
Terms of Use

Terms of Use <p> <br> </p> <p>Versión en Español: <strong>https://www.iheartmedia.com/legal/terms-es</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Quick Guide to Contents</strong> </p> <ol> <li>MOBILE DEVICES</li> <li>CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT</li> <li>PRIVACY AND PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION</li> <li>ACCOUNTS, SECURITY, PASSWORDS</li> <li>USER CODE OF CONDUCT</li> <li>FEES</li> <li>DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</li> <li>EXCEPTIONS</li> <li>LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY</li> <li>INDEMNIFICATION</li> <li>MODIFICATION/TERMINATION BY IHEARTMEDIA</li> <li>LINKS</li> <li>SOFTWARE AND DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS SITE</li> <li>INTERNATIONAL USE/U.S. EXPORT CONTROLS</li> <li>THIRD-PARTY MERCHANTS</li> <li>ADVERTISEMENTS, SPONSORSHIPS, CO-PROMOTIONS AND OTHER PARTNERSHIPS</li> <li>EVENTS</li> <li>INTERACTIVE SERVICES AND USER MATERIALS</li> <li>SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES</li> <li>PREMIUM SERVICES</li> <li>MEMBER ACCOUNT AND PASSWORD</li> <li>CONTESTS/SWEEPSTAKES</li> <li>GENERAL</li> <li>COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICE</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;This site or application is owned or managed by iHeartMedia, Inc. ("iHeartMedia") and is part of the iHeartMedia family of companies, which includes other quality entertainment brands such as broadcast and Internet radio stations, iHeartMedia, and the Premiere Networks, each of which operates or manages one or more websites or applications (each a "iHeartMedia Site," and collectively the "iHeartMedia Sites").</p> <p>iHeartMedia provides this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and related services for your personal non-commercial&nbsp;use only and subject to your compliance with this Terms of Use Agreement&nbsp;(the "Agreement"). Please read this Agreement carefully before using&nbsp;this iHeartMedia Sites. Your use of this iHeartMedia Sites constitutes&nbsp;your acceptance to be bound by this Agreement without limitation, qualification or change. If at any time you do not accept all the terms&nbsp;and conditions of this Agreement, you must immediately discontinue use&nbsp;of this iHeartMedia Site. This Agreement sets forth iHeartMedia’s&nbsp;policies with respect to its operation of the iHeartMedia Sites. Other policies govern iHeartMedia’s non-Internet operations.</p> <p>Certain products or&nbsp;services offered by this and/or other iHeartMedia Sites (each a "iHeartMedia Internet Service," and collectively "iHeartMedia Internet Services"), and certain areas within this and/or other iHeartMedia Sites&nbsp;may be governed by additional terms ("Additional Terms") presented in&nbsp;conjunction with those products or services. You must agree to those&nbsp;Additional Terms before using those areas or iHeartMedia Internet&nbsp;Services. The Additional Terms and this Agreement, taken together, shall&nbsp;apply to your use of those areas or iHeartMedia Internet Services. In&nbsp;the event of an irreconcilable inconsistency between the Additional&nbsp;Terms and this Agreement, the Additional Terms shall control.</p> <p>YOU MAY NOT USE ANY&nbsp;IHEARTMEDIA SITE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS UNLAWFUL OR PROHIBITED BY THIS&nbsp;AGREEMENT AND/OR ANY APPLICABLE ADDITIONAL TERMS. YOUR ACCESS TO ANY&nbsp;IHEARTMEDIA SITE MAY BE TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY IN IHEARTMEDIA’S SOLE&nbsp;DISCRETION, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY&nbsp;PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR ANY APPLICABLE ADDITIONAL TERMS, OR&nbsp;FOR ANY OTHER REASON, OR NO REASON.</p> <p>By using this iHeartMedia&nbsp;Site, you are representing and warranting that: (a) you are a legal&nbsp;resident of the United States. (b) you are at or above the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence. (c) you own or have&nbsp;sufficient authorization to use the computer, mobile device, technology&nbsp;or other device you use to access this iHeartMedia Site (collectively,&nbsp;"Device"). and (d) you will access and use this iHeartMedia Site in&nbsp;accordance with this Agreement.</p> <p>Some parts of this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site may contain adult content intended for people who are&nbsp;at or above the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction of&nbsp;residence. By viewing this adult content, you are representing that you&nbsp;are at or above such legal age of majority and that the content is&nbsp;acceptable to you. Filtering software is commercially available which&nbsp;can be used to exclude content that is not acceptable to you. This&nbsp;software may prevent the display of all or portions of the iHeartMedia Site content.</p> <p>&nbsp;1. MOBILE DEVICES</p> <p>If permitted or available&nbsp;through the applicable iHeartMedia Internet Service, to (a) upload&nbsp;content to this iHeartMedia Site via your mobile device and/or tablet,&nbsp;(b) receive and reply to messages, or to access or make posts using text&nbsp;messaging, (c) browse this iHeartMedia Site from your mobile device&nbsp;and/or (d) to access certain features through a mobile application you&nbsp;have downloaded and installed on your mobile device (collectively the&nbsp;"Mobile Services"), you must have a mobile communications subscription&nbsp;(or have the consent of the applicable subscriber) with a participating&nbsp;carrier or otherwise have access to a mobile communications network for&nbsp;which iHeartMedia makes the iHeartMedia Internet Service available as&nbsp;well as any carrier services necessary to download content, and pay any&nbsp;service fees associated with any such access (including text messaging&nbsp;charges for each text message you send and receive on your mobile&nbsp;device). In addition, you must provide all equipment and software&nbsp;necessary to connect to the iHeartMedia Internet Service, including, but&nbsp;not limited to, if this iHeartMedia Site contains a mobile element, a mobile hand set or other mobile access device that is in working order&nbsp;and suitable for use in connection with the iHeartMedia Internet Service&nbsp;and to use any part of that Service. You are responsible for ensuring&nbsp;that your equipment and/or software does not disturb or interfere with&nbsp;iHeartMedia’s or this iHeartMedia Site’s operations or the iHeartMedia&nbsp;Internet Service. Any equipment or software causing interference will be&nbsp;immediately disconnected from the iHeartMedia Internet Service and iHeartMedia will have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement.&nbsp;If any upgrade in or to the iHeartMedia Internet Service requires&nbsp;changes in your equipment or software (including the operating system&nbsp;for your Device), you must effect these changes at your own expense.&nbsp;Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new or additional features that&nbsp;augment or enhance the current iHeartMedia Internet Service, including&nbsp;the release of new products and services, will be subject to the terms&nbsp;and conditions of this Agreement. You agree to follow and comply with&nbsp;any applicable laws in your use of the iHeartMedia Internet Service.</p> <p>2. CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT</p> <p>iHeartMedia reserves the&nbsp;right, in its sole discretion, to modify, alter, or otherwise change&nbsp;this Agreement and/or the Additional Terms at any time. iHeartMedia will provide notice of such change on this iHeartMedia Site. Please review&nbsp;this Agreement and/or Additional Terms periodically for changes. Your&nbsp;continued use of this iHeartMedia Site and/or iHeartMedia Internet&nbsp;Service constitutes your acceptance and agreement to be bound by these&nbsp;changes without limitation, qualification or change. If at any time you&nbsp;do not accept these changes, you must immediately discontinue use of&nbsp;this iHeartMedia Site and/or the iHeartMedia Internet Service to which the changes may apply.</p> <p>&nbsp;3. PRIVACY AND PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION</p> <p>iHeartMedia has developed a Privacy Statement in order to inform you of its practices with respect to the collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal information. You can find the Privacy Statement, which is incorporated into this Agreement, here: <strong>https://www.iheartradio.com/legal/privacy</strong>, and by using this iHeartMedia Site you agree to the terms of the Privacy Statement.</p> <p>&nbsp;4. ACCOUNTS, SECURITY, PASSWORDS</p> <p>If a particular&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site or iHeartMedia Internet Service requires you to open an&nbsp;account, you must complete the specified registration process by&nbsp;providing us with current, complete, and accurate information as&nbsp;requested by the applicable online registration form. It is your&nbsp;responsibility to maintain the currency, completeness, and accuracy of&nbsp;your registration data and any loss caused by your failure to do so is&nbsp;your responsibility. After you have fully completed the registration&nbsp;form, you may be asked to choose a password and a user name. It is&nbsp;entirely your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your&nbsp;password and account. Additionally, you are entirely responsible for any&nbsp;and all activities that occur under your account. You agree to notify&nbsp;iHeartMedia immediately of any unauthorized use of your account.&nbsp;iHeartMedia is not liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of&nbsp;someone else using your password or account, either with or without&nbsp;your knowledge. You may cancel your account by delivering notice in the&nbsp;manner provided in the Additional Terms governing the particular&nbsp;iHeartMedia Internet Service.</p> <p>&nbsp;5. USER CODE OF CONDUCT</p> <p>In accessing and using this iHeartMedia Site and/or the iHeartMedia Internet Services, you agree that you will not:</p> <p>Deliver&nbsp;any unsolicited advertisement, promotional materials, junk email, bulk&nbsp;email (also known as "spam"), chain letters, surveys or contests, or solicit participation in any pyramid schemes (unless it is on a page&nbsp;that explicitly states that such postings are allowed on that page). Deliver any unlawful&nbsp;(according to local, state, federal, or international law or regulation)&nbsp;postings to or through this iHeartMedia Site, or any postings which&nbsp;advocate illegal activity. Deliver, or provide links&nbsp;to, any postings containing material that could be considered harmful,&nbsp;obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, violent, abusive, profane,&nbsp;insulting, threatening, harassing, hateful or otherwise objectionable. Deliver, or provide links&nbsp;to, any postings containing material that harasses, victimizes,&nbsp;degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the&nbsp;basis of religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, or&nbsp;disability. Deliver, or provide links to, any postings containing defamatory, false or libelous material. Deliver any posting that&nbsp;infringes or violates any intellectual property or other right of any&nbsp;entity or person, including, without limitation, copyrights, patents,&nbsp;trademarks, laws governing trade secrets, rights to privacy, or&nbsp;publicity. Deliver any posting to that you do not have a right to make available under law or contractual or fiduciary relationships. Impersonate another&nbsp;person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your&nbsp;affiliation with a person or entity, or adopt a false identity if the&nbsp;purpose of doing so is to mislead, deceive, or defraud another. Manipulate identifiers, including by forging headers, in order to disguise the origin of any posting that you deliver. Deliver any posting&nbsp;containing personal information, such as phone numbers, social security&nbsp;numbers, account numbers, addresses or employer references. Use this iHeartMedia&nbsp;service in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair&nbsp;or otherwise interfere with the use of this iHeartMedia Site or other&nbsp;users’ Devices, or cause damage, disruption or limit the functioning of&nbsp;any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment. Attempt to gain&nbsp;unauthorized access to this iHeartMedia Site, any related website, other accounts, computer system, or networks connected to this iHeartMedia&nbsp;Site, through hacking, password mining, or any other means. Obtain or attempt to&nbsp;obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally&nbsp;made available through this iHeartMedia Site, including harvesting or&nbsp;otherwise collecting information about others such as email addresses.</p> <p>&nbsp;6. FEES</p> <p>Except where otherwise provided, access to and use of this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and the iHeartMedia Internet Services offered through&nbsp;it are currently available without charge. iHeartMedia reserves the&nbsp;right to charge a fee for access to or use of this iHeartMedia Site, or&nbsp;any iHeartMedia Internet Service available on this iHeartMedia Site at&nbsp;any time in the future. Your access to or use of this iHeartMedia Site&nbsp;before such time does not entitle you to use of this iHeartMedia Site&nbsp;without charge in the future.</p> <p> <strong>&nbsp;</strong>7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</p> <p>YOUR USE OF, AND RELIANCE ON, ANY ADVICE OR INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM&nbsp;OR THROUGH THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE AND/OR IHEARTMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICE&nbsp;IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. ALL CONTENT, INCLUDING SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS,&nbsp;SERVICES, INFORMATION, TEXT AND RELATED GRAPHICS CONTAINED WITHIN OR&nbsp;AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE OR IHEARTMEDIA INTERACTIVE&nbsp;SERVICE ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN "AS IS," "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS.&nbsp;IHEARTMEDIA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER&nbsp;EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE OR THE&nbsp;INFORMATION, CONTENT OR MATERIALS INCLUDED ON THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE. TO&nbsp;THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, IHEARTMEDIA&nbsp;DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS&nbsp;OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, TITLE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES. IHEARTMEDIA DOES NOT&nbsp;WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE WILL&nbsp;OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR&nbsp;THAT THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE AND/OR ITS SERVER WILL BE FREE OF VIRUSES&nbsp;AND/OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. IHEARTMEDIA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE&nbsp;ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING SUITABILITY, AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY,&nbsp;RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, OR TIMELINESS OF ANY MATERIAL OF ANY KIND&nbsp;CONTAINED WITHIN THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE FOR ANY PURPOSE, INCLUDING SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, SERVICES, INFORMATION, TEXT AND RELATED GRAPHICS&nbsp;CONTENT.</p> <p>IHEARTMEDIA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FAILURES CAUSED BY SERVER ERRORS, MISDIRECTED OR REDIRECTED TRANSMISSIONS, FAILED INTERNET CONNECTIONS, INTERRUPTIONS IN THE TRANSMISSION OR RECEIPT OF TICKET&nbsp;ORDERS OR IHEARTMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICES, OR ANY COMPUTER VIRUS OR&nbsp;OTHER TECHNICAL DEFECT, WHETHER HUMAN OR TECHNICAL IN NATURE.</p> <p>&nbsp;8. EXCEPTIONS</p> <p>SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE DISCLAIMER, EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES, LIABILITIES AND DAMAGES, SO SOME OF THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.&nbsp;IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS, IHEARTMEDIA’S LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE&nbsp;FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW.</p> <p>&nbsp;9. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY</p> <p>In no event shall iHeartMedia, its subsidiaries, affiliates,&nbsp;distributors, suppliers, licensors, agents or others involved in&nbsp;creating, sponsoring, promoting, or otherwise making available this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and its contents, be liable to any person or entity&nbsp;whatsoever for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, compensatory,&nbsp;consequential, or punitive damages or any damages whatsoever, including&nbsp;but not limited to: (1) loss of goodwill, profits, business&nbsp;interruption, data or other intangible losses. (2) your inability to&nbsp;use, unauthorized use of, performance or non-performance of this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site. (3) unauthorized access to or tampering with your&nbsp;personal information or transmissions. (4) the provision or failure to&nbsp;provide any service. (5) errors or inaccuracies contained on this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site or any information, software, products, services, and related graphics obtained through this iHeartMedia Site. (6) any&nbsp;transactions entered into through this iHeartMedia Site. (7) any&nbsp;property damage including damage to your Device or computer system&nbsp;caused by viruses or other harmful components, during or on account of&nbsp;access to or use of this iHeartMedia Site or any site to which it&nbsp;provides hyperlinks. or (8) damages otherwise arising out of the use&nbsp;of this iHeartMedia Site and iHeartMedia Internet Services. The limitations of liability shall apply regardless of the form of action,&nbsp;whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or&nbsp;otherwise, even if iHeartMedia has been advised of the possibility of&nbsp;damages.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>10. INDEMNIFICATION</p> <p>You agree to indemnify and hold harmless iHeartMedia, its&nbsp;subsidiaries, agents, distributors and affiliates, and their officers,&nbsp;directors and employees from and against any and all claims, actions,&nbsp;demands, liabilities, costs and expenses, including, without limitation,&nbsp;reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from your breach of any provision of this Agreement, the Additional Terms, or any warranty you provide&nbsp;herein, or otherwise arising in any way out of your use of this iHeartMedia Site and any related iHeartMedia Internet Service and/or&nbsp;software. You agree to cooperate fully with iHeartMedia in asserting any&nbsp;available defenses in connection with a claim subject to indemnification by you under this Agreement.</p> <p> <strong>&nbsp;</strong>11. MODIFICATION/TERMINATION BY IHEARTMEDIA</p> <p>iHeartMedia reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify,&nbsp;suspend, or terminate this iHeartMedia Site and/or any portion thereof,&nbsp;including any iHeartMedia Internet Service, and/or your account,&nbsp;password, or use of any iHeartMedia Internet Service, or any portion&nbsp;thereof, at any time for any reason with or without notice to you.</p> <p>Termination of your account for an iHeartMedia Internet Service&nbsp;removes your authorization to use the iHeartMedia Internet Service. In&nbsp;the event of termination, you will still be bound by your obligations&nbsp;under this Agreement and any Additional Terms, including the warranties&nbsp;made by you, and by the disclaimers and limitations of liability. Additionally, iHeartMedia shall not be liable to you or any third party&nbsp;for any termination of your access to an iHeartMedia Internet Service.</p> <p>&nbsp;12. LINKS</p> <p>This iHeartMedia Site may contain links to websites, applications or&nbsp;other services operated by third parties (the "Linked Sites").&nbsp;iHeartMedia does not monitor or control the Linked Sites and makes no&nbsp;representations regarding, and is not liable or responsible for the&nbsp;accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability or availability of, any&nbsp;of the content uploaded, displayed, or distributed, or products, or&nbsp;services available at the Linked Sites. If you choose to access any&nbsp;third-party site (including any Linked Site), you do so at your own&nbsp;risk, and your use of that site is subject to its own terms of use and&nbsp;privacy policy, which you should review. The presence of a link to a third-party site does not constitute or imply iHeartMedia’s endorsement,&nbsp;sponsorship, or recommendation of the third party or of the content,&nbsp;products, or services contained on, or available through, the site.</p> <p>&nbsp;13. SOFTWARE AND DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS SITE</p> <p>Any software that is made available to access, use, view and/or&nbsp;download in connection with an iHeartMedia Site or iHeartMedia Internet&nbsp;Service ("Software"), including applications, podcasts, audio streaming,&nbsp;or video streaming, is owned or controlled by iHeartMedia and/or&nbsp;licensors, affiliates and suppliers and is protected by copyright laws&nbsp;and international treaty provisions. Your use of the Software is limited&nbsp;to private, non-commercial use and is governed by the terms of the end&nbsp;user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with&nbsp;the Software. iHeartMedia accepts no responsibility or liability in&nbsp;connection with any Software owned or controlled by third parties.</p> <p>&nbsp;14. INTERNATIONAL USE/U.S. EXPORT CONTROLS</p> <p>Accessing materials on this iHeartMedia Site by certain persons in&nbsp;certain countries may not be lawful, and iHeartMedia makes no&nbsp;representation that materials on this iHeartMedia Site are appropriate&nbsp;or available for use in locations outside the United States. If you&nbsp;choose to access this iHeartMedia Site from outside the United States, you do so at your own risk and initiative, and are responsible for&nbsp;compliance with any applicable local laws.</p> <p>The United States controls the export of any software downloadable&nbsp;from this iHeartMedia Site. No software or any other materials&nbsp;associated with this iHeartMedia Site may be downloaded or otherwise&nbsp;exported or re-exported to countries or persons prohibited under export&nbsp;control laws, including but not limited to countries against which the&nbsp;United States has embargoed goods, or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury&nbsp;Department list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons or&nbsp;the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. You are&nbsp;responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction&nbsp;regarding the import, export, or re-export of any such materials. By&nbsp;using and/or downloading any such materials from an iHeartMedia Site, you&nbsp;represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country to which such import,&nbsp;export, or re-export is prohibited or are not a person or entity to&nbsp;which such export is prohibited.</p> <p>&nbsp;15. THIRD-PARTY MERCHANTS</p> <p>This iHeartMedia Site may enable you to order and receive products,&nbsp;information and services from businesses that are not owned or operated&nbsp;by iHeartMedia. The purchase, payment, warranty, guarantee, delivery,&nbsp;maintenance, and all other matters concerning the merchandise, services&nbsp;or information, opinion or advice ordered or received from such&nbsp;businesses are solely between you and such businesses. iHeartMedia does&nbsp;not endorse, warrant, or guarantee such products, information, or services, and is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, or&nbsp;usefulness of such information or the quality of availability of such&nbsp;products or services. iHeartMedia will not be a party to or in any way&nbsp;responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party&nbsp;providers of such products, services, or information, or for ensuring the confidentiality of your credit card information. Any separate&nbsp;charges or obligations you incur in your dealings with these third&nbsp;parties are your responsibility and are not part of the fee, if any,&nbsp;charged for the iHeartMedia Internet Service.</p> <p>&nbsp;16. ADVERTISEMENTS, SPONSORSHIPS, CO-PROMOTIONS, AND OTHER PARTNERSHIPS</p> <p>iHeartMedia may display advertisements for the goods and services of a&nbsp;third party on the iHeartMedia Sites, including in connection with&nbsp;co-promotions, sponsorships and other similar partnership arrangements.&nbsp;iHeartMedia does not endorse or represent and is not responsible for the&nbsp;safety, quality, accuracy, reliability, integrity or legality of any&nbsp;such goods or services advertised, promoted or displayed on this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site.</p> <p>&nbsp;17. EVENTS</p> <p>You may be invited or asked to attend iHeartMedia-sponsored events or&nbsp;events held by other members and users of this iHeartMedia Site which&nbsp;are not in any way associated with iHeartMedia at various locations&nbsp;throughout the United States (collectively, "Events"). Your&nbsp;participation in any Events is at your own risk and you agree to release&nbsp;and hold iHeartMedia, its subsidiaries, agents, distributors and&nbsp;affiliates, and their officers, directors and employees harmless from&nbsp;and against any and all claims, actions, demands, liabilities, costs and&nbsp;expenses, including, without limitation, any injury or death to you or&nbsp;your minor children or wards, resulting from attending the Events or&nbsp;participation in any activities available at the Events. You also agree&nbsp;that we may film and record any of the Events sponsored by iHeartMedia&nbsp;in which you or your minor children or wards participate and you hereby&nbsp;agree that such films and recordings shall be owned by iHeartMedia and&nbsp;we may use your or your minor children or wards’ name, likeness, voice,&nbsp;performance and other activities in which you or your minor children or&nbsp;wards engage for any advertising, promotional or other lawful purpose in&nbsp;any and all media now or hereafter known throughout the world in&nbsp;perpetuity without notice, approval or compensation to you or any third&nbsp;party.</p> <p>&nbsp;18. INTERACTIVE SERVICES AND USER MATERIALS</p> <p>This iHeartMedia Site may offer certain iHeartMedia Internet Services&nbsp;having interactive components such as bulletin boards, chat rooms,&nbsp;blogs, and forums (collectively, "iHeartMedia Interactive Services").&nbsp;Additional Terms may cover iHeartMedia Internet Services, which appear&nbsp;on the pages where these services are available, in addition to the&nbsp;general terms provided below. The selection of available iHeartMedia&nbsp;Internet Services may change from time to time in iHeartMedia’s sole&nbsp;discretion. You may participate in the iHeartMedia Interactive Service&nbsp;by completing the registration form where one is provided.</p> <p> <strong>User Materials</strong> </p> <p>iHeartMedia does not control and is not responsible for any notes,&nbsp;messages, billboard postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts or other&nbsp;material, or files delivered to iHeartMedia by you or other users&nbsp;(collectively, "User Materials"). iHeartMedia is not obligated to and&nbsp;does not regularly review, prescreen, monitor, delete, or edit User&nbsp;Materials. However, iHeartMedia reserves the right to do so at any time&nbsp;in its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, and to refuse,&nbsp;delete, move or edit any User Materials, in whole or in part, with or&nbsp;without notice. iHeartMedia is not responsible or liable for damages of&nbsp;any kind arising from any User Materials even when iHeartMedia is&nbsp;advised of the possibility of such damages, or from iHeartMedia’s&nbsp;alteration or deletion of any User Materials.</p> <p>You are solely responsible and liable for all User Materials&nbsp;delivered to iHeartMedia, whether via your account, this iHeartMedia&nbsp;Site, email, or any other method. Any violation of these provisions can&nbsp;subject your iHeartMedia account to immediate termination and, possibly,&nbsp;further legal action. You represent and warrant that you own or&nbsp;otherwise control any and all rights in and to the User Materials and&nbsp;that public posting and use of the User Materials by iHeartMedia will&nbsp;not infringe or violate the rights of any third party in any manner.</p> <p>By emailing, submitting, transmitting, posting, uploading, modifying&nbsp;or otherwise providing any User Material to iHeartMedia, whether&nbsp;solicited or unsolicited, you are granting iHeartMedia and its designees&nbsp;a royalty-free, fully paid, non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual,&nbsp;unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, publish, transmit,&nbsp;perform, display, sublicense, create derivative works from and otherwise&nbsp;use such User Material for any purpose, including, without limitation,&nbsp;advertising and promotional purposes, alone or as a part of other works&nbsp;in any form, media or technology now or hereafter known. No credit,&nbsp;approval or compensation is due to you for any such use of User&nbsp;Materials you may submit. iHeartMedia also has the right, but not the&nbsp;obligation, to use your username (and real name, image, likeness or&nbsp;other identifying information, if provided in connection with User&nbsp;Materials), city and state in connection with broadcast, print, online&nbsp;or other use or publication of your User Materials. Please note that any&nbsp;User Material you submit is and will be treated as non-confidential and&nbsp;non-proprietary as to you, unless specifically stated otherwise in our&nbsp;Privacy Statement.</p> <p>The information and opinions expressed in User Materials appearing on&nbsp;this iHeartMedia Site are not necessarily those of iHeartMedia or its&nbsp;content providers, advertisers, sponsors, affiliated or related&nbsp;entities, and iHeartMedia makes no representations or warranties&nbsp;regarding that information or those opinions, and expressly disclaims&nbsp;any responsibility for User Materials. iHeartMedia does not represent or&nbsp;guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any User&nbsp;Materials or determine whether the User Materials violate the rights of&nbsp;others, and iHeartMedia has no control over whether such User Materials&nbsp;are of a nature that you or other users might find offensive, distasteful or otherwise unacceptable. You acknowledge that any reliance&nbsp;on any User Materials submitted by other users will be at your own&nbsp;risk, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness&nbsp;of such User Materials. You acknowledge that this iHeartMedia Site is&nbsp;"public," and in addition to the license granted to iHeartMedia, other&nbsp;users will have access to your User Materials and might copy, modify or&nbsp;distribute them.</p> <p>If you are aware of any User Material on this iHeartMedia Site which violates these Terms, please contact us at <strong>support@iheartradio.com</strong>.&nbsp;Please provide as much detail as possible, including a copy of the&nbsp;underlying material, the location where iHeartMedia may find it, and the reason such User Material should be removed. Please note that filing a&nbsp;complaint will not guarantee its removal, iHeartMedia will only remove&nbsp;User Materials if iHeartMedia believes the measure is necessary, in our&nbsp;sole discretion. To the extent any notice is based on an alleged&nbsp;copyright violation, please follow in the instructions set forth in the section entitled "Copyright Infringement."&nbsp;Other than those we&nbsp;specifically request, we do not accept or consider unsolicited creative&nbsp;materials, ideas or suggestions either via this iHeartMedia Site, email&nbsp;or other means. This is to avoid any misunderstandings if your ideas are&nbsp;similar to those we have developed or obtained independently. However,&nbsp;if you do still transmit to us, via this iHeartMedia Site, email or&nbsp;otherwise, any unsolicited communication or material, you will be deemed&nbsp;to have granted to us the same rights as are set out in this section&nbsp;with respect to User Materials. Without limitation thereof, you agree&nbsp;that iHeartMedia, our affiliates and our licensees are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any communication&nbsp;you send to us for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to,&nbsp;developing, manufacturing and marketing products, services and content&nbsp;using such information, without any credit, notice, approval or&nbsp;compensation to you.</p> <p> <strong>Referral Programs and "Forward to a Friend" Opportunities</strong> </p> <p>The iHeartMedia Site may offer referral programs that permit you to&nbsp;submit information about other persons (each, a "Referred Person"),&nbsp;including, without limitation, U.S.-based email addresses, mobile&nbsp;telephone numbers, names, street addresses and other contact information&nbsp;so they may receive information and/or promotional offers concerning&nbsp;the iHeartMedia Internet Service. You may only refer persons with whom&nbsp;you have a personal relationship. You must have obtained the consent of&nbsp;the Referred Person prior to providing us with his or her contact&nbsp;information. We reserve the right to limit the number of Referred Persons you can submit. We reserve the right to limit the number of transmissions to any particular Referred Person from time to time. You&nbsp;may not withdraw the contact information you provide for a Referred&nbsp;Person once it has been submitted. A Referred Person must be a&nbsp;permanent, legal resident of the continental United States, at least 18&nbsp;years old (or 19 years old if a resident of Alabama or Nebraska, or 21&nbsp;years old if a resident of Mississippi), and be able to register for the&nbsp;iHeartMedia Internet Service, or otherwise use the iHeartMedia Internet Service. The contact information for a Referred Person must be valid and functioning in order for us to contact him or her about the&nbsp;iHeartMedia Internet Service. We will not be responsible for validating&nbsp;the contact information you provide. We may elect NOT to communicate&nbsp;with any Referred Person and/or e-mail address if he/she/it appears to&nbsp;be on any of our "do not contact" or "do not e-mail" lists. In addition,&nbsp;we reserve the right to reject the participation of any Referred Person&nbsp;if (a) the contact information provided by you is incorrect or not&nbsp;valid, (b) such individual has violated any provision of these terms or&nbsp;conditions, or (c) we determine in our sole discretion that the participation of such individual might be harmful to us, this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site, any iHeartMedia Internet Service, or any third party for any reason. We specifically disclaim any liability for exercising&nbsp;such right.</p> <p>We may, at our discretion, send you a confirmation using any means&nbsp;available through the iHeartMedia Internet Service, including email,&nbsp;text and other forms of messaging, to inform you that the Referred&nbsp;Person has registered for the iHeartMedia Internet Service. If we send&nbsp;the confirmation to you via the carrier service with which you have a&nbsp;mobile communications subscription or otherwise have access, you&nbsp;understand you will pay any service fees associated with any such access&nbsp;(including text messaging charges in connection with messages to your&nbsp;mobile device). If you misuse any referral program or otherwise engage&nbsp;in improper behavior with respect to a referral program, as we determine&nbsp;in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to discontinue the&nbsp;iHeartMedia Internet Service to you. We may from time to time offer incentives or rewards in connection with a referral program, and any&nbsp;such incentive or reward programs shall be subject to Additional Terms&nbsp;which will be posted at the time such programs become available and will&nbsp;be deemed incorporated into, and subject to, this Agreement. We reserve&nbsp;the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend, temporarily or&nbsp;permanently, or cease to provide any and all referral programs without&nbsp;notice, reason or liability.</p> <p>If you are using the iHeartMedia Internet Service to communicate to a&nbsp;Referred Person (or any third party), you agree not to use such&nbsp;iHeartMedia Internet Service to harm the Referred Person or any other&nbsp;third party, and/or use such iHeartMedia Internet Service in violation&nbsp;of any applicable laws, rules or regulations or the terms and conditions&nbsp;of this Agreement.</p> <p> <strong>Voting/Rating Features</strong> </p> <p>For any voting/rating features that are available on this iHeartMedia&nbsp;Site, you must follow instructions on this iHeartMedia Site to submit&nbsp;your votes/ratings, including any restrictions set forth with respect to&nbsp;limitations on voting/rating. Votes/ratings received from you in excess&nbsp;of any stated limitation will be disqualified. Payment or other consideration in exchange for votes/ratings is prohibited. Votes/ratings&nbsp;generated by script, macro or other automated means or any other means&nbsp;intended to impact the integrity of the voting/rating process as&nbsp;determined by us may be void. iHeartMedia assumes no responsibility for incorrect/inaccurate voting/rating information or for any error,&nbsp;omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or&nbsp;transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or&nbsp;unauthorized access to, or alteration of, votes/ratings. We may, at our&nbsp;discretion, modify, terminate, or suspend the voting/rating or void any&nbsp;vote/rating should a virus, bug, non-authorized human intervention,&nbsp;action of voter/rater, or other cause corrupt or impair the&nbsp;administration, security, or fairness of the voting/rating. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds&nbsp;to be violating these terms, tampering with the voting/rating process,&nbsp;or acting in an unsportsmanlike or improper manner and void all associated votes/ratings. Our decisions with respect to all aspects of&nbsp;any voting/rating element are final and binding, but not limited to,&nbsp;with respect to the tallying of votes/ratings and the invalidation or&nbsp;disqualification of any suspected votes/ratings or voters/raters. You&nbsp;may also be given the opportunity to participate in voting/rating features in a third party application or feature (such as one of our&nbsp;social media partners like Facebook or Twitter), in which case your&nbsp;participation in such features will be subject to the terms and&nbsp;conditions governing that third party application or feature.</p> <p>&nbsp;19. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES</p> <p>This iHeartMedia Site may offer certain iHeartMedia Subscription&nbsp;Services such as newsletters and Real Simple Syndication ("RSS") feeds&nbsp;(collectively "iHeartMedia Subscription Services"). By registering for an&nbsp;iHeartMedia Subscription Service, you will be subject to any charges&nbsp;and rules set forth in the description of that service which may or may&nbsp;not be reflected in Additional Terms.</p> <p>&nbsp;20. PREMIUM SERVICES</p> <p>SOME IHEARTMEDIA INTERNET SERVICES ON THIS IHEARTMEDIA SITE, INCLUDING CERTAIN IHEARTMEDIA INTERACTIVE AND SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES, MAY&nbsp;BE OFFERED TO YOU CONDITIONED ON YOUR PAYMENT OF A FEE (EACH, A&nbsp;"IHEARTMEDIA PREMIUM SERVICE"). BY USING THE IHEARTMEDIA PREMIUM&nbsp;SERVICE, YOU AGREE THAT YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO ANY CHARGES AND RULES SET FORTH IN THE ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR THAT SERVICE, IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL TERMS&nbsp;PROVIDED BELOW, WHICH MAY INCLUDE AUTOMATIC RENEWALS AND PERIODIC RECURRING CHARGES (E.G., MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, OR ANNUALLY) TO YOUR PAYMENT METHOD UNTIL YOU CANCEL A SERVICE. YOU MAY CANCEL ONLINE BY FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW ("PAID SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE - CANCELLATION").&nbsp;YOU MAY REGISTER FOR BY COMPLETING THE APPLICABLE REGISTRATION FORM.</p> <p>&nbsp;Terms and Conditions for iHeartRadio subscriptions are available here. &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;21. MEMBER ACCOUNT AND PASSWORD</p> <p>You are responsible for any membership name and password that is&nbsp;associated with your account during registration. If this premium&nbsp;service does not recognize your device from a previous sign-in, you will&nbsp;be asked for information that will help us to identify your&nbsp;registration. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality&nbsp;of your password, if one is established. You are entirely responsible&nbsp;for any and all activities that occur under your account, and agree to&nbsp;notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account.</p> <p> <strong>Charges for Premium Service</strong> </p> <p>iHeartMedia will provide notice of any charges, or extra charges,&nbsp;before you register for or enter a premium area. You are responsible for&nbsp;any charges for premium content incurred by your account. We are not&nbsp;liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using&nbsp;your password or account, whether with or without your knowledge.</p> <p>In the event that you pay for a premium service by credit card, you&nbsp;authorize us to charge your credit card account by registering for the&nbsp;service and providing us with your credit card information. You warrant&nbsp;to us that the credit card information that you provide us is correct&nbsp;and is your account.</p> <p> <strong>Limited to Personal and Non-Commercial Use</strong> </p> <p>Any premium service is for your personal and non-commercial use only.&nbsp;You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform,&nbsp;reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or&nbsp;sell any information, software, products obtained from this premium&nbsp;service without our prior written consent. You may inquire about&nbsp;obtaining written permission from us to display or reproduce material&nbsp;from this iHeartMedia Site by writing:</p> <p>IP Permission</p> <p>Legal Department</p> <p>iHeartMedia, Inc.</p> <p>20880 Stone Oak Pkwy</p> <p>San Antonio, TX 78258</p> <p>By Facsimile: (210) 832-3149</p> <p>By Email: <strong>IPPermission@iheartmedia.com</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Cancellation</strong> </p> <p>You may cancel your membership in this premium service at any time by&nbsp;contacting us using the contact information provided on this premium&nbsp;service. In the event that you have paid a fee to register on this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and you cancel before the end of your membership&nbsp;period, we will not return any portion of your membership fee provided&nbsp;that you will be entitled to continue accessing the applicable&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site until the end of your membership period.</p> <p>We reserve the right to terminate your access to this premium service&nbsp;or any portion thereof at any time, without notice. Upon such&nbsp;termination, we shall return the unused pro-rata portion of your&nbsp;membership fee on a 52-week pro-rated basis to you within ninety (90)&nbsp;days of the termination of your access to this service.</p> <p> <strong>Service Contact</strong> </p> <p>You may email your requests for customer service through the contact&nbsp;information provided on the home page of the applicable premium service.</p> <p>&nbsp;22. CONTESTS/SWEEPSTAKES</p> <p>Any sweepstakes, contests, games and/or promotional offers accessible&nbsp;on this iHeartMedia Site are governed by specific rules and/or terms&nbsp;and conditions. By entering a sweepstakes or contests or participating&nbsp;in such games or promotional offers available on this iHeartMedia Site,&nbsp;you will be subject to those rules and/or terms and conditions. It is&nbsp;critical that you read the applicable rules and/or or terms and&nbsp;conditions, which are linked from the particular page or activity. To&nbsp;the extent of any conflict between those rules and/or terms and&nbsp;conditions and these Terms, the rules and/or terms and conditions for&nbsp;the sweepstakes, game or promotional offer will govern, but only to the&nbsp;extent of the conflict. Any sweepstakes, contests, games and/or&nbsp;promotional offers made available or advertised on third party sites&nbsp;accessible from this iHeartMedia Site (such as those of social media&nbsp;partners like Facebook and Twitter), in addition to being subject to the&nbsp;specific rules and/or terms and conditions applicable to your&nbsp;participation in such feature(s) on this iHeartMedia Site, will also be&nbsp;subject to the rules and/or terms and conditions applicable to your&nbsp;participation in such feature(s) on those third party sites.</p> <p>&nbsp;23. GENERAL</p> <p>This Agreement and any Additional Terms shall be governed by,&nbsp;construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New&nbsp;York, as it is applied to agreements entered into and to be performed&nbsp;entirely within such state, without regard to conflict of law&nbsp;principles. You agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes of&nbsp;action arising out of, or connected with, this Agreement and/or the&nbsp;Additional Terms, or in connection with any matters related to this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and/or the Privacy Statement, shall be resolved&nbsp;individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively in&nbsp;either the state or Federal courts located in New York County, New&nbsp;York. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of&nbsp;the State of New York for any cause of action arising out of this&nbsp;Agreement. You agree to file any cause of action with respect to this&nbsp;Agreement within one year after the cause of action arises. You agree&nbsp;that a cause of action filed after this date is barred.</p> <p>If any provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any&nbsp;person or circumstances, is held invalid or for any reason,&nbsp;unenforceable including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers&nbsp;and liability limitations, then such provision shall be deemed&nbsp;superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that matches, as closely as&nbsp;possible, the original provision, and the other provisions of this&nbsp;Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The failure of either&nbsp;party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this&nbsp;Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right.&nbsp;Unless expressly provided otherwise, this Agreement is the entire&nbsp;agreement between you and iHeartMedia with respect to the use of this&nbsp;iHeartMedia Site and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by&nbsp;an authorized representative of iHeartMedia.</p> <p>If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, you may send them by email to <strong>support@iheartradio.com</strong>. You must send any official correspondence via postal mail to:</p> <p>Legal Department</p> <p>ATTN: iHeartMedia Sites Terms of Use</p> <p>iHeartMedia, Inc.</p> <p>20880 Stone Oak Pkwy</p> <p>San Antonio, TX 78258</p> <p>&nbsp;24. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICE</p> <p> <strong>Use of Intellectual Property</strong> </p> <p>The iHeartMedia Site, and all of its contents, including but not&nbsp;limited to articles, other text, photographs, images, illustrations,&nbsp;graphics, video material, audio material, including musical compositions&nbsp;and sound recordings, software, iHeartMedia logos, titles, characters,&nbsp;names, graphics and button icons (collectively "Intellectual Property"),&nbsp;are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws of the United&nbsp;States, as well as international conventions and the laws of other&nbsp;countries. The Intellectual Property is owned or controlled by&nbsp;iHeartMedia or by other parties that have provided rights thereto to&nbsp;iHeartMedia.</p> <p>You may not, and agree that you will not, reproduce, download,&nbsp;license, publish, enter into a database, display, modify, create&nbsp;derivative works from, transmit, post, distribute or perform publicly by&nbsp;any means, method, or process now known or later developed, decompile,&nbsp;reverse engineer, disassemble, use on another computer-related&nbsp;environment, transfer or sell any Intellectual Property, information,&nbsp;software or products obtained from or through this iHeartMedia Site, in&nbsp;whole or in part, without the express written permission of iHeartMedia.</p> <p>Other trademarks, service marks, product names and company names or&nbsp;logos appearing on this iHeartMedia Site that are not owned by&nbsp;iHeartMedia may not be used without express permission from their&nbsp;owners.</p> <p>Additionally, unless otherwise expressly permitted, websites may not&nbsp;link, whether by hyperlink or otherwise, to any page beyond the homepage&nbsp;of this iHeartMedia Site, or frame this iHeartMedia Site, or any web&nbsp;page or material herein, nor may any entity include a link to any aspect&nbsp;of this iHeartMedia Site in an email for commercial purposes, without&nbsp;the express written permission of iHeartMedia. Further, unless otherwise&nbsp;expressly permitted, you agree not to link to iHeartMedia’s&nbsp;Intellectual Property so as to cause you or anyone else to access&nbsp;iHeartMedia’s Intellectual Property other than through this iHeartMedia&nbsp;Site.</p> <p>You may inquire about obtaining permission by writing:</p> <p>IP Permission</p> <p>Legal Department</p> <p>iHeartMedia, Inc.</p> <p>20880 Stone Oak Pkwy</p> <p>San Antonio, TX 78258</p> <p>By Facsimile: (210) 832-3149</p> <p>By Email: <strong>IPPermission@iheartmedia.com</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Copyright Infringement</strong> </p> <p>iHeartMedia respects the intellectual property rights of third&nbsp;parties, and complies with the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright&nbsp;Act (DMCA) regarding such rights. By submitting any material or&nbsp;photographs through this iHeartMedia Site, you are granting permission&nbsp;to have this material posted on this iHeartMedia Site, and are representing that you are the rightful owner of the submitted material,&nbsp;and that no one else may claim rights to this material. iHeartMedia&nbsp;reserves the right to remove access to infringing material. Such actions&nbsp;do not affect or modify any other rights iHeartMedia may have under law&nbsp;or contract. You can find our procedures for providing notice of&nbsp;alleged copyright infringement below.</p> <p> <strong>Procedure for Making Claim of Copyright Infringement</strong> </p> <p>If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that&nbsp;constitutes copyright infringement, you should send written notification&nbsp;thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Digital Millennium&nbsp;Copyright Act, to our Designated Agent, who can be reached as follows:</p> <p>By mail:</p> <p>DMCA Designated Agent</p> <p>c/o Legal Department</p> <p>iHeartMedia, Inc.</p> <p>20880 Stone Oak Pkwy</p> <p>San Antonio, TX 78258</p> <p>By Facsimile: (210) 832-3149</p> <p>By Email: <strong>dmca@iheartmedia.com</strong> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(c), to be effective, the Notification must include the following:</p> <p>(1) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act&nbsp;on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly&nbsp;infringed.</p> <p>(2) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been&nbsp;infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are&nbsp;covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works&nbsp;at that site.</p> <p>(3) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing&nbsp;or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed&nbsp;or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably&nbsp;sufficient to permit iHeartMedia to locate the material.</p> <p>(4) Information reasonably sufficient to permit iHeartMedia to&nbsp;contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number,&nbsp;and, if available, an email address.</p> <p>(5) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief&nbsp;that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized&nbsp;by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.</p> <p>(6) A statement that the information in the notification is&nbsp;accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is&nbsp;authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is&nbsp;allegedly infringed.</p> <p>This process only relates to reporting a claim of copyright&nbsp;infringement. Messages related to other matters will not receive a&nbsp;response through this process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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