Hotels Combined

Terms of Use

Trips<strong>Sign in</strong>Sign inHotelsFlightsCarsThings to doTrips Terms of Use<br> These Terms of Use set out the terms upon which HotelsCombinedPty Ltd ACN 122 130 554 (<strong>we</strong>, <strong>us</strong> or <strong>our</strong>) provides access to the Website and the Information. Definitions In these Terms of Use: <strong>Information</strong> means all of the information available on the Website including: <ol> <li>hotel room availabilities;</li> <li>hotel room rates;</li> <li>hotel descriptions and photographs;</li> <li>hotel amenities;</li> <li>customer reviews. and</li> <li>editorial commentary;</li> </ol> <strong>Permitted Purpose</strong> means the purpose of comparing hotel accommodation rates and services in connection with the making of bookings and/or travel arrangements, but excludes any republication or resupply of the Information or any part of the Information to consumers by any electronic means. <strong>Third Party Offering</strong> means the goods and services offered for sale by a third party. <strong>Website</strong> means the website located at Access By accessing the Website, you: <ol> <li>agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. and</li> <li>warrant that you have attained the age of 18 years.</li> </ol> Prohibited Activities You must not: <ol> <li>reproduce in a material form, publish, perform in public, communicate to the public, or make an adaptation of the Information or any part of the Information other than for the Permitted Purpose. </li> <li>access or monitor the Information or any part of the Information using any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means without our prior written consent. </li> <li>violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on the Website or bypass or circumvent any other measures employed to prevent or limit access to the Website. </li> <li>take any action that imposes, or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. </li> <li>attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software programs used by us in connection with the Website.</li> </ol> Indemnity You indemnify us from and against all costs, claims, demands, liabilities, expenses, damages and loss caused by your use of the Information or any part of the Information for any purpose other than the Permitted Purpose. Verification of Information and assumption of risk Verification of Information You must verify the accuracy of the Information before accepting or using any Third Party Offering. Assumption of risk You assume all risk in connection with your: <ol> <li>use of the Website and the Information. and</li> <li>acceptance and use of any Third Party Offering.</li> </ol> No warranty We do not warrant: <ol> <li>the accuracy, quality, completeness, or reliability of the Website, the Information and any Third Party Offering. </li> <li>that the Website and the Information will be error free, virus free, uninterrupted or free from unauthorised use or hackers. </li> </ol> Liability Limitation To the extent that the terms implied under the <i>Trade Practices Act</i> 1974 (Cth) apply to services supplied by us, our liability for any breach of those terms is limited to supplying the services again or paying the cost of having the services supplied again. Exclusion Except for those terms which cannot by law be excluded, all terms other than those expressly contained in these Terms of Use are excluded. Cap on liability Subject to clause 7.1 above, our maximum aggregate liability to you is limited to the sum of $AU100. Exclusions from liability We will not in any circumstances be liable (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect loss or damage including loss of profit which may arise under these Terms of Use. General Entire understanding These Terms of Use contain the entire understanding between the parties and supersede any prior communications between the parties. Amendment and variation We may amend or vary these Terms of Use at any time without notice to you. Governing law and jurisdiction These Terms of Use are governed by and must be construed in accordance with the laws in force in New South Wales. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and the Commonwealth of Australia in respect of all matters arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use. Company<ul> <li>About Us</li> <li>How We Work</li> <li>Mobile</li> </ul>Contact<ul> <li>Help/FAQ</li> <li>Hoteliers</li> <li>Affiliate Program</li> </ul>More<ul> <li>Browse Hotels By Location</li> <li>Best price guarantee</li> </ul>Site / CurrencySite&nbsp;United StatesCurrency$United States DollarsPrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyTerms of UseĀ©2022 HotelsCombined<p>Cheap flights, hotels, rental cars and travel deals:</p> <p>HotelsCombined searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find the best deals on airline tickets, cheap hotels, cheap cruises, vacations and rental cars.</p> <ul> </ul> OK

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