The Daily Caller

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p>THE DAILY CALLER PRIVACY POLICY</p> <p>Effective Date: May 12, 2020.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Daily Caller (THE DC or we) is the owner and operator of (the Website), a comprehensive news website providing original reporting, updated links to the latest news, analysis of current events, satire, research on current policy issues, columns from thought leaders, and Congressional Member reviews. We also offer the mobile application (“Application”).</p> <p>In this Privacy Policy (Policy), we describe the information that we collect about you as you use our Website, Application, and our products and services contained in our Website, Application, and offline (collectively, our Services). This Policy applies to information that we collect online and offline.</p> <p>We are operated entirely within the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, please note that any information – including personal data – that we collect about you will be transferred to and processed in the United States. You hereby consent to these transfers.</p> <p>This Policy is incorporated by reference into our&nbsp;Terms of Use Agreement.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>WHAT TYPES OF INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT</strong> <br> <strong>PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION WE COLLECT FROM AND ABOUT YOU</strong> <br> <strong>INFORMATION COLLECTED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN USING OUR SERVICES</strong> <br> <strong>HOW DO WE USE YOUR INFORMATION?</strong> <br> <strong>WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT?</strong> <br> <strong>HOW CAN YOU MAKE CHOICES ABOUT THE INFORMATION THAT WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU?</strong> <br> <strong>ADVERTISING</strong> <br> <strong>LINKS TO OTHER (THIRD PARTY) WEBSITES</strong> <br> <strong>HOW DO WE SECURE YOUR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION?</strong> <br> <strong>CHILDREN</strong> <br> <strong>CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</strong> <br> <strong>SPECIAL NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS</strong> <br> <strong>SPECIAL NOTICE TO EUROPEAN TERRITORY CITIZENS</strong> <br> <strong>HOW TO CONTACT US</strong> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>I. WHAT TYPES OF INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT?</strong> </p> <p> <br> <strong>A. Personally Identifiable Information We Collect From and About You</strong> </p> <p>Information We Collect Directly From You: &nbsp;THE DC may collect certain types of personally identifiable information — that is, information that can identify an individual — directly from you, including but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>name;</li> <li>e-mail address;</li> <li>date of birth;</li> <li>zip code;</li> <li>credit or debit card information;</li> <li>username. and</li> <li>password.</li> </ul> <p>We may collect some or all of this information if you:</p> <ul> <li>visit the Website or Application, make inquiries through the Website, Application, or offline;</li> <li>purchase products or services on the Website or through the Application;</li> <li>use our Website, Application, and our Services;</li> <li>share your e-mail address to subscribe to email newsletters;</li> <li>post comments, messages, letters and the like on the Website and Application;</li> <li>participate in any surveys, contests, or sweepstakes sponsored by THE DC;</li> <li>register for our Services;</li> <li>provide tips, comments or questions to our news department;</li> <li>contact us for customer service or other purposes. or</li> <li>provide it to us when contacting us about this Policy.</li> </ul> <p>Information We Collect About You From Third Parties: &nbsp;If you would like to register for The DC Social Reader service, offered by THE DC, you may log-in via Facebook Connect, using your existing Facebook account and log-in credentials. You also may log in to post comments or share articles via your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Disqus, or other third-party account (collectively, “third party accounts”). In the future, we may permit additional login methods. When you log-in using via your third party account, you must grant us permission to access certain information from these third-party accounts, which will vary based on the third party account. For example, if you log on through Facebook, we will request your basic information (name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, and any other information that you make public). We also may obtain your email address, birthdate, location, and news activity. Before you log in through the particular site, you will be presented with the list of permissions, and you may cancel your log on if you do not want to proceed.&nbsp;For information about how the third party site may disclose your information, including any information that you make public, please consult its privacy policy. We have no control over how a third party site uses or discloses the personally identifiable information that you provide to it. We store the information that we collect from the third party site along with the other information that we collect from you or receive about you.</p> <p>When you use our website, we share information that we may collect from you, such as your email (in hashed form), IP address or information about your browser or operating system, with our partner/service provider, LiveRamp Inc and its group companies (‘LiveRamp’). LiveRamp may use our first party cookie on your browser to match your shared information to their marketing databases in order to provide back a pseudonymous privacy-centric identifier for our use in real time bidding in digital advertising. These third parties may in turn link further demographic or interest-based information to your browser. To opt out of this use, please visit here (”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>B. Information Collected Automatically When Using Our Services</strong> </p> <p>THE DC and our third party service providers collect information automatically through the use of electronic tools such as web beacons, “cookies,” Flash, clickstream data, and other automated devices that are deployed on the Website and our Application. We and our third party service providers may collect the following information about your use of our Website via these technologies: your IP address. your browser type and operating system. web pages you view. links you click. your interaction with our Website. length of time you are logged into our Website. and websites visited before our Website. If you download and use our Application, we will collect the above-listed information. we also will collect your device ID, mobile carrier, device manufacturer, phone number, and type of device. This information may be associated with your username and may be combined with other information, including personally identifiable information, that we collect about you.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Web Beacons</strong> </em>&nbsp;– A web beacon is a type of picture file used on the Internet. Web beacons are used in combination with cookies to help monitor traffic at and understand the ways in which users interact with content on the Website. Among other uses, we may use web beacons to count visitors to our Website and Application or to monitor how our users navigate our Website and Application. We may include web beacons in email messages to count how many of the messages that we sent were opened, acted upon, and forwarded. We use web beacons to compile aggregate statistics about our Services and our marketing campaigns.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Cookies</strong> </em>&nbsp;– Cookies help provide a customized user experience. We and our third party service providers may use cookies to, among other things, better serve you with tailored information and facilitate your ongoing access to and use of our Services. There are two types of cookies: session-based and persistent cookies. We also allow third party vendors to use cookies on our Site and Application.</p> <ul> <li>Session Cookies. Session cookies exist only during an online session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser or turn off your computer. We use session cookies to allow our systems to uniquely identify you during a session or while you are logged into our Services.</li> <li>Persistent cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you have closed your browser or turned off your computer. We use persistent cookies to track aggregate and statistical information about user activity, which may be combined with other user information.</li> <li>Third Party Cookies. We also engage third parties to track and analyze non-personally and personally identifiable Website and Application data. To do so, we permit third parties to apply cookies to users of our Services, where permitted by law, and, subject to your right to opt-out through the Network Advertising Initiative (as discussed below). We use the data collected by such third parties to help us administer and improve the quality of our Services and to analyze use of our Services. We also use such third parties to assist us in serving advertisements. Such third parties may combine the information that we provide about you with other information that they have collected.</li> </ul> <p> <em>Disabling Cookies</em>. You may choose not to provide such information by adjusting your Internet browser security settings to refuse cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer you can edit your browser options to block them in future. The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your computer from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. If you disable your web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to browse our Website and Application, but certain pages and features may be limited.</p> <p> <em> <strong>ClickStream Data</strong> </em>&nbsp;– THE DC uses third-party software to analyze the Web pages that your computer visits while using our Services. This information, called “clickstream data,” is associated with your computer’s Internet protocol (IP) address and/or device ID, and includes other information such as the type of browser your computer/device uses to access the Internet. We collect clickstream data to optimize search engine results and may also use clickstream data to analyze which portions of our Website draw the most traffic so we can improve performance of our Services. This clickstream data may be shared with third party advertisers and marketing companies.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Local Storage Objects</strong> </em>&nbsp;– We and our third party service providers may use Flash Local Storage Objects (“Flash LSOs”) to store your Website and Application preferences, to personalize your visit or to display content based upon what you view on our Website and Application. Flash LSOs are different from browser cookies because of the amount and type of data stored. In addition, you cannot control, delete or disable the acceptance of Flash LSOs through your browser. For more information on Flash LSOs, or to learn how to manage your settings for Flash cookies, go to the&nbsp;Adobe Flash Player Help Page, choose “Global Storage Settings Panel” and follow the instructions. To see the Flash LSOs currently on your computer, choose “Website Storage Settings Panel” and follow the instructions to review and, if you choose, to delete any specific Flash LSO.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Analytics</strong> </em>. We and our third party service providers conduct analytics of our Services to help us track and understand how visitors use our Services, using the technologies described in this section. For example, we use a variety of third party web analytics, to help us improve the performance and user experience of our Website and Application.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Video Player</strong> </em>.<br> A notice that the player includes proprietary measurement software that allows users to contribute to market research (such as Nielsen TV Ratings)<br> A link to the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at<br> On the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy page, users can click choices to read more detailed information about the measurement software and their options. The users can click a link to retrieve an Opt-Out cookie if they do not want to participate in Nielsen online measurement.<br> Nielsen properties may feature Nielsen proprietary measurement software, which will allow the users to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen TV Ratings.<br> To learn more about the information that Nielsen software may collect and your choices with regard to it, please see the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at<br> Opt-In<br> Once users have opted out, they can choose to opt back into Nielsen Measurement at anytime by selecting the Opt-In link on the Nielsen Digital Privacy Policy page. When a user selects the link, their Opt-Out cookie will be deleted and they will be measured.</p> <p>&nbsp;<br> <br> <strong>II. HOW DO WE USE YOUR INFORMATION?</strong> </p> <p>We use your information, including the personally identifiable information that we collect about you (collectively, “information”), for various reasons, including:</p> <ul> <li>to deliver content that you have requested from our Services;</li> <li>to send e-mails that you have requested to receive from THE DC;</li> <li>to provide you with information, including via email, about services, products, and features that may be of interest to you, including products and services offered by third parties, as well as emails about our own Services;</li> <li>for customer service purposes, such as in response to inquiries that you initiate with us about any aspect of our Website and Application, to provide information about our Services, or any other customer service purpose. and</li> <li>to understand how people use our Services, for research purposes, and to improve our Services.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>III. WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT?</strong> </p> <p>THE DC may share personally identifiable information with others, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Third Party Service Providers that provide services on our behalf. Examples of these services include, but are not limited to: technical support for the operation of our Services. Website and Application evaluation and statistics. and fulfilling your orders for products and services made available through our Site and Application;</li> </ul> <ul> <li>&nbsp;Law enforcement authorities, government agencies, courts, or other entities, when:</li> </ul> <ul> <ul> <li>we believe in good faith that the law requires it;</li> <li>we deem it necessary or appropriate to provide such information. or<br> to otherwise protect our rights, other persons, or other users of our Services.</li> <li>Another entity, in the course of a sale to or merger of all or a part of our business with another entity;</li> </ul> </ul> <ul> <li>A court, another business, or other interested party in the event of a bankruptcy proceeding, in which case the information about you would be among the many assets shared or transferred.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Third-party merchants with from whom you choose to make a purchase through our Services;</li> </ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Other non-affiliated third parties. We may share your information, including personally identifiable information, with non-affiliated third parties for their own marketing purposes. If you are a California resident, please see the special notice to you below about how you can obtain additional information about this sharing.</li> </ul> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>We also may disclose aggregate user statistics to third parties for a variety of purposes, including research, analytics, and marketing.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>IV. HOW CAN YOU MAKE CHOICES ABOUT THE INFORMATION THAT WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU?</strong> </p> <p>You can always choose not to submit any personally identifiable information to THE DC.</p> <p>If you do not wish to receive promotional communications from THE DC, you can unsubscribe to our promotional e-mails. We will include an opt-out link or reply address in each such e-mail. Please allow us up to 10 business days to process your request. After unsubscribing, you may still receive messages about the status of your account, to resolve technical issues, to confirm a new registration with us, and for other customer services purposes.</p> <p>If you have any questions about what we do with your personally identifiable information, please send an e-mail to</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>V. ADVERTISING</strong> </p> <p>We use third parties such as network advertisers to serve advertisements on our Website and Applications. Network advertisers are third parties that display advertisements based on your visits to our Website and other websites you have visited. This enables us and these third parties to target advertisements to you for products and services in which you might be interested. Third party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party’s specific privacy policy, not this one. We may provide these third-party advertisers with information about your usage of our Site and our Services on an aggregated basis.</p> <p> <strong>You may opt-out of many third-party ad networks. The website&nbsp;;provides information regarding this practice by Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) members, and your choices regarding having this information used by these companies, including how to “opt-out” of third-party ad networks operated by NAI members.</strong> </p> <p>You also may contact the Digital Advertising Alliance at&nbsp;;for information about opting out of targeted advertising and your choices regarding having information used by About Ads member companies, including how to “opt-out” of third-party ad networks operated by About Ads members. Opting out of one or more NAI members or DAI members (many of which will be the same) only means that those members no longer will deliver targeted content or ads to you, but it does not mean you will no longer receive any targeted content or ads on our Website or other websites.&nbsp;You may continue to receive advertisements, for example, based on the particular website that you are viewing. Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit this opt-out page, or you subsequently erase your cookies, use a different computer or change web browsers, your NAI or DAI opt-out may no longer, be effective. Additional information is available on NAI’s and DAI’s websites accessible by the above links.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>VI. LINKS TO OTHER (THIRD PARTY) WEBSITES</strong> </p> <p>THE DC may provide links to content or advertisements created, offered, sponsored, or available at third party websites. Your interactions with these third party websites are not governed by this Privacy Policy, but rather the privacy policies posted on those linked websites. THE DC is not responsible for your access to and use of these websites or any information you may share with them.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>VII. HOW DO WE SECURE YOUR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION?</strong> </p> <p>To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of the personally identifiable information we collect, we have implemented physical, electronic, and administrative procedures. These measures are based on commercially reasonable standards that similar companies use.</p> <p>NO DATA TRANSMITTED OVER THE INTERNET, HOWEVER, CAN BE GUARANTEED TO BE 100% SECURE AT ALL TIMES. Although we have implemented security measures to protect your personally identifiable information, we cannot and do not guarantee the security of such information.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>VIII. CHILDREN</strong> </p> <p>This Website is not directed to children. THE DC does not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from or about children under 13, except as permitted by law. If we discover that we have received any personally identifiable information from a child under 13, we will delete such information from our servers and records promptly.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>IX. CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</strong> </p> <p>THE DC reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. We will post a notice on this Website if and when this policy changes to alert visitors that a new policy is in place.</p> <p>Material – that is, really important – changes to the way we use or disclose personally identifiable information will apply on a going-forward basis, unless we have your express consent to change the way we use or disclose the personally identifiable information we collected when the earlier version of this Privacy Policy was in effect.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>X. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS</strong> </p> <p>If you are a California resident, California law requires us to provide you with some additional information regarding how we collect, use, and share your “personal information” (as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)).</p> <p>Throughout this Policy, we discuss in detail the specific pieces of personal information we collect from and about users. Under the CCPA, we are also required to provide you with the “categories” of personal information we collect. The categories we collect are: identifiers (such as name, address, email address). commercial information (such as transaction data). financial data (such as credit card information). internet or other network or device activity (such as browsing history or Site usage). professional or employment related data (such as information about your type of work). general geolocation information (e.g., your precise or general location, such as your city and state based on IP address or precise location). and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you.</p> <p>We and our service providers may use the categories of personal information we collect from and about you for the following business purposes and commercial (as those terms are defined in applicable law): </p> <p>• Our or our service provider’s operational purposes;<br> • Auditing consumer interactions on our site (e.g., measuring ad impressions);<br> • Detecting, protecting against, and prosecuting security incidents and fraudulent or illegal activity;<br> • Bug detection and error reporting;<br> • Customizing content that we or our service providers display on the Site (e.g., contextual ads);<br> • Providing the Site (e.g., customer service, advertising and marketing, analytics, and communication about the Site);<br> • Improving The Daily Caller and developing new services or offerings (e.g., by conducting research to develop new products or features);<br> • Other uses that advance our commercial or economic interests, such as third party advertising and communicating with you about relevant offers from third party partners. and<br> • Other uses about which we notify you.</p> <p>Examples of these types of uses are discussed throughout this Policy and specifically in the section on Sharing with Third Parties above. We may also use the categories of personal information for compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and we may combine the information we collect (“aggregate”) or remove pieces of information (“de-identify”) to limit or prevent identification of any particular user or device.</p> <p> <strong>Categories of personal information we disclose for business purposes</strong> </p> <p>We may disclose any of the following categories of information about you or your use of the Site for business purposes (as defined by applicable law) or as required by applicable law:<br> Identifiers (such as name, address, email address). commercial information (such as transaction data). financial data (such as credit card information). internet or other network or device activity (such as browsing history or app usage). professional or employment related data. geolocation information. inference data about you. and other information that identifies or can reasonably associated with you.</p> <p> <strong>Notice of Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information</strong> </p> <p>California residents may opt out of the “sale” of their personal information. </p> <p>Under the CCPA, sale is broadly defined such that it may include allowing third parties to collect or receive certain information, such as cookies, IP address, and/or browsing behavior, to deliver targeted advertising on the Site or other services. Advertising, including targeted advertising, enables us to provide you certain content for free and allows us to provide you offers relevant to you. </p> <p>We may provide the following categories of personal information to third parties for these purposes:<br> • For online targeted advertising purposes: demographic and statistical information, user-generated content, device information and identifiers, connection and usage data, geolocation, and social media information.<br> • Contact and registration information. demographic and statistical information, employment and education data, user-generated content, and geolocation.</p> <p>If you would like to opt out of The Daily Caller’s use of your information for such purposes that are considered a “sale” under California law, you may do by clicking updating via the link below or the consent module at the bottom of the browser or by submitting a sale opt-out request by emailing us at Please note that we do not knowingly sell the personal information of minors under 16 years of age without legally-required affirmative authorization.</p> <p> </p>CA: Do Not Sell My Personal Info <p> <strong>If you are a California resident, you may have certain rights.</strong> California law may permit you to request that we:<br> • Provide you the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you in the last twelve months. the categories of sources of such information. the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information. and the categories of third parties with whom we shared personal information.<br> • Provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you.<br> • Delete certain information we have about you.<br> You may have the right to receive information about the financial incentives that we offer to you (if any). You also have the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising certain of your rights. Certain information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. For example, we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Site to you and for compliance with applicable law.<br> California customers may request, once per year, that we disclose the identity of any third parties with whom we have shared personal information for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes within the previous calendar year, along with the type of personal information disclosed.<br> If would like to exercise any of these rights, please email us at You will be required to verify your identity before we fulfill your request. To do so, you will need to provide your email address. You can also designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. To do so, you must provide us with written authorization or a power of attorney, signed by you, for the agent to act on your behalf. You will still need to verify your identity directly with us.</p> <p>California residents may request a list of all third parties to which The DC has disclosed certain personally identifiable information about you for marketing purposes. You may make one request per calendar year. In your request, please attest to the fact that you are a California resident and provide a current California address for your response. You may request this information in writing by contacting us at:&nbsp;;or Privacy Request, The Daily Caller, 1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150-290, Washington, DC 20006.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>XI. SPECIAL NOTICE TO EUROPEAN TERRITORY CITIZENS</strong> </p> <p>In compliance with European privacy laws, in particular the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), THE DC provides specific rights for citizens of the European Territories such as the right to access, rectification, right to object, to complaint, erasure and blockage. More specifically:</p> <ul> <li>the right to request information about whether and which personal data is processed by us, and the right to demand that personal data is rectified or amended.</li> <li>under certain circumstances, the right to request that personal data should be deleted.</li> <li>under certain circumstances, the right to demand that the processing of personal data should be restricted.</li> <li>withdraw your consent to the processing and use of your data completely or partially at any time with future application.</li> <li>have the right to obtain your personal data in a common, structured and mechanically readable format.</li> <li>contact our data protection officer if there are any questions, comments, complaints or requests in connection with our statement on data protection and the processing of your personal data.</li> <li>the right to complain to the responsible supervisory authority if believed that the processing of your personal data is in violation of the legislation.</li> </ul> <p>Pursuant to the GDPR, citizens from “European Territories” mean the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Please email our Director of Advertising Operations and designated Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) Chad Brady at with any questions about exercising any of the above rights.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong>XII. HOW TO CONTACT US</strong> </p> <p>Questions and comments regarding this Privacy Policy should be directed to</p> <p>The Daily Caller<br> 1775 Eye Street NW<br> Suite 1150-290<br> Washington, DC 20006</p> <p>Copyright (c) 2018, The Daily Caller, Inc.</p>

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