
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy <p> </p> <p>Please read these Terms and Conditions (‘T&amp;Cs’) carefully before using the lockandstock.xyz website and/or the Lock&amp;Stock mobile application (either individually, or together, and henceforth referred to the ‘Platform’), operated by Lock&amp;Stock, henceforth referred to as ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Your access to and use of the Platform is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance of these T&amp;Cs. These T&amp;Cs apply to all users of, vendors on, and visitors to, the Platform.&nbsp;</p> <p>By accessing or using the Platform, you agree in full to our T&amp;Cs. If you are not in agreement, then you do not have permission to use the Platform.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Failure to abide by these T&amp;Cs may lead to the suspension or termination of your account.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Intellectual Property&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>Any original content (all content excluding that which is provided by users and vendors), including, but not limited to, information, videos, infographics, charts,and pictures, found on the Platform is our exclusive property.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You may not distribute, modify, re-create, repost, download, copy, transmit, or use said content for commercial purposes without our express written permission to do such.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without our express written permission to do such.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Communication&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>By creating an account either as a user or a vendor, you agree to receive newsletters, promotional or marketing material, and any other information we may choose to send.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You may elect to opt out of any form of communication by simply clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link or following the instructions mentioned in the communication material.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Representation&nbsp;<p>If you, the vendor, register an account on our platform, we reserve the right to display your logo and/or image on our website for promotional purposes.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Offers&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>Our Platform allows you, the vendor, to create Offers for users for the purpose of marketing. You are responsible for all Offers you create, including, but not limited to, their legality, reliability, and appropriateness.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>By creating Offers on the Platform, you represent and warrant that i) the right to advertise the offer is yours, ii) you grant us the right to advertise/display/distribute the offer on your behalf, and iii) the content of the offer does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights and contractual rights of any third party.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You retain all rights for any information and content shared on or through the Platform, and you are responsible for protecting those rights. We assume no responsibility and take no liability for any information and content shared by you or a third party affiliate.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>By creating Offers on the Platform, you agree to receive suggestions for the modification of said Offers. In the event that modifications are suggested, the newly created Offer will be held in limbo and will not be released on the Lock&amp;Stock mobile application. The Offer will be released once we have heard back from you regarding said suggestions. However, the suggestions are to be accepted at your discretion. We retain the right to monitor all Offers, and their related information and content, created by Vendors.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Once an Offer has been released on the Lock&amp;Stock mobile application, its information cannot be modified. This information includes the offer name, keys requirement, number of weeks available for, additional information, and cities/regions the offer is available in.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Once an Offer has been released on the Lock&amp;Stock mobile application, it cannot be removed off the Platform without our prior approval.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>In the event that the Vendor does not honor the terms of an offer that has been released on the mobile application, the Vendor is liable to compensate the customer (via Lock&amp;Stock) for the value of said offer.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>We retain the right to reject any offer at our discretion.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Account&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>When you create either a user account or a vendor account with us, you guarantee that the information provided is legally yours to use, accurate, complete and current at all times. Provision of illegal, inaccurate or false information may lead to a temporary block on usage of the account.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account name and password, including but not limited to the restriction of access to your computer and other connected devices.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You agree to accept responsibility for any and all activity that occurs through your account and password, including any action taken by a third party affiliate.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You may not select the same account email as another already created entity or one that is not lawfully available for use, without appropriate authorization. You may not register the same Brand name as another already created entity or one that is not lawfully available for use, without appropriate authorization.You may not register as a Brand name one that is vulgar or offensive in nature. We reserve the right to determine vulgarity or offensiveness at our own discretion.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You are responsible for the safety and security of your unique four digit redemption code. We assume no liability for misuse of the code.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>We reserve the right to refuse service.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>Links to Other Web Sites&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>The Platform may include links to other websites and/or applications not controlled or owned by us.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>We assume no liability or responsibility for any content, privacy policies or practices of any third party web sites or services, including, but not limited to, the misdelivery of goods, damage of goods, mis-provision of services, and otherwise unlawful acts.&nbsp;</p> <p>We strongly advise that you read carefully the Terms and Conditions of any third party website or application you visit.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>Suspension and Termination&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>As mentioned earlier, failure to abide by our T&amp;Cs may lead to the suspension or termination of your account.&nbsp. However, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate any account for reasons unrelated to these T&amp;Cs, at our discretion.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>If you wish to terminate your account, you may simply discontinue using the Platform.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Indemnification&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lock&amp;Stock, and its licensee and licensors, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney\'s fees), resulting from or arising out of a) your use and access of the Platform, by you or any person using your account and password. b) a breach of these Terms, or c) content or information shared through the Platform.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Limitation of Liability&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>In no event shall Lock&amp;Stock, nor its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Platform. (ii) any conduct, content, or information of any third party on the Platform. (iii) any content or information obtained from the Platform. and (iv) unauthorized access, use or alteration of your transmissions or content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or any other legal theory, whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage, and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Disclaimer&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>Your use of the Platform is at your sole risk. The Platform is provided on an \"AS IS\" and \"AS AVAILABLE\" basis. The Platform is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance.&nbsp;</p> <p>Lock&amp;Stock, its affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that a) the Platform will function uninterrupted, secure or available at any particular time or location. b) any errors or defects will be corrected. c) the Platform is free of viruses or other harmful components. or d) the results of using the Platform will meet your requirements.&nbsp;</p> <p>Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these T&amp;Cs will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these T&amp;Cs is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these T&amp;Cs will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding usage of the Platform, and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding usage of the Platform.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at team@lockandstock.xyz.</p> <p> </p>

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