We Share Abundance Terms and Conditions <p>Last update August 2nd, 2021</p> <ol> <li> <strong>APPLICATION SCOPE</strong> </li> </ol> <p> <strong>The General Terms of Service set forth below are applicable to all kinds of services provided by We Share Abundance, registered as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation (82) in the State of Nevada, address 491 Ryland St. STE 200A, Reno, NV89582 USA.&nbsp;(hereinafter referred to as “We Share Abundance” or “The Company”), managing the website https://weshareabundance.com&nbsp;(hereinafter referred to as “The Website”), with the exception of third party services provided by third party service providers rather than The Company. With respect to such kinds of services the General Terms of Transactions of said Third Party Service Providers shall be applicable. Inconsistent, different, or supplementing General Terms of Service shall not be an integral part of this contract even if they have been duly taken into consideration, except for the case where an express written consent to application thereof has been given by the company.</strong> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>TERMS OF USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company allows only persons aged 18 or older (or persons considered of full age in accordance to the law of their country) to join its programs, regardless of their nationality. The program cannot be used by a potential user if a prohibition on such programs has been imposed in their country of nationality. In addition to this, a user cannot take part in the program if it is supposed that they intend to commit an unlawful action.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>END USER OBLIGATIONS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>At the time of registration, the user agrees and undertakes to provide the following personal information: full name, physical address, birth date and e-mail address. The users must not use a pseudonym, an alias or impersonate someone else.</strong> <strong>The We Share Abundance program puts the following limitations on use:</strong> <ul> <li> <strong>It is prohibited for a person to have multiple registrations from different e-mail addresses</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Joint use of: address or names with another user who already has an We Share Abundance account is be prohibited.</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Only one unique account per household is allowed</strong> </li> </ul> <strong>The user will input their name, email and password. The user undertakes to maintain confidentiality with respect to such information, information that can be altered after program entry in the menu item labelled “Profile”. The user has sole liability for the security of their We Share Abundance account. The user is also personally liable in the event of granting any powers to third parties to whom he/she provides access to their personal account. The user must promptly report an attempt of any person to gain unauthorized access to their personal account. The user is personally liable for the consequences of careless treatment of their own personal data. The Company is not liable for unauthorized access of third parties to the account as a result of careless treatment of personal data by users. In the event of fraud, unauthorized use of the system, use of rude or vulgar words and expressions, insults of all manners, improper behaviour in forums, in the technical support information system or in other services offered by The Company or in all other situations considered by The Company as improper or unlawful behaviour, The Company has the right to cancel the contract with the user and to remove their account. In such case, the user will lose the right to the fee (the amount residing in the user’s account) that has not yet been paid by The Company. If any unlawful actions have been committed in The Company’s system, it reserves the right to report the user to the competent authorities at the place of the user’s permanent residence and to initiate criminal proceedings against the user. The Company reserves the right to bring a claim for compensation for damages and the right to demand a refund of previously paid amounts.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>INACTIVE ACCOUNTS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company will remove accounts that have no balance in their WESA wallet, no active Stake and have not been logged into for a period of 60 days. Upon removal of an account all referrals and any credits will become inactive and invalid. In the event of repeated activation of the account by the user, referrals and any credits shall not be reinstated and will be lost.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>CHANGE OF ACCOUNT DETAILS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The account holder is allowed to change the account details in The Company’s system at any time. In the event of a change of the account details, The Company reserves the right to verify the new data for compliance. Such verification may take several business days (non-business days are be understood as weekends and public holidays determined by the legislation in the USA). In the event of force majeure circumstances or of a technical failure, The Company will not be held liable for any possible delays in verification of clients’ new data. To confirm authenticity, a copy of the authorized user’s passport or other government issued ID card shall be provided. The user must upload a copy of their identity document to The Company’s system. To ensure security of users and their accounts, no payments shall be authorized at the time of verification. Upon successful verification of the user’s new data, the account will be available for use and The Company will resume payments. The above stated rules of determining the verification timing shall be applied accordingly and without any exceptions.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ACCOUNT VERIFICATION</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>Before receiving access to the payment system, authenticity of the users e-mail address will be verified. The Company reserves the right to verify addresses and personal data of all its users without giving reasons. The Company reserves the right to withhold money and/or close accounts if a user refuses to cooperate in carrying out such verification or ignores The Company’s requirements.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>DISBURSEMENTS TO USERS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>All disbursements will be processed using The Company’s payment system platform. All disbursements will be processed after the user has initiated a request. Careful check of a user’s request may take up to several business days. A user may initiate a new disbursement request once a month.</strong> <strong>Payment to each user shall be processed subject to the&nbsp;Withdrawal Rules&nbsp;which for an integral part of these terms. A user is obliged to have a valid account opened with the payment system operator Waves Exchange. Payments will be directed to the account stated by the user. The user may not cancel a payment request sent to a server.</strong> <strong>To receive a payment, a user must have an account opened with a payment system/crypto currency exchange Waves Exchange.</strong> <strong>The Company is not responsible for lost tokens due to incorrect wallet addresses saved in the users’ profile.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to make amendments to the current payment terms and amendments which will be communicated to the users in a timely manner.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company cannot be held liable for loss of profit, loss of business opportunities or indirect damages caused by any unlawful action or for incidental or consequential loss that may arise in connection with this General Terms of Service or that relates to contractual relations therewith,&nbsp;even if The Company has warned of potential damages. The maximum amount of the Company’s total liability under this contract shall not exceed the amount of the duties paid or payable by the user under the contract. The terms of this article of the contract will survive cancellation or termination of the contract, due to their specific nature.</strong> <strong>The Company does not give any warranties and does not make any statements with respect to the program for participants, any services or positions in an advertisement, whether stated expressly or through implicative actions (in particular, with respect to quality warranty, preparation for sale, violations or other implicative actions that may arise from application of the contract, making a business transaction or usage). The Company does its best to ensure that the We Share Abundance website will operate continuously and uninterruptedly, although it does not warrant that. The Company shall not be liable for any suspension of operation of the system or for any errors that may have occurred. The Company shall not be liable for any errors that may relate to malicious software or viruses found on a user’s computer or other devices that have impact on the functions of the device. The user is responsible for installing anti-virus systems on their devices. The Company will control each advertisement that is entered into the system for malicious software or codes. The Company cannot be held liable for the damages resulting from the removal of computer viruses even if the user asserts that the virus entered the computer after viewing advertisements on The Company’s website.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LINKS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Website may contain links to other websites (“linked websites”), including websites of third-party service providers that maintain business relations with The Company. The Company does not check the materials, functioning, standards, conditions and other elements of the linked websites and shall not be obliged to control such websites. The Company neither supports, recommends nor sponsors any linked websites. This provision shall also be applicable to the content, advertising, information, materials, products, services and other items of third-party service providers. The Company will also not be liable for the quality or delivery of products and services that are offered, viewed, acquired or purchased in such websites. In the event of use, dissemination or provision of information in linked websites, the Company will not be liable for direct or indirect damages or loss, consequential or incidental damages or special damages that may arise from careless treatment, violation of the contract, defamation, infringement upon copyright or intellectual property rights. Any actions related to such websites shall be governed by data protection provisions, terms of use and other rules of the operators of linked websites. As regards to all and any, without any exception, relationships, correspondence, transactions or other operations with third parties that take place in such websites or with the use thereof, the applicable arrangements are those that have been made by the user with the third-party service providers. The Company is not responsible for the consequences of such transactions.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>SYSTEM FAILURE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>If an error or a failure occurs in the system or suspicion of system manipulation arises, The Company reserves the right to suspend operation of the system for as long as it deems necessary. After removal of the error, The Company will resume operation of the system on terms determined at its discretion. Return of the purchase price in the event of a system failure or error is not provided for.</strong> <strong>The Company can interrupt, at its discretion, a transaction that has not been processed due to a system error, is suspicious or doubtful and has the right to refuse performance of such transaction. The Company’s rules and decisions with respect to the operation of the website are final and binding upon the parties.</strong> <strong>Users are personally responsible for the use of any services offered in websites through their computer or other devices and acknowledge that not all devices are compatible with The Company’s system.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>STATEMENT OF INCORRECT USERS DATA</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company cannot be held liable for the consequences of statement of incorrect data in the system, in particular e-mail addresses, personal data or payment details. Inputting incorrect data into the system may result in loss of existing balances and/or previously paid fees.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>WEBSITES OF THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company may place temporary and/or permanent links to third parties’ websites. The Company does control, verify or examine the materials contained in such websites. The Company cannot be held responsible for any software, content or viewpoints presented in such websites. Links to third parties’ websites shall serve for improvement of functionality of the system. Placement of links does not mean that The Company supports the linked website. Users are personally responsible for the consequences of following an external link to a third-party website.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ANTI-SPAM POLICY</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>Users are not allowed to disseminate any links of advisory nature through unsolicited mail (spam), posts in forums, websites with notices of vacancies, Internet bulletin boards or with the use of any other mass communication systems. Failure to observe the above said rules will result in cancellation of the contract and will be deemed a criminal offence. The Company strictly observes service rules and requirements with respect to protection from spam. Spam dissemination is considered a criminal offence. If it is established that a user has disseminated spam, their account will be promptly closed and they will lose all their former, current and future revenues. In addition, users will be held liable for dissemination of spam because The Company collaborates with all legal representatives and bodies in carrying out investigations in criminal cases related to spam dissemination. The Company reserves the right to claim compensation for the damage caused by spam initiated or forwarded by users.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>IMPROPER ACCOUNT USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>In the event of multiple registrations from one user, all associated accounts will be immediately blocked. Use of one IP address for registration of several accounts or multiple registrations from one computer or device for one account holder may be considered a fraud and grounds for immediate termination of all accounts associated with said IP address. The Company also has a strict zero tolerance policy against selling and buying of accounts. We consider accounts to be personal and individual and therefore, they cannot be the object of a commercial transaction. In case The Company discovers the existence of a sold account, The Company reserves the right to block that particular account, it’s balance and future earnings. The Company also reserves the right to take punitive action against the seller/buyer of that account.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to cancel contractual ties with a user and to block their account if they use Internet bots. A bot is defined as a computer program that automatically performs recurrent actions. Bots perform monotonous recurrent actions, thereby the rate of performance of such actions is much higher than the rate attainable by human beings. The Company has the right to seize any profit gained as a result of multiple registrations, fraudulent actions or improper use as provided for by these General Terms of Service. All revenues unlawfully received in the Company’s system will be confiscated. Users understand and agree that The Company determines the amount of damages it will request as compensation. The Company strictly observes its obligations related to protection of users in order to ensure the appropriate return of their funds Non-compliance with these General Terms of Service will entail a fine in the amount of $5,000. In addition, The Company has the right to claim compensation for the actual damage caused thereto. When an account has been withdrawn or closed, any remaining balance on the account – including liabilities or charges owed to We Share Abundance – become the property of We Share Abundance. We Share Abundance maintains full custody of all funds and associated user information and data, which we have permission to turn over to the relevant authorities in the event of your account being suspended or closed due to fraud investigation or your violation of any Terms and Conditions. If you are found to be in violation of any of the above rules or trying to gain an unfair advantage to abuse the service, your account will be suspended and your account balance forfeited.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ACCOUNT SUSPENSION AND LIMITIATION OF USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>If suspicion of any fraudulent actions exists, The Company reserves the right to block accounts at its discretion for as much time as it is needed to perform an investigation. Anonymizers or proxy systems must not be used to access The Company’s systems or platforms. If an anonymizer or a proxy server is used to enter the system, The Company reserves the right to block such user’s account at its own discretion. The account of a user who violates these rules will be blocked. The Company also reserves the right to suspend, block or delete the account of any member who behaves in an antagonistic way to any other member, or brings The Company into disrepute through comments or activities. If an account is closed due to violation of the terms of the contract, all amounts in the account will be confiscated.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to block or limit accounts, credit balances on accounts or access to or use of certain functions, with or without prior notice, temporarily or indefinitely. If, for example, a user behaves excessively and non-constructively or destructively slandering The Company or in relation to The Company or its products towards third parties and takes a view that has not been proven with facts, that is no longer seen as freedom of expression, but as reputational damage, The Company reserves the right to perform the steps specified above.</strong> <strong>Creating or operating so-called multi-accounts, or keeping accounts under the same IP, previously not explicitly reported to The Company and where commissions may have been incurred or even disbursed, is prohibited and may be considered grounds for account suspension and/or limitation of the user. &nbsp. Users should notify unintentional multi-accounts, such as family members, in a timely manner to the support.</strong> <strong>Advertising or recommending We Share Abundance as an investment or promise of profits may lead to account suspension and/or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>Failure to respond to a KYC request from The Company in a timely fashion may result in account suspension and/or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>Exploiting vulnerabilities, bugs, errors, security vulnerabilities, or methods that are the result of fraud in any form in The Company’s platform to their advantage or to the disadvantage of others, this may lead to the user’s account suspension and or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>In addition to the exploitation of unknown or already known security vulnerabilities, this also includes cheating of members, users, employees or generally third parties.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>CANCELLATION OF ACCOUNT</strong> </li> </ol>At any time a member can request cancellation of their account and receive a refund of any balance not exceeding the US$ value of deposits made less the US$ value of witdrawals paid. <br>Such withdrawals will be calculated as the the exact value of Tokens deposited at the market value at the time of the deposit. In addition any unmatured nest egg purchases will be refunded at the value of the purchase made and not the value of the tokens purchased. The coinpayments site is used for the market value calculation as it offers the best average market value comparing trading across all platforms and currencies in a 24 hour period. Refund calculations once accepted are paid in WESA Tokens at the Market Value at the time of payment but subject to a minimum value per WESA Token set at 1 cent on June 5th, 2021 and currently frozen at $2.56 until Market Value exceeds that price.&nbsp. Once parity with WESAbundance Token value is reached the WESA Token will be tethered to WESAbundance.&nbsp;<strong>Understand that if you cancel it is not reversible and you are not allowed to rejoin for at least 6 months.&nbsp. Any attempt to use cancellation to change sponsor or get paid cash back or any other offers will be treated as gross misconduct and result in a lifetime ban from participation.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Any request for a refund of stake is automatically also a request for the cancellation of the account.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LAWFUL ACT AND STATEMENT OF CONSENT</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>These General Terms of Service govern the contractual relations and the relations of use between a user and We Share Abundance. They are be applicable to all users, whether individuals or legal entities. Using this website, you agree with these General Terms of Service. In addition, you may have to state your agreement with the proposed terms in express form in some pages of the website. We Share Abundance reserves the right to change these General Terms of Service at any time at its own discretion and without giving reasons, including, without limitation, the pricing policy terms (“new terms”). We Share Abundance will send you a notification on introduction of new terms or changes in the existing ones via electronic mail. You also agree that we may publish the new terms in our website by way of placement of a link with information in the main page. Using the services of the website (or performing other similar actions in the website) after publication of the new terms, you automatically agree with such new terms. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you should read these terms before any use of the service. The new terms of using the services of the website shall become effective at the time of publication thereof in our website unless a later date of their becoming effective is determined and stated in the information page.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>COMMUNICATIONS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company’s official language of communication is English. The Company will conduct all of its business and official communication in that language. The Company may allow certain users or affiliates to translate parts of its commercial materials into other languages for commercial purposes, provided that the translation will include the phrase “This is an unofficial translation of the original We Share Abundance Document and does not necessarily reflect We Share Abundance’s official policy”. The Company will not honour any promises (implicit or explicit) made in said translated materials, if they are not in accordance with The Company’s rules and/or guidelines. All responsibility for the content of the translated materials belongs to the translators. The Company cannot be held liable in any way for the claims made within translated materials. In case of content differences between The Company’s original materials and translated materials, the company’s official materials will take precedence</strong> <strong>19.&nbsp. WITHDRAWALS</strong> <strong>All withdrawals are currently suspended at the majority of members’ request until we achieve greater liquidity in&nbsp. both WESA and WESAbundance Tokens. Once reinstated….</strong>There are 2 options for Withdrawal Requests:1. Request withdrawal in WESA Tokens2. Request withdrawal in Bitcoins.Withdrawal requests in WESA Tokens will be limited to a monthly maximun value set each month and paid as soon as processing allows. calculated and paid at the market value at the time of withdrawal subject to a minimum value of WESA set at 1 cent on June 5th, 2021 and currently frozen at $2.56 until market value exceeds this sum. Once it reaches parity with WESAbundance Token value the WESA Token will be tethered to WESAbundance.Withdrawal requests in Bitcoins (or any other Crypto we decide to make available in future) will be subject to our ability to sell your WESAbundance Tokens at what admin deems to be a realistic value. This is governed by liquidity (supply and demand) and the smallest request will always be paid first. Any unpaid requests at the end of the month will be cancelled and the Tokens returned to your internal wallet.which <ol> <li> <strong>APPLICATION SCOPE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The General Terms of Service set forth below are applicable to all kinds of services provided by We Share Abundance, registered as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation (82) in the State of Nevada, address 491 Ryland St. STE 200A, Reno, NV89582 USA.&nbsp;(hereinafter referred to as “We Share Abundance” or “The Company”), managing the website https://weshareabundance.com&nbsp;(hereinafter referred to as “The Website”), with the exception of third party services provided by third party service providers rather than The Company. With respect to such kinds of services the General Terms of Transactions of said Third Party Service Providers shall be applicable. Inconsistent, different, or supplementing General Terms of Service shall not be an integral part of this contract even if they have been duly taken into consideration, except for the case where an express written consent to application thereof has been given by the company.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>TERMS OF USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company allows only persons aged 18 or older (or persons considered of full age in accordance to the law of their country) to join its programs, regardless of their nationality. The program cannot be used by a potential user if a prohibition on such programs has been imposed in their country of nationality. In addition to this, a user cannot take part in the program if it is supposed that they intend to commit an unlawful action.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>END USER OBLIGATIONS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>At the time of registration, the user agrees and undertakes to provide the following personal information: full name, physical address, birth date and e-mail address. The users must not use a pseudonym, an alias or impersonate someone else.</strong> <strong>The We Share Abundance program puts the following limitations on use:</strong> <ul> <li> <strong>It is prohibited for a person to have multiple registrations from different e-mail addresses</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Joint use of: address or names with another user who already has an We Share Abundance account is be prohibited.</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Only one unique account per household is allowed</strong> </li> </ul> <strong>The user will input their name, email and password. The user undertakes to maintain confidentiality with respect to such information, information that can be altered after program entry in the menu item labelled “Profile”. The user has sole liability for the security of their We Share Abundance account. The user is also personally liable in the event of granting any powers to third parties to whom he/she provides access to their personal account. The user must promptly report an attempt of any person to gain unauthorized access to their personal account. The user is personally liable for the consequences of careless treatment of their own personal data. The Company is not liable for unauthorized access of third parties to the account as a result of careless treatment of personal data by users. In the event of fraud, unauthorized use of the system, use of rude or vulgar words and expressions, insults of all manners, improper behaviour in forums, in the technical support information system or in other services offered by The Company or in all other situations considered by The Company as improper or unlawful behaviour, The Company has the right to cancel the contract with the user and to remove their account. In such case, the user will lose the right to the fee (the amount residing in the user’s account) that has not yet been paid by The Company. If any unlawful actions have been committed in The Company’s system, it reserves the right to report the user to the competent authorities at the place of the user’s permanent residence and to initiate criminal proceedings against the user. The Company reserves the right to bring a claim for compensation for damages and the right to demand a refund of previously paid amounts.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>INACTIVE ACCOUNTS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company will remove accounts that have no balance in their WESA wallet, no active Stake and have not been logged into for a period of 60 days. Upon removal of an account all referrals and any credits will become inactive and invalid. In the event of repeated activation of the account by the user, referrals and any credits shall not be reinstated and will be lost.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>CHANGE OF ACCOUNT DETAILS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The account holder is allowed to change the account details in The Company’s system at any time. In the event of a change of the account details, The Company reserves the right to verify the new data for compliance. Such verification may take several business days (non-business days are be understood as weekends and public holidays determined by the legislation in the USA). In the event of force majeure circumstances or of a technical failure, The Company will not be held liable for any possible delays in verification of clients’ new data. To confirm authenticity, a copy of the authorized user’s passport or other government issued ID card shall be provided. The user must upload a copy of their identity document to The Company’s system. To ensure security of users and their accounts, no payments shall be authorized at the time of verification. Upon successful verification of the user’s new data, the account will be available for use and The Company will resume payments. The above stated rules of determining the verification timing shall be applied accordingly and without any exceptions.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ACCOUNT VERIFICATION</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>Before receiving access to the payment system, authenticity of the users e-mail address will be verified. The Company reserves the right to verify addresses and personal data of all its users without giving reasons. The Company reserves the right to withhold money and/or close accounts if a user refuses to cooperate in carrying out such verification or ignores The Company’s requirements.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>DISBURSEMENTS TO USERS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>All disbursements will be processed using The Company’s payment system platform. All disbursements will be processed after the user has initiated a request. Careful check of a user’s request may take up to several business days. A user may initiate a new disbursement request once a month.</strong> <strong>Payment to each user shall be processed subject to the&nbsp;Withdrawal Rules&nbsp;which for an integral part of these terms. A user is obliged to have a valid account opened with the payment system operator Waves Exchange. Payments will be directed to the account stated by the user. The user may not cancel a payment request sent to a server.</strong> <strong>To receive a payment, a user must have an account opened with a payment system/crypto currency exchange Waves Exchange.</strong> <strong>The Company is not responsible for lost tokens due to incorrect wallet addresses saved in the users’ profile.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to make amendments to the current payment terms and amendments which will be communicated to the users in a timely manner.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company cannot be held liable for loss of profit, loss of business opportunities or indirect damages caused by any unlawful action or for incidental or consequential loss that may arise in connection with this General Terms of Service or that relates to contractual relations therewith,&nbsp;even if The Company has warned of potential damages. The maximum amount of the Company’s total liability under this contract shall not exceed the amount of the duties paid or payable by the user under the contract. The terms of this article of the contract will survive cancellation or termination of the contract, due to their specific nature.</strong> <strong>The Company does not give any warranties and does not make any statements with respect to the program for participants, any services or positions in an advertisement, whether stated expressly or through implicative actions (in particular, with respect to quality warranty, preparation for sale, violations or other implicative actions that may arise from application of the contract, making a business transaction or usage). The Company does its best to ensure that the We Share Abundance website will operate continuously and uninterruptedly, although it does not warrant that. The Company shall not be liable for any suspension of operation of the system or for any errors that may have occurred. The Company shall not be liable for any errors that may relate to malicious software or viruses found on a user’s computer or other devices that have impact on the functions of the device. The user is responsible for installing anti-virus systems on their devices. The Company will control each advertisement that is entered into the system for malicious software or codes. The Company cannot be held liable for the damages resulting from the removal of computer viruses even if the user asserts that the virus entered the computer after viewing advertisements on The Company’s website.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LINKS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Website may contain links to other websites (“linked websites”), including websites of third-party service providers that maintain business relations with The Company. The Company does not check the materials, functioning, standards, conditions and other elements of the linked websites and shall not be obliged to control such websites. The Company neither supports, recommends nor sponsors any linked websites. This provision shall also be applicable to the content, advertising, information, materials, products, services and other items of third-party service providers. The Company will also not be liable for the quality or delivery of products and services that are offered, viewed, acquired or purchased in such websites. In the event of use, dissemination or provision of information in linked websites, the Company will not be liable for direct or indirect damages or loss, consequential or incidental damages or special damages that may arise from careless treatment, violation of the contract, defamation, infringement upon copyright or intellectual property rights. Any actions related to such websites shall be governed by data protection provisions, terms of use and other rules of the operators of linked websites. As regards to all and any, without any exception, relationships, correspondence, transactions or other operations with third parties that take place in such websites or with the use thereof, the applicable arrangements are those that have been made by the user with the third-party service providers. The Company is not responsible for the consequences of such transactions.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>SYSTEM FAILURE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>If an error or a failure occurs in the system or suspicion of system manipulation arises, The Company reserves the right to suspend operation of the system for as long as it deems necessary. After removal of the error, The Company will resume operation of the system on terms determined at its discretion. Return of the purchase price in the event of a system failure or error is not provided for.</strong> <strong>The Company can interrupt, at its discretion, a transaction that has not been processed due to a system error, is suspicious or doubtful and has the right to refuse performance of such transaction. The Company’s rules and decisions with respect to the operation of the website are final and binding upon the parties.</strong> <strong>Users are personally responsible for the use of any services offered in websites through their computer or other devices and acknowledge that not all devices are compatible with The Company’s system.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>STATEMENT OF INCORRECT USERS DATA</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company cannot be held liable for the consequences of statement of incorrect data in the system, in particular e-mail addresses, personal data or payment details. Inputting incorrect data into the system may result in loss of existing balances and/or previously paid fees.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>WEBSITES OF THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company may place temporary and/or permanent links to third parties’ websites. The Company does control, verify or examine the materials contained in such websites. The Company cannot be held responsible for any software, content or viewpoints presented in such websites. Links to third parties’ websites shall serve for improvement of functionality of the system. Placement of links does not mean that The Company supports the linked website. Users are personally responsible for the consequences of following an external link to a third-party website.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ANTI-SPAM POLICY</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>Users are not allowed to disseminate any links of advisory nature through unsolicited mail (spam), posts in forums, websites with notices of vacancies, Internet bulletin boards or with the use of any other mass communication systems. Failure to observe the above said rules will result in cancellation of the contract and will be deemed a criminal offence. The Company strictly observes service rules and requirements with respect to protection from spam. Spam dissemination is considered a criminal offence. If it is established that a user has disseminated spam, their account will be promptly closed and they will lose all their former, current and future revenues. In addition, users will be held liable for dissemination of spam because The Company collaborates with all legal representatives and bodies in carrying out investigations in criminal cases related to spam dissemination. The Company reserves the right to claim compensation for the damage caused by spam initiated or forwarded by users.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>IMPROPER ACCOUNT USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>In the event of multiple registrations from one user, all associated accounts will be immediately blocked. Use of one IP address for registration of several accounts or multiple registrations from one computer or device for one account holder may be considered a fraud and grounds for immediate termination of all accounts associated with said IP address. The Company also has a strict zero tolerance policy against selling and buying of accounts. We consider accounts to be personal and individual and therefore, they cannot be the object of a commercial transaction. In case The Company discovers the existence of a sold account, The Company reserves the right to block that particular account, it’s balance and future earnings. The Company also reserves the right to take punitive action against the seller/buyer of that account.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to cancel contractual ties with a user and to block their account if they use Internet bots. A bot is defined as a computer program that automatically performs recurrent actions. Bots perform monotonous recurrent actions, thereby the rate of performance of such actions is much higher than the rate attainable by human beings. The Company has the right to seize any profit gained as a result of multiple registrations, fraudulent actions or improper use as provided for by these General Terms of Service. All revenues unlawfully received in the Company’s system will be confiscated. Users understand and agree that The Company determines the amount of damages it will request as compensation. The Company strictly observes its obligations related to protection of users in order to ensure the appropriate return of their funds Non-compliance with these General Terms of Service will entail a fine in the amount of $5,000. In addition, The Company has the right to claim compensation for the actual damage caused thereto. When an account has been withdrawn or closed, any remaining balance on the account – including liabilities or charges owed to We Share Abundance – become the property of We Share Abundance. We Share Abundance maintains full custody of all funds and associated user information and data, which we have permission to turn over to the relevant authorities in the event of your account being suspended or closed due to fraud investigation or your violation of any Terms and Conditions. If you are found to be in violation of any of the above rules or trying to gain an unfair advantage to abuse the service, your account will be suspended and your account balance forfeited.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>ACCOUNT SUSPENSION AND LIMITIATION OF USE</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>If suspicion of any fraudulent actions exists, The Company reserves the right to block accounts at its discretion for as much time as it is needed to perform an investigation. Anonymizers or proxy systems must not be used to access The Company’s systems or platforms. If an anonymizer or a proxy server is used to enter the system, The Company reserves the right to block such user’s account at its own discretion. The account of a user who violates these rules will be blocked. The Company also reserves the right to suspend, block or delete the account of any member who behaves in an antagonistic way to any other member, or brings The Company into disrepute through comments or activities. If an account is closed due to violation of the terms of the contract, all amounts in the account will be confiscated.</strong> <strong>The Company reserves the right to block or limit accounts, credit balances on accounts or access to or use of certain functions, with or without prior notice, temporarily or indefinitely. If, for example, a user behaves excessively and non-constructively or destructively slandering The Company or in relation to The Company or its products towards third parties and takes a view that has not been proven with facts, that is no longer seen as freedom of expression, but as reputational damage, The Company reserves the right to perform the steps specified above.</strong> <strong>Creating or operating so-called multi-accounts, or keeping accounts under the same IP, previously not explicitly reported to The Company and where commissions may have been incurred or even disbursed, is prohibited and may be considered grounds for account suspension and/or limitation of the user. &nbsp. Users should notify unintentional multi-accounts, such as family members, in a timely manner to the support.</strong> <strong>Advertising or recommending We Share Abundance as an investment or promise of profits may lead to account suspension and/or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>Failure to respond to a KYC request from The Company in a timely fashion may result in account suspension and/or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>Exploiting vulnerabilities, bugs, errors, security vulnerabilities, or methods that are the result of fraud in any form in The Company’s platform to their advantage or to the disadvantage of others, this may lead to the user’s account suspension and or limitation of use.</strong> <strong>In addition to the exploitation of unknown or already known security vulnerabilities, this also includes cheating of members, users, employees or generally third parties.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>CANCELLATION OF ACCOUNT</strong> </li> </ol> At any time a member can request cancellation of their account and receive a refund of any balance not exceeding the US$ value of deposits made less the US$ value of witdrawals paid. <br>Such withdrawals will be calculated as the the exact value of Tokens deposited at the market value at the time of the deposit. In addition any nest egg purchases will be refunded at the value of the purchase made and not the value of the tokens purchased. The coinpayments site is used for the market value calculation as it offers the best average market value comparing trading across all platforms and currencies in a 24 hour period. Refund calculations once accepted are paid in WESA Tokens at the Market Value at the time of payment but subject to a minimum value of $0.01 per WESA Token as at May 5, 2012 which increases each week by at least 1 cent.<br> <i>Please note that the purpose of refunds is to ensure that members do not lose money and is NOT to provide a profit. What you put in you will get back.<br> </i> <strong>Understand that if you cancel it is not reversible and you are not allowed to rejoin for at least 6 months.&nbsp. Any attempt to use cancellation to change sponsor or get paid cash back or any other offers will be treated as gross misconduct and result in a lifetime ban from participation.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Any request for a refund of stake is automatically also a request for the cancellation of the account.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>LAWFUL ACT AND STATEMENT OF CONSENT</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>These General Terms of Service govern the contractual relations and the relations of use between a user and We Share Abundance. They are be applicable to all users, whether individuals or legal entities. Using this website, you agree with these General Terms of Service. In addition, you may have to state your agreement with the proposed terms in express form in some pages of the website. We Share Abundance reserves the right to change these General Terms of Service at any time at its own discretion and without giving reasons, including, without limitation, the pricing policy terms (“new terms”). We Share Abundance will send you a notification on introduction of new terms or changes in the existing ones via electronic mail. You also agree that we may publish the new terms in our website by way of placement of a link with information in the main page. Using the services of the website (or performing other similar actions in the website) after publication of the new terms, you automatically agree with such new terms. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you should read these terms before any use of the service. The new terms of using the services of the website shall become effective at the time of publication thereof in our website unless a later date of their becoming effective is determined and stated in the information page.</strong> <ol> <li> <strong>COMMUNICATIONS</strong> </li> </ol> <strong>The Company’s official language of communication is English. The Company will conduct all of its business and official communication in that language. The Company may allow certain users or affiliates to translate parts of its commercial materials into other languages for commercial purposes, provided that the translation will include the phrase “This is an unofficial translation of the original We Share Abundance Document and does not necessarily reflect We Share Abundance’s official policy”. The Company will not honour any promises (implicit or explicit) made in said translated materials, if they are not in accordance with The Company’s rules and/or guidelines. All responsibility for the content of the translated materials belongs to the translators. The Company cannot be held liable in any way for the claims made within translated materials. In case of content differences between The Company’s original materials and translated materials, the company’s official materials will take precedence</strong> <strong>19.&nbsp. WITHDRAWALS</strong> There are 2 options for Withdrawal Requests: 1. Request withdrawal in WESA Tokens 2. Request withdrawal in Bitcoins. Withdrawal requests in WESA Tokens will be unlimited and paid as soon as processing allows. calculated and paid at the market value at the time of withdrawal subject to a minimum value of WESA set at 1 cent on June 5th, 2021 and doubling each week from that time until it reaches parity with WESAbundance Token value. Once that value is reached the WESA Token will be tethered to WESAbundance. Withdrawal requests in Bitcoins (or any other Crypto we decide to make available in future) will be subject to our ability to sell your WESAbundance Tokens at what admin deems to be a realistic value. This is governed by liquidity (supply and demand) and the smallest request will always be paid first. Any unpaid requests at the end of the month will be cancelled and the Tokens returned to your internal wallet.which<p> </p>

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