Wunderman Thompson

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p> <strong>LAST UPDATED JULY 30, 2021</strong> </p> <p>This website www.wundermanthompson.com ("Site") is operated by Wunderman Thompson LLC, ("Wunderman", “Wunderman Thompson”, “WT”, "We", "Us"), a WPP Company. This policy only applies to the sites where it is posted. We take the privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information very seriously and are committed to best practices.</p> <p>The purpose of this privacy policy is to set out the principles governing our use of personal information that we may obtain about you. We ask you to read this privacy policy carefully. Please click here to learn more about how we use cookies.</p> <p>We may change our privacy policy from time to time. Please check it occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version that will apply when you access this website.</p> <p>PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION AND USE</p> <p> <strong>WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT?</strong> </p> <p>At times, we may request that you voluntarily supply us with personal information, or you may choose to provide us with your personal information by emailing us via the "Contact" section of this website. Generally, this information is requested or provided when you want us to provide you with information.</p> <p>We may gather the following information about you when you use this website including, but not limited to, the following:</p> <ul> <li>Name</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Email address</li> <li>Telephone number</li> <li>IP address (a unique identifier for your computer or other device)</li> <li>Mobile device ID</li> <li>Such other personal information provided by you when contacting us via the "Contact" sections of this website, email, phone or otherwise.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>HOW DO WE USE IT?</strong> </p> <p>We will use your personal information in the following ways. We are also required by law to state a “legal basis for processing”, i.e., to tell you on what grounds we are allowed to use your information, and this is also set out below:</p> <p> <strong>How we will use your personal information</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Our legal basis for processing</strong> </p> <p>To provide you with materials and information you requested</p> <p>Consent – we only use your personal information for this purpose if you have asked us to do so. You can withdraw your consent at any time.</p> <p>To send you information and materials that may be of interest to you, such as newsletters, whitepapers, news bulletins, and other business information.</p> <p>Our legitimate interests – we use your business - related contact information such as your work email address to communicate such information to you.</p> <p>To respond to specific queries you may raise regarding Wunderman Thompson and its various operating companies and brands.</p> <p>Consent – we only use your personal information for this purpose if you have asked us to do so. You can withdraw your consent at any time.</p> <p>To provide you with better ways of accessing information on this website</p> <p>Our legitimate interests – we use your personal information to help deliver the best online experience to you and other website users.</p> <p>To process and consider your queries and requests such as those submitted via or pursuant to the "Contact" and "Careers" section, such as job applications.<br> <br> We will update you on your application, and keep you informed of other opportunities, if you have asked us to, via the methods you have selected.</p> <p>Our legitimate interests – we use your personal information to assess the information you have submitted to us and to communicate and respond accordingly. For example, if you submit a job application, we will need to keep you updated throughout the application process.</p> <p>To allow you to submit information to our new business team.</p> <p>Our legitimate interests- we only use your personal information to assess the information submitted for new business purposes.</p> <p>To process your registration for events, seminars, conferences, and meetings via the Wundermanthompson.com website for Wunderman Thompson, its affiliates.</p> <p>Our legitimate Interests -we use your information to book you on to the requested events and to send confirmation to you and the event organizer</p> <p>For how we use your information that is collected using cookies and similar technologies please see the "Cookies" page here.</p> <p>Wunderman Thompson may also collect and store aggregate or anonymous information about a user’s interaction with the Site.</p> <p>We may use this aggregate or anonymous information we collect about our customers, traffic patterns, and related site information to better design our Site and to share with reputable third-party vendors. Please note, aggregate and anonymous information is not personal information and cannot directly or indirectly identify an individual on its own.</p> <p>LINKS TO OTHER SITES</p> <p>For your convenience, this website may contain links to other websites as well as to our respective social media accounts on YouTube and Facebook. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those other websites. We recommend that you read the respective privacy notices to obtain information about data collection and data processing.</p> <p>SHARING YOUR INFORMATION</p> <p> <strong>DO WE PASS YOUR INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES?</strong> </p> <ul> <li>We may send your personal information to other Wunderman Thompson and WPP group companies, affiliates and third parties to help us process your personal information for the purposes set out in this notice. Further details of our group companies can be found here.</li> <li>We may disclose your personal information if we or any of our assets are the subject of a sale or similar corporate transaction. We will ensure that the third parties who receive your personal information are required to keep it confidential.</li> <li>We may disclose personal information to third parties when we reasonably believe we are required or permitted by law (such as third parties who provide services on our behalf), and in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual unlawful or otherwise prohibited activities, including, but not limited to, fraud.</li> <li>We may also share your personal information with third parties where required for processing. For example, when applying for a job through our website, we work with a company called Greenhouse in some countries to help us manage the application process. To learn more about the privacy practices of Greenhouse, please click here.</li> </ul> <p>If you have previously applied to a job with Wunderman Thompson and would like to request that we update or delete the information that we hold about you, or you would like a copy of that information, please send your name and email address to applicants@wundermanthompson.com with as many details of your application as you can. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept new job applications via this email address.</p> <p>We will always take steps to require such third parties to keep your personal information confidential.</p> <p> <strong>HOW LONG DO WE KEEP YOUR INFORMATION?</strong> </p> <p>We only keep your personal information for as long as we need to, to be able to use it for the reasons given in this privacy notice, and for as long as we are required to keep it by law. For example, following a job application we may keep your information to inform you of any other opportunities that become available. however, we will only keep your information for a limited period and your details will not be kept longer than is reasonably necessary or as required by law.</p> <p>SECURITY</p> <p> <strong>HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION?</strong> </p> <p>We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used.</p> <p>CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</p> <p>This web site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from or about any person under the age of 16. If you are under 16 years old and wish to ask a question or use this site in any way which requires you to submit your personal information, please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf. Likewise, if you are a parent or guardian and think your child may have submitted their personal information to us by mistake, please let us know, dpo@wundermanthompson.com, and we will delete that data.</p> <p>WHERE DO WE SEND YOUR INFORMATION?</p> <p>We are a global company and therefore we may transfer your personal information to countries around the world including the US and other countries outside Europe. We will, where the country to which your data is transferred has not been found to provide an adequate level of protection, put in place appropriate safeguards (we use standard contractual clauses) to ensure your information is protected.</p> <p>YOUR RIGHTS</p> <p>You are entitled to ask:</p> <ol> <li>for a copy of the personal information we hold about you, and details about how we are processing your personal information;</li> <li>to have any inaccuracies in your personal information corrected;</li> <li>if we are processing your personal information by automated means and on the basis of your consent (see "How do we use it?", above), for us to provide your personal information to you in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format. You can also ask us to provide your personal information directly to a third party in this format, and, if technically feasible, we will do so. and</li> <li>to have your personal information erased, or for our use of it to be restricted (for example, if your preferences change, or if you don’t want us to send you the information you have requested).</li> </ol> <p>Please contact us using the details set out below if you would like to exercise any of these rights.</p> <p>You also have the right to make a complaint to the supervisory authority if you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your personal information. Please refer to the local data protection authority where you are located. For example, if you are in the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) (http://www.ico.org.uk). In France the supervisory authority is the Commission Nationale de l'informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) (https://www.cnil.fr/).</p> <p>RESPONSIBLE DISCLOSURES</p> <p>Wunderman Thompson appreciates and values the identification and reporting of security vulnerabilities carried out by well-intentioned, ethical security researchers. Please read our Responsible Disclosures Policy in full.</p> <p>PRIVACY POLICY IN JAPAN</p> <p>Please click this link for further information with regard to the Privacy Policy in Japan.</p> <p>HOW TO CONTACT US</p> <p>If you wish to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information or if you have any queries about how we use your personal information, please let us know by emailing dpo@wundermanthompson.com.<br> </p>

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