
Cancellation right

<p>Please enable JavaScript and reload the page!</p> Cancellation right <p> <b> </b> Cancelation advice<br> Right of cancelation<br> You have the right to cancel this Agreement within fourteen days without stating reasons. The cancelation notice period is fourteen days from the date the Agreement is signed. In order to exercise your right of cancelation you must inform us:</p> <p> <b> S.r.l.</b> <br> Piazza Enrico Enriquez 22 <br> 47891 Dogana <br> San Marino<br> Phone number: 0211 41 768 768<br> E-Mail:</p> <p>by making a clear statement (e.g. by a mailed letter or email) of your decision to cancel this Agreement. You may use the enclosed sample cancelation form to do so although it is not mandatory to use it. You can also complete and send the sample cancelation form or other clear statement electronically on our website If you use this option we will immediately send you (e.g. by email) confirmation of receipt of such a cancelation. The cancelation notice period is deemed to be complied with if you dispatch the notice that you are exercising your right of cancelation prior to the expiry of the cancelation notice period. </p> <p> <b>Consequences of cancelation</b> </p> <p>If you cancel this Agreement we must repay to you all payments we have received from you including delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs arising from the fact that you have chosen a different type of delivery from the cheapest standard delivery offered by us) immediately and within no later than fourteen days after the date on which we have received the notice that you are canceling this Agreement. For this repayment we shall use the same payment method you used for the original transaction unless a different method has expressly been agreed with you. under no circumstances will you be charged fees for this repayment. If you have requested the services to begin during the cancelation notice period, you must pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of services already provided up to the time at which you notify us of the exercise of the cancelation right relating to this Agreement compared with the total extent of the services provided for in the Agreement.</p> <p> <b>End of cancelation advice</b> <br> Sample cancelation form</p>

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