
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy # <p> The Financial Times Limited (“<em>FT</em>”, “<em>we</em>”, “<em>us</em>”) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users. </p> <p>We treat personal information in accordance with the following principles:</p> <ul> <li>We will be transparent with users about the types of information we are collecting and what we are allowed to use it for.</li> <li> We will not use the information we collect for other purposes without permission or notification (unless we have a lawful basis or are legally required to do so). </li> <li>We will use appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the information that we collect.</li> <li>We will respect our users’ rights to privacy, including the right not to receive marketing from us.</li> </ul> <p>This Privacy Policy applies to:</p> <ul> <li>the Polyfill.io website (“<em>Site</em>”). and/or</li> <li>the public instance of the Polyfill Service made available by us, as described on the Site (“<em>Service</em>”):</li> </ul> <p> This Site and the Service are referred to together as “<em>Polyfill.io</em>”. </p> <p> We collect and use information in different ways for the Site and the Service. This Privacy Policy sets out details of these different ways in which we collect and use information. </p> What information do we collect from the Service? # <p> The Service is a hosted instance of software known as Polyfill Service. Polyfill Service provides snippets of code, called “polyfills”, that allows websites operated by FT and by others to provide a consistent experience across different browsers. When you load a web page which uses Polyfill Service, your browser will download any polyfills required in order to present the web page successfully in your browser. </p> <p>In order to provide the polyfills, the Service receives from your browser certain technical information including:</p> <ul> <li>browser details;</li> <li>connection details (such as your IP address which can identify your approximate location and/or name of your ISP). </li> <li>the URL of the web page which has made the request to the Service. </li> </ul> <p> We use that information to determine which polyfills are required by your browser. We then retain only the following information: </p> <ul> <li>the domain of the web page which has made the request to the Service;</li> <li>the user agent string for your browser;</li> <li>the set of polyfills that were requested by the web page.</li> </ul> <p> The information we retain cannot identify you. We retain it in order to identify which websites are using the Service and whether any websites are abusing the Service. </p> <p> The website which uses the polyfills is not subject to this privacy policy. We are not responsible for third party websites’ content, use of personal information, or security practices. </p> What information do we collect from the users of this Site? # <p>The information we collect about you if you are browsing this Site may include:</p> <ul> <li> Details relating to your visit to the Site - such as browser details, time and date of access, usage statistics such as frequency and duration of use, connection details (such as your IP address which can identify your approximate location and/or name of your ISP), and the details of the site from which you have linked to us. </li> <li> Details that assist us with improving Site usability, our ability to provide technical support, and aggregated statistical reporting - such as user movements, page scrolling, mouse clicks and text entered (but excluding financial information such as debit or credit card details).</li> </ul> <p> Please see the FT cookie policy for more details. </p> Why do we collect information about users of this Site? # <p>We collect information about users of the Site for three main reasons:</p> <ul> <li>to help monitor and improve the Site;</li> <li>to monitor compliance with the Polyfill.io Terms and Conditions. and</li> <li>to provide information about the Site.</li> </ul> <p>We also use information in aggregate form (so that no individual user is identified by name) for purposes that include:</p> <ul> <li>helping strategic development;</li> <li>auditing usage of the Site and demonstrating usage to third parties.</li> </ul> How does this privacy policy apply to you? # <p> By using the Site you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy. The Site may contain links to third party sites which are not subject to this privacy policy. We are not responsible for their content, use of personal information, or security practices. </p> Who we share your information with # <p> We may share your information with organisations that provide services on our behalf, such as those that host the Site or the Service, solely for the purposes of their providing those services to us. </p> <p> We may also disclose your information to comply with applicable laws, court orders or other valid legal processes, and to enforce or apply the Polyfill.io Terms and Conditions or any of our other rights. </p> <p> Your information is an important asset of our businesses and, as such, we may transfer or disclose it to any successor (or potential successor) of any FT business, or any acquirer (or potential acquirer) of all or part of the assets of any FT business. </p> How we keep your information secure # <p> We have appropriate technical and administrative security measures in place to help ensure that individuals’ information is protected against unauthorised or accidental access, use, alteration, or loss. </p> <p> Although we endeavour to create secure and reliable Services, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted via the Internet. </p> Information about children # <p> Polyfill.io is not intended for children under 16 years of age. We do not intentionally collect any information from such children and we will delete any such details on request by the parent or guardian. </p> Use of cookies # <p> We use cookies and similar tools on the Site as described in the FT cookie policy. </p> How to amend or access any of your information # <p> If you wish to amend any of the personal data that we hold about you, please contact privacy.officer@ft.com. </p> <p> You may request a copy of the personal information that relevant FT entities hold about you by contacting the Privacy Officer by email at privacy.officer@ft.com or writing to: Company Secretary The Financial Times Ltd, Number One Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HL United Kingdom. We may charge the statutory allowable fee for provision of this information. </p> Transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA) # <p> Your information may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the EEA. It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers. By using the Site, you are deemed to consent to the transfer of your information to a location outside the EEA. </p> Changes to this privacy policy # <p>This policy is effective from 1 September 2017.</p> <p> Any changes we may make to this privacy policy will be posted on this page. If changes are significant, we may choose to indicate clearly on the Polyfill.io home page that the policy has been updated. Your continued use of the Site after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check for any updates regularly. </p>

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