
Policy For Acceptance and Compliance

Policy For Acceptance and Compliance <p>1. Moderation</p> <p>1.1 Terms and Conditions</p> <p>1.2 Categorization</p> <p>1.3 Traffic verification</p> <p>2. Website compliance</p> <p>2.1 General requirements</p> <p>2.2 Widget placement</p> <p>3. Terms of Cooperation</p> <p>4. Content Compliance Policy</p> <p>4.1 Prohibited content</p> <p>4.1.1 Categories</p> <p>4.1.2 Imagery</p> <p>4.1.3 Language</p> <p>4.2 Prohibited practices</p> <p>4.2.1 General</p> <p>4.2.2 Security</p> 1. Moderation 1.1 Terms and Conditions <p>The Adskeeper Publisher platform performs well for sites that reach 3,000+ unique visitors/day (or 90,000+ visitors/month). The decision for a website’s approval, or rejection, is sent to the publisher’s provided email within 24 hours after application submission. however, please note, if the moderation date occurs on a weekend, it will be processed within the next business day. Please review the main reasons for website rejection and the steps to pass the moderation process:</p> The website could not be reached <p>You will receive this rejection reason if our team could not access the content due to an error. Please inspect the website’s connection, resolve any issues and email our managers to begin the review process again.</p> No content <p>We are unable to review or moderate a website that does not contain content. We request that the website contains content of at least 10 posts. After doing so, please verify you have more than 3000 unique daily visits. Then, you may request the remoderation of your site to our managers.</p> Low rating <p>To cooperate with Adskeeper, the minimum traffic requirement is a minimum of 3,000 unique visitors daily (or 90,000+ visitors per month). If you have reached the required amount, please contact our managers.</p> Previous fraudulent activity <p>If fraudulent activity was found on any of the websites in your account and were blocked by our Quality Assurance Department, your current account is limited to the websites that you currently have.</p> Redirects to another domain <p>The website on moderation has been discovered to redirect to a different domain. Please fix the issue or add the domain in question to your account. Afterwards, please email us to request remoderation of your site. </p> Pornographic content <p>Due to our policy, Adskeeper ads are prohibited to be displayed on webpages that contain adult advertisement or content. If you are able to remove such content or have other websites to monetize with us, please do not hesitate to email us.</p> 1.2 Categorization <p>Please select the most applicable and appropriate category for your website. By selecting one of the below categories, you can help to speed up the process of moderation.</p> <ul> <li>Arts and Crafts</li> <li>Astrology</li> <li>Automotive</li> <li>Beauty</li> <li>Business and Finance</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Comics and Graphic Novels</li> <li>Computer Software and Applications</li> <li>Computing</li> <li>Consumer Electronics</li> <li>Data Storage and Warehousing</li> <li>Dating</li> <li>Education</li> <li>Entertainment</li> <li>Events and Attractions</li> <li>Fashion Trends</li> <li>Fine Art</li> <li>Food and Drink</li> <li>Healthy Living</li> <li>Home and Garden</li> <li>Humor</li> <li>Internet</li> <li>Lifestyle</li> <li>Medical Health</li> <li>Movies</li> <li>Music and Audio</li> <li>News</li> <li>Non-Standard Content</li> <li>Parenting</li> <li>Pets</li> <li>Politics</li> <li>Pop Culture</li> <li>Reading Online</li> <li>Relationships</li> <li>Science</li> <li>Shopping</li> <li>Sports</li> <li>Television</li> <li>Travel</li> <li>Video Gaming</li> <li>Weather</li> </ul> 1.3 Traffic verification <p>In addition to working with Adskeeper’s Quality Assurance Department, Publishers who sign to Adskeeper automatically agree to the tools we use to measure suspicious practices or behavior of users. The highest priority is traffic for both Publishers and Advertisers, and we are constantly working to improve the methods and features against low-quality clicks, bots and fraud clicks. In the capacity of data analysis, Adskeeper uses:</p> <ul> <li>Automatic system analysis</li> <li>Semi-automatic analysis</li> <li>Manual analysis</li> <li>Third-party tools, such as Forensiq and Anura</li> </ul> 2. Website compliance 2.1 General requirements <p>We have established Adskeeper Publisher Requirements in order to maximize campaign performance, improve user experience, and build strong partnerships within the Adskeeper network.</p> 2.2 Widget placement <p>Below, you will find the list of prohibited placements. This list may change at any time without advance notice. If found to be using any of the below practices, a permanent account ban will be placed with no payments from the offending ad units:</p> <ul> <li>widget placements that overlay (genuine or fake) video players with or without a close button</li> <li>hidden widget placements in a transparent layer that overlay video players with or without a close button</li> <li>concealed widget placements in a transparent layer</li> <li>hidden widget placements in a transparent layer that overlay video players with or without a close button</li> <li>widget placements that overlay the content</li> <li>widget placements that are covered by a website’s content</li> <li>widget placements that overlay widget(s)</li> <li>widgets placed in floating blocks, in which widgets move with the page scroll and/or are displayed over a website’s content without a close button</li> <li>sending users automatically to an Adskeeper advertiser’s landing page using hidden on-click links</li> <li>widget placements that auto-redirect the page in which user action is not required</li> <li>widget placements that auto-redirect or auto-refresh</li> <li>widget placements that generate involuntary and/or fraudulent clicks</li> <li>using сall-to-click or misleading headings (e.g. Click twice (2х) to close, Click to download, Click to Watch video, Click on ads, Check our Sponsors, Please click an ad to support this site)</li> <li>widgets that are accompanied with arrows or other symbols that are designed to point out said widget</li> <li>header widget placement with more than 1 row of pictures on desktop and mobile version</li> </ul> 3. Terms of Cooperation <p>Adskeeper does not work with websites that use click-generating methods of non-human origin or bot traffic. Publishers who attempt to increase their earnings using said practices will be banned from the Adskeeper platform and denied revenue refund.</p> <p>While there are no limitations to how many websites can be added to a single Adskeeper account or how many ad units can be used on the same webpage, please note, it is a prohibited practice to place more advertising than publisher-provided content.</p> 4. Content Compliance Policy 4.1 Prohibited content 4.1.1 Categories <ul> <li>Abortion</li> <li>Adult</li> <li>Drug paraphernalia</li> <li>Exploitation of minors</li> <li>Gross content</li> <li>Illegal gambling</li> <li>Illicit drugs</li> <li>Live cams</li> <li>Minors sexualizing</li> <li>Psychoactive substances</li> <li>Spy equipment</li> <li>Tobacco products</li> <li>Trafficking or Exploitation</li> <li>Weapons and explosives</li> </ul> 4.1.2 Imagery <ul> <li>Adult</li> <li>Dead bodies</li> <li>Defecation scenes</li> <li>Discrimination</li> <li>Intolerance</li> <li>Nudity</li> <li>Racy imagery</li> <li>Strobing</li> <li>Violence (shooting, tragedies, sexual assault, injuring, self harm, etc.)</li> </ul> 4.1.3 Language <ul> <li>Adult</li> <li>Defamatory</li> <li>Discrimination</li> <li>Intolerance</li> <li>Misleading statements</li> <li>Obscene</li> <li>Offensive</li> <li>Sensationalized messaging</li> </ul> 4.2 Prohibited practices 4.2.1 General <ul> <li>Ad injection</li> <li>Any interaction that triggers redirects to third-party webpages</li> <li>Broken and/or blank webpages</li> <li>Cloaking</li> <li>Domain parking</li> <li>Fake domains</li> <li>Under construction websites</li> <li>Websites designed to mimic legitimate sources</li> </ul> 4.2.2 Security <ul> <li>Browser locking</li> <li>Drive-by download</li> <li>Malicious software</li> <li>Malvertising</li> <li>Phishing</li> <li>Websites infected with malware</li> </ul>

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