M3 Software

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Home &gt. Privacy Policy <p>At M3 Software, your security and privacy is the utmost importance to us. We will only collect your personal information for defined purposes. We do not distribute or share your personal information beyond what is strictly necessary to fulfill our obligations to you. We may share your information only with partners who adhere to M3 Software's commitment to protect your privacy. M3 Software company will not sell your personal information in any manner whatsoever.</p> <p>As such, M3 Software is committed to ensuring that its customers are informed as to how their personal information will be used and kept secure.</p> What information do we collect? <p>M3 Software may collect information from you relating to your identity and your personal preferences as they relate to our products. Personal information we may typically collect includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, IP address and in relation to purchases you may make, your credit card number. M3 Software will endeavor only to collect such information as is necessary for the stated purpose for which M3 Software is collecting the information. For example, if you purchase one product from M3 Software company, we will require your name and address so that we can send the product to you and your credit card details to obtain payment. Our objective is to inform you before or at the time of collection as to the information we are collecting and the purposes for which we wish to use such information. If we require further information, we will identify the information we wish to collect and the purposes for which such information is being collected. If you choose not to provide required information, M3 Software may not be able to comply with your request or provide certain services.</p> How do we collect the information? <p>There are numbers of different ways that M3 Software receives and collects personal information from you. Ways M3 Software collects personal information from you may include the following:</p> <p>Cookies</p> <p>M3 Software uses Google Analytics cookies to help us understand the visitors' experience on our site. Google's privacy policy is available at https://policies.google.com/privacy</p> <p>M3 Software may also use "cookies" to record your shopping cart contents and user registration information. Cookies can help us identify your preferences, like language and currency.</p> <p>Communications from You</p> <p>When you email or write to us you may need to provide us your name, contact details, and other personal information in your message.</p> <p>Technical Support</p> <p>You may need to provide us personal information when you telephone or email us to request technical assistance in respect of our products or to request information that you would like to receive relating to our products.</p> <p>Purchases</p> <p>If you wish to purchase M3 Software products from our Store, we will require sufficient information to complete your purchase including your credit card details, your contact details and an address for shipping.</p> How does Paddle protect customer information? <p>M3 Software company uses secure server hosted by Paddle that encrypt all the customer's personal information including name, address, credit card number, credit card expiration date, etc. before it is sent to us. Encryption works to prevent any malicious use of your personal information. Your credit card information is only used for online transaction.</p> <p>Credit card information in encrypted during the ordering process and is deleted as soon as your order is completed. All other personal information (name, address and product ordered) is held to assist product registration.</p> About Paddle <p>All purchases are processed by paddle.com which is a software and SaaS commerce platform. Learn more at https://paddle.com</p> What are the purposes for M3 Software uses the information? <p>M3 Software may use your personal information for the following purposes:</p> <p>Product Registration</p> <p>Information you provide upon registration will be used to keep a record of your product and will assist M3 Software in providing support to you when you contact us. M3 Software will also use this information to inform you of any upgrades, new products, promotions or other information that may be of interest to you.</p> <p>Newsletters</p> <p>We may use your personal information to send you newsletters that provide you with articles and information that we believe may be of interest to you.</p> <p>Information in Respect of M3 Software Products</p> <p>It is important for us to receive feedback from our customers in respect of our products and any features they would like to see in future products. As such, we may use your personal information to contact you about our products and to inform you of upgrades, promotions and new products that may be of interest to you.</p> <p>Internal Analysis</p> <p>We may use the information you provide us with for our own internal statistical and analytical purposes, to evaluate and profile customers including customer preferences and purchasing trends which we may use for marketing purposes and in respect of operations and development.</p>

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