Online Privacy

2021/11/122021/11/12 ARTE ARTE and your personal data Our online privacy and cookies policy <p>ARTE always ensures that it complies with current French and European regulations and has introduced measures to provide information and to protect your personal data and privacy. Read on for more information.</p> <i> </i> Contents <p>Which regulations relating to the protection of personal data apply to ARTE?<br> Which personal data are processed by ARTE?<br> For whom are these data intended?<br> How long are these data kept?</p> <p>ARTE and cookies<br> What is a cookie?<br> How do I set my preferences via the cookies banner?<br> Which categories of cookies and for what purposes?</p> <p>ARTE’s mobile apps and your personal data<br> What are the SDK and cookies integrated in ARTE’s applications?</p> <p>ARTE and your rights</p> <strong>Which regulations relating to the protection of personal data apply to ARTE?</strong> <p>ARTE’s registered office is in France and it is therefore subject to French and European regulations relating to the protection of personal data, as well as decisions of the French Data Protection Commission CNIL which is the body to which you can make a complaint.</p> <strong>Which personal data are processed by ARTE?</strong> <p>ARTE may process two categories of data:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Data that you provide to us.</strong> <br> We collect your personal data:<p> </p> <ul> <li>When you create a MyARTE account, in order to identify you and to enable you to use the functionalities provided by the MyARTE space (to list your favourite videos, to subscribe for programmes or to access your watched videos history);</li> <li>When you take part in one-off events organised by ARTE, such as competitions;</li> <li>When you register for our newsletter, so that we can send them to you regularly and improve the content;</li> <li>When you post comments in the participatory spaces on our website.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>To find out more about the way the MyARTE space works, about the newsletter and about the participatory spaces, please consult our General Conditions of Use (CGU).</p> <ul> <li>When you give your opinion on our website, or you wish to send us a question using our feedback tool. When you use our feedback tool, we may process the following data about you: <ul> <li>Metadata collected upon activation of the tool;</li> <li>Your geolocation, on a city level;</li> <li>Your e-mail address, if you wish to be contacted by ARTE (this field is optional);</li> <li>Your name and forename, to enable us to give you a personalised answer (this field is optional);</li> <li>The number of stars given to our site and your comments, if any.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>These data are necessary for us to process your feedback, to improve our digital offer and to be able to give a personalised answer to your questions.</p> <p>The data collected when you use the feedback tool are only kept for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above. In any event, they will not be kept for more than two (2) years.</p> <p>The data collected are strictly for internal use and for our subcontractors: <em>Usabilla</em> (the publisher of the feedback tool) and <em>Comdata Group</em> (our telephone and viewer relations support company). All the data that we process are stored within the European Union. For reasons relating to the technical performance of the tool, the data may be transferred (and not stored) for a limited time to our subcontractor Usabilla’s infrastructures located outside the European Union, subject to an adequate level of security being put in place.</p> <p>Your data will only be processed once ARTE has obtained your consent. In order to take part in the survey, you must accept the cookie associated with our feedback tool and click on the button “send” accessible from the tool.</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Data collected automatically (by means of cookies):</strong> In order to continuously improve our site, we may use cookies, some of which require your consent. These cookies enable us to collect information, particularly to analyse server traffic for statistical purposes and to track your usage so that we can optimise our sites, the quality of our content and our communications. In addition, we process information such as your IP address in order to geolocate our content: this is essential for the management of broadcasting rights. Finally, ARTE may use some of the information collected via cookies to identify those responsible for abuses, in cooperation with the authorities. To find out more, consult the section: ARTE and cookies</li> </ul> <strong>For whom are these data intended?</strong> <p>The information that we collect is intended for ARTE’s internal departments, which may use it in the context of their activities, and, if necessary, for our subcontractors.</p> <p>ARTE uses subcontractors, that is to say, third-party service providers, which act on its behalf in specific areas: in particular, to measure audiences and for marketing purposes.<br> These third-party companies only collect information when this is strictly necessary to carry out their mission on ARTE’s behalf. They are not allowed to share such information or to use it for other purposes.</p> <p>To find out more about the role of these third-party companies consult the section: Which categories of cookies and for what purposes?</p> <strong>How long are these data kept?</strong> <p>We only keep your personal data for the period necessary to achieve their purpose or to satisfy our legal or regulatory obligations.</p> <p>To find out how long data associated with your MyARTE account is kept, refer to our General Conditions of Use (CGU).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>ARTE and cookies</strong> <p>In this section, you will find a list of the cookies used on our sites and of the personal data that they collect.</p> <strong>What is a cookie?</strong> <p>When you visit a website, traces of your internet browsing may be recorded on your computer, on internet network equipment (with internet service providers) and on servers.</p> <p>A cookie is a small text file placed on your hard disk by the site you are visiting. It may contain various items of information such as the name of the server that put it there, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and an expiry date. A server can access it to read and record that information.</p> <p>If you wish to object to cookies being placed on your computer, you can configure your browser so that it will alert you when it receives them or so that it automatically refuses them. However, if you configure your browser to refuse cookies automatically, certain functionalities of our site may no longer be available. To find out which cookies are used on ARTE’s sites and their purpose, go directly to our section Which categories of cookies and for what purposes?</p> <strong>How do I set my preferences via the cookies banner?</strong> <p>ARTE allows you to accept everything, to refuse everything or to configure your cookie preferences using the cookie management tool accessible from the bottom of every page of our website and from our cookies banner. This banner is displayed when you first log on to our site, upon the expiry of the validity of your consent after a period of six months, whenever a new purpose is added to those originally provided for, or when you erase your computer’s cache memory.</p> <p>Please note that certain cookies do not require your consent, particularly if they are strictly necessary to provide a service expressly requested by the user (functional cookies) or if they are audience measurement cookies exempted by the CNIL from the requirement for consent.</p> <p>For more information about the way in which the cookies used on our site are processed and to find out what categories of data they collect, consult our section Which categories of cookies and for what purposes?</p> <strong>Which categories of cookies and for what purposes?</strong> <strong>Functional cookies: </strong> <p>The functional cookies listed below are of a technical nature and are strictly necessary to provide our services. Your prior consent is not required for this category of cookies.</p> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description</strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Customisation of the user interface</strong> <strong>ARTE GEIE</strong> For your convenience, these cookies give you access to a number of customisation features available in your user interface, such as the volume chosen during your last viewing, the language selected, playback resumption from the chapter where you last stopped viewing, adding a programme to a favourites list, as well as the option to subscribe to a collection of videos. You can refuse at any time by unchecking the button in the “Cookie Management” tab in the footer of this website. No <strong>Display of the cookies banner</strong> <strong>CommandersAct</strong> This cookie allows the display of the banner to be configured so that it appears when you first visit our site, and every six months (the maximum period of validity of consent). No <strong>Management of your MyARTE account</strong> <strong>LoginRadius</strong> This cookie enables you to create a MyARTE account on our site and on our mobile applications, to identify yourself, to access your space directly or to amend your personal information. By logging on to your account you can access certain services such as the management of your subscriptions to our newsletters.<br> For more information, please consult the Privacy Policy of LoginRadius. No <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>Audience measurement cookies:<br> </strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description </strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>AT Internet</strong> This cookie has been exempted from consent by the CNIL. It allows statistics to be prepared concerning traffic on our site in order to optimise the site. The reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information.<br> For more information, consult the AT Internet privacy policy. No <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Nielsen</strong> (measurement without cookie) This tool makes it possible to measure how frequently our videos are viewed and for how long. This information allows us to measure the effectiveness of our site and services in order to optimise them. The statistical reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information.<br> For more information, you can consult Nielsen’s confidentiality policy. No <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Médiamétrie&nbsp. (eStat’Streaming – opt-in measurement)</strong> This cookie makes it possible to measure consumption of live and catch-up video. The statistical reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information. This cookie requires your consent. For more information, please consult the Médiamétrie privacy policy. Yes <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Médiamétrie (eStat’Streaming – measurement without consent)</strong> This cookie makes it possible to measure the consumption of live and catch-up video. This cookie is used by default, if you have not given your consent for the Médiamétrie (eStat’Streaming) cookie. It only allows the processing of the personal data strictly necessary to enable us to measure our audiences. This information is not stored.&nbsp. For more information, please consult the Médiamétrie privacy policy. No <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>Cookies to measure the technical performance of content:<br> </strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description</strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Measurement of the quality of the user experience</strong> <strong>Youbora</strong> This cookie enables us to assess the quality of our users’ experience by measuring the technical performance of the playback of videos offered on our website, our HBBTV application and our mobile apps. Your IP address is retained for a period not exceeding 3 months. The statistical reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal data. In the context of its services, Youbora may use subcontractors, some of whom are located outside the European Union. To find out more, please consult Youbora’s privacy policy. No <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Communication cookies:<br> </strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description</strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Measurement of the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns</strong> <strong>Havas Media France</strong> In the context of marketing campaigns to promote our programmes, we use a cookie offered by our service provider Havas Media France to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. This cookie allows us to link a visit to our website to a digital advertisement published on a third-party site. The data (impressions, clicks and visits generated) are only kept in identifiable form for the period of the marketing campaign plus 3 months. For more information, consult the Havas Media France data protection policy. <p>Yes</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>ARTE’s mobile apps and your personal data</strong> <p>ARTE’s iOS and Android mobile applications that you download onto your mobile phone or tablet use tools (SDK and cookies) which, in particular, allow us to identify the programmes viewed and to measure the number and quality of downloads, in order to improve our applications, our content and our communications, or to send you notifications.&nbsp. A cookie is a small text file placed on your hard disk by the site you are visiting (see above). SDK (software development kits) are collections of software development tools that facilitate the creation of applications for software developers.</p> <strong>What are the SDK and cookies integrated in ARTE’s applications?</strong> <strong>SDK integrated in ARTE’s mobile applications: </strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description</strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>AT Internet</strong> This tool has been exempted by the CNIL from the requirement for consent. It allows statistics to be prepared on the number of visits to our site. The reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information.<br> For more information, consult the AT Internet privacy policy. No <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Nielsen (measurement without cookie)<br> </strong> This tool makes it possible to measure how frequently our videos are viewed and for how long. This information allows us to measure the effectiveness of our site and our services so that they can be optimised. The statistical reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information.<br> For more information, you can consult the Nielsen confidentiality policy. No <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Médiamétrie (eStat’Streaming – measurement opt-in)<br> </strong> This tool makes it possible to measure the consumption of live and catch-up video content. The statistical reports provided to ARTE are strictly anonymous and do not contain any personal information. This cookie requires your consent. For more information, please consult the Médiamétrie privacy policy. Yes <strong>Measurement and analysis of our audiences</strong> <strong>Médiamétrie (eStat’Streaming – measurement without consent)</strong> This cookie makes it possible to measure the consumption of live and catch-up video content. This cookie is used by default, if you have not given your consent for the Médiamétrie (eStat’Streaming) cookie. It only allows the processing of the personal data strictly necessary to enable us to measure our audiences. This information is not stored.&nbsp. For more information, please consult the Médiamétrie privacy policy. No <strong>Sending of push notifications</strong> <strong>Batch</strong> This tool is used to send push notifications via the mobile applications to inform our users of the availability of certain programmes and to measure their effectiveness. For more information, please consult the &nbsp;Batch privacy policy. Yes <strong>Correction of bugs</strong> <strong>Appcenter</strong> This tool allows us to obtain technical information about the application and the user’s terminal when a dysfunction occurs, in order to allow us to quickly correct bugs found on our applications. For more information, please consult the Appcenter privacy policy. Yes <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>Functional cookies integrated into ARTE’s mobile applications:<br> </strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Publisher </strong> <strong>Description</strong> <strong>Prior consent required?</strong> <strong>Geographical copyright management</strong> <strong>ARTE GEIE<br> </strong> In order to avoid checking rights to content every time a programme is launched, the geolocation zone (at country level) is temporarily stored locally. This data is checked whenever there is a change of connection and expires after a period of 2 hours. No <strong>Management of your MyARTE account</strong> <strong>Login Radius</strong> This cookie allows you to create a MyARTE account on our site and our mobile applications, to identify you, to directly access your space or to amend your personal information. By logging on to your account you can access a number of services such as the management of your subscriptions to our newsletters.<br> For more information, please consult the LoginRadius privacy policy. No <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>ARTE and your rights<br> </strong> <p>In accordance with the French Data Protection Law dated 6 January 1978, as amended, and European Regulation (EU 2016/679) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), you have a right of access, rectification, objection, erasure, limitation of processing and portability with regard to information concerning you, which you can exercise by sending an e-mail to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) or by sending us a letter by post to the following address:</p> <p>ARTE GEIE – Service DPO / Direction juridique, 4 quai du Chanoine Winterer, 67000 Strasbourg, France.</p> <p>In order to protect your privacy, we may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before dealing with your request.</p> <p> <strong>For identification purposes, if your request concerns your MyARTE account, it must come from the e-mail address that you use to log in</strong>.</p> <p>Upon receipt of a request in writing, sent on paper or electronically at any time, we will inform you of the nature of your personal data that we are processing. Data that we still need to perform our obligations or to exercise our rights, and data that we are required to retain by law, cannot be deleted.</p> <p>You also have a right to make an application to the regulatory authority of your choice.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Date: 12 November 2021

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