team after making contact. In this case, M3 Software company will refund the customer's order if the customer has no need of the product in future.</p> <p>6. Software purchased has technical issue, and no solution has been provided within 14 days after our support team provides email support and remote assistance. In this case, M3 Software company will refund the purchase price if the customer doesn't want to wait for a future upgrade.</p> Accepted circumstances of partial refund <p>Customer's special environment (Before using iBoysoft Data Recovery, M3 Data Recovery or M3 RAW Drive Recovery software, all data has been lost forever, all data cannot be recovered due to file system properties, all lost data has been overwritten by new data, all lost data has been corrupted. storage device has a hardware issue - including drive not stable or readable. BitLocker metadata has been corrupted;) causes customer dissatisfaction with the purchased software, M3 Software company will provide 50% refund.</p> Circumstances of no refund <p>1. The order has exceeded 14 days.</p> <p>2. The purchased software doesn't perform tasks it is neither intended to perform nor advertises it performs. Please understand the product page has described the software's functions and specification.</p> <p>3. A refund for a technical issue but never provide the details or refuse to cooperate with M3 technical support team.</p> How should I request a refund? <p>Step 1: Please provide the detailed problem (Including software screenshots) which proves the purchased software has technical issue.</p> <p>Step 2: M3 support provides the technical support to the customer.</p> <p>Step 3: The refund will be issued if M3 support cannot solve the bug in the purchased product.</p> What should I do when refund request is accepted? <p>Once the refund request is accepted or issued, the license key will be banned at once, please uninstall the software and remove it from your computer immediately.</p>

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