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Terms and Conditions

Please upgrade your browser Your browser does not support JavaScript! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Toggle navigation <ul> <li>Terms and conditions</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> </ul> Consumer Terms and Conditions <ol> <li> <p>BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) adheres to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Before your transaction can be completed, you must read and agree to these terms and conditions. By purchasing from this Website, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, and are agreeing to be legally bound by them. This agreement is subject to change by BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) at any time. Changes are effective when posted on this site without notice upon each subscriber. We like to REWARD our loyal customers by giving away a free Apple iPhone 7 every month to the member with the highest activity. The member with the highest activity is eligible to win, if their membership started more than 90 days ago.</p> </li> <li> Legal Definitions <p>(1) <b>Site or Website: </b>The Website for which you are purchasing a Username and Password (E-ticket) from BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) to access the site and its materials.<br>(2) <b>Subscriber: </b> The End-user / Consumer, of the services of the site and holder of a valid Username and Password (E-ticket) for the site.<br>(3) <b>User Profile: </b> A BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) Pay User Account, opened and utilized by the End-user / Consumer who accedes to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. User Profile incorporates the Consumer’s personal information, including but not limited to email address, unique password, full name, home address, payment card information, and other. <br>(4) <b>Payment Instrument</b> A payment method or tool enabling the transfer of funds. <br>(5) <b>Access Credentials: </b>The combination of your email address and the password that you select that enables you to have access to and utilization of the purchased BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) service</p> </li> <li> Description of Services <p>BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) will provide one username and password via email. This will allow you to access the Website and its contents for which you are a purchasing member.</p> </li> <li> Billing <p>Hulenshop will appear on your credit card or bank statement for all charges made. BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) may include other information on your statement based on credit card association, telephone regulation. The Electronic Payments Association (NACHA), and any other mandated rules and regulations.</p> </li> <li> Payment / Fee <p>Depending on your location you will be billed in Euro (EUR), United States Dollar (USD), Australian Dollar (AUD), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Japan YEN (JPY), British Pound Sterling (GBP), Singapore Dollar (SGD) or Malaysian Ringgit (MYR). provides unlimited access to brain enhancement websites (e.g Normally on Sign up a Subscriber will receive a 3 day trial period for AUD1 /EUR1 /GBP1 /JPY100 /MYR5 /NZD1 /SGD1 /CAD1 /USD1. If the user doesn’t actively stop their subscription within 3 days, they will be billed 99 AUD /55 EUR /GBP 39 /10900 JPY /MYR 99 /99 NZD /SGD 99 /CAD 75 /89 USD on the 4th day and this 99 AUD /55 EUR /GBP 39 /10900 JPY /MYR 99 /99 NZD /SGD 99 /CAD 75 /89 USD charge reoccurs every 30 days until the Subscriber actively stops the service. The member is responsible for such fees according to the terms of the Site. Once a member has the ability to access the Website using the E-ticket assigned to the member, subscription fees become non-refundable.</p> </li> <li> Automatic Recurring Billing <p>As agreed with on sign-up, subscription fees may be automatically renewed at the end of the original term outline on the website, subscriber must notify BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) directly 24 hours prior to the end of the training / special offer period in order to cancel automatic renewal. All training / special offer memberships shall renew at the stated membership rate. Unless and until this agreement is cancelled in accordance with the terms hereof, subscriber hereby authorizes BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) to charge subscriber's chosen payment method to pay for the ongoing cost of membership. Subscriber hereby further authorizes BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) to charge subscriber's chosen payment method for any and all additional purchases of services and entertainment provided by the site.</p> </li> <li> Cancellation <p>At any time, and without cause, subscription to the Website may be terminated by BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551), or the subscriber upon notification to the other by electronic or conventional mail, by telephone, or by fax. When the member requests the termination, subscription fees are NOT refunded. Subscribers are liable for charges incurredby them until termination of service. <br>If you request cancellation or request a refund from BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551), your bank, cardissuer, or phone company due to unauthorized or fraudulent use, BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) can at its discretion, to prevent further unauthorized use, block your information from use at all BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) Websites. This will not, however, prevent unauthorized use at non-BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) Websites, and is not a substitution for your contacting your appropriate channels to prevent further misuse.</p> </li> <li> Refunds <p>When the member requests the termination, subscription fees are NOT refundable. Should a refund be issued by BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551), all refunds will be credited solely to the payment method used in the original transaction. BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) will not issue refunds by cash, check, or to another credit card or payment mechanism.</p> </li> <li> Authorization of Use <p>Subscribers to a subscription Website are hereby authorized a single E-ticket to access the service or material located at this Website. This E-ticket shall be granted for sole use to one subscriber. No material within the site may be transferred to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial. In addition, materials may not be modified, or altered. Materials may not be displayed publicly, or used for any rental, sale, or display. Materials shall extend to copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary notices there from.</p> </li> <li> Transfer of E-Ticket <p>Access to a subscription Website is through a combination of a Username and a Password (E-ticket). Subscribers may not under any circumstances release their E-ticket to any other person, and are required to keep his or her E-ticket strictly confidential. BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) will not release Passwords for any reason, to anyone other than the subscriber or a member of a legitimate law enforcement agency investigating afraudulent use of card complaint, or as may be specifically required by law or court order. Unauthorized access to the Website is a breach of this Agreement and a violation of law. Subscribers acknowledge that the owner of the site may track—through the use of special software — each subscriber's entry to the site. If any breach of security, theft, loss, or unauthorized disclosure of E-ticket information occurs, subscriber must immediately notify BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) or the site of said security breach. Subscriber will remain liable for unauthorized use of service until BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) or the site is notified of the security breach by email or telephone.</p> </li> <li> Sanction And Approval Of Age Restricted Products And Material <p>The owner of this site may be providing material or products that are intended for viewing or purchase by individuals who are of legal age in the jurisdiction where this site is being viewed and are at least 18 years. By purchasing a membership or E-ticket, you are implicitly making the following statements: 'I affirm and swear, under penalty of perjury, that as of this moment I am of legal age in the jurisdiction where this Website is being viewed and am at least 18 years of age. I will not permit any persons who are not of legal age in the jurisdiction where this Website is being viewed and are at least 18 years of age to access in any way any materials found on this Website.'</p> </li> <li> Supplementary Terms And Conditions <p>I understand that by having checked the acknowledgement of BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) Terms and Conditions, I am affirming that I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of this account and authorize BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) to bill my chosen payment method in accordance with the current Terms and Conditions. This agreement is governed by the laws of the country the company resides in and you hereby irrevocably consent to the courts of that country in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) services.</p> </li> <li> Notice <p>Notices by the site to subscribers may be given by means of electronic messages through the site, or by conventional mail.<br>Notices by subscribers may be given by electronic messages, conventional mail, telephone. All questions, complaints, or notices regarding a subscription site must be directed to BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551). All cancellations of subscription service to a site must also be directed to BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551)</p> </li> <li> Questions And Contact Information <p>All questions to BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551) regarding these Terms and Conditions must be directed to:<br>BALARZI LIMITED (HE 400551), AGIAS MAVRIS 4, FLAT/OFFICE 201, AGLANTZIA, 2107 NICOSIA, CYPRUS<br> E-Mail Address:<br> Telephone number: +442080898044</p> </li> </ol> <p>Copyright 2020, Hulenshop</p> We use tools, such as cookies, to enable essential services and functionality on our site and to collect data on how visitors interact with our site, products and services. <strong>By clicking “Accept” or continuing to use this site</strong>, you agree to our use of these tools for advertising and analytics. See our Privacy Policy for more information. Accept Decline

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