JAB Holding Company

Privacy Policy

<ul> <li>About us<i> </i> </li> <li>Our Heritage<i> </i> </li> <li>Our Team<i> </i> </li> <li>Our Investments<i> </i> </li> <li>Our ESG Approach<i> </i> </li> <li>Investor Relations<i> </i> </li> <li>JAB Consumer Partners<i> </i> </li> <li>News Alert Signup<i> </i> </li> </ul> <p>At jabholco.com, we use Cookies. By using this site, you are accepting our cookie&nbsp;policy.</p> <ul> <li>About JAB</li> <li>Our Heritage</li> <li>Our Team</li> <li>Our Investments</li> <li>Our ESG Approach</li> <li>Investor Relations</li> <li>JAB Consumer Partners</li> <li> News Alert Signup </li> </ul> <p>Home &gt. Legal Information And Privacy Policy</p> Legal Information and Privacy Policy Imprint <p> JAB Holding Company S.à.r.l.<br> 4, Rue Jean Monnet,<br> L-2180 Luxembourg,<br> Grand Duchy of Luxembourg <br> <br> E-Mail: info@jabholco.com<br> Legal representatives: Joachim Creus, Frank Engelen<br> Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies No. B 164.586 </p> <p> The following provisions apply to the use of this website, including all sub-websites in the context of which it appears. If parts or individual wordings should be invalid or unenforceable, the contents and validity of the remaining parts remain unaffected. </p> 1. Purpose of this website This website has been created to provide information to users ("you") about the company JAB Holding Company S.à.r.L., Luxemburg ("we" or "us") and its subsidiaries. It is intended to serve as a central point of information about us, which may also be published elsewhere (e.g. via the Luxembourg Stock Exchange) and which we consider as possibly interesting for you. <br> <br> This website also allows you to subscribe to a news alert, so that you can easily receive such information or press releases that may be published in the future. <br> <br> By using this website and by subscribing to our news alert, you acknowledge and agree to the legal terms set out here and as amended from time to time. 2. Content of this website This website is for general information purposes only. <br> <br> While this website has been set up diligently, but please be aware that the information provided on or via it may nevertheless not be complete, up to date or correct. The content may be subject to changes, with or without notice, and the website might be temporarily inactive or could be discontinued anytime. <br> <br> The website may contain links or references to publications or websites of third parties. While we place such links and references carefully, the content is beyond our control and may especially be changed over time. We can thereby not accept any responsibility for such third party content. Should you, however, become aware that a link becomes inactive or leads to material you consider wrong, misleading, illegal or by other reasons objectionable, please do not hesitate to contact us. 3. No offer, no advice Please note that, while some of the information published on this website may be related to financial figures and might be considered relevant by actual or potential investors or business partners, the contents of this website are not intended, and do not constitute, an offer to buy or sell securities, to solicit business offers and or/to make financial investments or decision. While such offers may be mentioned on this website, such offers will only be made independently and separately from this website. <br> <br> Please further note that, by publishing this website and its contents or information via this website, we do not give any advice or recommendation, especially regarding buying or selling stocks or securities. In case you consider making investment decisions based on or influenced by the information provided by or via this website irrespective of that, such information should be verified by you and your own advisors. 4. Copyright and Trademark Protection The content of this website has been created and compiled by us or on our behalf. It is subject to exclusivity rights according to the applicable legal provisions, in particular copyright and trademark law. These legal provisions prohibit any unauthorized use of such material, e.g. texts, logos or graphics. <br> <br> Thereby, please do not commercially use, copy, reproduce, modify, retransmit or publish any information or material from this website without prior consent. 5. Limitation of Liability We, our officers, employees and contractors assume no liability for any damages, losses, costs or expenses of whatsoever nature that might possibly arise from using or not using the information provided on or via this website. To the extent possible under applicable law, any liability is therefore excluded. 6. Contact us In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us via info@jabholco.com. Privacy Policy 1. Who are we? We are JAB Holding Company S.à r.l. We have our registered office and our principal place of business at 4, Rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg. We are registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under No. B 164.586 <br> <br> In the context of our activities, we collect, hold, disclose and/or otherwise process personal data. Pursuant to applicable data protection and privacy legislation, we qualify as the controller with respect to the personal data that we process. 2. We know your privacy is important to you We value your right to privacy and strive to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and more specifically with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and its national implementing legislation. <br> <br> In this Privacy Policy we set forth how we collect your personal data, how and for what purposes we may use your personal data and to whom your personal data may be disclosed by us. Further, this Privacy Policy includes important information regarding your rights with respect to the processing of your personal data. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy very carefully. <br> <br> From time to time, we may need to change this Privacy Policy. The most recent version of this Privacy Policy is available on our website at [https://www.jabholco.com/legal-privacy-policy]. We encourage you regularly review this Privacy Policy. You may also ask us to send you a copy of the most recent version of this Privacy Policy. <br> <br> <strong> Attention:<br> By using our website and by sharing your personal data with us, you acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in the manner as described herein. </strong> 3. Whose personal data do we collect? In the context of our activities, we may collect personal data relating to visitors of our website, as well as professional contacts, including representatives of our business partners or service providers. 4. How do we collect personal data relating to you? We may collect information about you in various ways: <br> <br> - directly from you, for example when you visit or contact us via our website, when you send us an email or otherwise in the context of our business activities. <br> <br> - from third parties, for example from our business partners and other professional contacts. 5. What personal data do we collect and for what purposes do we use your personal data? We collect the following information about you and we use it for the following purposes: Personal Data: Purposes: Your identification and contact information<br> (name, address, telephone number, email address or other contact details) - To be able to communicate with you in the context of our business relation<br> - To answer your queries or requests<br> - To administer payment of invoices and to collect debts<br> - To send you our news alerts when you have subscribed to it your IP address and surfing behavior Apache-Access-Log:<br> To ensure the security of our webservers Your identification data, bank account details<br> and/or other personal data collected in the context of our business relation - In the context of a possible business transaction<br> - To improve our services and the quality thereof<br> - To protect our assets, business and personnel<br> - To handle disputes and ensure our legal position<br> - To comply with our legal obligations The legal grounds used for these processing activities are (i) the necessity to perform a contract to which you are a party. (ii) the necessity to comply with a legal obligation or (iii) our legitimate business interest to maintain or develop our business activities, and to improve our services. For the processing of your identification and contact information for the purpose of sending you our news alerts, we rely upon your consent. You have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You may do so by clicking on the button “Unsubscribe” at the end of each News Alert. 6. With whom do we share your personal data? In the context of the purposes as listed above, we may share your personal data with third parties, such as the service providers we use (e.g. IT service providers, central administration agent, registrar and transfer agent, marketing agencies, etc.). Your personal data can also be disclosed to our affiliated companies and professional contacts. <br> <br> We will ensure that, where relevant, contractual safeguards are implemented to ensure the protection of your personal data when disclosing your personal data to a third party. For example, we will enter into data processing agreements with relevant parties (providing for restrictions on the use of your personal data and obligations with respect to the protection and security of your personal data). <br> <br> The parties to whom we may disclose your personal data as referred to above may be located in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including in countries which may offer a lower level of data protection than in the EEA. For example, we may send personal information to some of our professional contacts or service providers in the US. <br> <br> In such case, we will implement appropriate measures to ensure adequate protection of your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. More specifically, when no specific derogation applies, we will only send your personal data to recipients located in the US who have subscribed to the EU-US Privacy Shield, or we will enter into the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses when necessary. <br> <br> Your personal data shall be neither rented nor sold to third parties. 7. How long do we store your personal data? Your personal data will not be stored for longer than is necessary in relation to the purposes for which we process them (we refer to the purposes as listed above in section 5). Only where we are legally obliged to, or where this is necessary for defending our interests in the context of judicial proceedings (e.g. in case of a dispute), we will store the personal data for longer periods. <br> <br> In particular, the following storage periods apply: Personal Data: Storage Period: Identity and contact information of the recipients of our news alerts As long as you remain subscribed and have not withdrawn your consent Identity and other personal data of our professional contacts As long as our business relationship is potential or ongoing, plus any period required by law Apache-Access-Log: Domain, IP-Adress, Time, Request,<br> Status-Code, send Bytes, Useragent 72 hours 8. How do we protect your personal data? We will implement the necessary administrative, technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the specific risks that we have identified. We protect your personal data against destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. For example, we have taken the following measures: <br> <br> - All our servers are protected by firewalls;<br> - We regularly update our anti-virus and anti-spam systems;<br> - Our internal files are subject to clear access controls<br> - Business data transferred to an external network are encrypted;<br> - Physical access to facilities where data is stored is restricted.<br> <br> <br> Further, we seek to ensure that we keep your personal data accurate and up to date. In view thereof, we kindly request you to inform us of any changes to your personal data (such as a change in your contact details). 9. What are your rights and how you can exercise them? You have the right to: <br> <br> - information about and access to your personal data;<br> - rectify your personal data;<br> - erasure of your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’);<br> - restriction of processing of your personal data;<br> - object to the processing of your personal data;<br> - receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and to (have) transmit(ted) your personal data to another organization. <br> <br> To read more about these rights, and circumstances under which you can use these rights, in particular your right to object, please see Annex below. <br> <br> Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint relating to the processing of your personal data by us with the Luxembourg Data Protection Authority (https://cnpd.public.lu) or any other competent data protection authority. 10. Use of cookies and social media plug-ins When you visit one of our webpages, we may file information on your computer in the form of a cookie or similar technologies. Cookies are small text files which are sent by a web server to your browser or device and stored on the hard disk of your device. <br> <br> Apart from the internet protocol address no personal data concerning the user is stored. We only use session cookies or other cookies that are required to provide a service requested by you. E.g. this information serves to recognize you automatically when you visit sub-websites or our website and to make navigation easier for you. For example, cookies allow us to adapt a website to your interests or - to the extent required - to save your language choices so that you do not need to enter it again each time. <br> <br> You can view our websites without cookies. If you do not want us to recognize your computer you can prevent cookies from being stored on your device by selecting "do not accept cookies" in your browser settings. Please see your browser manufacturer's instructions for more details on how to do this. However, not accepting cookies may limit certain functions of our websites. <br> <br> Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics also uses so-called "cookies" (see already above), text files which are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of the use of the website. The information generated by the cookie on your use of this website is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The information does not contain any personal data and will not be used to identify you. In particular, your IP address will not be saved completely but rather anonymized by deleting the last digits of the IP address. Google uses this information to analyze your use of the website in order to compile reports on website activities for us and provide further services connected with website and Internet use. Google will pass this information on to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this information on Google's behalf. Under no circumstances will Google create a connection between your IP address and other data stored by Google. You can revoke your given consent into the use of Google Analytics with future effect and prohibit the future collection and storage of data at any time by either writing to us at the address above, deleting all cookies and deactivating the future saving of cookies by using the respective settings on the browser you are using or by using Google Analytics's deactivation add-on if this is available for your browser. 11. Contact If you have any questions, comments or complaints in relation to this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data by us, please feel free to contact us by email at info@jabholco.com. Annex Right to information and right to access your personal data You may at any time request more information on our processing activities and the personal data that we are keeping from you. Right to rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data of You have the right to require us to, without undue delay, rectify or complete any of your personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete. Right to deletion of your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’) You may request us to delete (part of) your personal data in the following situations: when the processing is no longer necessary for achieving the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. or when the processing was based on your consent and you have decided to withdraw that consent. when you have other reasonable grounds to object to the processing of your personal data. when we would unlawfully process your personal data. when your personal data have to be erased in compliance with a legal obligation directed to us. We note that in some case, we may refuse to delete your personal data: (i) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information. (ii) for compliance with a legal obligation. or (iii) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. Right to restriction of processing You may request us to (temporarily) restrict the processing of your personal data in the following situations: when you have contested the accuracy of your personal data, for a period enabling us to verify this accuracy. or when the processing appears to be unlawful and you request us the restriction of use of your data instead of the deletion of this data. or when we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you need them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. or pending verification whether our legitimate grounds override yours in the framework of an objection. Right to object to the processing of your personal data (free of charge) You may under certain circumstances object to the processing of your personal data, when such processing is based on our “legitimate interests”. If we agree, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to do so, or because such a processing is necessary. Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you may at any time object to the processing thereof or withdraw your consent thereto. Right to data portability In some cases, you have the right to receive all your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller. This right applies: in case the processing is based on consent or on the necessity for the performance of a contract. and in case the processing is carried out by automated means. Information <i> </i> Company <ul> <li>About JAB</li> <li>Our Heritage</li> <li>Our Team</li> <li>Our Investments</li> <li>Our ESG Approach</li> <li>Investor Relations</li> </ul> Investments <ul> <li>Coffee &amp. Beverages</li> <li>Fast-Casual Restaurants</li> <li>Petcare</li> <li>Beauty &amp. Luxury</li> <li>Indulgence</li> </ul> Legal Area <ul> <li>Legal Information &amp. Privacy Policy</li> <li>Marketing Disclaimer</li> </ul> News Alert Sign Up <ul> <li>Sign Up</li> </ul> <p>© JAB Holding Company 2021</p> Close News Alert Sign Up <p> Please sign up for news alert if you would like to receive news via email from JAB Holding Company S.à r.l. You can unsubscribe from the news alerts at any time. Please see more on JAB Holding Company S.à r.l. use of your personal information in the legal documentation on this website. </p> Thank you for signing up! <p>A confirmation email has been sent to .</p> <i> </i> Contact Details <p> JAB Holding Company S.à.r.l.<br> 4, Rue Jean Monnet<br> L-2180 Luxembourg<br> Grand Duchy of Luxembourg </p> <p> (Bond Issuer)<br> JAB Holdings B.V.<br> Piet Heinkade 55<br> 1019 GM Amsterdam<br> The Netherlands </p> <p> If you have any comments about our website, you can either write to us at the address shown above or e-mail us at info@jabholco.com. However, due to the limited number of personnel in our corporate office, we are unable to provide a direct response. </p>

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